HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-27, Page 1THS VOL XX XVI. --NO. 1846, TOILET SOAPS COLGATE'S" See our window display. Weimport direct savingthe middle- = man's profit, you reap the benefit. saving 20%. Glycerine Soap. Oatmeal Soap - Honey Soap Floating Bath Soap Rosodora Viodora Pine Tar Ooleo Unscented Ooleo Scented Cashmere Boquet 10o cake 3 cokes - 25c leo Dake 2 cakes 25c 25c cake - Monad Violet . ( 35o Dake Dactylia .... {( 8 cakes La Frano Rose $1.00 Superfine Violet floc per cake FOR ALE HY Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. • Fall Tern OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during the past year trained over Two Hundred young ladies 200 a n d gentle. V l� men, as a steno- graph - erg, era, bookkeepers and telegraph- ers, and placed them in excel- lent situations in leading Can- adian and American cities. Innividual instruction. Write for catalogue. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LITTLE EATON 1 The Name That is Read with a Smile It's Too Hot To Live Without Our Kool Clothing We have everything your - heart de sires to keep you cool in up -to -snuff Straw Hats, 2 -piece Suits, Wash Vests, X Underwear, Stock Collars, 1 / in Linen Collars - and many other articles - which an up-to-date Furnish- ing Store would have. SATURDAY'S EVENTS en's beat Balgriggan Tinder - west, sizes 84 to 44, regular 41.00. Saturday - - 75o if dodten Bbl's' Soft Bosom Print Shirts, Mize. 12 40 14, regular '500 acid 750. Saturday - 890 6E0, C. HANNA Old Poato flbe Store lilaodoAsid 13100k WI1 GRAM, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. WINCHAM TI1,'iES. Wear Greer's Shoes and Hubbell Ladies' At.xiliary, A meeting of the L idiots' Auxiliary of the Wingham Hoapisa1 will be held in the Council Mamba at 4 15 p m , on Monday, July 8th. All members are requested to be prese 1t at this meeting, Get Parneii'e Bread, at Christie's. Wingham All Liberals of the are requested to be ing to be held in the orv'e block, this (7 Officers are to be ele portant matters will Hislop, M.P.P., is ex Liberals. town of Wingham resent at the meet- 0 0 F. hall, Greg - /motley) evening. ted and other im- e discussed. Arch. teoted to be present. See our Tan Oxford shoes. the latest. R. Johnston, They are Special Trai to Belgrave. Thursday, July 4t is the date of the lawn social at Mr. W. G. Nioboleon's, near Belgrave, in a of Wingham Hos- pital. Special train will leave Wingbam about 7.35 p.m„ a id returning leave Belgrave about 11 o'clock. Wingham citizens' band will t.irnieh music during the afternoon end 3vening and a good time is anticipated. / The butcher shop w"11 a closed all day next Mondayfo on Day, House Tbe haute of r at Clinton on Fri and Mra. Muton. chairman, former Keeper and Metro as' Assistant Ma lack of steady wi11 often short. The, and Keeper are aj topurchase aee agaso ing. Mr, French few days with Mr, assistance he can. f Refuge. fuge committee met ay last and met Mr. Mr. M. Y. McLean, y introduced them as t, and Mra. Simpson ron. On account of d the water supply ie Chairman, Inspector pointed a committee ine engine for pump. agreed to remain a Match and give what t' We are selling Tr $2.50 mattress at $2.25 instead of $20, at WALxER's. Band Concert To -Night. The Citizens Band caving to play in the opera house on Fr day evening at the "Snow White and Seen Dwarf 4" enter- tainment, the usual weekly open air concert will be Rive at the park this (Thursday) evening. WOOL W4,IiTnu—Any quantity; high- est price, , —GEo. F,, KING. �'"`' Record Rac ng at Seaforth. At Seaforth 1st week, La Pointe, owned by . Mr. _ RombQngh, of thie town, won the 2. 0 pacing race. The time was 2.09% the fastest mile ever made in Canada on a half mile track. Darkey Hal, ow d by Mr. J.E. Swarts, of town, won th free•for-all. Anna V. Brino, owned by W. Burnside, Kincar- dine, who had hi i horses in training on the Wingham track, won the 2.21 pacing race, winning th i last three heats out of the seven which were necessary to finial the race. W. Pelkinghorn won the 2,24 pace with Ms horse, King John. Wood Carver wanted; also several good cabinet'ma ters ; good wages, steady employment. LiKpert & Co., Berlin. The Ca dian Social. The Cana,iian oial held on Monday evening in the ecture room of St. Andrew's church, oder the auspices of the Westminster wild was a grand enocess. Thi roc was very nicely de. aerated, with bunts g and maple leaves, and looked more be utiful than on any previous occasion. he work was done under the direction f Mr. Scott Gordon, Rev. D. Perrie coon 'ed the chair and a splendid program of anadian songs, etc. was rendered. efreshments were served and all prese t spent a very plea- sant evening. he entertainment brought $22 to the tr worry of the Guild. Children foe The Children's A number of little obil, would like to And go. desirous of adopting to commuuioate wi the urge izatiou for obeli, Goderioh. Sentients --A large consignment just arrived. Shingles from British Colum- bia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Call and get prides.—J. A. McLsAN. Adoption. d Sooiety have a lren for whom they td homes. Auyone a ohild is requested h the president of 3nron, James Mit. Blankets and yarn of the beat quality exchanged for wool, at T. A. MILLS'. Toronto and Niagara: Falls Excur ion. The Harriston Epvorth Le _ne will run their fifth aunne eacnrei.. over the C. P R on Friday, J fly . t Train will leave Teeawater at 6. •.' fare $2 50; Glenannan at 6 10 a, n fare $2.50; Wing - bane 6.28, fare $2 50. Train will arrive at Yonge St. wharf ak 10 45 a.m. Constable Not Yet Appointed. At the special meting of the Town Council on Wachtel ay evening of last week, applications for the position of Chief Constable w re read from Albert Fleming, John J. ohnston, Wm. Fin- ley, R. A. Dineel , Thos. Forbes and Geo. Allan. Mr Allan's applioation palled for a salar of $45 per month. On motion his sop:tendon was accepted if he would take the position at the salary offered by the Connoil. This Mr. Allan wok not do. Another special meeting of the Council was held on Thursday eventing, when it Was de- cided to again adv irtiee for applications for the potence', tore salary to be placed at $540 per year, Former Grad totes E=ntertained. Mrs. F. Sparl ng Eomuth was in Whitby last weekatttendiug the closing ex0:oises of the Ontario Ladies' College of which she is a graduate. Wed- nesday needay evening a banquet and entertaln- Dan h- i enthe Trafalgar meat was g v yg tern, a society fo med a year ago, being composed of f met students of the oollege, and has lready done tenth to awaken and sus ain the interest of fer- nier 6tedents in their Old school home. The banquet w e attended by sOnie two hundred and wan very auooeestul. The table deco etions were of alternate bunohes of Atnarioan Beauty Roses and Wtr se o th f WhiteDir Lilaoe. The ebto e e Choral Society was presented with a handsome boclust Of Atnerioan Beauty Reser and th t honor of Making the presentation given to Mies Mar. fo emet Heron ;tin e, Mrs, daughter of daughter open a very pleat/aitt Week at the old school once., .Applications forte position of *hief Constable of the to n of Wing, i. will be received by th anderst' •ed up to Friday, June 28, 19 , : 4 • olook p m. Salary $640 00 per a nu.. Applioatio''s to be in sealed envoi pe, marked "Appli- cation for Chief Co stable," 3, B FERGUSON, CLERK, WANTED --500 tubs choice dairy butter; also 150 cases of eggs, weekly.—GEo. E. KING. Huron Old oys' Visit. The Town Conn° necessary arrangem noon's sport when t and girls of Toront• Saturday, Julyth 6 is due to arrive in T.R., about the no afterncon will be : • a good program o ranged. The Citi• the station to mea play in the park d • ONTARIO4 TUURSDA'Y, JUNE 27, 1907. Choir Makes Pr entation. The membere of the o oil of $t. An• drew'a Preebyterian char h had e, very pleasant time at a picnic eld in Mr. W. J, Henderson's bush on tiend'y even- ing, The mania was llel iu honor of Miss L. She k, who bas or tomo time been organiet. and who le ves on Tues- day nettfor elartney, M ., where she takes a position tie or1ani t in the wee - tern town. During the evening dies Sherk was presented wit a leather snit case and a beautiful pure by the mem- bers of the choir, Mis Sherk leaves Wingham with the very eat wishes of a large oirole of friends. are making all the nts fur a good al ter. e Huron old boys visit Wingham, on The special t tea n ingham, via the G. n hour. Saturday ent on the park and games is being ar- ena' Band will be at the visit() s and will ing the afternoon. Highest price paid for hides and pont- try at T. Fella' butcher snap. For the best goods, law prices and prompt delivery of furattire, go to WALxnR'S. Special prices in ' Mines of furniture until Julylet as w ' must have money at _ Wanntia s. Dominion D at Goderioh. Neat Monday— it ()minion Day will be celebrated in granfashion at Goderich. The 9144 Higblan. Regiment Band of Hamilton, with t,eir bugle band and pipers will be prone • t for the entire day. There will be a traea and calithumpian procession, tug of ' ar, a baseball matoh between London a Goderioh and a Iaorosse match be wean Clinton and Goderioh. The da will be full of sport and will conclude w th a band concert in the evening. Wool 1 WOOL l Wool, 1 1 We are haying it and paying the highestprice.— T. A. MILLS WANTED—Two atrl ng active boys to work in abipping roc ; also an active man, who is handy ith terns. Apply to Wacker & Clegg. 1 Opera House 1 The beautiful ope and the Seven Dw3 Pole Dance will opera house on Fri week. The enterta direotion of Mies H oeeda are to be gi Fund. The operett with solos, duetta all as selections by the admission is 15o wit 25o, Plan of hall store. Doors will of grame to comments ridav Evening. etta, "Snow White rfs" and the May presented in the ay evening of this nment is under the ughton and the pro - en to the Hospital will bo interspersed d chorines as well itizene' Band. The reserved seats at at Walley's drug en at 8 o'clock, pro. at 8 30 o'clock. Women's Inst+ ute. The meeting of the ; West Huron Women's Institute field =.n the 0 0 F. hall on Monday evening ; was attended by a large number of to 'es. Mrs. M J. Shannon, of Toronto delivered an address on "Labor eavin contrivances for the housewife," aumany useful hints were given, and Mi nn Gray's ad- dress on "The key to life' i possibilities" was very much enjoyed. j Mrs. Watts, of Clinton, I3istriot Secretary. also gave a short addreee and se eotions were given by Dare„ as. An rson on the gramophone. The ladide received in- formation that will be of 4nnch valve to them in their household duties. The reguler meetiug of the Institute will be held this (Thursday) afte noon in 0.0 F. hall at 3 o'olook, wben ;air. J. A. Mor- ton will give au address. un "Canniug fruit and vegetables." All ladies are invited. If you purpose taking a trip to the Old Land travel via the O.P,R. liners, The two Empresses give the beet service. Get tickets and full information from Alex Ross. Fort BEST VALUES obtainable any- where, in a well -assorted, fresh, clean, new and up-to-date stook, you will find them at the' leadingDress Goode and Fancy Goads Storof D. M. GORDON. 180 for good butter; 17o for fresh eggs. East Huron C nservatives. The simnel meetin of the East Huron Conservative Aseoci ion was bald in the Town Hall, Brussel , on Friday after- noon, with Mr. Datil yHolmee, barrister, of Wingham, preei ing, and T. Hall, editor of The 'tire ham Advance, as Secretary. The foll wing officers were elected for the ourre t term:• -President, Dudley Holmes, Wi gham; Vioa•Preai- dents, John Wilfo 0 of Blyth, John f Le dbur and R. Mus Scaled o a rove R of Bluevale; Secret y, T. Hall, Wing. urea . Al,Smith, Walton. Liam' Trees W. , S Municipal Ohairme- were also chosen. The usual resolution s complimenting the Opposition in the. D minion House and the Government in Le Legislature were passed. also It resolution of oonfldence in Dr, Chisholm, M. P. stir Eapt Huron, and promising continued upport at the neat st the nomination. by Mr. Carstairs nize a lora r and g racial Treasurer, the Government's o, M.P. discussed as deoided to oall nn 40 be held on dt candidates Will li Provincial and eleotion if he will ace Addresses were give Pr oi Of Toronto, vin0 Col. Matheson, Prov on the financial side of business. Dr, Chiahol Dominion issues. It a nominating convent Friday, July 5111, whe= be nominated for 1101 Dominion teats. Genuine clean out is t parlor suites, douches, etc., and out lianas on beby carriages and go-carts a WArtrri CANVAS SHOES—The new Ata d latest styles in Ladies, Misses, a htldren's All o r. J. a v Shoes. c I� J Chass W GREER. Canadian moment Trade. The total quantit mannf.•otured in was 2,152.662 tem 4le, compared with 1,54.1,667 in. 1905, :says Consul -General W. R. Holloway, in he American Con. enter and Trade Rep •rte Fifteen coin. pettier were operating- plants in Canada. The average price pe barrel was $1.49, compared with $1.42 n 1905. Canadian cement importataone est year amounted to 694 503 barrels. of Portland Dement rade during 1006. Steel wire hammocks., o • tit h i n g new. AtLet S. GyoRur AOfeetEY's enfurjony theit • stgr ,, )+ in a pair o4 our 0 i. The cool kind are an ret of July able Oxfords, J. GauzR. Wedded aiij London. On Wednesday at noon a quiet home wedding was oelebral ed at No. 5 Marmora street, when Miss 'Ada Clara Abbot, daughter of Mrs M. 13. Abbot, was un- ited in marriage to ,Mr. John Charles Reading, of Toront, sou of Mr. 0 J. Reading of Wingha , Rev. E. B. Lance - ley conducted the ce who was attired in a white ob ffon silk, tr" ribbon, and oarried white roses, was. Georgina Abbott, w net over dream silk. the ceremony was es ;ted with a profnsio carnations and sin guests' present we several nearby t. couple Ieft on 4. for Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands. will reside in Toron last Thursday's Lo .' to the marriage of young man of thi joins with Mr. R nam friends in wia a happy wedded li Former Wing tamite Weds. Last Saturday's globe reports the marriage of a former., well known young man of this town as tallows:—On Thura- aay evening the war •gage of Mies Alice Cunneen, third deer hter of Major and Mrs. Arthnr Oolema to Mr, Henry Scott, Walter G. Scott, v , Alexander street, on of Mr. and Mrs. as solemnized, the Rev. Dr. Petry, tie 'sted by Rdv. Mr. McDonald, Cowan .i1 enue Presbyterian O40Voh effienatiug. 'he bride wore a pretty San Toy white ilk, w,th bertha of rose point lane, tube veil over orange blossom wreath, au pearl ornaments. The bridesmaid, Dalen Ethel Booth, wore white mousseline de ie with pink roses and wreath; two fid ngirla, Miss Mar- garet Booth (Detroit) d Miss Margaret Matthews (l3rantfor) wore white lace frocks over bine, au sweet peas. The best man was Mr. ilkins (Trenton), After a reception Mr and Mrs. Scott lett for New York the go' g away dress being of Dream Panama loth, green -winged toque. WooL WANTED—Highest price paid in cash or trade.—T, A. Muses. Remember you eke no mistake when you deal at V' Lxxn's furniture store. Britton's Ball T ssers Won At Kincar ine. The local ball tea went to Kincar- dine on Friday after oon last to play a schedule game in th Lakeside League. Considerable intere t centered in this game, as upon its res 1t depended largely the probability of t e competing teams working up into the mils. Consequent- ly, Lansdowne Park was crowded with a howling mob of le Cher -lunged rooters. At 6.15 o'clock th� game was called, with George Colvin of Teeswater, as umpire and he did exoeptionally good worse, For the first five innings the game was a see•saW struggle, both reams getting men on banes, but experiencing considerable diffiquity in landing them home, Kincardine etting one in the sec- ond, Wingham p Shing a man across in the third, and whe at the sixth innings the soore was a tie One each—the spec- tators were on tri tip -toe. But there were "loins" after this. With two men down in the seven+, Kincardine landed three runs on a comedy of futiny freaks on the part of Wi gham team, and ap. parently had the game oinohed. But "Brittons buoys" ad a few of varions assortments left,,rad after Hammond had been thrown oit at first in the eighth Moore put the bas over the fenoe for a home run, and veryane of the bunch followed in rota on, smashing Calder's craves to all oorn rs of the lot for a nice little ,panful of eight runs. Kincardine came back with et brace in their half, making the score 9 to 6; and now for the final. Fleming, he first up, got a walk, but was forted t second by Dunlop, who stole aeoon , and Hammond drew four bad ones, bu the best he could do was to get a manai second and third,and the Baimorais ea a to bat for the last time. McKay w s first man up, and got safe on an error, nt Dunlop took Dare not to him pa second, , fo rho struck out the last two en, and the game had passed into histo y the soore being 9 to 6. The Kincardine halt team used the visit. ors white, and to k thou defeat manfully but many of t e epeotators Were 'very fe feared and it i a ed t h i e r tuitions it persisted in willnot be in the beet inter. este of this pop `lar game in the lakeside town. Calder, n the box for the home team, did his Mk ell but Britton'san's busybetters ere too many for him. The Wingham 0ye speak highly of the treattnent ret ped by the 1Titicardine players, and pr mise them a royal good tifne its the n itt game at Wingham. The batteries w re:•y-Wingham—Ddop and Britton, iaoarate—Calder and Hall,. teeny. The bride, earldoms gown of need with lane and shower bouquet of pported by Miss o wore ()ream silk The parlor, where duoted, was decor - of flowers, chiefly lax. Among the e relatives from ne. The happy afternoon train Buffalo and the On their return they .o. The above from on Advert ser refers former well-known town. The TIRES ding's many Want- ing himself and bride e. Our prices on fsrniture do not need much cutting s'8 trey are always low, at WALKER'S. 1 If you are not addcustomer at Walker's furniture store. tfy this store for your next goods. 'e give our customers ;heir own way as they should know what they want 11 buy. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE rWELL-KNOWN PEOPLE Ha Foal Niagara HOMi .SEEKERS' IN THE CANA iAN NORTH-WEST Everyone wit ing to see Manitoba and the great orth-west provruoea, with a view to m ' ing a home there or merely paying a v' it, will be interested in the 0. P. R.'s Io -rate Homeseekere' Excursions this miner, and should make a paint of a wring a free copy of pamphlet giving ates and full infor- mation, which m be obtaiurd of any C. P. R. agent, m. from C. B. Foster, D. P. A , C. P. R,,Toronto. Excursions leave Toronto Jule 2, 16, 30, August 13, 27, Sept, 10 and 24; and tickets are good to return within Bitty days. Collieries U der the Ocean. At Cape Breto there are immense collieries being w These submarine r acres, and are bei•, Tbe mines are ens the operators foil the water for more be expected that 4 would force its wr bed of the ocean i cistern. A sort o. marineroof of the above this is held down by the wale is not a crevice nc head. rked under the ocean, lines Dover a thousand 1g increased steadily. ered at the shore, and ow the vein beneath than a mile. Iti h m g t e weight of the water into the mine. The as tight RS a cement fireclay lines the sub• mine, and the sediment in place and packed r pressure until there r a drop of water ever - TUIE1(BERRY. Minutes of Con oil meeting held June 24th. Members o Council all present. The Reeve in the hair, The minutes of last meeting we e read and adopted on motion of Ales rs. Moffatt and Me- Mioheal. Mr. ffatt reported that John MoOutolleou as applied for assis- tance to build road from B line through swamp to hie farm uildings or to allow him to work his tatute labor on the work. No action. r. James B. Macdon- ald appeared befor the Council and laid a claim for damng for buggy smashed at culvert on B an 10 con. lines. Mo- Mioheal—Rntherfd—That Messrs Moe - grove and Kelly tilting eeeeeee appointed to make enquiries and exatiine culvert and re- port at the next iueeting of Council.— Carried. The curt of Revision on Drainage Bylaw,No. 17, 1907 was open- ed at the appointed hour, when Frannie Lewis, the 0 P. P.R. Coy., Richard Wil- ton, Mrs, Forg e, Robt. Wilson and James McDoug 11 all appealed against their assessments. No changes were made in the En ineer's award and the Court of Revisit, closed on motion of Messrs. Kelly an Moffatt. Rutherford— offatt--That Drainage Bylaw, No. 17, 1907, be adopted as printed—Carried.y' gel1y--MoMicheat— That the Clerk bdinstruoted to advertise in the Wingham'V TIMES and Advanta for tenders for th'e constrnotion of the drain known as t e McDougall drain in the 8th and 9th to Cessions of Turnberry. Tenders will bere eiv F d n to 12 o'olook e noon. of the 15th ay of July, next.— Carried, The following ceounta were passed and cheques on Bank of Hamilton issued. --John Bn esu, 450, part salary; Eli Elliott, $13, t11 ; James Markley, $5, 'road at Gemmi 1's' bridge; Alonzo Waite, $5, railing n culvert; Alex. 84c - Donald, 50o, Turn eery share repairing culvert; Mrs. Flo es, $3.48, gravel; D. i' vel; 1' James MoDou Longley, $2.58, g g' all, $6 30, gravel, Rutherford --M Micheal ----That this meeting do now a ljonrn to meet in the Clerk's office, kl'nevale, onMonday, July 15th next, stile o'clock a.m.--Oar• rigid. Mill BURGP8S, Clerk, RT. BEV. DAVID WILLIANS, D.D. Biehop9of Huron. THE SYNC+ OF HURON The Synod of H ron elated last week what was perbape the moat successful seesion in its histol . A most optmistio spirit was everywh re in evidence, and it pas apparent thus the church in this Diooese has never t 'en more aggressive, more abreast of the times. The most importan%legislatio i was the transfer muse to a Trust Con pany of the manage- ment of the Eadogment funds This will decrease the a pence of the Synod ofiioe. The Synoi voiced no uncertain opinion on the quo ton of Sunday Ob• servanoe and Temperauce Reform. The church is allowing an hesitation in fac- ing these probiems.'� One of the hottest debates was on the',. report of the com- gambling, and the strongest m slice on 3, expressions were `voiced against this evil. The Bishop's 'charge was weighty and atateemanlike.; Tuberculosis, Race Suicide and Iufan; Mortality came in for able treatment.; The Bishop's atti• tude expressed tow'irds the New Theo- logy was perhaps a best part of the Synod, and was an admirable summing up of the church position. Reports ahowed a healthy hurch extension in every direction, an an earnest desire to work for social se vice and morality. The rector of St. Pa 1'e was placed on several important c mmittees. PERSONAL. Mr, John Leslie,f Winnipeg was in town for a few daysthis week. Mrs. F. Guest and children left last week for their new home at Wadena, Sack. Mr. 'Wm. Bolt lef; lest week for Eng- land, where he wi visit for several weeks. Miss Luella E11io,t, of Brantford is visiting with Win am relatives and friends. Mrs Watts of Linton was visiting with Wingham fr' nds for a few days this week. p Mr. and Mrs. Chiles Barber visited relatives and frit ids in Ashfield during the past week. Mr. 0 M. Walk r has returned home after a several eche' business trip through the West Rev. Mr. Radf d, wife and children, of Bellmore, wer visiting with Miss M. A. McLean, last eek. Mr. Alex. Cam bell is in Niagara Falls this week eaten ing tha meeting of the Grand Camp o the Sous of Scotland. Mrs, Wm. G nnett and Mrs. Chas, Swanson are iaiting for a few days with relatives a d friends in Toronto. Mrs. B, II. Stewart returned to her home in Toro to after spending this week with her note, Mr. A. J. Nicholls of town. Mrs. John Mcljraoken and Miss Rattle MOOracken were visiting last week with the former's sinter, Mrs. Thos. Farrow, at Brussels, wino is seriously i11. Miss EtheliniiHowson, second daugh- ter of the Rev. W. G Howson, of this town, has just t ken her final examina- tions as trained arse, in the Western Hospital, TOront 1. She is the gold medalist of herlase. She took four years work as a eaoonness in the cities of Torouto and Montreal, prior to ber training as a nurde and will soon enter the mission field Ander the direction of the W.M 5., of %route. Tbe G.T.R. will run a monster exour• sion under auspices of Camp Melrose, 5.0,8,, of Atwood, to Ni,ga-a Falls and return on Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big. plugs. Quality always the tame. —Mr. P. M. P an,tison, Supreme Or- ganizer for the Caadian Home Circles is in town at prise t in the interests of the Order and i tends organizing a CiroeinV0 1 in ha --WOrkmon are the grounds in frot and preparing for walk, The 'work by Mr. F. Paterso engaged its levelling t of the High School, the laying of dement beingsuperintended sn p de —A rink of Win ham bowlers compos- ed of Messrs A, M. Crawford, Alex. Porter, W, A, 0arltbaell abdL. W, Ilan- wling tournament 64 son attended the Stratford this we --While Lakin out the plate glass from the wind° of R. Knox', store on Wednesday mor lug, Councillor Nichol- son had the "t nfa;b on his right hand very badly slit. A little more pressure from the ghat and the thumb would here been take off, Tuesday, July 9th From Wingham to Stratford and all intermediate static ilsr's— Time Tab:e and Rates : Wingbam 7 00 a.m. Fare $2 40 $luevale 7 10 " " 2 35 Bruaeels.. 7.27 " . ., 215 Ethel 7 38 " " 2.15 Arriving at Niagara Falls at 12.20 p.m. Returning' leaving Niagara Falls by Special at 8 p m. Children over five and undtr twelve years of age, half fare, Tickets from Wingham and Bluevale geed returning two days following ex. cursion. Committee R. COMMON, (izO, LOCHHEAD, A. PnEI1Lxs. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OFFICE. A few Choice Farms taken from our Lists : 200 Acres' 2 miles from Win¢hamy tezaia. A money-maker orthedright man. 5 miles from Wingham ; i�Z Acres good barn and stables $2,00u cash, balance at 5 per teat. 9 miles from Wingham 200 Acres An excellent farm with fine build ngsand all mtdern conveniences. Fiftyacres stood hal dwood bush. b mires from Wingham ; conch sale, 6 5 Acres fwith or oodwithout buildinDropgs ; e.. snap for 1 mils from Wroxeter; fine Q Acrai ce buildings. 'Pezms, 41500 down150, balance on mortgage. , e 4 miles from Wingham ; iter.,-4 epa one of the best farms in i buron. 'Pelma richt to right man. 1 h 2 miles Pion. Balgrave ; 0U AcreS br st of reasons for selling. v Acres Ahopinig fhorua u just ' with small capital. lihnn 5 miles from Wingham ; UU acres owner very anxious to sell, as he bas other business A much larger list in our office, consisting of farms, town resideneea, desirable building lots, and businesses of all kinds. Call and see ns. RITCHIE & CO ENS Griffin-VacstcneBlock. WINGBAM. Phone 123 ' Wingham Business College al I (Affiliated with Clinton B. 0.1 _n.)1 'F} -Zz Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. CEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LEADING SHOE STORE MEN'S VA N VAS SHOE S The Smartest and Swellest Shoe a man can wear in "The Good Old Summer Time" is a Linen or Canvas Shoe. Great Rush for Them This SeaSonitt Not expensive -and they look so nest, so clean, so cool. LACE SIIOES—C alive s, Linen or Cooley Cloth, white or colors, some in Blucher styles. 85c, $1.`l5 to $1.75. For Outing, Boating, and all aorta of btxtnmer Sports. 75e, $1,00 to $1..25. You'll not be in line this summer unless you have a pair of Canvas Shoes. W. t. J . Greer THE SHOE