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The Huron Expositor, 1983-01-12, Page 2
.1 1uriuron f xpo Thor. nice 1800, Serving the Community firer' incorporating r!Brussels Post ' roundel) 1872 • 12 Main 8t. 527-0240 Published at SF 4FORTH, ONTARIO every Wednesday afternoon by Signal -Star Publishing Limited Jocelyn A. Shrler, Publisher Susan White, Editor H.W. (Herb) Turkhelm, Advertising Manager Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association and Audit - Bureau of Circulation A member of the Ontario Press Council Subscription rates: Canada 517.75 a year (In advance) outside Canada S50. a year (In advance) Sinn le Copies - 50 cents each 'SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, JANUARY 12, 1983 Second class mail registration number 0696 Rightly so The recent criticism of federal economic policy by Roman Catholic bishops has stirred up a great deal of comment. Opinions on their pronouncements range from: "none of their business" and "decidedly pink" to "it's about time someone stood up for the little guy." We stand squarely in the second camp. And we agree with a local priest (see story on pg. 1) that the bishops are not allying themselves for or against any particular economic system. They are acting in the true Christian tradition, in their insistence that unemployment be considered from a moral, not just an economic, point of view. The bishops are saying that it's immoral for this government to put up with unemployment as a way of curbing inflation and that impact of policies on people, not just on profits, must be considered. The concerned Catholic clergy ask the government and people of Canada if itis just to expect the young, the poor, the marginal people in our society to suffer and sacrifice for the nation's economic recovery. They are worried about a "survival of the fittest" philosophy and about Canada becoming a country where the rich get richer and the poor get nothing. They call for a public debate on exactly what Canada's priorities are, and they suggest strategies to make them more responsive to people than to profit. We applaud their Christian concern and suggest other thinking Canadians seriously consider their proposals. Increasing evidence of the church's concern for the day-to-day existence of all people is encouraging. The January issue of Huron Church News, the publication of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Huron diocese, shows more of the same. The church paper gives outstanding and comprehensive coverage to something many of us have been slow to recognize as a problem...family violence. From a front page story outlining the dimensions of the problem (eight of 10 women seeking shelter from violence were beaten while pregnant...45 per cent of Canadian women live in areas where there are no shelters for battered women) to two inside pages with details on area shelters and "frequently asked questions about wife assault", the paper gives its Anglican readers a huge amount of information. As well, an article by Huron Church News editor Geoffrey Dibbs suggests the diocese use some of its funds raised locally to aid battered wives. The church paper has done a terrific job in informing parishioners of the extent of the problem. It couples that information with a call to action. It's more evidence of the church as a force for justice and of committed Christianity along the lines of the example of the man who started it all. - S.W. Seaforth in 1983 This year should prove to be an interesting one for the future direction of the business area of Seaforth and also the direction Seaforth will take with regards to its place in Huron County. What should prove to be one of the mbst prominent issues for the people of this community will be the impact of the Heritage Conservation District study soon to be presented to the public. In the study, members of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) together with Stratford architect John Brock, have, made a comprehensive study on the appearance of downtown buildings and suggestions for heritage conservation. The study also includes plans for landscaping and parking areas!' Late last year the plan was presented to the members of the LACAC for consideration and criticism. Then there was concern that the preliminary guidelines for restoring the buildings to their original appearance were too stringent. Costs of using materials resembling what had been used in the past were a concern. A requirement for yellow brick, double doors, windows and other building ornaments had LACAC members concerned that they should attempt to relax the guidelines to meet the demands and expectations of the local merchants in some kind happy balance. Also related indirectly to the study is the direction in which residents and businesses of Seaforth would like to see the town move. Several individuals have expressed the opinion that the community could serve as a heritage attraction in the county, deriving a healthy living from tourist dollars. Still others would like to see more industry attracted here to build a srong industrial economy. The third option seems to point in the direction of a combination of the two. Whatever future Seaforth has in store it should reflect the combined input of everyone in the community. It is essential that Seaforth people voice their opinions on the future direction of the town. Get your say in now to council members, through letters to the editor, BIA activity or a combination thereof before decisions are made that could affect us All. -K.S. Katimavik here Thursday Community groups or public agencies of a non-profit nature who may be interested in acquiring the services of the youth volunteer program. Katimavik. for the schodl year 1983-84 arc urged to contact the undersigned as soon as possible. An opportunity to meet • the participants of the third and final rotation and their leader for the current project is provided at the arena on Thursday. January 13 at ' p.m. While the primary purpose is to allow this group of volunteers to meet local sponsors and work supervisors. it will also be an opportunity for potential sponsors to determine whether the Katimavik program can meet community needs. For further information call 52'•1860. P. Carroll God bless, Salvation Army says On behalf of the Salvation Army ane the scores of people who were helped during the holiday season. I want to say "Thank You" to the generous citizens who gave financial assistance to our December Appeal. In particular. your support in giving The Salvation Army expression through Public Service Announcements has allowed us to perform a service which would be extremely difficult without your help. The aggregate value of this service. while most substantial. cannot only be measured in dollars and cents. but in the final rosu!t r.` -meeting the needs of so many. Through out mail appeal and the Christ- mas kettles. we were able to raise an acceptable increase over last year' which helped meet the comparable increase in the number of families needing help. Some of those funds were needed immediately to help families at Christmas. Some will help to support our year round programs for these same people whose needs continue to persist due to the economic pressures of our time. Once again, thank you for your support which will help The Salvation Army commun- icate the spirit of giving and mutual concern through its ministry of compassion. May Qod bless you. Carson R. Janes Major Public Relations Officer SILO FILLING—This was a typical Huron scene in the late 1890s. The horse which would be providing the power is out of the photo at right. Filling the silo on Lot 11, Con. 10, Grey Twp. were, from left, John McNair,' William McNair, Jas. D. McNair and William Martin. Thanks to William McNair of London who loaned the photo to the Expositor. Seaforth councillors have oyster supper in 1883 JANUARY 12,1883 There is going to be a five mile skating race at the end of January at Fingal. The prize is a gold medal valued at 5100. Seaforth contest- ant is Wm. Dawson and Mr. Miller of Fingal. The race promises to be hotly contested but it is hoped Seaforth will win the medal. It will take a good man to beat him. The last regular meeting of the old Seaforth council was held: At the conclusion, Mayor Strong entertained members of the board at a complimentary oyster supper.' Business has been somewhat dull in Seaforth since the holidays. A gentleman who has been in the same business for 16 years says his sales during the month of December were nearly one-third more than during the same month in any year since he startedd�r The village of Brussels has five bljaicksttulth Jshops. all 'of which' vetoing a itted'busin s and employ 15 hands. There are three Targe wagon shops which manufacture wagons, sleighs, cutters and buggies. There are in all, 12 hands employed. JANUARY 10,1908 The first hockey match of the season took place at the Palace Rink between Seaforth Ow n® yc@© ©g©w@ and New Hamburg. Seaforth's superiority was indicated by the score at the end of the second half which was eight to three. The line-up was as follows: goal -A. Westcott, J. McKenzie, W. Charlesworth, T. Smithers, C. Reeves. D. Stoddart and E. Munroe. T.J. Berry of Hensall, who has a reputation as an importer and dealer in heavy horses has sold a fine four year old Clydesdale stallion to a resident of Essex county. This horse has proved himself a sure foal getter and good stock horse, new,50 oot smoke stack was raised at the ei & lsior Knitting factory in Brussels. The nevest4 ace :the one tff at.gras recently blo*n A public meeting was held in Brussels ponct9Fmng the proposed canning factory. Reeve Leckie and B. Gerry travelled to Exeter recently to look over the factory in that town. Comments were favourable and a committee was appointed to canvass the locality in hopes of selling stock at 525 per share. radium refinery in Port Hope. t ne Eldorado plant is the only radium refinery in the British Empire. J.F. Daly is a director in the company. JANUARY 13, 1933 Chief Constable in Seaforth is James V. Ryan, and is a man of many parts. It SII came to light as the bylaw appointing town officials was passed at the council meeting. In addition to- being Police Chief, Mr. Ryan is sanitary inspector, noxious weed inspector, fruit tree inspector, collector of dog and poll taxes, collector of unpaid taxes, janitor of the Carnegie library, janitory of the town hall and is in charge of streets and drains in town. in between he does other work that council may authorize. . JANUARY 10, 1958 Leading Seaforth citizen, William J. Duncan, died suddenly at his home. He was 73. He was the founder of the Duncan Shoe factory and retired in 1951 when he sold the company to J.A. Johnston Company Ltd of Brockville. The business which has continued to expand is known as Seaforth Shoes Limited. He was one of the founders of the Seaforth Athletic Association and a charter member of the Seaforth Lions Club. Two Blyth golfers, Gar Doherty and Doug Seaforth mayor, A.D. Sutherland has Whitmore played over 20 holes of golf at ca1(ed,jt maedi .pfrepresegnntatives ofta ous g�, G_ode>rickr. on December 26. Despite chilly i fgantaatidhs tb atkcuss r$liet=and to organize—fingers, temperatures were inthe 40.'s a general relief committee to look after both (Farenheit), which was excelient for thaftime local and transient relief. The mayor advises of year. residents to direct transients, desiring Flying Officer, J.M. McMillan has been assistance, to the town hall where food and awarded- a permanent commission in the lodging will be provided. • R.C.A.F. A son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Messrs. J.F. Daly, W.A. Crich, and McMillan, Seaforth, he is stationed at the Edmund Daly were visitors at the Eldorado R.C.A.F. station in Chatham, N.B. At Christmas the wife goes 1t never fails. Never fails. Every holiday' season, my wife, in desperation at what's ahead, hurls herself into some project that discombobulates the household, turns her into a vixen, and drives me right out of my skull. 1 well remember the year she decided to have some brickwork done in December. Of course, the weather turned wild, the bricklayer couldn't work, and we wound up with four thousand wet bricks in the back kitchen. Dripping and smelling like wet brick. Another time she decided to have the whole family for .Christmas; her parents, aunts, and assorted relatives. By the time she'd finished scouring and scourging, that old house was shining like two bubbles in a chamber pot, and groaning in every board. That's the year the kitchen floor was waxed so highly, 1 dropped the turkey on it when 1 slipped en route to the dining -room. She didn't speak to me until about Valentine's Day. Sometimes, it's sewing. All else is forgotten as she tries to make clothes enough in three weeks for her daughter and grandboys to wear fora year. Material, tapes, patterns, pins and needles everywhere. And 1 have the wound -marks to prove it, should 1 pull my pants,down. if she can't dream up, something to push away the thoughts of Christmas, she'll tackle it head-on, with a baking spreed. Every mixing bowl in the house is activated, the Ruga i and Mg@ by DM 5t Dry oven goes Lull blast eighteen hours a day, and if you're not stepping in butter, you're stepping in flour, while the fancy cookies, cakes and puddings pile up to the point where the inmates of a logging camp couldn't eat them all. This Christmas, she outdid herself. Back in the fall, some idiot mentioned on the air that there were only eleventy-seven shopping days until Christmas. The old lady imme- diately went into a frenzy that would make a whirling dervish look like a statue'. First, she went into her mechanic's routine. She bought a caulking gun, a wood chisel, a hammer, and a key -hole saw, All the door -knobs were to be changed, because they have a habit of coming away in your hand, a new lock put on the back door, though there was nothing wrong with the old one. except that you could open it with a credit card. and all the windows were to be insulated. Now. none of the doorknobs work at all. and you have to pull doors open with your toes or fingernails, the lock is on the back door and it's a dandy, but we have to leave the door braced open with a slipper when we go out. so that we can gekback in. and the wind coming in around the windows would make your hand The computer A new Utopia is just around the corner. I know, I know. you've heard it before but this time, the experts assure us, it's the real thing. The latest technological revolution. the computer age. is upon us and it will revolutionize the way we live, the way we learn, the way we shop. the way we get our entertainment. Already computers and their allies the robots have started changing our world. At least part of the current recession is due to the changes being wrought by the microchip. In scenarios that look like those futuristic dreams published in the 1950s (remember how we were all supposed to be going to work in airplanes by 1980?) we are told that two-way television will allow us to tap into central computer banks for anything we want to know. We'll be able to have all the resdurces of the best reference library in the country at the touch of a finger. We'll be able to shop by computer through our television, seeing what's available from various stores and order by typing a few digits into our personal computer. Our banking will all be done by computer. Our children will even be able to get their education by computer. OUT TO GET YOU Now 1 don't want anyoneto get the idea 1' m totally against computers (especially since this will reach you through a computerized typesetting machine and I've seen what those little beggars can do when they're out to get age full blast stand on end. Halfway through this job, which is why it wasn't finished, she declared the master bedroom must be paintsd. She got the ceiling done, withLthe .resultant chaos of moving furniture and taking everything out of the closets. a half-day' s job. Just then she was struck by a desire to start taking piano lessons after some years away from the machine. Anybody knows you can't paint and practise the piano at the same time. so she hired a chap to finish the painting. This made the bedroom so dazzling that the bathroom suddenly appeared sleezy, and it had to be painted. By some strange osmosis. this in turn made the kitchen woodwork absolutely shabby, and the paint job spread downstairs, Had your kitchen painted lately? I wasn't against having the woodwork done, but I can see no point in painting the insides of cupboards. She can. After they've been emptied and thoroughly washed. We have enough cupboards. in the front and back kitchen. to hold enough stuff to withstand a three -year's siege. rt -3 As I write. it's all sitting in liquor boxes, on the kitchen floor. in the front hall. in the vestibule, the living -room and the basement. if you want to make a sandwich, you go to the basement for bread. prowl through eighteen boxes to find a knife. look for the butter in the box with the winter boots, and find a slice of ham in a box on the attic stairs, in with the soap, the adhesive tape. and the thumb tacks. You'd think that would be enough to keep Christmas af'hay. Not at all. She suddenly decided that after 36 years of marriage something or other. we absolutely must get a stereo outfit, with cassette. the whole works. Simple enough. We had only two hi-fi machines and a cheap cassette recorder. For -three weeks. 1 huddled in my chair in the living -room, surrounded by liquor boxes. listening avidly while she experimented Whichever speakers she liked. 1 eagerly agreed were the best. Then she'd change her mind. She wanted to get perfectly clearly the mistakes she made while practising the piano. in order to correct them. it made a nice change. to be tripping over wire instead of stubbing my toe on a paint can. or stepping in my sock feet, on a chisel. Of course, it all came right in the end. The turkey smelled of fresh paint, 1 was awakened every morning at 5 a.m. by a squeal of a microphone. and you still lock yourself in the bathroom if you pull on the knob. But the butters back in the fridge. the grandboys have chipped all the fresh paint away. and at last everything's back to normal. is supposed to be salvat• ionY D@Nind 04@fi42, by 1%Mith ° ©QOoaow you) but I put about as much stock in this new revolution as in those predictions about the glorious 80s we read in the fifties. For one thing. we human beings. despite our various religions that teach that paradise comes only after death. keep thinking that heaven is just one technological break • through away. Whenever some new gift of technology comes along. people predict only the great advantages it will bring. They seldom see the price that is paid. And there is a price for everything. We paid the price for nuclear power by not knowing where we're going to get rid of nuclear waste. We paid the price of cheap petroleum and petroleum by-products like plastic with new pollutants that we don't know how to safely (Destroy. On the other end of the scale, when the petroleum crisis hit. thousands of people looked to woodstoves as some kind of heavenly saviour without realizing that they too pollute and can burn your house down as well. SKEPTICISM So pardon my skepticism about the computer age. For one thing. the experts predict an age when we won't have to leave our house at all to do any of the normal things we do now: go shopping. go to school, be entertained, even po to work. 1t will all be right there. Now I m as much of a stay at home stick-in-the-mud as anybody (just ask my wife) but 1 can't imagine a life spent entirely in the house. We went through a revolution similar to this two decades ago with the advent of television. For a few years everybody stayed home and stared at the box. Movie theatres shut down. Live theatre vanished. The old fashioned neighbourliness of card -parties and get-togethers died out. For about 10 years. Then people decided they didn't like being stuck at home all the time and started abandoning their televisions and rediscovering the old joys of getting together with others. The part about working at home will sound attractive to some people. me included, but a lot of people wouldn't like it once they'd tried it. Just look at the biggest revolution we've seen in the last 20 years: the march out of the home and into the workplace by married women. They didn't go just for the money. They went to meet with other people, to "interface" to use that computer word that's crept into the language. RURAL LiViNG The prediction that 1 would most like to see conie true is that the computer age will bring a return to rural living. 1t makes sense. If we're all going to work at computer terminals anyway, and talk to each other through telephone lines or satellite signals anyway, then you might as well do it in Londesboro as in London, in Tiverton as Toronto. Transpor- tation, the key to Eentralizing in theast. will matter not a whit in the information explosion. Sounds goad but i'll believe it when 1 see it. Somehow no matter what the development. the forces for centralization seem to be able to turn it to their advantage. For instance, the coming of the railway to rural areas was supposed to bring a boom to local industry because of cheap. easy transportation. At first it was, but within two or three decades the cheap transportation of the railways began to destroy local industries which had once supplied local markets but how couldn't stand the,competition from larger city -based plants. The thing the experts ignore is that it is not generally in the interest of big government and big business to have us living all over the country in unorganized units. Cities are nice Please turn to page 1 1