HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-12-20, Page 9THE canwratAs 'PRESENT
Jimmy felt the dollar .hill In his -pocket.
-le was -Iterating togetrhisfmom &- iad;the
little cute bell he seen shopping with his
mother. ale opened ;the door of` the little
store. He walked up the third aisle. Jhn-
my picked up the little bell -and paid for It.
On the way home he -seen 3fyle.
"Come on over." Kyle invited. Kyle and
Jimmy hada snowball fight before Jimmy
had to go home.
Later at home Jimmy went to his coat
pocket to wrap and put under'the tree. But
when he reached for it, it =was gone.
"Oh, no." Jimmy cried. He new it must
be buried in the snow at Kyle's house. So
he did what he knew he had to do. Jimmy
made his parents a card.
On Christmas morn Jim parents opened
up the box with the picture in it.
"How nice" said his mom and dad.
"It's not as nice as the other present I
got you. The one I bought." jinn said.
"The best is what you make. It takes no
trouble to buy something but to make one
takes work." replied his parents. And they
opened the rest of the presents from Santa.
Shawna Jessome
Grade 6
Seaforth Public School,
Children is the children all across the
world, any race colour or size they are all
a part of Christmas That's why Christmas
is the happiest holiday of the year.
11 you think about it, if there wasn't any
children that believed in Santa and the
Christmas spirit what would be left of
Christmas? We would have presents. is
that all Christmas means to people? . If
people could only think of others before
themselves we would have a happier holi-
day for everyone.
Then the subject of prejidicid people try-
ing to believe that if your're not the same
culture as them or the same colour you
don't belong. All sensible people that the
outside of a person should have no effect
on how the person is treated.
If you believe m Santa, the Christmas
spirit and not being prejidist against others
have very .merry Christmas and
Christmas is the children of all ages:
By- Lisa Gingerich
Seaforth Public School
dile aav in Santas toy shop one of the
lite elves was pamtang a doll face. Then
n•. neard MrS. Claus walk in. She was
very very sad. One of the elves put down
a toy ana asked her what was wrong. Mrs.
Liao.; told them that tonight was Christmas
nao and Santa was sick in bed with the
a,.. The elves put down the toys and began
i, • turn.. Then Mrs, Clause told them to
gr t pads to work because she must get
read The elfs did not know what she
mean, so they weht back to work. Then
they heard the reindeer being let out of the
stau., After they put all the toys in the big
orown sack, Then they had a rest. The
do, Durst open and in walked Mrs. Claus
wearing Santas snow suit, Mrs. Clause ask -
e,1 to- the big brown sack. The elves
started to laugh when Mrs. Claus grabbed
the sacs and walked out side She was off.
Atte^ 10 hours Mr. Cetus came back with
no presents. By that time Santa was bet-
ter Tney had milk and cookies and had a
ver•. merry Christmas. So did all the
children around the world.
The End
Eve Nagel
Gr. 5
St. James School
tali 1.1Msx
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'Now and Ulm ahout the year.
we wisn you 36 days o Yuletide cheer!
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When it was Christmas Eve Santa's one
reindeer was gone and he couldn't go
because it was Rudolph. And because his
nose shone so bright. When he went to get
hi 'sleigh in the garage there was
Sarah Murray
Gr. 1
St. Columban School
Once upon a tune in the north pole there
lived a man called Santa Claus., lie was
very tired and a bear came and oke San-
ta with a bell "Get up, get up " So Santa
had to get • up. The bear packed up his
sack and put all of has toys ui it, And then
Santa went out and hooked his reindeer up.
Just as he got going the reindeers got
unhitched and Santa fell to the ground.
Then Santa had a plan. He tied on all the
jets and planes boys wanted. The did just
what Santa wanted them to do. They went
straight up and Santa's sleigh tipped over
Santa was hurt. All the toys tried to pull
him up and they .did. -And .suddenly two
angels came and took -him back to a house
-and then Santa went down the chimney.
Santa sure had a hard day'
Tracy Van Bakel
Grade 3
Once upon a time there were three girls.
Their names were Becky, Jeanette and
Amanda. They were walking and they saw
a bear. "AAA" they screamed "A bear"
How would you like to corns my party
"YEs". And they became friends and he
invited them to his place.
Jeanette Crowley
Gr. 2
St. Columban School
I was the might before Christmas and
all through the town
It was my little street everyone looked
For at the end there stood a man,
With a big black bag in his hand.
He had on a red suit ana a belt of black
And whenever he laughed Ins belly
would roll.
He walked past his sleigh and • the
remdeer tot,
Is this St. Nick. I ask .this of you.
He .walked ti, my house and to my
He called me by name as I looked in his
For then and there I knew it was he
• And with a "Hu, ,ho, ho" he walked to
the tree
He opened his bag and pulled out a
dolly. •
"To Pauli"
I could not believe it, it was for me.
And my eyes shone as bright as the
lights on the tree.
When I looked back, he cou.
What a wonderful m •
St. P
the gladness and the glory
of this holy season, we'd like
to express our deepest feelings
of friendship and goodwill
to all of you.
1st Row: Dorotttea'W Iham6on; Marle Kelly, Deb -11111, Diane Anderson, Ruth Nolan, Cathy Scott, Sue Bain, Ellie Schoonderwoerd. 2nd
Row: •Brenda Dalton 1aryOatherine Lane,,lannette;Stoll, Bev Eisler, Trudy MacDonald, Nel Boven, Yenny Dimalioe, Ruth Hildebrand
3rd Row; Mary.Anne•.McNlchol,Betty Huisser,..Mary Scott, Rose,Mason, Marie 8lake,.Setty Bennett. Veronica Vincent. 4th Row. Linda
Morrison, JoAnpe-13yan,,Laura -Barber. Lynn Coombs, Pat Birbeck, ,Sharon Wood, Rita ,Moylan. Cathy Broome, Ivy Broadfoot. Back
Row; Mary Nesbit; Mary-FotherlrlBham,Dlana.Ward, Cheryle Oampbell,Missingr GloSia.Reeves, Diane McLeod, Sharon McGrath, Jody
Maloney,Deb Datema, Marie Vander,veen, Debbie haframboise„Brenda Hodge,. Pat.Reid, Clare Duoharme, Leanne Van Dyk, Ruth Camp-
bell,: MildredMcAah, Dawn Alley, .Sally Lowey, Deb_,lamleson, Joanne F.Ianagan,..,Merianne.Moylan, Tracy Salverda, Joanne Van Loon.
Bill Flanagan.
9 9
.We rernernber ieuerythit g -G-hri:stmas -has -meant to us over the years,
and ..hope -;that you find the. joy •teat this season -brings.
r 1iur•rnany > hanks <1 o hAnd,all.
t'Mar eger,;aiructor
A7 •t1lghtSt.
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