HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-01-05, Page 13THS" HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 5, 1983 - A13 Start the New Year off with a BANG Sell things you don't use with Action Ads 1, Coming Events NOON FIT starts January 18, at the Arena, upper hall. Tuesday and Thursday exer- cise classes 12:15-12:45. Phone Barb Alkemade. 527- 0365 to register. Try it, you'll like it. 1 -t -I The family of Minnie Vock invite friends and relatives to open house in honor of her Nth birthday on Friday, January 7, 1983 at her home from 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Let your presence be your gift. 1-1x1 BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON lstregular card SI; 15 regular •games of $15; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 .years or over. 1-1-tf SEAFORTH Agricultural, Society Dinner and Annual Meeting, Friday, January 28, •1983 at 6:15 p.m. Tickets from directors. Open dance 9 p.m. featuring Whiskey Jack at the new Seaforth and District Community Centres. 1-89-4 1 CLINTON Legion Bingo. every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card $1. Restricted to• 16 years or over: 15 regular games of 515.00. SS. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. 1-1-tf THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC 1 Coming Events WINTHROP Recreation Pub- lic Meeting, Sunday, January 9, 1983 at 8.00 p.m. sharp at McKillop Township office. Evaryone welcome. 1-1.1 2,Lost, Strayed LOST: tan coloured, leather wallet, containing identificat- ion. Reward. Phone 527.1560. 2-1-1 LOST in Seaforth or Egmond- ville, small child's silver bracelet. I@ee sake. Reward. Phone 527.1207. 2-1x2 4 Help Wanted ORGANIST choir director for Egmondville United Church. For inforniation contact Bruce Coleman 527-1938, Chairman of the Board of Stewards. Written applica- tions submitted by Jan. 7, 1983 to secretary, George Earle, RR4, Seaforth. 4-8, -5 to be held at the. .•r. ^ a Health Unit Office Seaforth Hospital on •'THURS. JAN. 13,1983 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance ' 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 tO'5'years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC 7 Situations Wanted' ODD jobs, snow shovelled (real shovel), etc. 53.50 per hour. Call Gregor. 527-02.3, 7-1xl V ERN'S Chimney Sweep Ser- vice. Seaforth,- Ontario. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-0674. 7-1-1 CUSTOM SNOWBLOWING. 527-0582. 7-89-3 8 Farm Stock SERVICEABLE age Duroc boars for sale. reasonable price. Phone Brad Carnochan 527.1545. . 8.1x2 10 Used Cars '78 LTD 11 Brougham, 49,000 miles, excellent condition. New brakes and tires. 52.600 certified. 482-9952. 10-1-1 1971 Ford Econoline van, as is. For' more information phone 527-1465 after 4. 10-1-1 BLYTH .Centre for the Arts requires an Assistant General Manager with responsibili- ties in bookkeeping, payroll, cashflow projections, com- munity and employee rela- tions, grant applications and fundraising and program- ming for winter season., For further information write: The Search Committee. Blyth Centre for the Arts, Box 10, Blyth. 4-1-1 Brussels Branch of Huron County Library requires a supervisor to work fifteen hours per week to replace supervisor on maternity leave. effective January 25, 1983. Apply in writing to Mr. Wm. Partridge. Chief Librar- ian. Huron County Public Library, 66 Waterloo St.. S. Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4A4. 4-1-2 TRUCKING career. Trans- port drivers needed. Train now for your Class A license. Write Mery Orr's Transport_ Driver Training,Srhool; P.O. Box 3186, Cambridge, Ontar- io. N3H 4S6. 4.1-01 Sun International Inc. is cur- rently seeking a limited num- ber of area people to handle and process postage paid .bulk mail. Experience not essential. Serious inquiries only. Send name. address, phone and 52.00 (refundable) for application information processing to: Sun Interna- tional Inc., 321 East Barnes, Bushnell, Ill 61422. 4-88-5 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you tgattend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC 5 Bus. Opportunity 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale CRISP. juicy apples. Spy, Macintosh, Ida Red, Red and Yellow Delicious and Rus- sets. Fresh cider, apple but- ter, red and white potatoes, onions, honey, cider barrels 14 and 45 gallon. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037. 11-1-tf A Crosman-1322 .22 calibre pellet pistol, hardly used. Realistic high power cassette deck. with 30 watt tier' jet speakers, excellent condi- tion. Ask for Greg. 527-1059. 11.1-1 TWO log cabins, suitable for bedroom, playhouse or sauna 6 inch white cedar logs, double plank and cedar shake roof, easily portable. These are display models selling at cost. Phone 565-2142.1 I 1-1-tf HAVE -TRUCK -WILL - TRAVEL. Evenings and weekends. about town. light moving, delivery, refuse re- moval. basements, garages, cleaned. Snow removal, walks, driveways. 527.0447 5-I-tf held at the Health Unit Office, Medical Building, Brussels, on TUES. JAN. 11,1983 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC 15 Property for Rent 88 acres for rent, workable land, plowed, excellent drain- age, close to Seaforth. Rent negotiable. Apply Box 3682. c/o The HuronExpositor, Seaforth. 15-1-3 1' bedroom, private en- tre ce, cedar deck, back ya d, carpeted, newly decor - at d, fridge and stove and u lities supplied. Available F b. 1st. Phone 527-0052 or S 7-0229. 15-I-tf 15 Property for Rent HOUSE for Rent: Duplex in Cl'titan in nice area. Stove and frig -.--supplied. Reason- able rent to responsible tenants, 529-7949. 15-90-4 FOR rent in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments; newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 262-3146 or 527-0712 after 5. 15.1-tf 19 Notice, 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345.2235 S'T'ANDING FUELWOO To improve growing conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of Natural Resources is thinning woodlots in Usborne and Hay,,Townships and is assisting the woodlot owner in selling ingrtea, standing trees to a reputable fuelwood contrtictor. Details of this sale are: Fuelwood Volume: approximately 170 stanlard cords (one standard cord = 128 cubic feet) Average tree diameter: 7 inches Major tree species: ash and hard maple Location: 1'/: miles south of Hensall This fuelwood will be sold as one lump sum to ow contractor. No partial sales for small volumes will be considered. For further details, contact: HARRY WILSON Resource Technician, Ministry of Natural Resources, R.B. MS, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone: (5191 357-3131 or toll free 1.800-265-3003 COMPLETE set of pony har- ness. 345-2553. 11-1-1 BROWN sectional sofa and hexagon coffee table 5325. Cabinet stereo with AM -FM radio, turntable, 8 track tape. 5100. Ca11527-.0078. 11-1.1 PORTABLE cassette tape re- corder, AC adapter. manual, $25.527-0273. 11-1x1 A new small size Westing- house freezer. 527-0293. 11;1x1 THINKING of building? We've got the solution -the most complete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call lcollectI -Ixtf anytime (705) 474-1180. WATERBEDS complete with pine frame, pedestal, CSA heater. safety liner, mattress, and fill kit. 5239.00 at Van- astra Furniture, 482-791212_1.4f BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. (4 north of Clinton. 1',: mile south ofLondesboro. Watch for our sign. By the -case or; by .the pound. Call : ffants 23c1S08. 11-1-1 RUST 12x16 rug with under - pad. excellent condition. Green foam backed 9x12 rug. Brown and rust foam backed 8x 12 rug. Also brown frig and stove. Phone 345-2319.11-1x1 DINETTE set, table and 3 matching chairs, $35.00: counter, approximately 10 feet long in two 5 -ft. sections, linoleum top. suitable for business office or recreation room bar. $3.50 per foot; 9 ft. arboritc kitchen counter top. 25' " wide, 53.00 per foot. Call Bob McMillan at the Expositor Building. 527.0240 • 11-1x2 HANDMADE wood TV cabi- net stand. has louvre doors, natural finish. could be used as book, stereo stand, $65.00. Call 527.1757. 11-1x1 BRUSSELS Sprouts 520.00 a bushel or 75c a stalk. Cab- bage 55.00 a dozen. Visscher Farms. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders only 237-3442 or 237-3411. No Sundays calls please. 11-1-tf 14 Property for Sale LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Over 80 Tractors 8 150 Pieces of Equipment at Brindley Sales Yard, Dungannon, Ont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: In Seaforth, one floor, 3 bedroom house, close to uptown, churches and schools. full basement, gas. heat. Reduced for quick sale'. Make- an offer: Phone 527- 0673 (nights) or 527-0240 (days) -and ask for Kathy lxtf FIVE room house - 1 bed- room, l5 Centre St. Seaforth. CaII 527-0077 or 527-0888. 14-90x2 HOUSE FOR SALE: 49 Rail- way St. 2 or 3 bedroom, large kitchen, family room with fireplace. full basement, gar- age, sun porch. Asking $39,900. Phone collect be- tween 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1-539-6570 or 1-424-9446. 14-I: rf-' ,.15 P,roperty..for..Rent Saturday, January 15th at 9:30 A.M. HOME INSULATION Walls and Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Government licensed contractors Free Estimates LUCKNOW 528-21.13 FOR SALE For more Information call , BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-529-1625 Or 519.529-1970 .5. VEAL'S Ministry of Minister ar' W. �O Natural W. T. Foster Resources Deify Minister Ontario, Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter Ontario Government Tender 235-1123 NIORI<MAN Submissions invited from Caretaking Contractors Proposals are invited from caretaking contractors, for the cleaning of approximately 743 sq. meters (8000 sq. ft.) of floor space at the Wingham District Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources located on Part of Lot 42, Concession 13, East Wawanosh Township, Huron County. Interested contractors axe invited to attend a viewing:day on January 12, 1983. For further information contact: DAVE ABLETT at 1-800.265-3003/519-357-3131 2 bedroom apartment. par- tially furnished, heat in- cluded, private entrance, parking, nice area. 527-0964. 15.1-tf 1 and 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 527-1715. 15-1x2 REDECORATED 3 bedroom apartment, uptown. 527-0331 15-1-2 Ontario ' Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OURiSPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. Ministry of Hon. Alan W. Pope .1 .. ., .Minister Natural W. T. Foster Resources Deputy Minister NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH 1The residents of the Township of Tucker- smIth are requested by the Council: 1'0% OFF ALL Broomball Brooms Hockey Sticks CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE Seaforth CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16 c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of $6. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and cutline only. 515. IN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 3.50. each additional word 16c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 L&M AUTO WRECKING CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE Seaforth R.R.3, BRUSSELS ONT. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars, or trucks, etc. CALI. 887-9561 1' 11. NOT ATO PARK CARS ON TOWNSHIP ROADS during the winter months in order to facilitate snow plowing operations. Council will not be, responsible for damage to any vehicles parked on roads or streets. Council also requests that the residents of the Township of Tuckersmith: DO NOT PUSH OR_ DUMP SNOW ON TOWNSHIP ROADS. ALLAN NICHOLSON, Road Superintendent, Township of Tuckersmith Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 4$2-111311 Holmesville, 13 acre hobby farm. 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive, small insulated barn. Londesho-icor frame home, SO" ns, good starter name. Hwy.. #4-7' acres, neat bungalow, attached garage. finished basement, insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry'. PRICE REDUCED. Hiller Ith. %I.T'i 1.11111'Ei) Near Brucefield. 6 acres, good frame home, drive shed and barn. Commercial property, main street, Blyth, under 520,000.00, could be resi- dence. 46 acre highway farm, near Varna. 23 workable. hard- wood hush. large double home. large barn suitable for hogs or poultry, large drive shed with workshop. 50 ACRES 46 workable. drained land, in McKillop Township, a couple of miles from Win- ' throp, 3 acres bush, large assumable mortgage available. No buildings. Bachert Meats Custom Killing utting, Wrapping Freezing Kill DayTuesdays All meat Gov't Inspected on the farm _mile east of Walton' 887-9328 200 ACRES Grey Twp.. barn and house. ulliga REAL ESTATE LTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 2 miles from Clinton. 100 acres. 97 workable. no buildings. I floor iungalow. DrumnuSOL® Blyth. . acre lot. Kiriburn. drilled well. septic system. hydro. ISO ACRES Ellice Twp., 140 workable. * **** WINGHAM AREA 100 acres, automated hog barn. 450 capacity 11'/% 3 bedroom, 2 baths. new cupboards, 100 amp ser- vice. gas heated, full base- ment. 531,500.00 BRUSSELS Large building on main street, former egg grading station, barn and large lot alongside with driveway between. 529,500.00. Open for offers. JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 31/2 ACRES: McKillop Two. 1=/2 storey 3 bedroom house, small hobby barn. Close to town. 3 ACRES: McKillop Twp. 1 floor home. 9 years old. family and laundry on main. Attached garage. 5 ACRES: Tuckersmith Twp.. 13 year old split level home, farrow to finish. 5 ACRES: Farrow to finish , 20 year old. 3 bedroom home, moderp kitchen. new bath. Reduced. 10 ACRES with a necw�7torey home, quality built. Large barn on a tit untry setting. ; 200 ACRES: Morris ownship, 125 workable 125 ACRES: 115 workable. 51.200 per acre. 100 ACRE HOG FARM, 40 a 100 fattening barn, '20 x 100 weaner barn, 34 x 136 farrowing, 2 :lids, 3 bedroom brick home in good condition. SO ACRES: 45 workable, McKillop Township, modern 4 bedroom home. Reduced to sell. 115 ACRE DAIRY: 11/2 storey home. Good barn with pipeline syste Priced to sell. 15 acres. wooded. near Au- burn, large brick home, com- - hination furnace. 2 small Karns. 100 acres, near Londeshoro, high capacity hog farm. good buildings. priced very rea- sonable for quick sale. 21/2 acres on highway at Kippen. good 3 bedroom home. under 530.000.00 1'h floor home in Brussels. 3 bedrooms. nil and wood heat. priced for quick sale. tinder 520,000,00 100 acres. crop,Iand. Hullett Township. 96 acres. 85 workable, Morris Twp.. F.C.C. mortgage 68 acres. 62 workable, 6th line, Hullett Township. Real Estate Ltd. SEAFORTH OFFICE 527-0430 HENRY A. MERO 527-0430 BILL HENDERSON 527.0995 'ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 65 ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom cedar sided bungalow, full basement, Targe garage, beauti- fully treed lot. Only 544,001.00 EXCELLENT MORTGAGE: Large brick 3 bed- room home with a rear bachelor apartment. Close to uptown. $40,000.00. 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom, 2 Sforey, on a large lot, nice location. 523,500.00. 123 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom Victorian style home, many renovations completed, large lot, 528,000.00. Offers. 61 ELIZABETH SIT:: Tastefully redone 3 bedroom with large family room, bar and much more. $40,000,00. 54 HIGH ST.:, 3-2 bedroom apartments in very ,good condition. $40.000.00. EGMONDVILLE: Large du On. well rented, nice location overlooking the ri.. r. 528,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full basement with rec room. Only 533,900.00. "s' HENSALL: Larre.commercial lot with 3000 sq. ft. building, form r building supply. 559,000.00 WINTHROP: Z'/: acres. 3 bedroom home, nicely renovated. Must be seen. 540,000.00 67 GOUINLOCK ST.: 1'/2 storey 2 bedroom, rec room, house completely rebuilt and in good condition. 535,000.00 EGMONDVILL 3 bedroom. sided, 11/2 storey home in a nic a. Only 525,000.00 - 57 COLEMAN ST.:' 3 bedroom bungalow. full basement. 6 years old. Only 538,000.00 EAST OF WINTHROP: 2 storey brick home, large barn. 5 acres, good location. 540,000.00 151 JARVIS ST.: Ideal home for a retiring farm couple. beautifully appointed, 3 bedroom split level. '/., acre lot. 24' x 40' workshop, must be seen. 594,000.00 EXCELLENT INCOME: From this 8 unit apart- ment building. A very good investment at $120.000.00. HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey home built in 1976, main floor family room, double garage, an exquisite home. 595.000.00 3 LOTS: In Egmondville. with river frontage and cottage style home. 525.000.00. 6 ALEXANDER ST.: 2 year 'old brick Victorian style home. excellent location and in perfect condition. Must be seen. 566,000.00 HULLETT TWP: 2 storey brick home, 30 sow barn. 5 acres, excellent mortgage, 547.500.00. SILVER CREEK CRES.: New 3 bedroom brick, 1 floor carport. full basement, much more. 575, 0.00 EX VISITE: 3 bedroom, 2 storey completely mo ern. large lot with some bush. Many many features. 554,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow. full finished basement, built in 1976. 544,000.00 BRANTFORD ST.: 3 bedroom brick and alumi- num sided home, full basement, carport. have a look. 542,000.00 WATER ST. EGMONDVILLE: 1.1 year old duplex, 2-2 bedroom units. well rented, in excellent condition. Asking 148,000.00 EGMONDYILLE: 4 bedroom bungalow built on 2 lots with Formal dining room. full finished basement, a true bargain at 555,000.00. 12 ROOM STONE house on 2 acres. in excellent restored condition. heated workshop, garage. Good morteaee. 559,500.00 WALTON: 3 bedroom home. 32' x 48' shed, 5 acrds, highway location. 555,000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage. full basement, dice lot. 555,000.00 LARGE STORE: on Main St in good condition, ideal location. Only 534,000.00 A NEW HOME IN MIND? Let me explain to you the grants and financing available. You will be surprised how little you ran build for 1