HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1983-01-05, Page 65.. • AO — THE HURON EXPOSITOR JAN ' RY 5 Ken Ritchie visits from Saudi Arabia for Christmas Correspondent JEAN BEWLEY • 887-9047 Mr. Ken Ritchie has re- turned to Saudi Arabia after spending Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ritchie. Other visitors at the same home for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie, Rob and Lori, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor, Heather Ann, Linda and Pam, Gorrie. Christmas visitors at the home of Mrs. Aletha Rann were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rann and family, ,Mr. Norbert Walters, Galt Cambridge; Sharon Walters, Toronto; David Hall, Germany, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall and family of Brussels. David Hall has returned to his post in Germany after spending a two week holiday with his parents. David en- joys living in Germany and is applying to spend an extra year there. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Mur- London; Judy Work and 1AI ray Huether and Mrs. Edna Burton, Kitchener; Gail McDonald included Mr. and Thompson, Toronto; Brian Mrs. Roger Tipple, Sarah and Work, London. Jonathon, Burlington; Mr. Mrs: Edna McDonald is • and Mrs. David Huether, again a patient in Seaforth Jeffrey and Kevin. Bramp- Hospital. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perrie Ritchie, Scarborough; Mr. attended a Christmas Eve and Mrs. Russ Krauter, Lis- candlelight service at Shake - towel; Mrs. Marie Chambers, speare and stayed overnight Ottawa; Mrs. Jean McGale, with the Rev. Jim and Mrs. Toronto; Mr. Neil McDonald, Perric. Vancouver, and Mr. Bruce Sunday Dec. 27 Mr. and McDonald, Mildmay. Mrs. Wm. Perrie entertained Mrs. Earl Cudmere spent the Rev. Jim and Mrs. Perrie, Christmas weekend with Mr. Paul and Linda and Mrs. and Mrs. Bill Nay, Gorrie. Alice Heaslip, Shakespeare; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perrie, Shannon and Adam, Water- Marie, Verna, Heather, Will .loo, were holiday visitors with and Laurie, R3, Brussels. Mrs. Cudmore. Twenty-one membs of Mr. and Mrsc- Rick Nay, Melville Guild gathered at Trenton, visited his grand- the beautifully decorated mother, Mrs. Cudmore..Mr. home of their president, and Mrs. Doug Ward, Water- Jeanne Ireland, for the loo, spent New Year's week- ' end with Mrs. Cudmore. Mrs. Wm. King Sr. has returned to her home in Maple Villa after a stay in hospital. Patients in Listowel Hospi- tal from the arca are Brenda 'Richmond, James Riley, Wal- ter Kerr and Mary Joan Fisher. Congratulations to Mary - an and Blaire Fisher on the birth of their son, Mathew. symbols more vivid, we com- Stewart Miller and Harry p9sed en arrangement in a Goll are patients in Wingham large betwl to express the Hospital. mood of the season, The Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mathe- arranging of the symbols was son• Agincourt, spent New highlighted by each speaker Year's weekend with his reading his part, interspersed parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke by well-known carols and Matheson. New Year's Day, scripture readings. Those Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ross, who took part were Eluned Sarnia and Murray Mathe- McNair, Mary Huether, son, -Stratford, visited with Margaret Sweeney, Ethel their parents also. Brewer, Isobel Gibson, Mrs. Jane Devries has Margaret McCatcheon, Isa- returned from a 9 -day Christ; bel Adams, Kate Wilson, mas visit with her family in MDavidson, oan ERose Ma ie Woodstock.Bishop, n Mr. and Mrs. Graham Semple and Thelma Cardiff. Work travelled by bus to Helen Elliott reported nine Hinton, Alberta, where they new leaders and the re-ar- spent a week _ including rangement of groups which Christmas at the home of will be available as a supple - their son and daughter-in-law mentary page in the annual Paula and Ken Work. While report. • in Hinton, they visited ano- Appreciation was express- ' ther Brussels native, Donald ed of Ethel Brewer's having Workman. re -arranged the dishes and Visitors at the home of Mr. labelled the cupboards to and Mrs. Graham Work on make things easier in 'the Sunday January 2nd were kitchen. ' Kathy and Brian Schlattman, An exchange of small gifts was followed by refreshments Christmas meeting on 'Dec. 21. Judy Shortreed opened Ten Pas for their work in the meeting with a reading decorating the church and entitled "The Holy Babe' Leona Armstrong for distrib- which was followed by a uting all the poinsettias to Christmas activity, "Christ shut-ins. the Centre", conducted by COMMUNITY CAROL Carol Innes. SERVICE Over the years Christians The Dec. 21 community have adopted hundreds of carol service at the United meaningful symbols that re- Church was well -attended: mind us of the Birth of the Betty Graber acted as chair Babe. To make some of these lady and choirs from Melville provided by Carol Innes, Judy Shortreed and Kathleen Semple. BRUSSELS MENNONITE • FELLOWSHIP On New Year's Eve a Talent Night was held at Brussels Mennonite Fellow- ship. The setting was station WBMF with announcer, Pas- tor Doug Zehr in the control room. Wendy and Gary Mar- tin played two duet numbers on their recorders: Ann Hem- ingway gave an`' amusing reading' I'm Broken Hearted Deutscher." Lowel Enger played a piano solo. A hu- morous reading, "House Hunting" was read by Alice Martin. Lorne Wideman fa- voured the WBMF radio audience with three numbers on his mouth organ. A monologue was acted out by Margaret McLeod. A descriptive poem about the months of the year was read by Mary Baan. Mim Zehr and Wally Braun favoured with a duet in German, accompan- Guests at (Intended for last week.) A number of out-of-town visitors attended worship at Melville Presbyterian Church Dec. 26. The Rev. Ken Innes poke on the attitudes of the Wise Men and, of Herod. We should take the example of the Wise Men who brought their best gifts and best attitudes to worship Christ. The choir, with Mrs. Marg- aret McLeod taking a solo part, sang "Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn" and the male chorus sang "O Come All Ye Faith- ful' . ; The Women's Guild thank- ed Dona Knight and Mary Brussels churches have special holiday .serve ied by Wendy Martin. A Kangaroo Court session was held by Warren, Gerald, Cindy, Sherri and Loretta Steckley. Mim Zehr pleaded guilty to killing household germs since 'Feb. 1982 - s'he was sentenced to scrubbing the pulpit with a toothbrush. Heather Baan played two numbers on the piano. An- nouncer Pastor Doug Zehr of station WDMF announced that the song "Teddy Bear's Picnic" would be sung by the Laprom children. Two more recorder numbers were play- ed by Wendy and Gary Martin. A reading, giving a Negro preacher named Silas' version of the Good Samari- tan, was read by Alice Mar- tin. At SL, John': Angfean, Ole p 'Dec. ,19 $ervieewas led l y the Sunday School, The ser ptttke "The Birth of Jesus" was read by David Cowman. The, second reader. Brian Alcock read Luke 2:8.11, A poem, "If 1 had been a 'shepher boy," was read by Jeff`-- cock. The Sunday school gave carols and cus- toms of many countries with Corrinna Stephenson lead- ing. Representing the count- ries were: Germany - Mark Pennington; England - Tim Dillow; Norway - Kathy Gra- ber; South America - Glen Yuill; France - Jana Pearson; child from Palestine - Linda James; Italy - Charlen Ste- phenson; Spain - Chri ina Dillow; child from Cana Pat Cowman. • Prayers were lead by Rev. The talent night closed on Station WBMF with a solo by Wally Braun. Announcer Pastor .Doug Zehr wished everyone a Happy New Year. A buffet followed the amusing entertainment. Lyons. The offerizii}'°was re- ceived by., Jerry Dillow and Jack McCutcheon. 'Rev. Lyons, the choir and others visited the Calendar Nursing Home for Christmas prayers and songs. • ST. AMBROSE CWL St. Ambrose CWL met Dec, 14 at the home of Mrs. Hank Van den brook, Gorrie. Seventeen ladies attended the meeting, in the form of a wine and cheese party, serv- ed by Caroline Kernaghan, Ria Van den brook and Lanpie Albers. Several contests were con- ducted by Anne Ryan and Pat Nolan. Winners were Karen Parker and Barbara Hanock. A draw was made for a crib quilt made by Barbara Har- noch and won by Hannie Terpstra followed by carol singing and a gift exchange conducted by Pat Nolan and Anne Ryan. ' SUNDAY MASS The opening hymn was "Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came", played on the organ by Pat Nolan and accompan- ied by the choir. The Folk choir accompanied by Anne Kernaahan. Lisa Parker and SSIFIED 24 Card of Thanks 1 Coming Events OPEN House for Wilbur and Jennie Turnbull on Sunday, January 9, 1983 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Brussels Legion Hall, on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. Best wishes only. 1-90-2 THE family of Wilfred and Laura Strickler invite friends, and neighbours to celebrate their parents 40th anniver- sary on Saturday, January 8, 1983 at Cranbrook Hall. Open house 1-4. Card party 8:30. Best wishes only. 1-90-2 Melville Dec. 26. To Cranbrook from Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Will Perrie, Colorado. spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Perrie. Mr. and and family mas with Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conley had their family for Christ- mas. This included Mr. and Mrs. HarveClark and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rathwell and family and Mr. •and Mrs. Doug Conley and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray and girls. Mildmay. Mr.. and Mrs. Glen Crawford and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crawford and children, Mon- crieff spent Christmas with Mrs, John Saxon had their Christ - friends at Mt. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Craw- ford. Earl Psohl of Chesley is spending a few days at the home. same Wilfred and Mrs. Strickler had their family for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and girls, John. Lorne and Mrs. Strickler and family and John and Mrs. Vanass and family. Word was received of the death of Frank J. Hunter, Oshawa, on Tuesday. Dec. 21 at Oshawa General Hospital in his 74th year. He is survived by his wife the former Lyla Ames, one son and Tracy Engel of London Ervinc and one daughter were home for Christmas. Marilyn Leonard, both of Miss Janet Vejtch, London, Oshawa. also five grandchild- spent Christmas with her ren. The funeral was held on parents Mr. and Mrs. Clare Friday from an Oshawa fun- VcThc flu bug has caught up eral home. Gordon Switzer of Beams- witWhhope many thein will ill have recov- ered and wish all a Happy New Year. Luke van Donkersgoed was home from Victoria Hospital, London for Christmas with his family. ' The family of Wilfred and Laura Strickler invite friends, neighbours and relatives to help celebrate their parents 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday, January 8, 1983 in Cranbrook Hall. Open House 1-4 p.m. Card party at 8:30 p.m. Best wishes only. Colorado Presbyterian, Ethel United, St. Ambrose Roman Catholic, Brussels Mennonite Fellow- ship, Brussels United inter._.. mediate choir and regular' ,choir participated. OrganistS were Ken Cowan and Larke McDonald. Christmas Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W m. Elston, Susan and Mary Ellen, RS, Brussels, were Mr. and Mrs. Mait Edgar, Dean and Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Edgar and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edgar and Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parke all of Petrolia; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elston and Orls; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elston and fmily. Mrs. Florence Reavie and Brenda Edgar, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Elston, R4, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowman and Jim, Mrs. Mary Yuill and Mr. and Mrs. Watt Bewley, Brussels. 'n Doug Shaw Thornhill, ville died on Dec. 23 in Grimsby Hospital, in his 76th year. He was predeceased by his wife. the former Edythe Adair of Monkton, who died on .Jan ,,22, 1982. He is survived by a daughter Patri- cia. Mrs. Duncan Currie of Edmonton, and a son Peter Jon of Ottawa, also fou grandchildren and a brother Russell of Atwood. The Swit-. zer's operated the stor lo- cated in the bottom of t a old Cranbrook Hall for a umber of years. Misses Sharon, Rosanne, i Ship your Livestock WITH i i Art Heffron Blyth 1 SHIPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPERATIVES I OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards, Toronto PHONE BY 8 A.M. i 523-4221 24 Card of Thanks Jackie and Andrew McCut- cheon thank their K -W paper customers for their generous Christmas gifts. 24-1-1 Brian Deittier +R?�., gar sang, Nolan, St0040#te ad�aalettio4 its tar boys. JoChuck e Ss of er;' er. Bob Wilwn, ,semlQ!11?4ian from London several weeks hero ist I O- mer has returned for Chdzt-_ mous season. PLEASE NOTE RESIDENTS OF BRUSSELS AND AREA N.lu\ Huron (xpOsitor has established a I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, letters and flowers during my stay in University Hospital. London; Listowel Hospital and since coming home. Your well - wishes and prayers were very much appreciated. Carl Hemingway 24-1-1 DROP-OFF CENTRE at the BRUSSELS VARIETY News items, classified andsplay advertise- ments may be left at Brussels riety. Payments of accounts and subscriptions may also be made at the Brussels Variety. I wish to thank the Majestic Women's Institute for the delicious box of fruit and goodies delivered to me at Christmas, Sincerely Mrs. Ethel Bone 24.1-1- I would like to thank my family, relatives and friends for visits, gifts, cards and treats while in hospital and since home. 1 wish you all a Happy New Year. Jack McCutcheon 24.1-1 WHEN PAYING A SUBSCRIPTION Please bring along your renewal notice or the label off your paper. WHEN PAYING AN ACCOUNT Please place the money in an envelope with your name and address. YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL BE APPRECIATED Mrs. JOe (Kathy) Wilson, mas ke d stayed Christ- 1 H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. ed her family Sales Service & installation 1 and Sunday as everyone k couldnotmake it% . Visitors were Helen and Frank Grover Margaret and Norman Johns, FinUMW ad I ing parlours David and Vince, Arva; Laura as weekend. 1 \ Mrs. Amy Speir entertain- 1 it Christmas Day \ O f k the same Pipelines & day 1 Caledon, East; \ vS��-� 1 Standish,Sim .\ and Gt Gilbert . % 887-6063 R.11- 4 WALTON coe, their son and faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Speir and baby son. Calgary; Nancy Standish Z., and friend, Ottawa. Mrs. Joan Exel's family celebrated Christmas on Sun- day by attending Melville Presbyterian"Cfibrch in the morning ;tl)eri o to son John's for liinitdlh" Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Exel, Milverton; Liz Exel, Milverton; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Exel, Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ebel, Jeff and Paul, Ingersoll and Kathy Ebel, Londonspent the spent Christmas weekend weekend at the home of Mr. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jack McCutcheon Mac Shaw. Other visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shaw, Donna and Pauline, Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schalk, Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson, Shane and ,Trevor spent the weekend of Dec. 19 in Oak- - 'yille ak--'yille with Sue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas. The Waltonp Public School choir enteftaTed residents of Callender Nursing Home the afternoon of Dec. 20. Mrs. Joan Vandendool and Mrs. Doreen Hackwell directed the children as they sang carols and gave recitations. ' ---Mr. Walter Kerr is a patien in Listowel Hospital. Visit rs at the home of Mr. and Mr . Calvin Krauter over Christmas were: Major and Mrs. David Krauter, Blair and Kendra, Toronto, who staved for the week; Mr. and and visited friends and rela- tives in the area. Pre -Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Me- Cutcheon were Pauline Clarke. Michael and Paula, Port Elgin; Yonne and Jordon Brister, Orillia Rick Clarke and David Brister joined them in time for Christmas. Mrs. Lottie McCutcheon entertained approximately 35 members of her family from Windsor, Toronto, Pettawa, Listowel and Brussels. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gibson and Peggy were Tom and Edith McFadzean, Susan and Alister Mason and child- ren, and Jane McFadzean, all of Toronto; Kathy and Don Gibson, London; Katie and Peter Gibson, Stratford; Mary and Maurice Doumas and family, R4, Brussels mdly sized savingi Kraft CHEESE WHIZ 5L m t 2ms Navel 88's Size ORANGES Tide 6 Litres Per Doz. LAUNDRY SOAP _Limit 2 White Label TOMATOES Man Size KLEENEX 28 oz. Barbara M. Brown Opening Jan. 14/83 in Brussels on Turnberry St. FOR A -LL YOUR KNITTING YARNS & CRAFT SUPPLIES TOMATO SOUP Red Rose 60's TEA BAGS Chapman ICE CREAM 2 Litre. We also specialize in qualitl, hand knits to order 2.59 2.29 3.99 .79 1.09 i a39 1.99 1.65 STEPHENSON Self -Serve Groceteria Brussels OPEN 6 DAYS -922_, Old Mill WHITE BREAD CHEESE WHIZ 450 gt4m 500 gram Fresh RADISHES 8 oz . pkg. Robin Hood 10 kg. 22 Ib. ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 6.69 Fleecy 3.6 litres FABRIC SOFTENER 3.29 .63 2.69 .37 russets usiness DirectOrY: Phone 527-0240 ® Agromart FERTILIZERS -Bag SEEDS FEEDS-Provimi I'ESTICIDES Agromix . Cattle mineral f \RM SUPil$ 1 uS Salt Aureomycin Crumbles CHRISTMAS CANDIES 2 Bags for the Price of One Stacey BRUSSELS 887-6016 SOFT MARGARINE 2 Ib. tub 1.49 BANANAS Ib..37 McCUTCHEON GROCERY • H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Brussels . RESIDENTIAL—COMMERCIAL 887-6408 Mill St. West We sell and install NOG 'WO Pella and Hunt Windows - Patio Doors Ins lated Entrance Doors - Insul Glass Builders Since 1956 WE DELIVER BRUSSELS ' 887-9445 STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed, Thurs., & Sat., 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri,, 8:30 a.m. to6:00p.m. The Wingham Sales Arena The Wingham Sales. Arena 680 Josephine Street North End of Wingham on Hwy. 4 The Place to go for Great Savings on - Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R R 3, Brussels 887-6476 i BULK COOKIES - Arrow roots, wafers, sultana cookies, assorted cremes, chocolate chip, fig bars, digestive, etc. BULK BAKING GOODS - Raisins, dates, coconut, currants, flour, white or brown sugar, rice, beans, etc. DISCOUNT GROCERY ITEMS - Canned goods, Juices, pickles, salad dressing, ketchup, table syrup, deter- gents. suites, AND FOOTWEAR- togging Jogging shoes, mens work clothing, safety work shoes, rubber boots, kids coveralls, ski suites, snow suites, Ladies sweaters, Jump sults, Jackets. DESIGNER BLUE JEANS FOR MEN, LADIES AND CHILDREN. CARPET AND NO WAX FLOORING - Ro8 ends, remnants AMMIJNITION, SCOPES, TRAPS, HOCKEY complete roils we win cat to size. ST CKNS, and shotguns by Wl.ehe$ter, Remington, meows Huger and others. NEW ANn, Browning. sU Antiques, glass ware, livingNEW AND suUSites, FURngIroom snu, bedroom Fullest table Boom.cItsr dining cabinets, box and table and drab sets, china mattresses.Caul for used NOTE! We take trade ins or wlHcp pay cash for used �i�, guns, antiques - docks, partial households or complete close outs. Bay, Trade or Sell, Give Us • Yell at The WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 Open Monday to part. Fp.m. Cash, caasSaturdaysio,MarCerd Acce tied FREE PARKING —lar The Winshooloslhone Brussels Transport Ltd. Livestock Trucking and Shipping Service Local and Long Distance PHONE 887-6122 GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS 4 McGavin's Farm Equipment WI= SPEC -1LIZE IN A COMPLETE LINE DI Farm Equipment SALES AND SERVICE N Brussel 887-6365 Walton, Seaforth 527-0245 a L -s1 • Watch and Jewellery Repairs , Anstett Jewellers Ltd --W a Syfl and Service – BULOV A — ACCUTRON —WATCHES 5STORES— EXETER—ST.MARYS SEAFORTH—CLINTON —WALKERTON f,".J 1