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The Huron Expositor, 1983-01-05, Page 10
.r ?' 4 a a THE HIRO$ EXPOSITOR JANUARY 5, 1983 I I Itl togtW laRIont.. h�r r Ontended tor last The Turkey Bingo held last Saturday was successful with THE 1983-85 McKillop council History was made when Marie Hicknell was sworn into office as the first lady reeve of the township. The new council includes, back row, left to right: Wayne Bus Tours SKIING ��et Jan. 24, 1 Day - Blue Moun- tain, transportation '35.00 and lift ticket Feb. 21, 3 day Blue. Mountoinfrom 95000 Transportation, 2 nights ac- commodation. lilt tickets and 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner I HOCKEY Dolmage, road superintendent; Brian Camp- bell, Bill Siemon and John George. Fror t row, Marion McClure, clerk; Marie Hicknell, reeve and BllI.Leeming, deputy -reeve. (Wassink photo) about seventy bingo players all vying for turkeys. Al- though all did not win, those who did werequite happy and I'm sure our entertainment committee will be. looking towards next year to host another in '83. 'The membership commit- tee reports 78 per cent of members are paid upas of two weeks ago and we hope r the other 20 per cent will see fit to become early birds. There are quite a few cards back from Command now so please drop in and pick yours up first chance you have. Last week we erroneously' reported the stag euchre for January 4 but have been corrected. they start on Wed- nesday. January 12 and a mixed euchre on January 19 both at 8:00 p.m. On Sunday past the annual children's Christmas party was held with a capacity crowd. After a short program convened by Barbara Scott, Santa Claus handed bags of candy out to approximately Pe©pb Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boag, Newmarket. On Thursd Ay December 30 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boag • ,d Mr. and 'Ars. Lorne Lawson left on a conducted bus sightseeing tour of New York Cit attending the New Years Eve celebration at Times Square also attending the magnificent Christmas spectacular, "The Nativity" at Radio City Music Hall. The family of Evelyn Carter held a surprise birthday dinner Dec. 22. Approximateh 50 relatives enjoyed a delicious dinner served by Rastas of the D & R catering service of town. Other December birthdays celebrated were Julie Carter, Mary Anne Smith and Becky Jervis, Everyone later enjoyed a friendlc game of cards. Guests attended from Listowel, Atwood. London and town. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roc, W. William St. spent Christmas weekend with their daughter Dianne and son -in -taw, John Clements, Tillsonburg. The rest of their family. Lois and Bill Orr. Rick, and Steve. Waterloo; Mary Lou and Allan Justason, Barb and Sandy, Kitchener and Joyce and Allan Smiley, Christine. David and Cheryl. Mississauga were with the Clements on Sunday. Mary and Mitch Moore and Kristen of Burlington and Elaine and Ray Baker, Alanna and Adrienne of London, were holiday visitors with their parents. Orville and Wilma Oke, Cuoderich St. W. M•f. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan had visitors', Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 15 NHL Toronto at Detroit top priced ticket '37.00 Feb. 17 Ice Copades especially for seniors. In• eludes visit to Kitchener Market. _.. ..,...'21.00 Feb. 19 • Ice Capodes especially for children. Therne - "Smurls alive"'15.00 Feb 27 NHL Montreal of Detroit top priced ticket ..'37.00 GENERAL Mike Miller and Kevin. from Illinois last Wednesday. It was 19 years since they last saw Mr. Miller. Thursday visitors at the same home were Mr. an d Mrs. Bill Baker of Manitoba. Mary Baker of Goderich and Mrs. Josephine Bechely of Waterloo. Charlotte McKercher and daughter Laura of R.R. 1. Dublin were New Year's Day visitors with Helen McKercher in Stratford;, Anna and Lauren Bauer of Kingston. Jamaica and their father. Tony Bauer of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Susan, Andy and Gaby White in McKillop Township. Ramp makes shopping easier for seniors Elderly shoppers and han- dicapped people wishing to shop at Seaforth's Canadian Tire store will find that they have easier access to the store thanks to the efforts of store manager, Byron Winsor. What has made it more convenient for shoppers is the K of C has festive party The annual Christmas Lad- ies' Night sponsored by the Father Stephen Eckert Coun- cil, Knights of Columbus of Seaforth and District. was well attended December 16, at the council rooms. Santa Claus visited and presented gifts to the, ladies. Winners of the monthly share -the -wealth draw was Bill Regier, R.R. 3, Dash- wood, won 3189; Roy Ryan, Jan. 15 Carlton Show Bond includes dinner & admission '25.00 Feb. 3 Quebec Winter Car nivol. included transportation and 2 nights accommodation .`139.00 Mar. 19 New York includes transporation 3 nights ac commodotion from. '149.00 Apr. 3, Atlantic City includes transportation and 3 nights accommodation from'199.00 Ellison Travel 235-2000 Toll Free 1-800-265-7022 Exeter, Ont. DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Mon., Jan. 10 8:00 P.M. ST. PATRICKS SCHOOL GYM R.R.2, Crediton and Clarence Rau. R.R. 2, Zurich. won $25. each. A special feature of the evening was a presentation of an engraved plaque to Bro. Wilfred Mousseau, past recorder, of the council. The Grand Knight, Dennis Rau, read the following address: 'Bro. Wilfred: In recognition of your long and faithful service to the Knights of Columbus and in particularly to the Father Stephen Eckert Council, 5289 it gives me great pleasure on behalf of the members' to wish you good health in the coming years and as you gaze upon this token of our esteem, you will remember the association of good fel- lowship. Please accept this as our appreciation of your good friendship and dedicat- ed service to our council and the Knights of Columbus." Bro. Leo ,Hagan, present recorder presented the pla- que to Bro. Wilfred, who thanked the members The annual Christmas- 4444444JF*¥¥ .4.4.44 THIS YEAR MOTORCOACH TO FLORIDA WITH 4 4 it 4 �SNEB0000 Compare and Save draws sponsored by the Dea Egan Assembly, Fourth De- gree Knights of Columbus of Seaforth and area, chaired by Bro. Thomas Ryan. Mt. Carmel, assisted by Fr. Carauna, Assembly Chaplain with the following winners being announced. 1st prize, Rick Fortune, Seaforth; 2nd prize, Arnold Stinnissen, Seaforth; 3 price. K. Kane. Stratford, 4th prize, B. Crow- ley, Mitchell and 5th prize, Doug McAsh, Varna. Mozart's Melody Makers of Zurich supplied the music for the dance which was followed by a smorgasbord lunch supplied by Bro. Ron Ryan and, Mrs. Ryan, owners of "Ryan's Hard up Roost," at St. Columban. recent installation of a'service ramp into the store. The ramp was taken into use on Friday, December 17 and according to Mr. Winsor the response has been terrific. Mr. Winsor says he had planned the ram for several months to as55i&tttelderly, shop:v. pers avoid the stairs and also to be used as a;service ramp for large items being deliver- ed to and from the store. He admits the new ramp' is a convenience to both shoppers and store personnel. Mr. Winsor acknowledges he got the idea after he realized that approximately 25 per cent of Seaforth's population is over 65 years of age and that climbing stairs can at times be difficult. Besides helpinglshoppers he ,,,feels that the $12,000 wooden ramp has greatly enhanced the outside appearance of the store. Winter maintenance of the ramp might present a prob- lem, Mr. Winsoradmits but if there is any difficulty keeping the ramp clean he will con- sider covering it with a canopy to keep it free from ice and snow. reeti-ngS "jF w'�- fir.'§ 150 children. Those wile Dear Comrades and Ladies appeared on the program Auxiliary: • ate: Tawyna Taylor -tap daft- At this time 1 would like to Ong. Pam Nolan,and Jeffrey send' a special thanks to Sararas-Jill Sararas-recita• President Thelma of t e La - tion. Chris Smith -guitar solo. dies Auxiliary for the onder- Cheryl Franken-solo; the Jes- fuljob you and your 1 dies are some Family Singers. Nel- doing. without y u girls. son, Carl, Shawna. Trevor, things would be tough. Keep Brenda and Kathy. Angela up the good work. 1 would at Bernard -solo, Tammy Taylor this time, thank all members - piano medley, Charlie Mal- and ladies for the help and coim on the drums and cooperation you have given bagpipes. solo by Andrea me since 1 went intooffice as McGrath and Julie Smith. President. 1 have enjoyed and a solo by Mary Daig. every minute of it and 1 hope Peter Malcolm was Master of to have a lot more of com- Ceremonies. Peg Coombs led radeship as we have had in the children in Christmas the past. songs and carols until the Lots has been accomplish - arrival of Santa Claus. While ed in the short time and lots the children were getting has to be done in the time to their candy bags, mothers come. Without your help and and dads were treated to support these things can't be coffee and cookies served by done so attend your meet - the ladies of the auxiliary. ills, voice your opinion, Following is a message to bring up your own ideas. members and readers of this First thing in the new year column from president Peter is the kitchen. Something has Malcolm and Ladies Auxil- to be done, work in it iary president Thelma comrades and you will know Coombs. what 1 mean. Dear Comrades: It is that 1 want to thank Frank and time again to wish you his staff for the good work they are doing. Also my Past Season's Greetings and so 1 extend to you my very best President Bill Wilbee for the wishes for a bright and work he is doing looking after beautiful Christmas and a the upstairs bar. Thanks to new year filled with peace. As my 1st Vice for a job he is 1982 draws to a close 1 wish to doing well, also my 2nd vice take this opportunity to thank Jack Muir and Comrade Ken you all for your loyal support, Coombs for the help they your co-operation and your gave to me at the start of comradeship. May you enjoy doing the work also to Ken the real true spirit of Christ- and Thelma as our caretakers mas and may you all be of the branch for a job well blessed with health. happi- done. To all the chairmen of ness and prosperity during the committees, thank you all the coming year. Merry for your support. Christmas and a Happy New To all our Comrades sick in Year to all. bed a Merry Christmas and a Thelma Coombs Happy New Year. Pres. Legion Ladies Aux. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Presi- ' dent Peter, wife and family. Thank you. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Gordon Scott P.R.O. Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. O.N• Junior 'D'tc. Hockey ,. .iriss•iirrw►i.arioii.avidmri10riii411,° Friday, January 7 at Seaforth Arena SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES VS THEDFORD BROWNS at8:30p.m. AN MI AI Al. 4111 V Mr AI AEI 49 Air This ad sponsored by: Bauer Travel Service WELCOME TO THE Seaforth .Restaurant and Steak House SPECIALS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY (Monday, to Thursday - 5 p.m. to closing) '• -•' Senior Citizens NIGHT at the Seaforth - Legion Hall on Tuesday, January 11 7 p.m. Entertainment Card Party Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers FLORIDA SUNSHINE 20 DAY LEISURE TOUR Tour Includes: •Deluxe Motorcopteh Transportation *Deluxe Accommodations 'AdmlaslonsTo WEEKI-WACHEE, NEW CYPRESS GARDENS. EPCOT CENTRE. SHOWBOAT DINNER THEATRE. 'Baggage Handling •Driver/Escort Throughout Travelogue Winthrop Recreation PUBLIC MEETING SUNDAY, JAN. 9 ,r rat -8 p.m: Sharp . - McKILLOP TOWNSHIP OFFICE EVERYONE WELCOME RIB STEAK with mushrooms 55.95 BREADED PORK TENDERLOIN with applesauce 54.95 Includes soup or Juice, or salad bar, beverage and dessert • a 23 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH 527-1020 LIVEmum—m---"IlENTERTAINMENT This Thursrr, Rr'irdrr'Sat. "- aucK SHOT Tues. Jan. 11/•3 Australia and South Pacific, 7:30 p.m. Old Town Hall, Exeter. STEWART BROS. JANUARY STORE - WIDE SALE CONTINUES TO JANUARY 15 DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS CaII 8 Register at Ellison Travel 235-2000 ' Toll Free 1-800-265-7022 Exeter, Ont. sore ► IA. • 699.00 DEPARTURE DATE FEBRUARY 6TH, 1983 For Reservations Contact Goderich . Sherwood Travel 524.7622 or 574 4540 Clinton. Sherwood Travel 524.7622 or 524-4540 Seaforth • Bauer Travel 527 1237 Mitchell - Cozy Grill 348 8741 Kincardine. Travel Link Incorporated, Sutton Park Mall 396 3301 Port Elgin Travel Link Incorporated, Sutton Pork Malt 396 1101 Windham • Nicholson Bus tines 357 3014 Lucknow - Sherwood Travel 579 7888 4444iL444 K4 'l 44444444¥ DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Shop Early Shop Often • ALL DRESSES '/i PRICE DRESS GOODS . '/2 PRICE Keyser -Cameo PANTI-HOSE 'A PRICE NURSES UNIFORMS. .'/2 PRICE KITTEN KNITS' . . '/1 PRICE LADIES BLOUSES . '/2 PRICE Third -Dimension & Korot SPORTSWEAR . 30%a OFF QUILTED COATS 99.00 SHORT QUILTED COATS 85.00 ALL SLACKS . 30% OFF DRY -GOODS •DEPT. . . .20% OFF • WIENER SCHNITZEL &SAUERKRAUT s 0 Every Sunday noon -7 p.m. ALL YOU CAN EAT • EUCHRE TOURNAMENT every Tuesday Daily Entertainment 8 Smorgasbord * HURON TAVERN ogio DUBLIN _„tip _/ 1EI •• • Phi , • • THE SQUARE ammo*a • • THI TR 52441111 • • • •• . • • • STARTS WED., JAN. 5TH, 1983 •• WED.-THURS. 9:00 FRI.-SAT. 7 & • • • • • SPECIAL MATINEE SAT. -SUN. 2:90- - • • SUN., MON.. TUES.. 8:00 P.M. • . • • • • In the Age of Wonder. 'I BINGO Jackpot for FRI., JAN. 7th $600. In 56 CALLS $100.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE MENS JACKETS . 25% OFF MENS SUITS 25% OFF MENS SWEATERS 25% OFLevi'F o.w. BLUE21.95 o.w.o. JEANS LEVI'S CORDS , 21.95 ALL SHIRTS . 25% OFF ALL OTHER ITEMS AT 20% OFF • OUR STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS 54eiri'tt Bezri. ALL OTHER DAYS 9:30 to 5:30 Another World, Another Time... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 • • • `• • • • • • • • • • • • • ITC EIYIERTAIHMLNT r,,..,,, . JIM • • '"THE NIRA CRYSTAL" r.,.._ ur4 I W night .:.f{tAtvn n7 •• • t • • • • • ItiLPREMIER THEATRES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • is •