HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-27, Page 8TAE WIN(IIAM TIMES JUNE 27, 1.907 GUIGNiolv41040000.41100040.40.1~.~10~~~000401.0004010 J'4'3 LEST YOU F'ORGET •,. ,,� 1, �. ..7 .. ;rss at 7 MINOR LOCALS. Dominion day pienio at Donnybrook, Monday, July 1st. —R. C. picnic, Wallace's Grove, Don- nybrook, Monday next. —The schools will close this week for the summer holidays. —See the seven funny dwarfs at the opera house on Friday evening. —The examinations for entrance to the High School are being heed this ° 'week. Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. • —A paper in the interest of Methodism in the Northwest will be published at Winnipeg. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, Canadian Foresters will be held on Friday of this week. ' t - —I. 0.0. F. excursion to Sarnia and f Detroit on Saturday, August 10th. Keep the date in mind. --Dominion Day celebrations at . Goderioh, Brussels, Tees water and a Mt Wroxeter next Monday, Wroxeter p —Citizens' Band will play several t d selections at the entertainment in rhe 1, opera house on Friday evening. i —The beantiful operetta, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in opera , V 'house on Friday evening of this week. i The opening chapter of Times new story, "The Hound of the Baskervilles" el will be found on another page of this. L lanae. ' ti --west Huron Conservatives will p nominate a candidate for the Commove ata donvention to be held in Danganon ;at to -day. al —Clinton rate payers on Monday car- ried a by-law to guarantee the $20,000 Ill bonds ooff the Thresher Co., by a vote of -Daring J'nly and August the lawyers of Wingham will close their offices at Al 2 p. na. on Saturdays and at 4 p. m. on in Other days, --The Town Council intends passing a by-law 'to prohibit merchants placing gum slot machines in front of their business places on Sunday. —Arrangements are being completed for the anneal Sunday school excursion to Sineardine, ou Thursday, August 1st, Fail particniars will be given in due time, —The marriage of Miss Laura M. gamble, of Toronto, and Mr, Chester L. Davis, formerly of Wingham, will take Patio In' Toronto ort Saturday afternoon, June 29th, --T'urnberty Township Connell is ad- vertising for tenders for the supplying of !material and conetrnetlon of a drain In that township. Read advt. in anoth- er column for particulars. Dr. A, S. ZrWin, treasurer of the Vitingham hospital Board, reports has.. lag received a donation of $25,00 from Metiers. C. Lloyd &.Son, Wingham, and one f $10,00 from Mrs. RIdrdisty, West- field. An interesting day's sport is prom's. ed those oho attend the R, 0. pienio at Donnybrook next Monday. The Little ' Salton, Winsthatu, will pre*snt to the boot looking y on the ground, a rdug imbed $6.00. That our sale closes on July lst ! ! Our wall paper was the most popular in town all season through, as was proven by the magnitude of the sales between January and May, but since we began selling that same paper at l the price it has vanished like snow in a summer's sun ! We have really pai#ered more rooms since June lst than were papered altogether this year before that date ! Not only have we sold so much paper but we have satisfied those who dealt with us ! By courtesy and honesty, and by making the interests of our customers our own interests, we have, in one short month, won far and wide, the reputation of being SQUARE ! We've now on hand something less than a $1.000 worth of paper ! It is in all varieties of color, pattern and price ! NOTHING LIRE IT ! ! ! A present to every Wall Paper customer from now on. 11011.41,4 NEAR POST OFFICE. V ' 4 / ! You surely know that PUTTING IT ON is much easier and better at this season of the year than at any other ! High temperature and good paperhanging go hand in hand. It never cracks nor peels nor wrinkles if put on now as it does sometimes in cold or frosty weather-- that's something to be remembered ! What is more, you can now obtain the services of skilled paperhangers in town or country much more easily than at any other time ! We'll do that for you if you wish ! • Paper suitably wrapped up and stored till fall if desired, upon payment for same. "BIG BOOK " SIGN. 'w.li,16'11,s41.av40w vs/da, RN II S Ti SUCCESSOR TO K. Mo FISHER AND COOPER & CO. BORN. 4,TAar-In Culross, on June 14th, the wife of Mr John Sharp : a son. H MRTH—In Turnberry, on June 23rd, the wife of Dlr. Albert Bomuth, a daughter. MARRIED bicEwEN—STRACfAN—At Argyle Farm, Grey, on June 13th, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., Mr. P. S, blcSwen, of Turnberry, to Miss Lizzie M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Strachan. icorr—COLEMAN—On Thursday. June 20th, 1007, at the home of the bride's father, 49 Alex- ander street, by the Rev. H. Francis Perry, as- sisted by the Rev. P. M. McDonald, Alice Muir, daughter of Major and Mrs. Arthur Coleman, to Mr. Henry J. Scott, son of Mr. Walter Scott, Crawford street, Toronto, and formerly of Wingham. DIED MclvzzL—In Grey, on June !8th, Catharine, daughter of Lauchlin and SarahMMal eil, in her 47th year. POITBR.—In Lucl now, on Jure lith, Eldon John Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, aged 13 months, MODONALD—In Einloss, on June 17th, Rebec- ca McDonald, daughter of Mr. Angus McDon- ald, aged 28 years, 8 months and 17 days, NVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVWVV BIG Reductions e , • IN 3i< 1 1 1 1 hinaw .fl+re 1 Present stock to be cleared out. 3 20% to 30% Off 5? See the stook—compare'baIues-- 9' and there isn't the slightest doubt but that you will buy. TERIMW'CA.SH. Groceries 1 AND Provisions No Meek is more Complete with all that's beat and pure, SPICES—The beat that money can buy. VINEGARS—Onlyy highest test qualities kept in stook. TEAS --'-Unequalled for delicacy of flavor, 1 Henry Christie 1 Grocer and China Merchant MIAMMAMMIKAAAMMAAMA DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,500,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,500,000 Tota! Assets, over 45,000,000 WCNBHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly— end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. WINGHAM. £%c2 eip0MarOdiamolftlealvasm.~Ne~~AMmomfo.10,10~00104161Sel0 • s. I I6 i A place of safety and secur- ity for the accumulations of all who work and save. Deposits of any amount accepted and interest paid. 4 times a iyear at highest current rate. WINUHAI't BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. vee ��eergmel �e THE CANADIAN BAN'�"` r OF ERCE No HolidaysESTt.BLIS11ED 1881 HEAD OTPICE. TORONTO lrl in business. None in our work, As it is we cannot begin to supply the de,uand for our well trained products. Get Into line now and spend the summer in preparing for a good salary. Enter any day. Particulars free. Write, Central Business College, 395 Yong° street, Toronto, W. 13, SHAW, Principal. r W, T. a.7 ra,—�r 5F7 IFI r.7i 1 CENTRAL //41 STRATFORD. ONT. Was established wenty gears ago, and by its thorough Work and honor- able dealings with its patrons hat - become one of the largest and moat widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon us for oommer- Cial teachers and office aaaistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students ate entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & 1c[ACHLAN l3. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A, U. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, 5,000,000 Total Assets, -- 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANI%ING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND, FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED! 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of 51 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the 'withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM BRANCH • A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. tiVW WVWVVVVVVVWWVW MM NYVk A AMA Summer Comfort Is increased by cool foot- _ wear. AND There is no footwear so comfortable ht hot weather ORT _ as CAN'V'AS SHOES And where can ou find such variety' in color shapes and PRINCIPALS. styles and at such reasonable prices,, as at R. JOHN IONr y , VIM SAL, ?ient. clams 100 acre farm, Ore miles front Wingham. All in grana. Get particulate front II. DAVIS, O MI X NT 4 7r CP iJ "i 2 That is, our HAMMOCKS, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, COAL OIL STOVES which have proved to be exceptional good sellers. Another consignment of those famous GOAL OIL STOVES just opened. Large quantity of strictly pure Paris Green and Ohuroh's Bug Finish on hand. See our Sprayers and Bug Exterminators. Agents for Ideal Woven Wire Fencing. I CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM, 111 �uae Cas Sae We offer our large and splendid stock of.. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Rings, Spectacles, Jewelry of all kinds AT PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU FOR' JUNE MONTH ONLY! This is a chance of a lifetime to buy good Jewelry We keep the English Tiffany and Bencher Wedding Rings. WI G. Ptterson 6. T. R. Watch Inspector, WIN6t1? M. VIONIMMIMMOMMOMOMOMMIMOMMISOMMOMMOOMMININIM