The Huron Expositor, 1989-12-27, Page 9THE'HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 27, 19$9 — 9A
Curling Every Friday
1:00 P.M.
Starting Jan. 5 Everyone welcome.
For more information call the club
evenings 527-0590 or Gond Pryce
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Holmes urges her St. James' students,
just as countless choir leaders through
the years have done before her. The SI.
James' students had then pageant dress
rehearsal last week at the high school
to get ready for parents and friends.
Elliott photo
Sto James
students in
festive mood
for Christmas
METHOD ACTOR • Some of the Grade 1
and 2 students really got• into the swing
of thins in "Christmas Here and There"
during •St. James' Christmas pageant
dress rehearsal Elliott pnoto
1 989 •from Page 6
The council of Tuckersmith Township
passed its budget for 1989 with a 4.03 per
cent increase in the general municipal
levy. In mill rates the increase will be .203
of a Mitt, to bring the total for general
municipal purposes to 5.243 1 without county
or board of education).
School bands in Huron and Perth 'Coun-
ties will receive nearly $9 million for
school construction and renovation.
The physiotherapy department of the
• Seaforth Community Hospital was the reci-
pient of almost $4,500 in equipment.
MAY 3, 1989 •
I extents of Seaforth's federal building
take the post office) have yet to be of-
ficially notified about Public Works
Canada's intention to remove that building
from its inventory, despite the fact that
task is slated for completion by March 31.
Landowners from the Townships of Mor-
ns, Hulled and Grey, with properties abut-
ting the railway line which runs between
Goderich and Guelph, were advised to
bring their concerns about future plans for
that railway property before Queens Park.
Approximately 80 property owners, all part '
of the United Groundhog's Day Commit
along with Federation of Agricult
members and representatives from
township councils, met in Walton with
members of an Ontario In
Committee formed to address the issue
abandonned rail use.
The Seaforth Home and Garden Sin
had another strong season, and next
WOW ex ded to include a trade
High School this e mer Seaforth Disinct
Poor weather made for lousy fishing
the annual trout derby at Seaforth's Li
Park on Saturday morning.
Klaus and Kristin Henschel, join
charged with 10 counts of theft over $1,000
and nine counts of fraud over 41,000 in
nection with the collapse of Brus
Stockyards Limited, were remanded f
pleas until May 17, when they appeared
Provincial Court in Wingham on April 1
Eight Seaforth area residents - including
five students from the Seaforth Di
High School, two teachers there, and on
member of the general public - were
honored at the annual Excellence i
Education banquet.
Barry Comeau, charged with careless
use of a fire arm and possession of a pro-
hibited weapon in connection with a fw... -
hour standoff at a Walton house last June,
received a two-year suspended sentence in
provincial court in Weigh= on April 19.
DON'T WORRY, SANTA...Santa (Melissa Van Bake!) is despon• The St. James' students, these three from Mrs. Mclver's Grade
dant upon teaming that her two brownies (Kim and Allison 2 class, put on their Christmas pageant dress rehearsal on
Devereaux) are ted up with being overworked and underpaid. Thursday. Elliott photo.
Tuckersmith Township Council bas receiv-
ed verbal notification the municipality will
be awarded a $200,000 PRIDE grant.
• The latest Ministry of Education in-
itiative has the Huron -Perth Roman
Catholic Separate School Board trustees
feeling like rubber stamps and they have
decided to do something about it.
Despite huge cuts in the Huron -Perth
Roman Catholic Separate School Board's
1989 budget set at $18.7 million, trustees
voted seven. to six to continue the annual
staff banquet which cost the board about
Increasing problems with school space
are being confronted in Huron.
The revitalized Walton Inn will soon be
open for business.
MAY 17, 1989
The Town of Seaforth has passed its 1989
budget, and while it shows an increase of
6.5 per cent ratepayers can .expect over a
nine per Cent increase on their 1989 tax bill
- depending on whether they support the
public or separate school system.
Walton native and Seaford] District High
School graduate Ron Vercruyssen has
made the hist string of the Canadian Na-
tional Basketball team. Vercruyssen was in
Victoria, British Columbia for the tryout
Seaforth town council has been apprised
ure of a businessman's disapproval of the
the town's policy regarding contracted services
two vs. town employees doing tasks.
termrrusterial The Seaforth Public Utilities Commission
of found it is into its 12th electrically
accident -free year, having reviewed a
ow report by the Electrical Utility Safety
Year Association,
show. After 13 years under the ownership of
Dublin native Lou Maloney, the Dublin
Feed Mill Ltd. officially changed hands
at last Thursday. Ed Dotmage and sons Rick
ons and Bruce Dolmage, owner/operators of
school. and the final one-third will
expenses and boost the student co
The salary schedule' for Tuck
Township employees was recently
ed. Township Clerk -Treasure
McLachlan says the average salary
crease is approximately five per c
The Huron County Board of Educ
has announced that ministry and
funds have been made available to p
additional classroom • space at W
Public School. With this addition. •s
will be available for library, special edu
tion, a computer lab, and much ne
audio visual and general storage.
cover wiL again seek the warden's chair •in
until Huron County.
ersmith fie irctuef�in Huroef .George
eCounty to have Garrick is e com-
Gonfirtn- pleted the General Level Fire Protection
r Jack Technology. Course. he course is offered
' in- at the Ontario Fire Co in Gravenhurst,
ant, and makes Mr. Garrick . 'ed to serve
ation • as a full time fire chief.
board McKillop Township Coun has indicated
rovide its opposition to the 19 p r cent county
alton budget increase for 1989.
pace The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic
ca- Separate School Board trustees voted to
eded support a neighboring board's campaign
against TV vi-'---
MAY 31, 1989.
Construction of the Hensel' District Co-
op's new McKillop township facilities. on
Higbway 8 east of Seaforth, is slated to
begin in mid-June and be finished by the
first of September.
The Civic Court .project, the first con-
struction phase of Seaforth's Streetscape
plan is almost ready to go to tender and
is expected. to be completed in mid-
September. The Civic Court is intended to
• show Seaforth ratepayers what the
Streetscape program will do for the town's
Grade 10 Seaforth District High School
student Meliska Whitmore of RR 4 Walton,
has returned from a three-day youth
leadership seminar in Sarna, where,
among other things, she was chosen to
represent Southwestern Ontario at an inter-
national seminar scheduled for Baltimore,
Maryland in late July.
The recycling program in the Police
Village of Dublin is working well, trustees
report, and they wish to congratulate all
the people who bave•been participating.
A local man with new ideas about health
X11 be opening an original business
Main Street. Jerry Dejong, formerly of
cefield, but now living in Seaforth,. is
opening Health Matters, a business he feels
give people the leading edge in
erapeutic treatments and counselling.
JUNE 7, 1989
Egmondville resident received an
unexpected honor last week, during a pro -
racial broomball banquet at Toronto's
tura Inn. Norah Eckert, received the
Ontario Coaches Award of the Year,
her involvement in Junior Broomball.
uckersmith Township council reviewed
ckhoe tenders at a special meeting Tues-
day night, but no action on the backhoe
issue could be taken.
To date $695,482 has been raised for the
Seaforth Community Hospital building
Growing demand for its package led a
computerized municipal accounting/infor-
mation system, to open an office in
Seaforth. The new office is located next to
the hospital, in the medical centre on
Centennial Drive.
A Separposter
te Schooll son tudentswn Adam Agar, will
be displayed at the National Conference on
AIDS, scheduled for Montreal this month.
Minister of Agriculture and Food Jack
Riddell bas announced that approval has
been given to te a
th the
•Cawttyy of :Hiurongofaofficlspace ease �at the
Huronview complex.
JUNE 14, 1989
McKillop Township:.E erie IBieknnell
d on
DY will continue to p�businee s mill aas Brit
eon- Three Seaforth businesses are closing will
Bels their doors, George of Brussels and Norma th
or Jeanes will be off Seaforth's Main Street
in by the end of May, while Phelan's Place
9. will be closing its doors in the near future, An
rstrtet depending how its closing -out sale goes.
Employee negotiations for the Town of v'
e Seaforth have been completed for 1989, and Ven
the outcome is an average increase of All
e seven per cent in most wages. for
Thousands of dollars worth of electrical T
equipment was crushed in a garbage pick ba
up snafu.
MAY 10, 1989
Former Seaforth Mayor Alf Ross has
been appointed as Chairman of the Ontario
Producer Review Committee, one of four
provincial committees set up under the
Canadian Crop Drought Assistance Pro-
suam, which aims to ucers who
uifered extensive crop loss due
sto severe
drought conditions in various regions of
Canada in 1968.
McKillop Township Council passed its
1989 budget at its: NMy,meeting..While the
budget calls for a 4.9 per cent increase for
municipal ,purposes, ratepayers in she
township can expect a l0,per cent increase
on their overall 4989 tax +bill.
$400,000 may be spent in Vanastra, as
MAY 24, 1989
Tuckersmith Township has formed a
comittee to deal with the issue of county
Elizabeth .Bonen, has been awarded a
scholarship valued at $5.000. The sebolar-
ship represents a .sum close to the cost of
the first-year tuition at Redeemer College,
the only Christian liberal arts university in
eastern Canada, and it is awarded to ap-
plicants who have demonstrated Christian
commitment and leadership qualities.
A new public school board trustee must
,be found to replace former Hensel',
Tuckerswiffi trustee Sally Rathwell, and
tthe election elate bas been set for June 26.;Seaforth ;District trBigh Sehool
held a :wgtk•, jhon and raised :$3;200. One-
third of tliat -money will be given to the
hospital 1udding ,hind, another oneythird
tarilt go towards a :weightroom in the
Seaforth District High School student
Crystal Whyte was chosen as a Junior
Citizen of the Year.
A barn and small shed on the vaeant
property across from the Tuckersmith
Township shed were consumed by fire.
An academic award has been establish-
ed in metnory of the late Glenn Smith, a
well respected bus driver for Brussels
Public School.
JUNE 21, 1989
Tuckersmith township has bought a
backhoe. In spite of a petition of 165
signatures, a delegation of ratepayers op-
posed to the purchase, and the general
Turn to page 11A •
Water Well
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tl Uaturi0486/4d.. ftd., Hun. 546.945
MITCHELL. Unt. 348-8817
Serving Seaforth anal ail of Hurbn County
Bus.: 482-9441
Res.: 482-3664
Evening appointments available
Hear Ye!
Hear Ye!
On this, the brand
new, grand New Year,
we extend our
wishes for peace,
hope and friendship
throughout the world.
We especially value
the friendship we
have with you.
The Huron Expositor Office will be
News and Advertising Deadline:
FRIDAY, DEC. 29 - 4:30 p.m.
Resume Regular Hours,
Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1990
527-0240 240