HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-27, Page 44 THE WINGED! TIMES. JUNE 271 19O7 BIST.ABLIS81¢D 1872 THE IYINGIIAM TIMES. $• B.11t,LIOTT. PU LISNIt3 ARO PRO1 RIETOP THURiD&Y. JUNE 27, t907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. 1•orth Perth Liberals have nominated Dr. J. P. Rankin, of Stratford, for the Oornmous, and Mr. Wellington Hay, of Lbitowel, fair the Legislature. Both are able men and we would like very mach to see them agaip place North Perth in the Liberal column. Oar old friend, Mr. Hay, hue served as Mayor and Councillor of Listowel and is popular With the people. He should make a strong candidate and has one very best wishes for success. The people of Canada are fortunate in having a Minister of justice who possesses the chaeacteriatios of Hon. Mr. Aylesworth. A man of rare attainments, unsullied honor and spotless reputation, he will never peimtt wrong doing, neither will he allow the slightest in- fringment noon provincial rights. He declines to meet slander by tritiu ue argument, and will not daoend to person- al abuse. The oftener Mr. Aylesworth is heard in public the stronger will he become with the people. Huron County Liberals take kindly to editors—they having now no less than three of them in nomination for parl- iamentary honors. Mr, M. Y. McLean, of the Seatorth Expositor, is the latest nominee, he having been ohosen for the House of Commons by South Huron Liberals on Friday. Mr. McLean rep- resented that riding in the Legislature with credit for several years, and with a united party behind him he should have a nsefnioareer in the House of Commons, The other editor candidates are Mr. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, for the House of Commons for' West Huron, and Me. W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post, for the Legislature in East Huron. May each and all of them bo successful, for they are not only good editors, bat good men.—Stratford Beacon. The papers throughout the Daminion, these unfrteadty to the preeeut admin. tration, can find nothing to say in the faoe of the trade returns, particularly the census showing the increase in manufacturing industries. It has been stated by the Opposition press that un- der the fiscal policy of the present Government manufacturing industries would languish, and there would be each a general disturbance of commer- cial relations as would result in untold lose to the people of Canada, and great embirrasemeat in the commercial word. Nothing of the kind moored. So far back as 1895, Sir Wilfrid Laurier 99td at b ith Bet arrest and Toronto that in dealing with fiscal matters, methods would b3 adapted so as to cause little or no embarrassment to any business inter• est, and in thio respect confidence has been kept and pledges filled is the spirit and the Letter. KEEP THE CHILDREN WELL CRUEL BACKACHES The Trouble Usually Due to Poor Blood --Dr, Williams Pink Pills the Cure. There is a common notion that back- aohe is a sign of kidney dieease,`but this ie absolutely wrong. Not one backache is a thousand has anything to do with the kidneys. Hundreds of people die of kidney disease who never had a back- ache—and hundreds who suffer Contin• naily from baokaohe have nothing wrong with their kidneys. By far the most common cause ot baokaohe is muscular rheumatism. Nearly all the rest of the backachesr a e due to weakness and•poor, watery blood, or in the case of growing girls and women, to those secret ailments that make the lives of so many of that sex miserable. Don't let a backache frighten you iuto the belief that yon have kidney trouble, What is really needed to cure the average baokaolua ie a tonin, blood -building medicine, and Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills are the ,greatest blood making medicine medipel science bas yet discovered. Every Bose actually makes new, rioh red ;'bloa, thus curing enoh common ailm n as anaemia, headache, backache, ne palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and the ailments of girlhood and womanhood. Mrs. W. Gee, Strathoona, Atla., Bays:—"I was a great sufferer from anaemia, I was coin. pietely ran down and was tortured with headaches and backaches tend dizzy spells. I doctored for a long time but was no better than when I began. Then I began to take Dr. Williams Pink Pills and they completely restored my health." Get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. Stomach and bowel troubles kill thousands of little ones every year dur- ing the hot weather months, Diarrhoea, dyeentry and choleras i. autum often come without warning : nd if prompt, aid is not at hand the hild may be be- yond help in a few h. • re. If you want to keep your ohildre . hesithy, rosy and full of life dada be hot weather give them an oocaeional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine prevents i Iness by cleansing the stomach and bowels, and cares summer complaints when they come unexpectedly. Every mother should keep these Tablets in the home at all times. Mrs Robt. Carrie, Loring, Oat., says:—"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for stomach and bowel troubles." Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHURCH NOTES. Two former pastors of the Wingham Baptist church, both of whom were or. dained while pastors of the church here, have received and accepted calls as pas- tors of city churches. Rev. J. N. Mc- Lean, B.A., who has been residing in Rochester, N.Y., since leaving Wing - ham, will succeed Rev. Christopher Burnett as pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church at Winnipeg. Rev. E. R. Fitch, B.A., B.Th , who left Wing - /von a few months ago, will follow Rev. J. F Dingman as pastor of the Kenil- worth Avenue Baptist Church in To- ronto. Kenilworth Avenue church is situated in one of the growing dis- tricts of Toronto. The TIMES wishes these two former Wingham pastors every success m their new charges. Next Sunday is the last Sanday of the present Methodist year. The pastor's subjects will be appropriate to the occas- ion. 11. a.m., "The blessed life and the silent Gad." 7 n m., "What shall the harvest be 2 or Ode year's work in a Wingham pulpit " This will be Mr. Haweon's last Sunday here until the month of August. Everybody welcome. My Ran Away - 1 Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6 —all day. Glasses properly fitted. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer tor the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel on Thursday, Jane 13th and Thn-eday, July 11th. Hours, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned L� §ers agree to elm our offices during the myths of July and Aug- ust as follows :—On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at 4 P M. DICKINSON tt HOLMES, R. VANSTO NE, T. A. MORTON. Notice To Drain Contractors. Tenders will he received the Municipal Council of the Township of, urnberry at the Clerk's office, Binevale, up to 12 o'clock, noon ot the 15th day of Juiv next, for the supplying of material and constdrpdtton of a drain mostly tile, partly open on 1 s ,, 8 and 9 in the eighth concession and lots 7 and 8 in the ninth con- cession of the Township of Turnberry. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Lettersc .ntaining tenders to be plain- ly marked on outside `Tender for drain." Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office. Binevale. r)luevale, June 25th, 1907. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. WANTED -4 TEACHER 1 For U. S. S. No. 7, rurnberry and East Wawanosh. Second Claes, to take charge of School on Monday, August 10th. Salary *400.00 per annum. Personal k pplication preferred. App ications received u' till the eecond of July, 1907, by GAVIN ' 9ILSON. Secretary, $ox 22, Wingham. il TENDERS W NTED FOR CEMENT `WORK. Sealed tenders will be t sceived by the under• signed up to Tuesday, Jr, '2od, for the build- ing of a concrete wall, 1ot thick, 8 ft. high under school of i, 8,©estW vsnosh . Building is about e0x. et. Work to be completed before 10th o August. Lowest or any tender not necessar ly accepted. P. GIBBONS, Secy, Marnoch P. 0 AUCTI SALE VALUABLE FAPROPERTY In the Township of Kinloss in the County f Bruce. Pursuant to the pow r of sale contained in a certain mortgage whit will be produced at the time of sale, there 11 be offered for sale by Public Auction at t e Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingh m, in the County of Huron, on Saturday, t e 29th'day of Jane, A. D., 1907, at two o'cloo: in the afternoon, the following valuable p operty, namely:—The north halves of lots on and two in the first concession of the Tow ship of Sinless in the County of Bruce, Cont ining 100 acres more or less- Thfspropertpiseon eniontlpsituated, aboat 21' miles from the go of Whitechurch, and 1'{ miles from a echoo There are on the pre ises a frame house 20x 28 with kitchen 12x28 and woodshed attached, a frame barn with `grout foundation and stables 80x50, a good ig pen, sheep pen and driving house. There is about 85 aces of growing crop, of which 5 aces is fall wheat and the balance oats, peas, barley and, buckwheat, The build- ings nre in good rep and the property is well fenced and well atered. Possession can be h d on completion of the sale and the purchas r will be entitled to the crcp This i3 an excellen opportunity for any on e desirous of comma Ging farming on small capital. Teems or SALE:— en per cent. on the day of sale and the bola ce within 130 da es there- after. Arrangome is can be made; however, to leave a portion o the purchase money in mortgage at reason ble interest. Further particula s and conditions of sale will be made know on day of sale or may be had on application t the undersigned. Dated at Wingha this 11th day of June, 1907. R. VA ski ONE, Vendor's Solicitor. AUCTIPN SALE OF VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the Villagei\of Whiteohnroh. Pursuant to the pow r of sale contnined in a certain registered mor gage which will be pro- duced at the time of sa e, there will bo offered for sale by Public Aur. • on at the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of ingham, in the County of Huron, on Saturday. the 29th day of June instant, at one o'cloca n the afternoon, the following valuable Hote property, namely:— That part of Lot 20 int a 14th Concession o' the Township bf East W wanosh, in the Coun- ty of Huron, described a follows: Commenc- ing 22 rods in a westerly direction along the boundary line from the taorth•east corner of said lot, thence westerly long skid boundary line fire rods, thence lout ierly at right angles to said boundary line eig t rods, thence easter- ly parallel to said boundary line five rods, thence northerly at right angles to said boun- dary line eight rods to the place of beginning. On this property is situated a well equipped frame hotel 80x40 feet with kitchen attached 10x18 feet and a good frame barn 80x50 feet with shed attached. 9.lie buildings are in a good state of repair. i. The property is situated in the Village of Whitechurch on the gravid road about midway between the Town of Wiigham and the Vil- lage of Lucknow. r cent. of the pur- TERMS OF SALE: Ten (. f,L_ 1`�, ti chase money on the day oJsale and the balance in 20 days thereafter. 'lie property will be sold subject to a reserve ld. Farther terms BALED TENDERS addressed to the ,ander- kJ signed, and endorsed. "Tender for Walker- ton Armoury, ' will be received at �his office until Friday. July 12th, 1907, inclutiively, for the construction of an armoury tt"' Walkerton, Ont , according to plans and specifications to be seen on application to thefaretaker of the post office at 'Walkerton, and at the Depart- ment of Public Works, Ott •lea Tenders will not be ggon�stdered unless made on the printed form s pilled, and signed with the actual signatures bbff tenderers. An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent r of the amounof r 1 must an t e t O.r), us accompany each tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the person tendering decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender. The Department does not bind itself to ac- 'cept the lowest or any tender. By Order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, June 22, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for this adverti- sement if they insert it without authority from the Department. Stook r.tve Markets Toronto, Jane 25—The run at the City Cattle Market today was 52 loads, with 600 head of cattle. 738 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, and 276 calves. The warm weather has evidently hit the market very bad. for business today was ex• tremely dull. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 $6 00 Medium 5 25 550 Bulls 4 25 4 75 Light 3 76 400 C 4 25 4 60 Owe Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- . 4 70 4 25 " bulls 300 Butchers'— Picked 5 00 Choice 4 60 Medium.... 3 75 { Cows........ 400 Bulls 4 00 Hogs -- Best Lights Sheep— Export ewes Bucks,.,. Calla wards Hair Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean _ thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! - You can'easilydo it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Tits beat kind of a testinlontal— "gold for ower sixty ears." -asae , Xess .; i=t a tore. P EARSAAIMA. Ayer; nowt. Iel1 ii Stockers choice ........ 6 75 6 60 5 00 400 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 300 Calves. each ...... 300 4 85 4 36 3 50 5 60 480 4 00 4 25 4 25 5 25 4 60 3 50 600 10 00 ivietoHA%MARKT REPORTS Wingham, June 2Gth,1907 Flour per 1001bs.. , .. 2 25 to 2 80 Fall Wheat .............. 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, 0 42 to 0 42 Barley .... 0 45 to 050 Peas 0 75 to 0 75 Butter 0 18 to 0 18 016 to 016 Eggs per dos Wood per cord ...........250 to 800 , Hay , per ton 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, perbtuihel new.. 0 60 to 0 60 1 Tallow per 1b 0 51 to 0 06 8 Lard ... 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb f� to 0 07 Lire Hogs, per orwt 660 to 660 and conditions will be mace known on the day of sale or may be had or application to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at'Wingham thi) llth day of June A.D., 1907. R. VANSTONE Vendor's Solicitor. inavmin;r,kuasa/ SINGLE ARE FOR DOMINION DAY Between all stations ou the Grand Trank Railway System in Canada. Tickets good going Jane 28, 29, 30 and Jaly lst, 1907, valid returning from destination on or before Tues- day Jaly 2nd, 1007. For full information as to rates and tickets, call on L. HAROLD, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDONA.DD, D. P. A., Toronto. HOMESEEKERS' SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA DATESExcursions leave Toronto Tuesday% Juno 4, 18; July 2,te,30;August 13, '27; Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. RATES Are the Wranintninipgesgafmte from 2ll0oirntssdOntaritoooom5421.3 .30 roundtnrip-ttop Ed- monton. Tickets to all points in the North-west. TOURIST SLEEPERS A hunted number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, ete. smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. 11 iswirremtrititmostomonorsismvarammotaawassirotwamums THE " BIG STORE," WINGHAM, ONT. Men's 2 -Piece Seg KERR JNO. D. Made to order from beautiful light Homespnns, Tweeds, etc., at $10 00, $12,00 and $14,00. These are made in any style you wish, and made to suit. SHIRTS AND COLLARS. We handle thea famous W.G. & R. r brand. These goods are found in the best Men's Furnishing stores in every .• , NARK city and town in the• Dominion of Canada, And fur Wingham you will find an excellent assortment at our store. COLLARS -15c each, or 2 for 25c. 20c each, .or 3 for 50e. Collars in } sizes. SHIRTS — $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $1,75 and $2.25 each. We can also give you cheaper Shirts. UNDERWEAR—We handle the best Underwear made in America. SUMMER HATS — In Straw, Panama, Linen, etc., in the latest styles. flAXWELL & HILL COLONIST SLEEPERS Int extra for" berths a supplying their own bedding, will be used as gist as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Rates and full Information contained In free Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. agent for a co, y, or wilts to C. 9. FOSTER, District Pits. £(t., C.P.R., Tweets P'ofr tieketit end full intorntetion frte ,i. B Deemer, Ageat at Wingham. Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. VVYVVVVVYVVVyyyyeyYVvrnlV yyyyyyyYVVVYYYYVVVVVYVVYVe AN ORDER FOR 4 P I. 0 0 4 ' 1oo t s-4 4 i.4 to4 ii.4 Williams Scalo [Now .4 ► 44 • • ► Pianos. 4 ► ► 4 is The largest retail order for Pianos ever placed in Canada is given to j s The R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Limited, Toronto's largest Music Dealers, 3 * by Love Bros., Contractors, to be planed in one hundred new completely' 4 4 ► furnished homes. A Copy of the big order: — OFFICE AND PLANING MILL ► 111. 0. 110. ► PHONE MAIN 3609 LOVE BROTHERS, LIMITED, BUILDERS AND DEALERS IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. TORONTO, JUNE 6TH, 1907. 1000 Gerrard Street, East of Pape Ave. Messrs. The R. S. Williams & Sons Co , Limited, 143 Young Street, Toronto Ont. Gentlemen:— Agreeable entlemen:— Agreeable with our conversation of this morning we take pleasure in herewith confirming our order for 100 New Scale Williams Pianos, No. 44 (376 style) whioh yon will'understand are to be delivered to ne as promptly as possible upon order, inclnding stool. We might state that this order is placed after thoroughly investi- gating the different makes of pianos, and is decided upon owing to the excellent quality of tone, finish and workmanship whioh we found in your piano, and whioh we consider unequalled by any other. Very truly yours. (SIGNED)- LOVE BROS., LIMITED. Certainly a convincing testimonial of the quality and sterling worth 41 of these wonderful instruments. S. GRACEY Is FURNITURE DEALER ► SOLE AGENT IN WINGHAM. 1 r. fi trilt• CORSETS AEST 401, These celebrated Corsets are famous as Models of Excellence and Graceful Effect. D. & A. Corsets will improve your figure. They are modelled on scientific principles They im- part to the figure an erect carriage, without that discomfort inseparable from the wearing of im- perfect types of Corsets. They fit the figure as a glove fits the hand. They cling to your form as though moulded to it. From a durability and perfect fitting point , of view, a D. & A. Corset is an ideal garment. It will content you in every point that makes Corset Comfort—the comfort of perfect style, of shapely fit, of graceful design, of ease for the woman who wears it. We have D. & A. Corsets all styles. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••_•••••••••••♦•_ • •• • • • • 4 • • • • 4 • • • 4 • 41 • r • ▪ • •• • 4 r • 4 • r • 4 • • • • • • • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4AAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3.+ +++++++++++++++4.4.4.++++.14 4.4. iFurnittire Sa1e+ For the balance Of the month of June we will 4. Igive extra special value in all lines of high-grade and low -price Furniture, in•. Parlor Suits, Couches, Bedroom Suits, t Sideboards, Dining Chairs, etc. etc. A. The balance of our stock of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts will go at your own price. We are selling $2.5o Mattresses at $2.25 Remember we are giving genuine bargains until the 1st of July, as we need the money more than we need the furniture. 4' • Call and see our large stock before purchasing • elsewhere, Walker's 41.444.111111111"11.+4.4.+* furniture Store '4. 4' k • • • ••••, • • • • • • • Onr sale of Corsets for this week has been fine. The public • must see something in the goods. With some, cheapness is the pre. • veiling point, but others sees fit and comfort the most essential. 4 Corset Seca.. We have a large stock of the well known La D'esse Ba 1 e i n e Incassable (Paris) Corsets, in the latest designs. Prices right. Look ir Look ! • 1 Loads of Prints, Ginghams, Cotton, Fine Dress Goods, Trim- • mings especially of the latest to match. • • Onr Collars, Neckwear, Embroidery, Laces, etc. in all shades, are np•to•date. ZPrices practically eut in two. • Something must be up ! We have plenty of bargains yet for everyone. Look in at our Gents' Furnishings. Suits in either stores. Might call it our Summer. Sale, the way goods are passing out ! Thirty cases of eggs wanted this .week and twenty tubs of butter, at highest prices. • • N • • •, • • N • •• r • v • • • • • • ♦•♦ • • • r ••• •, • • • •, •. •. • • • • • ••• • • • •: • !The Beee TwaStores WIN'6HAM, ONT. , .. - . _ .. _ _ .... 0.1.4.•t4 ••• •••••••44•4•14!•4,•••••• 14444••••NN4404441•4•••N