HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-12-13, Page 1414A — THE HURONXR.OSITOR, :DECEMBER 13, 1989'
OVERLY FRIENDLY - A Michell Hawk sneaks up on Centenaires' Brad Carter dur-
ing last Sunday's home game. Despite Seaforth's creative blocking, Mitchell won
the contest 9-6. Elliott photo.
YBC in 'Port Ei. in tournament
On Saturday and Sunday the Youth
Bowling Council held its Family Twosome
Tournament, Steve Griedanus and partner
came in first for the Seniors with a total
of 637. Judy /force was second with a total
of 542. Rob Homes was third with a total
of 503.
Winners in the Juniors were; 1st Luke
McMillan (744): 2nd Craig Harris (725),
3rd Chris Dalton (692). Winners in the
Bantams were; 1st Nick Dennhan (727),
2nd Jason Hayes (725), 3rd Chris Hoffman
Winners in the PeeWees were: Dan Mor-
rison (695), 2nd James Stokes (694, 3rd
Jimmy Ducharme (680) .
the winners' and
also Congratulations
thank you to the parents,,
grandparents, cousins, aunts snd uncles
who came out and bowled with the kids.
Everybody had fun and thank you to all
the kids who bowled.
On November 26 the PeeWees went to
Port Elgin where they bowled in a tourna-
ment for YBC children ages 7 and under.
The YBC Teeam from Starlight Lanes
was; Jeff Barry; he bowled a 175 High
Double with 2 strikes, 1 spare. Courtney
McCallum (148 double) 1 strike, 1 spare.
James Stokes (166 double) 1 strike, 2
spares. Walter Brooker (141 double) 1
:Defies win Mitcliell ringette tournament
On December .8, 9 and 10 the ‘Seaforth
Belles•enteredthe 413itehelI"Rbtgette Tour-
nament and proved 'themselves victorious
To start the weekend •offthe-girls played
=at 10 pm. Friday niiht:ag91nst'tough eom-
petitors, Mitchell. The ',girls Anew They
mere in for a tough :game; ibut'this bine it
would be Seaforth's win.
Mitchell started the scoring but then
Seaforth-kicked into gear and decided this
was the .game ethey -wanted to win. "The
'first period was full of action and it end-
ed in a 6-4 lead for Seaforth. As the game
went on so '.did the girls into some more
ringette action.
Mitchell tied the score again and the
game -became even more 'intense. Both
teamseworked hard and the fans saw some
excellent playing from both sides.
Seaforth's power line 'held Mitchell at a
stand still and gained a two goal lead.
With 16 seconds left Mitchell popped one in
and the game became a little more ex-
citing. To end the game 'Mitchell went on
Rustlers edge
For the Raiders • Ray Harz was in the
limelight as he flipped the ball over the op-
posing goalie for their only goal. Red
Rustlers' Ken Howatt scored to tie the
thegame far . Art corner o$ f the net.a with onld the bally nto
seconds remaining in the game, put the
Rustlers in the -lead. Help came from
Robert flunking, Ralph Nivins and Mark
The Grads' Mike VanDettheuvel scrambl-
ed for the ball, and stabbed it between the
goalie's feet with only one minute remain-
ing in the game. His pass came from
Robert Wydeven. Parr Lines' goalie Ran-
dy Blake played' tremendous in net making
save after save. Great game and strateg
of Brow/shall by all the guys.
Steve Eckert was on the ice , for 26
seconds .and scored .a corner shot goal
unassisted. Joe Dorsers was on his knees
when he flipped the,•ball into the net off a
great pass 'by Robert MacGregor. A wild
and unbelievable shot from the red line by
a fast !break with -Seaferth suffering from
some 'penalties, but 'Seaforth' 'defence stop-
ped the fast 'break gas the clock ran out of
time. 'Seafotth won The game 98. •The;girls
couldn't have been any happier-wherr they
left that ice.
Next game was Saturday at 2an.
against Exeter. This 2p
what the game Rigame was 'unreal as
ngette -really means.
It was a rough game and the refs had lit-
tle control. In total, penalty minutes for
both, teams were very high and 20
penalties were dished out. Seaforth came
through and won the game with a score of
10 to 2.
After the game a showdown was held
between all the teams in different divi-
sions. Two players and a goalie' were pick-
ed from every team. Andrea Gingerich,
who was picked up for Seaforth and who
is a Tween player, won the showdown in
the Belle division and received a trophy.
"Congratulations Andrea ! "
On Sunday the girls travelled to Mitchell
and played St. Marys at 3 p.m, Seaforth
Raiders in fi
Rick Harris blew by the goalie. It was
assisted by Rick Fowler, Ed. VanMilten-
burg wants his name in the paper with the
rest of his buddies and scored off a wrist
goal. Winthrop men kept up a steady pace
but got no goals.
anonROYALS Vink dopeeneto score on,
assisted by Steve Hulshof. Two goals were
by Jim Nyentmis off keen passing by Steve
Eckert, Larry Bertens. A goal by
Lawrence Vink was assisted by Jody
Durand. The Royals' lone goal was scored
by Chuck Dow having received a long pass
by his own goalie Darryl Vortenbosch•
These fellows had ample chances of scor-
ing but fell short.
Winthrop .G 'fanny Nash goes all out
and gobbles .up four goals with back up 8
from Norah Eckert. Coninuous effort by -
Tracy Bennett gets her two goals off
passes by Lisa Henderson and Jane Smale.
A breadaway by Dianne Anderson results P
in another goal. It was assisted by Lisa • v
McClure and Carol Humphries, Ro
W . an
won 11 to 3. This put Seafottth h the finals
against Mitchell again. The game •started
at 7 p.m..with a few delays, butt' 'aln:goi
underway. The girls knew -that llney eaduld
have to work hard and were deter'ined'io
'beat Mltchell again.
The game seesawed batik grid forth and
both teams played to win. The `fans got
what they wanted, a close, fast paced, ex-
citing ringette game. The first period end-
ed in a 3-3 tie, with both -teams 'still
fighting to win.
The second period saw Andrea Gingerich
in net making some superb saves to keep
Seaforth in the race. Once Seaforth scored,
Mitchell would respond just as quickly.
The game did not end but kept going into
overtime as the second period tied 7-7.
In the five minute overtime period
Seaforth's power line scored twice to win
the game. Final score 9 to 7.
Victory at last and it could not have
been if it wasn't for Seaforth's goalie and
the whole hardworking determined
Seaforth team.
nab seconds
FabPulous goal 9 COMMERCIAL 0
Miltenburg with four goals, off by passi Van
Sandi Fremlin and Sandra Faber. Parr
Line's star defenceman sneaks through
with two dynamite goals off great backup
from Estella Wilson. Bonny Preszeator
contributes a single goal along with Glen-
da Chaput and Bev Shen with helpers
Susan Hulley, Joan Henderson, Jan
Rutledge and Sharon Whitfield. Commer-
ctal Ladies seemed to be a little out
numbered with players and goals.
Lynn Deveraux, Chert', Kruse .and
Calan McClure scored for the Queens
with credit to their helpers, Teresa
Finlayson and Marg Henderson, The Jr,
Farmers lone goal was scored by Cathy
Veiniest, unassisted.
In Ladies Broomball on December 13 at
p.m. Jr. Farmers vs Perth; 8:50 p.m.
Queens vs Parr Line; and 9:40 p.m. Win-
throp vs Commercial.
In Mens Broomball on December 14 at 8
.m. Dumpers vs Grads; 8:50
s Easy Riders; 9:40 p.m.rrRaiders
p.m. Parr Line vs
gals; 10:30 p.m. Winthrop vs Knights;
d Red Rustlers sit out.
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Seaforth Seahawks
downed 9-6 by
Brussels on Friday
Veteran captain Brian Ten Pas notched
a hat trick and Ken Higgins and Kevin
Deitner each added a pair of goals to lead
the Brussels Crusaders to a 9.6 wire ever
,the 1 walla inial• titijgtt{ fa?- ,
The loss leaves the local pucksters with
a 2-8 won -loss record in the senior divsion
of the Western Ontario Athletic Associa-
tion. They don't play again until the Fri-
day before Christmas when they host Ar-
thur to an 8:30 p.m. game.
t's loss
score ar miy ght first indicate.. as close as the
The Seahawks
seemed flat. The Crusaders led 2-1 after
the first period, but increased it to 7-1 past
the midway point of the game before
Seaforth started lighting the old lamp with
any kind of regularity. Kevin Williamson
scored three of the next four goals to
make a game of it, but the six -goal deficit
was a little much to overcome.
Rob Ravensberg added a pair of goals to
Williamson's trio, and Bob Nash got the
other Seahawk marker. Kevin McArter and
Ken Cousins got the other Brussels goals.
Seaforth took 11 minors to Brussels' four,
and each team was assessed a fighting
major as a consequence of a small dif-
ference in opinion late in the second
Heavy Chevy's-34 pts; Corvettes -19
pts; Gordobas-17 pts; G.T.O,'s-14 pts.
High Single -Cor De Corte -273; High
Triple -Cor De Corte -726; High Average -
Cor De Corte -239.
High Single -Carol Johnston -;211; High
Triple -Carol Johnston -757; High Average -
Carol Johnston 203.
Powers of Pain 33 pts, Blue Jays 39 pts,
Demolitions 37, Starlight Lane Chem-ps 43
Pt% ostbusters 12 pas, Hero's 28 pts.
Theresa .Boniface 160, ,Annette ;Haney 147,
Julie .Harris 105, •Chrrs .Hoffman 152, Tim
McNaughton Ags, David ..Butt t 6.
Dalrypnple 191, Annette Haney 189,
Amanda Manuel ,183, Chris kloffinan 193,
'lawn k$wmon 171, J ° , es .,Sioikes 158.
MOH 1' V
Annette aHaney 411, , crew 139n1ifaee 289,
JAW ,Ilarris 287 , ,f offn9#1.477, ;l~Irn
McNaughton ,$44 J , es S es 7,
QNAL . fi
fuel 1 ple 9,
Iuey 2,
Aum 'Bannon,
Test c'"P,gaUcrn 330 .ts, ° emo ars 7 .p
The E tstiones 32SQt Y � 4fits.,
J.udy.:.HOfli 114:17) c18 , .Yvette 7:gozr,
e n omp,.Rob )