HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-12-20, Page 31124—`TtIE` E1R?Di1t E9fP FSI1i)'R'D CEMBER' 0, 1'989 t" 431' e 1 lei eiTe rip Warmest greetings and heartfelt thanks to all of our loyal friends. From the Residents and 'Staff NURSING ISE RETIREMENT HOME iennah— Main St. Seaforth 527=2601 ■° r. H v vital Auleitiary0 aft `The 1Chrietmas.meeting of theSeaforth Hospital Avm' tary°was preceded by a Pot Luck Supper. All repot°ts were read and taceepted. A -report was given on the Annual Bazaar field on November '27. It made a profit of 31;200. Susan Dick and Frances Teetero wish to thank all those who helped in anyway and a special thank you to MM. %Mennell for her most +artistic posters. Two new items were introduced to the Bneeer'this year homemade beef pies and Christmas cake. Liason Officer reported three new members in the Junior Volunteer Program—Sandra Dale, Lori Willems and Becky Campbell. Board Member Mrs. Shirley Dinsmore announced that the Seaforth Community Hospital has received its Three Year Ac- creditation. She also thanked all those who were involved in the setting up of the new Gift Shop. Poinsettias were ordered for the Cafeteria and the Patient Lounges. A mo- tion was made to purchase three new pieces of equipment namely Portable Fetal Doptone ata cost of $900, an I.V. Pump in the Delivery Room at a cost of $2500 and a "First Temp" Thermometer for the Bir- • thing Room at a cost of $900. sprtAL AUXILIARY The• -basket of groceries netted• a {refit of $260 and .was won by Hazel 'McNaughton. Profit 'from the Doll -Show display was $220. President Marg Smale has asked that all Annual Reports be prepared and presented at the January meeting. Mystery Prize whiner was Susan Dick. Santa came to the visit the ladies with gifts for all and a special message of cheer. Thanks Santa. Marion Turnball gave a special reading of the "Night Before Christmas" and the story behind the writing of this poem. Margaret Smale thanked all members for their dedication and hard work throughout the past year and wished a Merry Christmas to all. The new executive for 1990 was sworn in by Past President Frances Teatero. It con- sist of: President, Marg Smale; 1st Vice President & Board Member Shirley Dinsmore; Secretary, Geraldine Wilson; Treasurer, Suzanne Dick; Gift Shop bazaar Treasurer, Linda Huard; rLittson Officer for Junior Volunteer Program and Palliative Care and Support Service, Franees Teatero; Gift 'Shap Committee Members, Joan Chesney, 'Marian .feLean, Jean 'Wdbee, Joyce Lee 'Marie uegee, Marg Beuerman, Jean 'MM Pinder, Linda Huard, F.H. Teatero and Shirley Dinsmore (Con- venor); Car Carrier for Infants Pro- gramme,Joan Chesney; Publicity; Pauline Bennett; Lunch Committee, Marg Beuer- man; Ways and Means Committee, Ann Copeland;Dorothy Hays, Marg, Marion Mennell, Suzanne Dick, Joan Chesney, Marg -Smale, plus one; Programme Chairne' a?n Marion Tnrnha1l Treasurer Memorial Fund, Dorothy Hays; Mystery Prize, Marg Beuerman; Recreation Dept. 'Representative, Margaret Marion Mennell; Historian, Jean Pinder; Calling Committee, Marion McLean; Membership, Joyce Lee, Tray Favors, Elsie Dinsmore; Luella Mon- tgomery and Dorothy Scott; Newsletter, Pauline Bennett, Margaret Marion Mennell and Sandra Lee; Nominating Committee, Franees Teatero, Linda Huard, Marg Smale and Pauline Bennett. Newspaper Correspondent, Frances Teatero. Merry Christmas 'and a Happy New Year to all. Sea -forth ,Legion has 145 at Christmas Concert The Legion Annual Christmas concert was held Sunday afternoon with approx- imately 145 children anxious to see Santa Claus. After'. the program Santa handed out a bag of goodies to each of the kids, aseisted by one of his 'elves. Those taking part in the program were: Jennifer De Jong, Tanya and Cheryl' Franken, Karen Dillon on the piano, Janelle Wood danced. Brett, Kent and Mark Moffett sang accompanied by their Grandma Mrs. Travis, Jeff Barry sang. and Vicki and Nicholas Schellenberger also sang as did Carly Price, Trevor Engle and Jason Brugger, Teresa Boniface and Amy Ford, Michelle Cook and Tina Philips, Jenny and Michael Delvecchio, Nicole and Michael De John, Christine' Halfpenny, and Reagan Price. Peg Coombs led the children in singing carols until Santa arriv- ed. Thanks to President Mel for being the chairman and Barbara Scott for ,organizing the concert. Coffee and cookies were serv- ed to the parents while Santa handed each child a bag .of assorted nuts, fruit and can- dy. Thanks to those who helped serve the coffee. As Santa was leaving he said he would be back again next year. Comrade Al Nicholson reported at the LEGION NEWS by Gordon Seott Executive meeting the Early Bird cam- paign ended at just•about the 110 percent level. This figure is not official as yet depending on Commands figure. There will be early bird draws this Thursday at the last meeting for 1989. Also there are a con- siderable number of membership cards in the Branch now so please drop, in and pick yours up and attend the meeting Thursday evening. at 8 pm. Owing to, the storm last month the Zone Comander was not able to make the trip to Seaforth to pay his of- ficial visit, however the Deputy Zone Com- mander Ed Pyette is paying the official_ visit this month - weather permitting. The Lathes Auxiliary is serving a light lunch after the meeting, • The tickets for the New Year's Eve par- ty are just about all gone at time of writing and may be all gone by Wednes- lay at time of printing. So if you still have not got yours better ask right away. Invitations have been sent to the dif- ferent heads of local government in eeeforth and the surrounding townships for the New Year's Day Levee to be held in the auditorium of the Branch. All members of local organizations are cordially invited to attend. Dress is semi -formal. Receiving the guests will be: 1st Vice President Gor- don De Jong, Past President Jim Watson, and President Mel Melanson. The Zone Bowling competition is January 20, in Wingham. Anyone wishing to play. please put your name on the list provided on the bulletin board. Curling is also listed for anyone, interested. Don't forget the stag euchre tonight. The prizes are turkeys. President Mel would like to thank everyone for the cooperation he's had dur- ing this past year and would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Hap- py and Prosperous New Year.. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Bar Roster - December 20, G. Osborne: - December 21, D. McAuley; December 26, B. Barry; December .27, H. Mero: December 28, 'L. Scott. Queen -sway residents view themselves on video Queenswayresidents, gathered in the sun room to .listen to a tape .of the Hensall United church service mn.Monday, .In the afternoon .Cathy .B.urlow and students, and . pianist Joyce ppeejoined.residents.for, choir ..practise...:TJtey_:are ,:.all looking .for- ward to their performance on December 18. Reverend Van Essenled the worship ser- vice Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday Fun and Fitness and games started the day. In the .afternoon the aroma of fresh ,baked shortbread cookieswafted through the halls, when baking club did their Christmas baking. Residents :plan to enjoy the shortbread following the prograrr. Christmas Eve. Thursday morning little people from the Hensall Nursery school visited residents. 'They sang several songs and following their :program shared lots of homemade goodies. Instead of the usual movie Thurs- day residents viewed • the videos, the Christmas programs December 3 and 10. • A very'Special thank you for your � .vralued .pas-tronge. 6'P/nfii eletiam44 • CUSTOM ART Broignero 7:;Main -St. $eaforth QUEENSWAY Everyone thought it was fun seeing themselves on video. St. Peters' Choir of St. Josephs sang for residents on Friday evening. Everyone en- joyed their music. Coming events are: December 20 at 7 p.m. the Legion Program; December $i at 6:30 p.m. Slides of Israel with Reverend Rodgers; and December 24 at 7 p.m. Residents Christmas Eve Program. CRIME STOPPERS 1-840-2651777 On August 12, 1989 a thief made off with approximately $3000. The Exeter Town Police and Crime Stoppers of Huron Coun- ty, are requesting your help in solving this theft. The money was stolen from the Sted- mans Store in Exeter, on August 12, 1989 between 3:30 and 4 p.m. Missing with the money is a red money bag. An elderly man visiting Clinton from the Fort Frances area had $4000 to 35000 in cash stolen from him. Crime Stoppers and the Clinton Police Force are seeking the assistance of the public to help solve this theft. The Fort Prances man had left his car parked in the Catholic Church parking lot from 12 a.m. to 8 a.ui. on September 16, 1988. 'When they returned to the victim's car • they found the back right rear window smashed. The money .had been in a club bag in the back seat. The estimated $4000 to $5000 was in the following denomina- tions:.50s, 20s, .2s and le. The ones and twos are the older type Canadian bills. If you have any information about this or any other crime call CRIME STOP- PERS OF HURON COUNTY toll free at 1400265.1777 or locally at 982-3821. You will .never be asked to identify yourself or testify in court. If your information leads to an .arrest you could earn up to a $1000 cash reward. Call during office hours Mon- day to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. REMEMBER CRIME DOESN'T PAY BUT CRIME STOPPERS DOES!!! Call 527-0240 with news tips. Ilis Iov1 rowi i da To cherished old faajends. and valued, aewlf>;aiends...Ave.woa d like to take:this opportunity,to.,wish Mir ,furends,and patrAns all the joy, °the ho and•the,bappiness of<Christmas. Marthe meaning, ofAbel lacaliday„be's$e per,rits:fritenashipssttcp er.:its hopes, br titer., asrit comes: to youtdiaing4hedgew Wear. His birth is a ,gift ,for rpegple ithe world over. From our smdll ;corner,of 4His ,Idupdum, ire e>#press or longitude find ;good %wishes. Vas." ,.c•°s-.Ii80• f1 ELLF r aaf rth o f h u t ri'i ��Qp2 's.5�72�y0 3 ti Id J,,,Nzszo 1, a a. 40011,443,00 nteIt n., Asihn WAWA, , :13mierrn ny IpJ1 4VY Osborne 4 Hibbar'�t Mutual Fire ,insurance CoJ►,1�,pany r�xgtar, SJntocJ>a NJ 750 (Established in 1876) :JP.roektes,F,u11 Insurance Cau9ru,,go fpr F,ur e J rapertl®s 2N*w sAPPli sptlgis ,A4.0 :1N.p lswrned PIRECTQRS :& .ADJUSTERS ,JAck.Mprrjgun,.R,R, 3 licgn 227-4305 ,lprry•6prdjnor,.R:R, 2 Staffs 345.2478 .41yydJulprrispn,-RA. 1 St. Mixes 229.8277 Iorpe oney,.A,R• 2 Dublin 3451543 ei9.0404eledellill. ltKitktpn 229.4152 Akeph-hpffe,AR. 5 MitchralI 48 47.05 ,RG*(ills 411.sa1494„gort„WppijJ m 229-043 ,Jphn;,hAgpre„ Rybfin4 5l2 ,JAsaphh iniac, itcheII 348R9pt2 441441500•440110 a5 O350 � �IP�rtl�Jr .'aF.APs�[►l�a�{9�,RYr6RRll,4Y a A iltr 1�F1Mrf "i A1t�f,�6,yrte;!$( 9