HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-12-13, Page 19BECKY GRAY DECEMBER 13 THURSDAY - SATURDAY MATINEE SAT. 3.6 Get Into The Christmas Spirit With Love Mom, Art, Brian, Terry (Formerly Radio) ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS! COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH 527-0980 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE CountryGotd Rock en' Roli nurs. - Fri. - Sat. 'TOTAL STRANGER o 2 P.M. Arm Wrestling Competition Organized by Canadian Amateur Champion - Terry Dorsser Weigh -Ins - NOON TO 1:30 P.M. Trophies and Cash Prizes Call For info - 527-0820 01600 POLKAS, WALTZES. NEW LAZER DISC MUSIC. GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES. ANNNERBARIES. PARTIES, ETC re era. experience Mie mileage crime BRUSSELS - 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS WHO IS THIS GUY? - Two-year-old Matthew Bolton was a lit- reported his mom, Valerie Bolton. Matthew did end up agree- ' le dubious of Santa, to say the least, during his visit to the ing to a quick picture with Santa and a candy cane, Elliott Co -Op on Saturday. "We've been talking about this tor days," photo. Lavish Presidents Buffet. Live entertainment and dancing. Overnight accommodation. ONLY $139.00 per couple, taxes extra. Dinner, entertainment & dance $80.00 per couple, taxes extra. Call now for reservations: The Victorian Inn, 10 Romeo St. N., Stratford Ont., (519) 271-4650 Fax (519) 271-2030. HAPPY 21st Nellie Blake Manor residents have full agenda Seasons Greetings from everyone at the Manor! The month of December is here already and what a busy month it is! Several of the Seaforth Manor residents braved the cold on Friday night as they watched the Christmas parade. Everyone enjoyed sipp- ing hot chocolate while viewing such love- ly floats and groups. Special thanks to Bill McLaughlin for allowing us to sit inside his dealership and to volunteers Dorothy Peo- ple, Viola Lawson and Yenny Dimaline. Residents stacked up their heels Saturday afternoon as they were treated to the "Eastsiders", a group of entertainers from London. Maxine Elliot did a. wonderful job as she picked up a microphone and sang Love from Mom and Dad, Kathy, Dan and Doug along with the group. Thanks again to Viola Lawson and Doreen Kelly for their help. On Monday afternoon the monthly residents council meeting was held. It was great to have a few family members par- ticipate in the meeting. On Tuesday bright and chipper Grade 5/6 students visited with some of the residents. The true meaning of team work was found as the youngsters and the young at heart decorated the last two trees together. Both look lovely! In the afternoon residents eagerly greeted Marion Rose for a Christmas Sing- e Long. The Seaforth Beavers held their meeting at the manor on Tuesday night. Everyone got quite a charge out of their "Beaver Clapping". A Mexican pinata was filled with Christmas candy as residents cheered the young boys efforts to "spill" the can- dy. They look forward to seeing them again soon! The weekly church service was led by Rev. Sadlier of Bethel Bible Church. This was the second advent service and Frank Smale lit the candle. As a special treat resident soloist, Ila Gardner sang Holy Night while accompanied by Ruth Sadlier, wife of the minister. Special thanks to Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. McGonigle for the lovely Christmas treats and for sharing their inspirational readings with residents. After church, a group of 10 gathered to make the "Christmas Sun Seeker". Guid- ed by Phyllis Mitchell everyone made a beautiful window ornament. Thursday morning residents buckled down and did some exercises. Thank you Marg Smale and Edith Salo for each before Christmas reading a Christmas poem. Residents held a euchre in the afternoon with the ever so faithful volunteer ladies. A lovely snack tray was provided by Hazel McGonigle and Eva McCartney, brought in me prizes. Big winners Included: Mens High - Alvin Dodds; Ladies High - Jenny Hildebrand; Lone Hands - Frank Smale; Ladies Low - Gertie Taylor and Mens Low - Bert Deichert. Thanks to all!! Everyone at the Manor extends best wishes to Ann Benninger as she moved back to Maplewood Manor and to Alice Boyes who is presently in the hospital. Also, a warm welcome is• extended to new resident, Margaret Dunbar. RAFFLE RESUTS: WINNERS! 1st Food Basket: Marianna Ryan. 2nd Baby Quilt: Rachel Riehl. 3rd Cashmere Scarf: Mar- jorie Ryan (resident). Prizes were picked up at Hildebrand Flowers. Congratulations to top salesman Pat Ryan and to second top salesman Frank Smale. Thanks again to everyone for all their help. Coming Events are: Dec ier 13, ' p.m. - Step Dancers Visit; December 14, 10 a.m. - Making Gingerbread Houses; 2 p.m. • Making Christmas Pudding; December 15, 2 pm. - Santa Bingo; December 16. 2 p.m. - Sing -a -long with Gladys Van Eg- mont! and Elgin Nott; and December 19, 7 p.m. - Harmony Kings Carolling. Come Over For .A Festive Visit. BIRTHS Don't Get Stuck In For The Holidays! Come visit the Albion Hotel in Bayfield from casual country dining to our Pub Grub and Fine Imported Drafts -o"--T71t1 Eat, drink and laugh out the Old Year while dancing in the New. This M the NEW YEAR'S PARTY that everyone talks about all year long. MEET THE BUS AT THE TOWN HALL AND JOIN YOUR FRIENDS AT THE RED MAPLE INN. Cocktails from 6:30 - 7:30 followed by a buffet befitting the former OF- FICER'S MESS. Start with Shrimp cocktail served al your table and then enjoy your favorite salads Irom our salad bar, your main course will be your choice of LEG OF LAMB, PRIME RIB OF BEEF, GLAZ- ED HAM, CORNISH HEN, RABBIT OR FISH. THERE WILL BE CASSEROLES, VEGETABLES AND POTATOES ALL FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE. Then lake a stroll up to the dessert table for your choice. Top this all all wilhldah coffee or your favorite liqueur. Inciden- tally, wine will be served at your table during dinner. MUSIC BY: "WHISKY JACK MUSIC CO." 9:30 ,p.m. -2:00 a.m. COLOIBUFFET .from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. PRICES START AT 90. per couple ( —ALL INCLUSIVE— At 2:00 a.m. the bus will take you to the front door of your home.. BUS PICK UP: Goderlch'6:00 p.m.; Exeter 6:00 p.m.; Seaforth 6:20 p.m.; Clinton 6:20 p.m. aad Vaa4 1t/allet at kisge.. RESERVATIONS ONLY BY CALLING 482-9675 Fully Licensed Under LLBO PEOPLE ARE BUBBLING OVER OUR "NEW YEARS PARTY" Start Your New Year Right at the Albion Hotel In 'Bayfield 1' Enjoy a 5 course dinner, then dance the night away to .the sounds of the Pete Brennan jazz Band. DUCHARME - Traci is pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of her new sister, Lisa Dawn, born on Friday, November 17, 1989 at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Thrilled parents are Joyce and Darwin Ducharme of Brussels. Proud grandparents are Donna and Bob Broadfoot of Brucefield and great grandparents are John and Mar- jorie Broadfoot of Brucefield and Eva Hor- ton of Goderich: MALCOLM - Glenn and Barbara Malcolm of 12 Lynview Rise, Calgary, Alberta, wish to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Britany Anne Margaret, born on December 4, 1989. Grandparents are Margaret Ring of Halifax, Nova Scotia and Peter and Annie Malcolm of Seaforth. MURRAY - Dennis and Debbie are happy to announce the birth of their fourth son, "Nicholas Patrick", on November 24, 1989 at the Seaforth Community Hospital. Nicholas weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs, and is welcomed home by his brothers, Michael, Curtis and Kevin. Proud grandparents are Don and Joyce McClure and Martin and Terry Murray. RYAN - Gerard and Christine announce the safe arrival of their first child, a daughter. Andrea Elizabeth Anne was born in Stratford on Friday, December 1, 1989 and weighed 7 lbs., 2 ozs. Proud grand- parents are Jack Ryan and Bob and Shirley Dinsmore. Great grandparents are Mary Ryan, Elsie Dinsmore and Peter and . Evelyn Tovenati. FRI. - THURS. DEC. 15 = 21 FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 p.m. For More Details and 4R;eserVatinns w eltnne,::Kirrl Ar,,tHarry isusa 13,IFT 1SRTIFIPAT S AVAIL'ABL EAT'THE 'BOXOFFIOE fIET '1 ouRs NOW! -DIST 11 OPAL). 14OO 265.3g38•FOR'TOLL FREE ;M.OVIEINF $ .-r- J. ,414,SEAFORTH Celebrate the Magic of the 90's SEAHAWKS NEW YEAR'S EVE 111111111111101111111111 Dance 1'1SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 Seaforth & District Community Centres BUFFET DINNER 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. DANCING 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. $40.00 per person in- cludes buffet, dancing & refreehments.Tickets available from Seaforth Arena On- Iy.Age of Majority Only. Absolutely No. Minors. Bus service available for more In- formation call Kevin Varley 527-1876 along with the group. Thanks again to Viola Lawson and Doreen Kelly for their help. On Monday afternoon the monthly residents council meeting was held. It was great to have a few family members par- ticipate in the meeting. On Tuesday bright and chipper Grade 5/6 students visited with some of the residents. The true meaning of team work was found as the youngsters and the young at heart decorated the last two trees together. Both look lovely! In the afternoon residents eagerly greeted Marion Rose for a Christmas Sing- e Long. The Seaforth Beavers held their meeting at the manor on Tuesday night. Everyone got quite a charge out of their "Beaver Clapping". A Mexican pinata was filled with Christmas candy as residents cheered the young boys efforts to "spill" the can- dy. They look forward to seeing them again soon! The weekly church service was led by Rev. Sadlier of Bethel Bible Church. This was the second advent service and Frank Smale lit the candle. As a special treat resident soloist, Ila Gardner sang Holy Night while accompanied by Ruth Sadlier, wife of the minister. Special thanks to Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. McGonigle for the lovely Christmas treats and for sharing their inspirational readings with residents. After church, a group of 10 gathered to make the "Christmas Sun Seeker". Guid- ed by Phyllis Mitchell everyone made a beautiful window ornament. Thursday morning residents buckled down and did some exercises. Thank you Marg Smale and Edith Salo for each before Christmas reading a Christmas poem. Residents held a euchre in the afternoon with the ever so faithful volunteer ladies. A lovely snack tray was provided by Hazel McGonigle and Eva McCartney, brought in me prizes. Big winners Included: Mens High - Alvin Dodds; Ladies High - Jenny Hildebrand; Lone Hands - Frank Smale; Ladies Low - Gertie Taylor and Mens Low - Bert Deichert. Thanks to all!! Everyone at the Manor extends best wishes to Ann Benninger as she moved back to Maplewood Manor and to Alice Boyes who is presently in the hospital. Also, a warm welcome is• extended to new resident, Margaret Dunbar. RAFFLE RESUTS: WINNERS! 1st Food Basket: Marianna Ryan. 2nd Baby Quilt: Rachel Riehl. 3rd Cashmere Scarf: Mar- jorie Ryan (resident). Prizes were picked up at Hildebrand Flowers. Congratulations to top salesman Pat Ryan and to second top salesman Frank Smale. Thanks again to everyone for all their help. Coming Events are: Dec ier 13, ' p.m. - Step Dancers Visit; December 14, 10 a.m. - Making Gingerbread Houses; 2 p.m. • Making Christmas Pudding; December 15, 2 pm. - Santa Bingo; December 16. 2 p.m. - Sing -a -long with Gladys Van Eg- mont! and Elgin Nott; and December 19, 7 p.m. - Harmony Kings Carolling. Come Over For .A Festive Visit. BIRTHS Don't Get Stuck In For The Holidays! Come visit the Albion Hotel in Bayfield from casual country dining to our Pub Grub and Fine Imported Drafts -o"--T71t1 Eat, drink and laugh out the Old Year while dancing in the New. This M the NEW YEAR'S PARTY that everyone talks about all year long. MEET THE BUS AT THE TOWN HALL AND JOIN YOUR FRIENDS AT THE RED MAPLE INN. Cocktails from 6:30 - 7:30 followed by a buffet befitting the former OF- FICER'S MESS. Start with Shrimp cocktail served al your table and then enjoy your favorite salads Irom our salad bar, your main course will be your choice of LEG OF LAMB, PRIME RIB OF BEEF, GLAZ- ED HAM, CORNISH HEN, RABBIT OR FISH. THERE WILL BE CASSEROLES, VEGETABLES AND POTATOES ALL FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE. Then lake a stroll up to the dessert table for your choice. Top this all all wilhldah coffee or your favorite liqueur. Inciden- tally, wine will be served at your table during dinner. MUSIC BY: "WHISKY JACK MUSIC CO." 9:30 ,p.m. -2:00 a.m. COLOIBUFFET .from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. PRICES START AT 90. per couple ( —ALL INCLUSIVE— At 2:00 a.m. the bus will take you to the front door of your home.. BUS PICK UP: Goderlch'6:00 p.m.; Exeter 6:00 p.m.; Seaforth 6:20 p.m.; Clinton 6:20 p.m. aad Vaa4 1t/allet at kisge.. RESERVATIONS ONLY BY CALLING 482-9675 Fully Licensed Under LLBO PEOPLE ARE BUBBLING OVER OUR "NEW YEARS PARTY" Start Your New Year Right at the Albion Hotel In 'Bayfield 1' Enjoy a 5 course dinner, then dance the night away to .the sounds of the Pete Brennan jazz Band. DUCHARME - Traci is pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of her new sister, Lisa Dawn, born on Friday, November 17, 1989 at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Thrilled parents are Joyce and Darwin Ducharme of Brussels. Proud grandparents are Donna and Bob Broadfoot of Brucefield and great grandparents are John and Mar- jorie Broadfoot of Brucefield and Eva Hor- ton of Goderich: MALCOLM - Glenn and Barbara Malcolm of 12 Lynview Rise, Calgary, Alberta, wish to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Britany Anne Margaret, born on December 4, 1989. Grandparents are Margaret Ring of Halifax, Nova Scotia and Peter and Annie Malcolm of Seaforth. MURRAY - Dennis and Debbie are happy to announce the birth of their fourth son, "Nicholas Patrick", on November 24, 1989 at the Seaforth Community Hospital. Nicholas weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs, and is welcomed home by his brothers, Michael, Curtis and Kevin. Proud grandparents are Don and Joyce McClure and Martin and Terry Murray. RYAN - Gerard and Christine announce the safe arrival of their first child, a daughter. Andrea Elizabeth Anne was born in Stratford on Friday, December 1, 1989 and weighed 7 lbs., 2 ozs. Proud grand- parents are Jack Ryan and Bob and Shirley Dinsmore. Great grandparents are Mary Ryan, Elsie Dinsmore and Peter and . Evelyn Tovenati. FRI. - THURS. DEC. 15 = 21 FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 p.m. For More Details and 4R;eserVatinns w eltnne,::Kirrl Ar,,tHarry isusa 13,IFT 1SRTIFIPAT S AVAIL'ABL EAT'THE 'BOXOFFIOE fIET '1 ouRs NOW! -DIST 11 OPAL). 14OO 265.3g38•FOR'TOLL FREE ;M.OVIEINF $