The Huron Expositor, 1983-01-05, Page 7THE HURON EXPOSITOR. JANUARY 5, 1983 — 147
and children, Murray and
BELIEVE IT OR NOT—A whole family of snowmen sat on a Brussels
lawn before our green Christmas. At press time Wednesday it looked as
If the weatherman was providing more of the white stuff for talented
Brussels children to work with. (Wassink photo)
New officers for Bluevale g
Mr. and Mrs• Jeffrey Bar-
low, Geri Lynn, Joy and
Kenneth of Markdale spent
Sunday with Mrs. Vernon
Barlow. Christmas Day vis-
itors at the same home were
Mr. Wells Barlow of Mark -
dale; Mr. Lawrence Barlow,
Wendy, Rhonda and Duane
of Ethel,
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Under-
wood and Kyle of Wingham,
Mr, and Mrs. Bryan Under-
wood spent Christmas Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
untended r for lase week.) Beryl Ms. Kirton.
ordon Mundell read Walker; Marie and Kevin tiol and Brian n, Mrs. Evistian ande Payne; ission Ethica-
1 Correspondent scripture, followed by prayer Walker, Timmy and Kenny Mission, Mrs. Jack Nichol -
4 MRS JOE WALKER h fit M T vish son; Stewardship and Fi-
t 357-355A Christmas Day guests of Hance,
and installed t e following
ac a Mrs. gent Garniss;
"While Shepherds Watch- officers for 1983; Past Pres.
ed" was the hymn which Mrs, Burns Moffatt; Pres. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott Treasurer,
r e u ProMrs James Glen
Case -
opened the'December meet- Mrs. Glenn Golley; Secretary were Mr. and Mrs. Larry literature, Mrs.
and Press Reporter, Mrs,Joe Elliott, Shawnda and Derek, Sellers;
Walker; assist. secretkry, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat, Keith Johnston, Publicity and
Mrs. Terry Trites; treasurer Rob and Jeff, Mr. and Mrs. Public Relations, Mrs. Mel
Mrs. Jack Jenkins; Glad Daryl Walker and Brian, Mr. Craig; Convenor, Mrs.
Tidings Sec.; Mrs. Lola and Mrs. Ken Skinn and ray
Mann; Literature and Library Nanci, Marie, Sheila and Ed Stewart; Social Convener,
Mrs. Burns Moffatt; Supply, Kevin Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harvey Edgar; Teas ant.
Mrs. Rdxs Gray; Associate Clarence Henning, Miss Mil- Bazaars, Mrs. Lloyd Wheel -
Member Sec., Mrs. Keith dred Henning and Mr: and er; representative on Manse
Moffatt; Friendship and Ser- Mrs. Joe Walker. committee, Mrs. lack, Fisch -
vice, Mrs. Lola Mann and her Mrs. Charles Mathers was er; cards, Mrs. Lillian Elliott;
assistant, Mrs. Harry Elliott; hostess for the December Archives, Mrs. Jack Nichol -
pianist, Mrs. Keith Moffatt, meeting of the United Church son, nominating committee,
life membership, Mrs. Glenn Women. Twenty-one ladies Mrs. Bert Garniss, Mrs.
Golley; Historiatp, Mrs. Ber- answered the roll call by RNicholson; Fr re is. Ross
nard Thomas; Explorers, presenting white gifts. representative
Miss Marie Walker; Assist- A motion was ade to pay Official Boarn and representMrs.Roive
Nicholsto Board of Stewards, Mrs.
James Case more.
dell, nominating committee, The nominating commit -
Mrs Jack Willitts, Mrs. tee's report was giva and the Gorrie
ing of the Women's Mission-
ary Society of Knox Presby-
: terian Church at the home of
Mrs. Glenn McKercher.
Christmas scripture mes-
sages were read by Mrs.
McKercher with comments
by Mrs. Wm. Elston.
Mrs. Ross Gray presented
a skit depicting Elizabeth
inviting Mary to come and
visit her. Mary was played by
Laura Jenkins and Mary's
neighbour was played by
• •
j Sales -Service
ant Explorers, Mrs. Larry for paper and p
Elliott; Auditors, Mrs. Harry parsonage which
Elliott and Mrs.Gordon Mun- by the Perrys.
nt for the
vas put on
Beryl Kirton and Mrs. Glenn new officers installed by Mrs. Christmas Day guests of
McKercher. Robert Party. They are: past Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong
BeIgrave visitors
Mr. and Mrs. George
Michie returned home last
Tuesday after spending the
Christmas week with their
daughter and^son-in-law Dr.
Don and Mrs. Whitfield and
Jenny of Saulte Ste. Marie.
Mrs. Rick Ball and Mat-
thew of Hanover, Richard'
Anderson of London and
Anne Catherine Jean of Ham•
ilton spent the holiday week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Anderson and Sheila.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Snow on the
arrival of their baby boy
New Year's Day guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grasby were Mr.'and Mrs.
George Michie. Mr. and Mrs.
Rost.Anderson and Sheila,
Doug Cousins of Brussels,
Richard Anderson of London,
Anne Catherine Jean of Ham-
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Michie, Chris, Steven and
Lindsay of R.R.#4 Brussels,
Mr. and Mrs. George iphn-
ston, Tara and Erin of Mer-
ton. Mr. and Mrs. James
Baker and Mark of London,
Mrs. Rick Ball and Matthew
of Hanover and Ernest Mich-
ie of the Callendar Nurlsing
Home, Brussels.
Visitors over Christthas
with Mr. and Mrs. James
Lamont were Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Cottrill of Kincardine,
Dale Lamont of Hensall, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph McCrea,and
Mrs. Winnie Vincent, Mr.
and Mrs. J radley Montgom-
ery and fnntily of Blyth, Doug
McCrea and Lesley Phrophet
of Port Credit.
Michael Lechinsky of Osh-
tstted with his rand -
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston of Blyth
Jim Leishman of R. k5 and Mr. and Mrs. lewis
Brussels and their daughter Stonehouse of Belgrave were
Mrs. Bradley Kennedy and Christmas guests at the home
her family of Londesboro on of Mr. and Mrs. Edwg}'d
their recent sad bereave- Daer, Patricia and Terry of
ment. RR#5, Wingham on Monday,
Dr. Ray.and Mrs. Nichol- December 27.
son,of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. New Year's Day guests
Ron Nicholson and Sherrie of with Mrs. Irlma Edgar of
Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wingham were Mr. and Mrs.
Wide, Kimberley, Jennifer Charles Johnston of Blyth,
and Trevor of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar
Rob Nicholson of Centralia of RR#4 Wingham, Miss
were visitors over the holi- Joanne Edgar of Missis-
days at the home of Mr. and sauga, Gary Ross of Harris -
Mrs. GarnPtr Nicholson. ton and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Howard and Alison Rob- Stonehouse of Belgrave.
arts of Hamilton spent the Mr: and Mrs. Alvin Mc -
Christmas holidays with their Donald of Brussels and his
parents Rev. John G. and sister, Mrs. Jean McGail of
Mrs. Roberts. Toronto were New Year's
Barbara Coultes of Toronto dinner guests of Mr. and
spent a ,few days during Mrs. Bert Johnston.
Christmas week with her Ten tables were in play at
mother Mrs. Janisa Coultes. the last euchre party for 1982
Mr. Harold Keating re- which was held in the W.I.
turned home Last Sunday hall on Wednesday evening
evening after spending December 29.
Christmas with his sister and Winners were high.lady -
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, most
Stanley Snell of London and lone hands -Mrs. George
his nieces and nephews Mr. Michie, low lady - Mrs.
and Mrs. Calvin Blair and William Coulter high man-
famil of Acton and Mrs. Herb Clayton, most lone
Shirley Guite, Ms. Eileen hands -Ed Marsh, low man -
Beecroft and Jerry Skinner all ' Alvin Higgins.
of London.
Christmas holiday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (intended for last week.)
Roped Grasby were Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Leitch, Julie and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Jeff of London,'Mr, and Mrs. Hanna held their family
George Johnston, Tara and Christmas party on Sunday,
Erin of lldertbp, Mr. Ernest December 19 in the W .1. Hall.
Michie of the Callender Nur's- Those present were Mr. and
ing Home, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Randy McLean and
Mrs. Gibson Armstrong of Bradley of London, Mr. and
London and their grand- Mrs. Brian Storer and Adam,
daughter Kathy Hayes of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minick,
Mississauga. Edwin, Catherine and Jenni-
Christmas visitors with Mr. fer and Dawn Flotten, of
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.
' Wayne Hopper, Carol, Hea-
ther and Kendra of RR5,
Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Mayberry, Marilyn, Kimber-,
ley and Darryl of Londesboro,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cook,
Mr. and Mts. Greg Cook,
Jackie Lee, Carla and Marie,
Eric Cook all of RRI, Belg-
grave and Miss Julie Hayden,
Mrs. Beth Procter, Mrs.
Minnie Armstrong, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Cook all of Bel -
ObOt�ya Paul of Brussels, Cathy, Mlts•
O O O Dr,u6'Snyder., of RR3 Miillton
Hurl Joary,orbrussels,-,ttf ee
DONALD KEiTR Me7FRTER grandchildren and one sister,
Donald Keith', cArter of Jean, tubs, Cal Davidson of
Seaforth, former of Brus- Kitchener. He was �,pprede-
sels died Jan. 2 i ,Wingham ceased by a brother, BUi,
and District tloslut • Boat in The .aueral service and
Morris Township, l was 54 committal was held today,
prede_ Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the
Brussels Chapel of tilt? M.L.
Watts Funeral Rome with
Rev. Charles Catpentter otn-
ciating. interment will be in
Brussels Cemetery ip, . the
spring. °t:.,
years old. He wa
ceased by Mu fath.. ,Jain
Ivan Clifford and hist nother
Mary filen (Nellie) Ander-
son. t
He is survived by histwife,
Dorothy Louise Tichl�orne
The representative fpr the Clinton/Sea-
forth territory will be Il\ the area on the 2nd
and 4th Monday of each month.
FREE ESTIMATES PERSONALS president, Mrs. Harold John- were Mr. and Mrs. Ken
• am Cle Hera awe g and Mrs. Clift9p'Walsh and
ident Mrs Ross d M Thos mothee r Mrs. Ivy Cook and Andrew were Miss Marni
1 Celebrating Christmas
on Ston, Pres Hastie, Mr. an rs. • other relatives in the vicinity Walsh of York University,
at the home Nicholson; first vice, Mrs. and Dougof Wood-
Tavts wereas te,and her mother Mrs. JanisaTechnology, mon on, Miss
Walker, Mr. JimBrian f Belgrave spent Mae Coulter ofy mer, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Gray, r§• Christmas at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Davi%)1 t s
Joe Walker, Mr, and and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Keith of Sauble Beach are a Miss
Clarence Henning, r. auditors, s. Doug spending this week with r: a old
Sunday Dec, 19th Hastie last week. Toronto, Michail Walsh of
• Bunk `Fe rs " of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac- Ken Johnston, secretary, bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barbara Coultes of Toronto Northern Alberta Institute of
• Stabling ' h Mrs Janet Mrs. \W J Peacock' tree- H t' Kevin, Don and Ed t
Wright,vyn,�ht Mr. surer, Mfrs James Casemore, B
1 Mr. and pianists Ms Carl Johnston M Edith Blythe and son Christ o g C s. il l
Mrs. D 'c4\ 1 h and
Donald G
1 _ _Mrs. CI M M D Garniss
h M and Mrs Walter Armes of Kelly of WalKitcsh�n
�`. and Mrs. Lloyd Walker, and Mrs. Larry Johnston. ad Mrs. Robt. Haste and Seaforth. Mary Ellen Walsh bf B yfi
M "H 1 Procter return- and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
• 1 1 Beverly and Denise, Mr. and Committee heads are Corn -
other relatives. rs. azo
•R,R.'fl2 BI th Shari,Action and Social f Mr.d Mrs.ed home on Satffrday after Coulter of Wingham.
k Br11SSe — Wright, Ke Y and Sun•day + y Mrs. Gordon Wnght, mumty c The family o an
Phone'. Jeff, Kenny and Heather. Services, Mrs. Wendell Ken Hastie met with them at being n patient to the Wing- Mr. and Mrs. Donrid Craig,
I 867-9024 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stamper; Supply and Wel-
k their home in fiprrie,. on him and District Hospital. Debbie, th, .oug and Dativid of
vin Bradley
fare. Mrs. Lloyd Warwic: undo Boxin Day
This -cq triunity.,, extends RRN2 Dlyth, .Mr. and Mrs.
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Great January Sale from Thursday Jan. 6 to Wednesday Jan 12
(Roxton, Kroehler, House of Braemord)
30 Rolls of Carpet
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Triple dresser with mirror, armoir,
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