HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-12-20, Page 3314A- --eitiEilitiReeleXPZSIT Ite C l'hisZfinistrnas ivizanMstorewhere 1 car 3xiyanique,labutousAlfts 7,JF: fX)R,LEATKERA-W,0101.,' .':'Now-OPerilill 9:pm everybighttilliDec.i23 1 mile south of Myth on Hwy. 4 (519) 523-4595 ME 3or The Ihespixitof “GbristmassisAtilltraustd. Avettimok,youyforyosirmabiettouppect. AOLLANDISHARONINIMON JANDISTAFF 11110111DINGIXIMMEN 440iiNetliqgtoolattC4 lark , 4101 (110,,,,,-.,„,,,m#,444,9rollitkAT-412,04, OPP ,CeI2SeeeetgSee.t,4eesneeeeeeeee eleleeenneseVenn. • i$ S -UAW' '?" • ze„.. GO POR THE -ANKLES - It you -don't like /he -referee's call tackle him 7behind the knees or the tankles. The Canadian Hefei:tint Midget Pro basketball -team was at Seaforth District 'High School eeeeeeeseeeeee-eeeeeseeee,eieeeiee elesseee kNo4s.z. „ 4" .44% - on Thuriday entertaining the crowd with their own brand of basketball. Elliott photo. rary to *how kids Cliristmos The 1990 WINTER RECREATION PRO- GRAMS -will begin the second -week in January. The -program, listings will be as follows: MONDAYS, -Wood Refinishing will be held atethebighschool from 7:30 to 9:30 pan. Thisprogram Willestart en January 8 and will bat 40 -weeks. Registration fee willbe425. Alsoari Ililiandarevenings, • Cmepetttive Vollyballevell eontinuelrom -the Fall. Anybody -still wishing .to join can d o so °for the :final 10 weeks. Registration fee will ,be.417.e0. TUESDAYS - Fitness is Fen will be held .from 9 - 10 -am. -at the arena. This will be a linweek programa, •beginning on January 9. The 'registration fee will be425. AtITOMECHANICS will also :be held on Tuesdays, lroin 7 to 9 pan. at the high school—Jim leloydearillgive.all participants a better ,imderstanding id how your car 'works and iwhat :makes it Tun. The con- tent :of sthe program.will include: :the MOW, -ehAFLT.18:andliltre. train, lubrication, ,.elecbrical 'system, tires and .wheels, fuel and .cooling., -system. This :program will make. you -feel ,more comfortable :driving your ear. Thisewill be a 10 week :program ,and the -registration fee -Will be425. The :program Will begin an January 9, 1990. , `WEDNESDAYS - Fitness is fun :will be held on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9 pan. atthe Community -Centres. This will he a 10 week program ibegenning on January 3.0. .Registration feewill ibee$25. Recreational Volleyball -will .continue -friminthe:lall, -Wednesday evenieg :from 8 to 40 .paaa.:atethethigheschool; This is for -the inononpetitive ',volleyball ;player, -who is eoilking efor an evening sof fun :and lellewrihip. ellegistrationeieeeeeell- 1$17Z0 ieforeileaweeksedregi* lege-el:B=673Tel°, .1990. Cenrit_, 'The same .nameethe sameplayerse but a wholeaew -team. That'sewbat Centenaires fans saw burn- ingagethe -ice during Sunday's :home game versus ?Wellesley. inatheir first borneece win .of theseason - and the first erne in a couple :of years, it's been _said - the Centenaires :downed the Apple Jacks for the second time in two -meetings with a score:of 12-8. "Me liad a little midnight akate after -we got thumped by Wellesley (December :8) and after that ve!ve :been having better . practices, ithe full compliment of ,players," coach Graham 'Nesbitt -commented after Sunday's win. etWe Pupped a big el lead, :then went to isleeplor abiteinethersecond :period fond let it get to48,"411a-ladded. "Me.-ivorked on oue,oalslandoppintSr And evorkitheyedideThe goaltscotine ewe well retread :out, with all �f -the team :ambers epulling --their weight. It was a bannereeight:lor ieeveral :of the jplayers. Ite4gueoleaderrad ',Carter -racked ,up a lmjghtT4001411tsoWith.foursoalsaand tsix . feast*. 7.QottltendersBill-Tremeer vtallked upvhisreecondivin u a --row, and-Jeft1iern- RECREAT1 VIE Iby (Recreationldrector) Marty Bedard THURSDAYS - Adult Basketball also continues -from the :fall, 'Thursday from 7e30 to 9i30 pen. at SDHS. This program will most 415 for 10 weeks starting on January 11. A 'couple of new programs for this 'winter -will be WOOD CARVING and BALLROOM DANCING. They will both be held on -Thursday evenings 'beginning on January 11, 1990. WOOD CARVING will be held at the high school from 7:30 to 930 p.rn. Registration fee will be 450 for 10 weeks, -welch includes all your wood iriateriaLs. 'BALLROOM DANCING will be held at the arena on Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9 pen. beginning January 11, 1990. Registration fee will be 440 for couple and the program will run for nine weeks. The Recreation Department would also likeeo-run a CHILDREN'S GYMNASTICS PROGRAM. Saturday naming is not a good day for our instructors. I would like to bear -from all interested parents to see what:the hest day and time would be for you. Call me at .52741882. For Registration :or information on all programs please call the Recreation Office at .52741882. The Seaforth Branch library. will be :hosting some CHRISTMAS -MANS tomor- row-frum 4 to 5 .pan. This event is open to .all :children from 4. to 12 years of age, and there 'will he no admission fee -charged. The featured films ,will be: "The Christmas Messenger", 'Mickey's burn asp ice, well scored the -winning goal late in the third period, his first in two years of Junior hockey, as well as tallying up three ,assists. Seaforth jumped onto the board in the first five .minutes of the game, .with Rich Roddy scoring a power -play goal assisted by Brian Taylor and Chris Reeves. Tina Moore took the puck from Jeff Gemmell and; Brad Carterione minute later to make the score 2-0, and Paul MeIlwain widened the gap -even further with a ,goal on assists by Reeves and Carter. Down .3-0-atthieipoint, Wellesley got an - )(keyed and "slipped the puck past Bill Tremeer. It was to be -their only goal in the tperiod, and it was :quickly answered by a ahot -from Boddy with assists from Reeves .and .Corter. AVith less -than a 'minute wroathing.in the first ,period, An- dy -Ball .leamed lup 'with Gemmell for -a :power play .igoal, leaving Wellesley four points -behead an:their make. The Apple ...lacks Tstormed back ,onto,the -ice in The aecond ,period and .took cons- -inand,,seoringlwaigoalsswithin.;50 seconds ,Eaul iMellwain, Assisted -by Brian 'Taylor and Darren,Akey, made use -of thepower- +1 Aft TIN kw,ANT PR RAMS 4 ' T. ,v,EURNITAII3E5REFINISRING,wat.fio,belchMondayaveniiips,ftom 700 at.ittelligh Scnuol. Nfeur.instwatermillea,liatv_eY•BetiermanAiepistcation,be„wai be,425J00.jor 10eweelts..ThisAptpgrommill.begin ont.Alloridaysianeary-8, 19.90. ,,,,MiXED.VOMPETITIVENV.OLLEYELAI.LoilliaisobelualcloroMendawaVenismsotthe ecturenstructoewillbeeiettees.Saropaeleggistrationetteewilibe 417,50 tor 1 0,iiveeks. progta rmis 1hetcl,tcom.-00 - 10;00:p,rn Jhagin, themeok of .kiiiuury 8. 1*3i PAUTQYAIRCHANJASAFORMENANDANCIMIEN)Avill,be heid.on Tuggctamitortirigs from 7400,f9,;()P,tpmaittiwItitgitiectiool.Aim,gioycimiligive,youlthetterthichatstari- Ott9tottitowdour:parAtothscandwitaknattes it run. littelzontent-oflt04K9,griAm,will -.4)4.4.10e:IlleietlflinscOltasaiata0didlivitrain,luhrtration,,pleatrinateyetem,Airewid 4010.0.1skiltiOl*ROARAllit)941(00.1.n413,991StRitioNttoodloN#10.00FIMOcAOMseMioll)-e ,t8510.0,400%Pgr9WrOaAP,t9,Ornotiftilktl/R.gincen...41tAllitatY,g9,4A10. ,4M1a(gOARMTIQOAL., .V 0 ; -!..LLAVIIII0.0.3O0OtIEWOCIO.O.00,1011. jrkii&tun, .0001KAMPAIttlittPrOamitAll113101dMilatAckaltdivAlit#18:tfE0Illis800 - 1400pan. • itteRiligkiggigipiv.kauttiottigtorowillghe'TerriAaglil^fthiSoprOgrAlliteMil.Aggin on ilaffititlatit4YAROttarPitqatidnfliatrAtiOnilesidOtItANNAttoolI(111;kaastre510. -,,,,MingtsipIII400#4,Ti#A41014aPAIIPtialktiltSERRIllelailtIktiV19,„0/antatabeld qfPferK1114,MII0-010g040/11170011.490snsaUttleittlighMmoltforiOdwaplathasin- Inigg4aWrif41.42004MarciatIbillotWilhltlatflAgisiPIWAnhatIdAtleifOlPIrglOn 0.0-iltd?0410.I00 .,0,4INIMAPRIiliibeAftidiOrellitaliciaY0140(44,9154Igtm 700 li9k9,0,gatm. 401beitASSINItitlogastrittgAtriMAMItrACONS,,414049/00#49drAlsoWAY0011,guiUe TYRtlithf9144#1041910YA9PAJP010014-AmiltcognikowontwilOsin.prrcr „mit* 0440mary41,Anc!Apotiforfs9Agelssonolorvion400,4100A4044901AerOSPEL 40.1PARVADV/ittqratillfigkethRIOngtAktfifteteAtIlf,99:'10009.110m0.10,400 otibultioN§04914„tor0100-01Apon,m4skyil,Worwon409,449-11.09,0•110.0 .04111011P; kiltfitticiPAYA10/4913PY, tOPAttaqtRilltafgAtAtettighAtok. 4 totippflekto 1449.41-490tecomwohOMPlonipstionowhichophos 4011 ,1911 d, OyO0:C.) Wilitlf14tAITIA04010.4-01.94405440.4(094000 pIns.l woijld Jikeany ifltsted,parpnl OfilL419S1 I " KW. "..e•00 . . tr,Ke •••••••‘ • ' /4.?. ^ "4 Christmas Carol" and "The Great Toy Robbery" SHUFFLEHBOARD 'WINNERS from last week are: Ladies, Hazel McGonigle 445, Doreen Kelly 316 and Olive Papple 106; men, Bert Walter, 272, Sandy Pepper .239 and Lloyd floggarth 317. 'Shuffleboard will be held today from 1:30 to 4 p.m. There will be moShuiffleboard on Wednesday, December 27, 1989, but it will continue on Wednesday, January '3, 1990. There is a LARGE 01JTDOOR ICE RINK at the Arena. This rink is for everyone to enjoy. We -would like the raildren to keep the hockey .sticks and pucks off this ice surface. This is a atine rink only. This weeks FITNESS TIP: Should I eat breakfast if I am dieting? Definitely! A breakfast containing foods from at least three of the four food groups provides the nourishments needed for the body's functions and processes that have slowed down dining sleeping. People who eat breakfast are mme.alert, perform better at work and actually eat less by the end of the day. Research has shown that the calories you save by skip- ping breakfast you'll more .than -make up for by the end of the dm'. Don't miss the SEAFORTII .SEANAWKS New Year's Eve supper and dance, Sun- day, December 31, 1989. Tickets are available at the Seaforth Arena Only. Par - chase yours as soon as possible, as they are goigg last. record win play once again and swept in -a goal at the 17:18 mark. Wellesley replied with two more goals, and Seaforth wasn't -heard flow again until Reeves scored with 7:14 remaining in the second .periodeassistect by Carter and McBwain. The period ended with the score Seaforth 7, Wellesley 5. Seaforth let the visitors score 'the first goal of the third period before Carter teamed up with Gemmell for .a goal al 11:10. The Centenaires allowed Wellesley' two more goals, tying the game at 8-8 before getting flown to business and wrap- ping the game -up. Gemmell, assisted by Carter and Jason Schoonderwoerd, -knock- ed in ebeevinning goal vdth two and.a-half minutes left in the game, and the Centenaires proceeded:to ent a 'bit Of itdrig TmenAo,pagel5A SCO OARD COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGrUE -TEAM -STANDINGS .Heavy Chevy's 41 pts., ,G:T.O's 21 pts., Corvettes 19 pts., Gordobas 17 pts. MEN Ugh ;single, Cor De Corte 307; ewe id. ,ple, Cor De Corte 74; ;high ,average Cor De Corte .241. :LAMS 110 AIWA, CAM' JOhasten 286,tigh •civoi Acoluiston 1687, high .average, Cfrool Johnston 205. PERTH RINORTPIE sTogimis 996 received ,Aars.,Oec. AIM) NOVICE AW1. T APT 5 5 0 0 49 85 .00 4 3 1 0,3L) 6 6 3 3 0 40 ,6 3 2 1 0 9.4 4 2 2 0 23 ,2.2 4 3 1 2 0 15 „19 2 7 0 7 0 46 412 0 ,5:48t9r7trette4th°14horr dY;::: ereverenWre iStrateire eveter. 05 Soaoth t:5 . eite ,'#il • -'•44%.,0 k:,), lyp,„ lee, • 6 4 10 5 ,3 2 I) 6 el ;.5 3 2 0 j,24 7 3.40 6 23 1 6 .2 3 1 „1- ;2 1 .,3 „0 k ,.5 1 j1.6 00 1 V,I5Ali0ON,45b1.0) OBE L OF r oggli 7.4 2 185 0 ,6 4 1 1 6,000 5.4 I 6 13 2 , 742 :12 420 5 1 ,4 1 AS 2 5 0 3 ;2 01 018 2 L.1T 5 es 60;40 44124 „p4 oFfp 49 0 04 16 42 .5 5 • VI,