HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-20, Page 8't 4 8 MINOR LOCALS. We are now getting the genuine "Good Old Sommer Time." ---Dominion day celebrations will be lead at Goderioh, Brussels, Teeswater and Wroxeter. -Reports from the fruit distriote are to the effect that there will be a good Jeapply of all kinds of fruits, --Wool ie being delivered into Wing- Ina.m in large quantities. Local buyers lay the highest market price. -- Councillor Bell bee put a new plate glass front in hie store property, re-. uently vacated by Wm. Diamond. —A complete report of the June see - alma of the Huron County Council will be found on page two of this issue. In an intermediate foot ball match at Clinton on Monday evening, Brussels 'won from the home team by a score of 3 to 1. --An epidemio of mumps has visited Wingham this week and the patients leave by no means been limited to the children. —Turnberry Township Council will meet at Blnevale next Monday and East Wjwanosh Township Connell at Bel - grave next Tuesday. -- The L 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia :Ind Detroit will be run on Saturday, .August 10th. Full particulars will be given in future issues. —Rev. T. S. Boyle is in London this week attending the Synod of Huron. OU Tuesday he read a paper before the (llergy on the Second Advent. —There is talk of an electric railroad 'being built from Brussels to Walton, thus giving connection with the Guelph- Goderioh branch of the 0. P. R. Tenders are wanted for building ,cement wall under sohool house of S.S. No. 8, East Wawanosh, See advt. in another column for particulars. —The thermometer registered 89 in the shade on Monday and some say it went higher than that on Tuesday. A good high jump from the cool weather. —New time table on G. T. R. went into effect on Monday last. —Dr. A. J, Irwin, Treasurer of the Wingham Hospital Board, has received $14 80 as a donation from the Literary Society of S. S. No. 13, East Wawanosh. —Thursday, June 27th is the date of the excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph. Special train leaves Wingham at 7.30 a.m; Whitechurch, 7.17; Blnevale 7 43. —Blyth and Wingham baseball teams played a game on the local diamond Tuesday evening, the latter winning by the narrow margin of one run, The score was 8 to 9. —At' Valkerton on Monday evening, the home team won from Owen Sound in the first round of the foot ball series by a score of 2 to 1. Elmer Moore of this town anted as referee. —A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Wednesday to deal with the matter of appointing a new C hief Constable, The TIMES goes to press too early to give a report of the meeting. —Bell Telephone linemen have been busy for a week past stringing a new line of wire between Wingham and Blnevale. This line was formerly con- nected with the line between here and Harriston. —An "All Canadian" social will be given by the Westminster Guild in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church next Monday evening. A good program has bean prepared and refreshments will be served, Admission 100 and 15o, —A meeting of the Directors of the Turnberry Agricultural Society will bo held in the TIMES office on Friday even- ing of this week for the purpose of re- vising the prize list and making other necess ary arrangements for the fall fair to be held in Wingham on September 26th and 27th. — When coming into town on Tuesday with the mail, Postmaster and Mrs. MaoKersie, of Glenfarrow, met with a mishap. One of the tugs on the harness broke and the horse ran away. Both Mr. and Mrs. MacKersie were somewhat bruised, and shaken up, but fortunately not seriously hurt. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 9 • • • w • 40.; r�b • i,• t .:. .• • t• is• •• 1 • 1 •1 • f 1 A I • c • • • • • S • 9 W ±. 31• • •' • A • W. s a• St .13 • fr • its • • • • ha no •. rel '+ St Jo pa tOT ••••••••••••••••!_••••••••• • • • • •Corsetv • • ••• • • • • • Slecia7E-= e aa i •• • • •• • • We have a large stock of the well known La D'esse E a l e i n e Incassable (Paris) Corsets, in the latest designs;, Prices right. Now Going af Owing to the consolidation of the two Bee Hive General Stocks in- to one store at an early date, all who wish to participate in the immense bargains we are now giving will do well to visit these stores within the next few weeks. Prices Almost Cut in Two On Many Lines of Goods ! Would sell part of the stock in Beaver Block Store, including fix- tures (arc lights, curtains, etc.,) at a rate. A. E. I3NGLAND WINGFIAM, ONT. THE WINGIIAM TIMES JUNE 20, 1907 —Remember the meeting under the auspices of the West Enron Women's Institute, in the 0. 0, F. hall on Mon- day evening next, Miss 0, Gray of Toronto, will epeak on "The Key of Life's Possibilities," and Mrs. M. J. Shannon, also of Toronto, will discnes the subject of "Labor -Saving Contriv- ances for the Housewife," All welcome. No admission fee. KEEP BABY WELL. Ask any mother who has used Baby's Own TAbtets and she will tell you there is 110 other -medicine so good. 'We pledge yon our word there is no other tgxdit;iue so safe—we give you the guardntee of a Government analyst that /Baby's Own Tablets contain no opieta or poisoning soothing stuff. Th Tlets speedily re- lieve and pure alt minor ailments of - babies and young ildren. Mrs L. F. Kerr, Greenbush, Ont., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best all round medi- cine for babies and children I know of. I can strongly recommend them to mothers from my own experience." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box or from The Dr Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont. PERSONAL. Mr. Wm. Diamond left last Cobalt. Mise M. E. Fisher is visiting with friends in Guelph. Councillor Nicholson was in Seaforth yesterday on business. Miss Belle Nichol, of London, is visit- ing with her mother in town. Mrs. Huston Gibson is visiting with relatives and friends at Blyth. Mr. Herb. Jerome, of Detroit, is visit- ing his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Jerome. Mies Mable MOMane, of Attwood, is the guest of Miss Chrissy Rintoul this week. Mr. John Watt, of Detroit, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, Mise MOKone was visiting for a few days this week with Mrs. B.B. Pullen at Milan, Mioh. Mr. J. B. Elliot, of Eau Claire, Wis., is spending his holidays at the parental home in town, Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher, of To- ronto, are visiting with relatives and friends in town. Mrs. A. B. Newbery and children, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Paterson. Mrs. Walter Paterson and Mrs. Frank Paterson spent a few days with friends in Niagara Falls. Mrs, John Howe, of Teeswater,accom. paned by her son, visited Mise M.A. McLean in town. week for - Hattie, T. A. Gibson and W. Knox; Turnberry, Jae. Elliot, Jno. McNaugh- t on and Jae. Orr; M.otris, Wm. Michie, S tewart Smillie and Jno, Lawson; Grey, Jno. MoTaggart, Amos Smith, S. J. Campbell and Jas. McFadzean; Bruesele, W. H. McCracken, Geo. Thomson and W. H. Kerr; McKillop, Alex. Gardiner, Jae. Simpson, R. Soarlett and Jas. Evans; Hullett, T. McMillan, Jas.Watt, Jno. Brigham and O. Rogerson. Audi- tor s, udi•tors, T. R. Bennett and Alex. D. Grant. The Executive organized with Thos. McMillan as President ; Jas. Elliot, Vice -President and P. A. McArthur as S ecretary-Treasurer, Regular meetings are recommended at Brussels and Gerrie and supplementary meetings at all the points touched last year with one exception. It was decided to affiliate with the Winter Fair at Guelph and $6.00 was accordingly voted for that purpose. $10.00 was cheerfully granted to East Huron Women's Insti° tnte. BORN. PRICE—In Wingham, on June 10th, to Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Price ; a son. MCi seEY—In Morrie, on June 18th, the wife of Mr. Joseph McRinnev; a daughter. WATTEns—In Howick, on rune 10th, the wife of Mr John Watters; a daughter. BENNET—In B ow felt, on June 10th, the wife of Mr. Thns Bennet; a daughter. PILON—In Wingham, on Juno 12th, the wife of Mr. A. J. Pilon; a daughter. MARRIED DrCxrxsoN—Connour.D—At .St. Geor ge's Church, Goderich, ou .lune 18th, by Rey. 'Ir. Turnbull, Mr. E. L. Dickinson to Miss Con- stance Corbould, daughter of the lute Wm. Corbould, of Wingham. BETIIIugE—COTTER—At Port Maitland, On May 2lith. by Rev. A. W. H. Francis, Alex. Bethune, of Montreal, son of ]Jr. Bethune, of Wingham to Miss Georgenia Cotter, daughter of Wm. Cotter of Dunnville. TxonNTON—PEACOOK—On June 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. Baker, Miss Eleanor M. Peacock to Mr. Geo. O. Thornton, all of Morris. urEl) CanionsHANK—In Wingham, on June 18111, Thos. S. Cruickshank, aged 10 years, 5 months and 13 days. a The funeral will leave his late residence, Scott street. this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock for Wingham cemetery. Spgrs—In Morris, on Juno 7t1i Agnes Grieve, wife of Mr. john Speir, aged 90 years, 10 months and 9 days. TENDERS WANTED FOR CEMENT WORK: ,' Sealed tenders will be receive4y the under- signed up to Tuesday Ju1 2nd, for the build- ing of a concrete wall, 1 ff tAhick, 3 ft. high uuder school of S. S. No. (East Wawanosh. Building is about 10 x 45 feet. Work to be completed before 10th of August. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. GIBBONS, Secy, P.'0 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY In the Village of Whitechurch. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage which will bepro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at. the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, on Saturday, the 29th clay of aline instant, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the z,fo11owing valuable Hotel property, namely:— Th t rt f Lot 29 in the 14th Concession of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swarts of Clinton the Township of Eat Wawanosh,in the Coltr.• are visiting for a few days at the home ty of aurora, described as follows: Comment• Ing 22 rods in a westerly direction along the of their son, Mr,J. E. Swarts. boundary line from the north-east corner of said lot, thence westerly along said boundary Dr, T. Chisholm M. P. has returned line five rods, thence southerly at right angles to said boundary line eight rods, thenceeaster- home after spending several weeks in 1y parallel to said boundary line live rods, Manitoba and the new provinces. thence northerly at right angles to said boun- dary line eight rods to the place of beginning. „r Mr. Elmer Moore goes to Owen Sound Ou this property Islet uated a well equipped frame hotel 80x40 fwith kitchen attached on Friday to act as referee in the foot- 10x16 feet and a good frame barn 80x50 feet with shed attached° 'lhe buildings are m n ball game between Walkerton and Owen good state of repair. • Sound. Tho pfoperty is situated in the Village of • Whitechurch on the gravel road about midway and the Vil- • Mrs. Dr.) Horsey has returned home between the Town of Wingham • t lags of Lucknow. • from England and will visit fora few TERMS or SATE:—Ten per cent. of the pur- • chase money on the day of sale and the balance • weeks with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. in 20 days thereafter. The property will be •sold subject to a reserve bid. Further terms • Macdonald. and conditions will be made known on the day • Rev. D.Perrie has returned home from `;en o1Sadie or mliy,toer. had on application to the • ° s o c1 • Montreal, where he had been attending 1)ated7 at Wingham this 11th day of June R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the meeting of the General Assembly, and occupied his own pulpit in St. Andrew's church on Sunday last. Mrs. W. F. VanStone left yesterday for the West, going by boat from Sar- nia. Mrs. VanStone has not been en- joying the best of health and will spend four months in Winnipeg, Morris and Deloraine. Her many friends will be pleased to hear of the change being beneficial, and that she may return home fully restored to good health. • . FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETING • • ° The annual meeting of East Huron • '• Farmers' Institute was held in the • Council Chamber, Bruesels,Friday after- There are on the premises a frame house 20x • noon, Jnne 7th. In the absence of Presi- • • dent McMillan, who was attending the Co. Council, Vice President, Jae, Elliot, • : took the chair and carried on the busi- 2 • nese. Among others preeent were Measre. MoTaggart, Campbell, Mo- +'� Fadzean, Lawson, McCracken, Gar- diner, Morrison, Shannon, Mann, J. and * . A. Watt, Knox, Bennett, Turnbull, • Grant and Kerr. Minutes of last annual meeting read ♦ and passed. The annual report of the ♦ Executive showed that 13 meetings had + been held during the past year. While ♦ attendance was not as large as in some former years the interest manifested was marked. Membership this year is 342 as against 370 a year ago. Finances are in • good shape, this year being begun with 1 $250 and closed with a cash balance of + $238. In the essay competition very few seemed willing to enter the lists, lst prize was awarded to T. R. Bennett and 4. 2nd to Walter Broadfoot. A Farmers' 4' Club was organized at Molesworth but Idid not boom very much, neverthelee' the Executive urge the various com- munities to institute these clubs and discuss the Agricultural and other topica of interest. Anditor's report was pre. Netted by Auditor Bennett. Election of officers came next with the following result:-- Howick: R. Edgar, A. Graham and *•••••••4140.410.444.0-044.40 Jas, Armstrong, V,$,,; Wroxeter, It. B. AUCTION SALE Or VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain mortpage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, on Saturday, the 29th day of Tune, A. .D., 1007, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable property, namely:—The north halves of lots one and two in the first concession of the Township of Sinless in the County of Bruce, containing 100 acres more or less. This property is conveniently situated, about 24 miles from the Village of W hitechurch, and lig m11es from a school 28 with kitchen 12x28 and woodshed attached, a frame barn with grout foundation and stables 50x50, a good pig pen, sheep pen and driving house. There is about 85 acres of growing crop of which 5 acres is fall wheat and the balance oats, peas, barley and buckwheat. The build- ings are in good repair and the property is well fenced and well watered. Possession eau be had on completion of the sale and the purchaser will be entitled to the crop This is an excellent opportunity for any one desirous of commencing farming on small capital. TERSis 08' HALE :—'ren per cent. on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days there- after. Arrangements can be made, however, to leave a portion of the purchase money 3n mortgage at reasonable interest. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham this lith day of June,1907. it. VASSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor. DOMINION BANK BEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,500,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,500,000 Total Assets, over 45,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly— end of March, Jnne, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. WANTED—A ,TEACHER For U. S. S. No. 7, Turnberry and Best Wawanosh. Second Class, to take charge of School on Monday, August 19th. Salary $400.00 per annum. Personal application preferred. Applications received up till the second of July, 1907, by GAVIN WILSON, Secretary, Box 22, Wingham. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Was established wenty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor- able dealings with its patrons bas become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon us for commer- cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. • Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINOIPALS. .„....mina...r.mmg.„,..am.l.mgr5i. 1 No Holidays1. � in Lueineeb. 1Voiie in Our work. As it is we cannot 'j begin to supply the demand for our, well trainedproducts.7 Get into line now and spend t� the summer in preparing for a a good salary. Enter any it day. Particulars free. Write, Central Business College, 393 Yonge street, 'l Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal. W. T. fffLLLL���� Ise' VVV VVVvwVWVVYVVYVWWVw 3 If You Want 3 COOKED MEAT FINE CHEESE CHOICE GROCERIES BEST CANNED GOODS GLASSWARE • CHINAWARE ART WARE DINNER SETS• TEA SETS TOILET SETS Just come along. Them it everything to pick and choose from. The goods and prices are right. 3 Highest Price paid for Choice Butter. J, Henry Christie Grocer arts China Merchant AAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAA iAi JUNE WEDDINGS i We have a large assortment of Silverware, Cutlery and Parlor Lamps suitable for wedding present'. Regers' Silverware, 1847 goods, always in stock. Screen Doors and Windows—all sizes and prices ... .... . Special Cut on all lflammocks for one week. CENTRAL HARDWARE iVINGIIA$t. H. BISHOP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1NVITEeD INTEREST PAI QUARTERLY simmemma WINGHACl BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT, - THE CANADIAN BANK.. OF COMMERCE MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $.10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS - ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES 1 $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 10 cents 87 " $30 " " $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank:, (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain prtd Ireland. ' They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank 1 • WINGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. 44•414+++++++++++++.1.444.44.44 4.4.-e+++++++++++444-1444-1.444.4.1 . 41 Furniture Sale , 4; 4; .' 4; 4•4 4; ., 4. 4. . . For the balance of the month of June we will give extra special value in all lines of high-grade and low -price Furniture, in Parlor Suits, Couches, Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Dining Chairs, etc. etc. The balance of our stock of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts will go at your own price. We are selling $2.5o Mattresses at $2.25 Remember we are giving genuine bargains until the ist of July, as we need the money more than we need the furniture. Call and see our large stock before purchasing elsewhere. Walker's Furniture Store` 4.434+4.++++++++++++4+++++++ 4.++•►+++++++443 444.444.44 i.4.•Hi . MI IV" June Cas i Sa e We offer our large and splendid stock of. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Rings, Spectacles, Jewelry of all kinds AT PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU FOR JUNE MONTH ONLY ! This is a chance of a lifetime to buy good Jewelry We keep the English Tiffany and Betcher Wedding Icings. W. G. PeatersonL G. T. R. Watch Inspector, WMNGIV M.