HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-20, Page 66
Tease do not put quite so much Red
Rose Tea in the tea pot as you do of
other kinds. If you do the Tea will
he too strong.
Red Rose Tea combines strength
with that rich, fruity flavor which has made
it famous.
You are. sure to like it. Will you order a Package
from your Grocer
JUNE 20, 1907
= Under the good roads and suppleulen-
tart' bylaws passed by the Perth county
ooaacil at its session last week 191 Hailes
- of road are to be improved and upwards
-t of $200;000 will be expended on tbe
pro vetnent of roade he the 0000y1 within
t he nest fifteen years, and much of it
- will probably be spent the present year,
t The eetlmates for the work in eight are
as follows: Roade,$191,ee5; bridges and
oulverta,$75,925; maohinery,$18,100,
A meteorologist has undertaken the
laborious task of measuring the diners-
= dons of ralndrops, He finds that the
largest are about one-sixth of an inch
and the mealiest one seven hundredth
• of an inch in diameter, They are larger
in summer than in winter and larger in
• hot than in cold climates. The size of
the drop when it reaches the earth de -
- ponds on the height from whioh it has
L.,. ,.L+, if LYLi i.La. ill I!I ILI H .. ..• I, • i Y n 1. OW iL,'i,44., rY,..4,.a1,1¢A
Mrs Hannah Burleigh, of Deka street,
Kernels fro the Santiim Mill
aWndmeRd hwMnfdoy dnidgehatd•.
Interesting Paragraphs from our exchanges.
Spring fills with joy the Poet's oup,
And green succeeds to brown;
The Mercury starts running up
And perspiration down.
Taxa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
, medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
'without griping, purging or sickening.
A slice of raw lemon will remove all
attains from the hands.
No man asks to have a feather in his
chicken soup as a guarantee of the quad-
' its.
Dr. Chase's Clint,
sne..t is a certain
and guaranteed
curefo-cacb and
everg form of
itcIliag,bleed ng
and pro'ding
idles. See testimonials in the res and
Your neighbors about it. You can use, it and
t all
szot iamlcror Ettif .isON, E�rtss &Co. Toront .
The Grand Trunk Pacific is expected
to reach Saskatoon from Winnipeg this
Crop reports from Europe indicate that
the wheat yield will be greater than at
first expeeted.
Doan'a Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only,
,They curebaokaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inf;amation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Some men appear to be diligently try-
ing to acquire a breath that will frighten
the wolf from their doors.
It takes a man of taot to laugh at hie
own favorite joke when some one else
tells it in a bungling manner.
Piles get quick and certain relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please
note it is made alone for Piles, and its
action is positive and certain. Itching,
painful, protruding or blind piles disap•
pear like magic by its use. Large nickel -
capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all
During the past six weeks Wm.
Arnold of Kincardine, has paid out
$8000.00 to farmers for horses.
The Montreal Street Railway Company
gill give the poor of the city free rides
In special cars during the hot months.
Insure Against Serious Colds
Of the many forms of Insurance prob-
ably that which protects you against the
serious results of colds is the moat valu-
able at this time of year, when so rnanv
are becoming victims of la grippe and
pneumonia. By the prompt use of Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
you can keep the cough loose, prevent
further development of the cold and cure
it in a few days.
A very pleasant event took place at the
home of Mr. R. Jenkins on Wednesday
noon when his eldest daughter Tessie
was united in marriage to Mr. Wesley J.
Stevens, of the Base Line, Rev. Mr.
Joliffet performing the ceremony. Both
parties have been residents of Goderich
township practically all their lives.
Nature's Remedy
La grippe, pneumonia and influ-
enza often leave a nasty cough when
they're gone, It is a dangerous
thing to neglect.
Cure it with
"Natures Perfect Blood Purifier
Curls All Germ Diseases"
42 ltarbard Street, Toronto, Ont.
A launch of the United States battle-
ship Minnesota with eleven men aboard
is thought to have foundered in Hamp-
ton Roads.
The United States Government has
offeredl2ritain the same trade conces-
sions as were given Germany by the re-
cent agreement.
In McGregor's Creek. Sbe was an es-
teemed lady, but bad become feeble-
minded. It is supposed she walked into
the water during sleep.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The records of the meteoriogical de-
partment at the Queen's Park in To-
ronto extend from 1830, and according
o R. P. Stupart, the director of the
civics, there have not been two colder
onsecntrve months than April and May
n any year since that date.
William Anderson, M.P,P.,East Peter -
bora, who has been snfferiug for same
weeks with anaemia, is is a very weak
audition at Nicholls hospital, and has
otified the Liberal executive that un-
der no circumstances will he again be a
andidate for the Legislature.
I'll stop your pain free. To thaw you t
first --before yon spend a penny—what 8
my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail c
you free. a Trial Package of them—Dr. i
Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia,
Headache, Toothache, Period pains, eta,
are due alone to blood congestion. Dr.
Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill
pain by coaxing away the nunatural
bloodprrssure. That is all. AddressDr.
Shoop, Racine, Wt is, Sold by all dealers. n
The thank bones of mutton, so little
valued in general, if well soaked, add
to the richness of gravies and soups for
sickroom broths.
Heat a lemon thoroughly before
squeezing it, and you will obtain nearly
I double the quantity that would be
obtained if it were not heated.
'Violent Forms of Itching Piles
;; Rev. S. A. Dupran, Methodist Minister,
Belleville,Ont., writes: --"I was troubled
with itching and bleeding piles for;years
and they ultimately attained every viol-
ent form. Large lumps or abscesses gath-
ered and I suffered great pain. A single
box of Dr. Chase's Ointment cured me
and saved me from every dangerous and
painful operation. The lumps and swell-
ing disappeared and I am an entirely
different man.
Police Magistrate Woodyatt of Brant-
ford has been asked for hie resignation
by the Government on account of some
trouble with the local ministers.
The bodies of Samuel Rankin and Mrs,
Patterson, both old residents of Strut.
ford, were found in the water. Both
had committed suicide at different places n
and times.
I will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative,
and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The
Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely
symptoms of deeper ailment. Don't make
the common error of treating symptoms
only Symptom treatment is treatiog the
result of your ailment, and not the eanse.
Weak stomach nerves—the inside nerves
—mean Stomach weakness, always. And
the heart, and Kidneys as well have their
controlling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you inevitably have
weak vital organs. Here is where Dr,
Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy even claims to treat the
'•inside nerves". Also for bloating,bil-
iousness, bad breath or complexion, use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to-
day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by
all dealers.
There promises to be a good crop of
peaches in the Niagara peninsula this
season in spite of the backward spring.
The recent fine weather has greatly im-
proved the prospect, and the bloom on
the trees is said to be quite up to that of
any former season.
At 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Wed-
esday the 12th, at her father's home in
Auburn, the marriage was solemnized of
Miss:Elizabeth Lawlor to Mr E. MoLarty
of Colborne. The ceremony was perfor-
med by Rev. A. E, Jones in the presence
of about fifty guests,
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, totally worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to sheakered nervous
A by-law to raise $60,000 will be voted
on by Cbesley ratepayers for water-
works and electric Iight. The estimate
is $23.000 for buying the electric light
and $32.000 for waterworks.
In an action agaisnt the Grand Trunk
Railway for breach of the Lord's Day act,
one defence of the railroad was that an
order of the Railway Commission com-
pelled them to carry the goods,
Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a
Trial size box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh
Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a
snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic
balm, Containing auch healing ingred-
ients as Oil Eacaliptus, Thymol, Menthol
etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to
Catarrh of the nese and throat, Make the
free teat and see for yourself what this
preparation can and will accomplish.
Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large
jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers.
tinder the English law of the eighteen•
th century women were absolved from
any debts on marriage. Fashionable
women who had lost heavily in cards
sometimes wedded a criminal on the way
to the gallows to escape their creditors.
A propoaal to employ a professional
teacher of vocal mnaic in oonnectionwith
the Goderich Public sohoola was noted
down at the meeting of,,the sebool board
Instrnotion in this line, however, le to be
given, this being added to the dntiel of
regular teachers.!
The essential Tung -healing principal of
the ping tree has finally been snccecefnlly
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine ---Dr. Wood's Norway
Syrup. of
S d byall ler
dealers a
guaranteeofsatisfation. Price 25
On Wednesday of Iaat week, the home
of Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Elliott.iOth con.,
Huron, was the scene of a very pretty
house wedding, When their eldest dough.
ter, Mise Sara, was united in happy wed.
lock to Mr. Wesley Pollock, one of
Huron's most prospered* young ifartaera,
Her, Mr, Pomeroy tied tbe nuptial IMO,
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success, It soothes the
child, softens the game, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is inoalonlabie, Be sure yon ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind, Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Act, Tune 30th, 1900.
Serial Number 1098_
If moths are in a carpet, turn it over
and iron on the wrong side with a good
hat flat iron. Then sprinkle tbo floor
with turpentine, rub it well in, and turn
the carpet back. Repeat the troatmont
two or three times,
The kidneys form
a very important
channel for the out-
let of disease from the system, carrying
off aecumu- COMPLAINTS
[aristionosn ththaet
The kidneys are often affected and
cause serious disease when least sus-
pected. When the back ache;, specks
float before the eyes, the urine contains
a brick -dust sediment, or is thick and
stringy, scanty, highly colored, in fact
when there is anything wnThg with the
small of the back or the urinary organs
then the kidneys are affected,
If you are troubled with your kidneys
will Cure you. Mrs. Frank Foos, Wood-
side, N.S., writes : "I was a great
sufferer with backache for over a year,
and could get nothing to relieve nee until
1 took two boxes of DOAK s KIDNEY
Pints, and now I do not feel any pain
whatever and can eat and sleep well;
aornetbing I could not do before."
Prise 50 cents a box or ; for $125, at
all deafen, or The Doan Kidney Pill Co.X.
xoront0, f3nt.
Fishermen all along the banks of the
Detroit River are complaining of the
scarcity of flab. In former years the
fish were running by this time, and the
catches were good. This year, however,
fishermen cannot secure sufficient fish to
slippy their own neighborhood, and
many of them have pot their seines on
their reale, as the fishing does not pay.
Owing to the backward spring the water
has been too cold for even the carp to
run, and the fishermen who own carp
ponds have no fish in them.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
By looal applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to pure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of tbe Huila
niobium Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed you have a rambling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam-
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be oared by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for oiranlars free.
P. J. CHENEY & 00, Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
How Marbles Are Made.
Most of the stone marbles used by boys
are made in Germany. The refuse only of
the marble and agate queries is employ-
ed, and this is treated in suoh a way
that there is praotioally no waste. Men
and boys are employed to break the re-
fuse into small cubes, and with their
hammers they acquire a marvelous dex-
terity. The little cubes are then thrown
into a mill consisting of a grooved bed -
stone and a revolving runner. Water is
fed to the mill and the runner is rapidly
revolved, white the friction does the rest.
In half an hour the mill is stopped and a
bushel or so of perfectly rounded marb-
les are taken out. The whole process
costs the merest trifle.
The members of Oriilia council have
taken to heart the fact that people who
br eek the laws regarding the sale of
liquor should be treated the same as
people who break other laws. The Oril-
lia police have been ordered to visit each
hotel at least three times daily concern-
ing enforcement of the Liquor Act, and
if they find liquor being supplied to per-
sons under age, or to persons under the
influence of liquor. to issue a summbna
against the party furnishing the booze.
A correspondent of the Woman's Homo
Companion gives the following recipe
for bread crumb biscuit, which is said
to be very good: Take one quart each
of bread crumb and sour milk, add one-
half cupful of lard, One-half teaspoonful
of salt, and stiffen with flour in which
put before sifting one teaspoon each of
saleratus and baking powder. Mold,
and bake in a quick oven. Be sure to
allow the crumbs to soak for an hour in
the milk before adding the other ingred-
ients. The biscuits brown attractively
and taste aa good as they look.
The total amount paid by the Domin-
i on Government in bounties for the fiscal
period of the nine months ending March
31, was $1,299,801. For the fg months
of the previous fiscal period the total
amount paid in bounties was $2,004,339.
The amounts paid during the pest nine
months were as follows: Pig iron, $385,-
231; paddled iron bars ,$311; steel ingots,
$575,259; manufacturers of steel, $338,9.
08, The following places in Ontario have
been established as outporta of customs
and warehousing ports: Belle River,
Oobalt, Hawkesbury and Park HiII. The
customs collecting station at Grafton.
Ont,, has been closed,
Among the historical curiosities to be
seen at Chatsworth House, the residenos
of the Duke of Devonshire, is a willow
tree that weeps, very often to the person.
al discomfort of those beneath it, To
the casual observer it appears just an or-
dinary ill
na �+ w ow, but on closer inspection
it$ia seen to be artfully artificial. It le
made from a metal to closely resemble a
living tree, and each of its branches is
covered with innttnaerable doles, In foot
the whole tree is a monster syringe, be,
ing connected to otivater main near by.
The key for turning on and Otis close at
hand, And many A visiting party has been
enticed beneath its branches bit praotioal
WHY SPRING BRINGS WEAKNESS rvvvv insvvvvfrmivririrrwrry
Winter Weakens the System and Al-
lows Disease Germs to Enter,
Great epidemics, such as fevers, in-
fections skin diseases and pestilence
break out in the spring.
Winter shuts out fresh air from many
horses, and only a few get even a little
sunshine. The blood naturally grows
thin, colorless and diseased,— we tire
easily, sleep poorly and have headaches.
Iu this condition we are easy prey to aiok-
nese and iiU the hospitals and graveyards.
You must create resistance and
The blood must be purified, Must be
Ovate power to expel the seeds of
spring tever.
F>rrozone is the only remedy: It
tails back vim and energy, fills the body
with vitality, makes every fibre sing
with new life and health.
That gnawing tiredness leaves yon—
Ferrozoue drives it away. Sleepless
nights are turned into periods of rest,
and you. pick up fast. Day by day your
appetite improves,---• this menus more
food is transformed in nutriment that
will build and energize weak organs.
The inclination to worry passes away
because Ferrozone imparts perve— tone
and bodily strength that prevents de-
Think it over—Ferrozone is a wonder-
ful tonic, in fact it is more because it
establishes health that lasts. Thouands
use it in the spring and thereby cleanse
the eutiretsystem to a perfect condition.
You'll feel the uplifting power of Ferro -
zone in a week,-- it's bound to help you
if you only give it the chance. Sold by
all dealers, 50o. a box or six boxes for
$2.60; be sure of the name Ferrozone.
There is one good thing about a rapid
man — he is pretty pertain to make a
quick finish.
A gentle manner is a good thing to
have, especially if it is backed up by the
ability to give a swift kiok.
People only make a pretense of exchan-
ging views. They never really do it.
Most people are willing that you should
help yourself — if they can't keep you
from it,
Getting a livingia so strenuous for some
men that they don't have any time to
We can etand the foolishneea of a suc-
cessful man muoh more easily than we
can the wisdom of a failure.
Leek of courage keeps many a man
from being a law breaker.
Some people say nothingso persistently
that you 'moped them of drawing a
salary for it.
You can't tell how many children a
woman hasn't by the motherly air she
What most of us would like is an in-
come that is discriminating enough to
adjust itself to our needs.
The advertising merchant is the one
who does the business in. these days of
push and, enterprise. There are more
newspaper readers today than ever be-
fore in the history of the world. The
newpaper places your business under
the eyes of the buyer. He sees what he
wants, and knowing where to find it,
looks up the wide-awake merchants who
asked him to come and neo him. Success
in the days of sharp competition calls
for eternal vigilance. You can't keep a
hustler down.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
(which include board and nnraing), $3.50
to $15.00 per week wording to location
of room. For further information,
Lady Superintendent,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Farm Labourers and
I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov-
ernment to place emigrants from the United
Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or do -
:nestle servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such help should notify me by letter
stating fully the kind of help required, when
wanted and wages offered. The number ar-
riving may not be sufficient to supply all re-
quests but every effort will be made to pro•
vide each applicant with help required.
Canadian Government Employment Agent
Wingham, Ont.
The imported Clydesdale Stallion"Drum-
burie Chief" will make the season of 1007 as
f ollows
ay, May 14t -h, will leave his owner's
proceed to Win. Mc -
Michael's con. 2, Morris, for noon ; thence to
Thos. Warwick's con. , Morris, where ho will
remain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday--
At noon leave for Jos. Miller's, con. 0, Morris
for night. Thursday --To Jos. Golley's, gravel for noon, then to Dr, A. T. Fords sale
steble, Wingham, and remain until b'ridsq
Bli'vale wherThen will hremain until tthheefol
lowing Tuesday morning.
1. W. Itxa, Prop. and Manager.
The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot"
will make the seeaon of 1007 as follows:--
Tuesday, May 14th, will leave his . owner's
stable, Bluevale, and proceed to J. Kitten's,
eon, 9,Turnberry for noon; then to Andrew
Gonun ll's, coria C. Turnberry for night. Wed-
neaday—to Bohn Wylie's for two hours, then to
Alex. Rosi', ten. 8, TTurnberry, for noon, then
to Dr. A. T, Ford's side stable, Wingham, for
night. Timothy—To Andrew Mitchell's, eon.
10 Tunrnberri', for noon, thence by war' of
Giimour'k sehool to Dr. A. T. Ford's sale
stable, Wingham, and remain'nntil Friday
afternoon, and theft proceed to his owner s
stable, where he will remain until the follow,
ing Tuesday sacrumu.w. _
} V D DS4Ftt 1#t,ace Proprietor. �DRe seer,.
se BARLEY: --Black, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding less than 40
bushels per acre. Mensnry, a well-known variety, strong and heavy
CLOVERS: --Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsiko, Lucerne, and 'White
Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De- .;
partment at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are all home grown -
OATS: --We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel,'
wonderfully productive, yielding as much as 85 bushels to the acre. •
of large plump, white grain. Tartar King, highly recommended by -
the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from rust.:
White Russian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $1000
Oats, very highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom, it has
been largely grown,
EJAPANESE MILLET: --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in
rJAPANESE BUCKWHEAT:—One of the best varieties, very early
a, and productive.
CRUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:--Somethimes 15 inches in diameter.
Ontario, splendid for green fodder and bay,
r,• GOOSE WHEAT :—The cleanest from foreign seeds I have ever handled.
• EARLY POTATOES :--We have Nought Six a very early and productive
► variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Farm Ottawa
EBE SUTY OF HEBRON:—Snooessfully grown in this vicinity,
OORNS:—We have coming, the largest stook of finest varieties for silage and ;
Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Corn, Oorley'a
extra early, Crosse 's early, Sugar Corn and Country Gentleman, field
and garden peas.
lb -
ter. .
rr. ALSO GROUND OILCAKE:--Bilebeys Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb
E Food, and Pure Ground Flax Meal,
In; p
►p;PI' 'tit
ei-. All kinds of farm produce T. A. + "�;
taken, MILLS
be en
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Advertisement a
Brings Gaol Results ••„,•0.
The Wingham Times reaches
the • homes of most of the people of
Wingham and surrounding country. , It
keeps its subscribers posted on all the
news of the day—local, political and
If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on application.
We Think printing
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
information ----to write or call—it will
place you under no obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
ever the talisman.
The Wingham Times
itilmestomowommotorm niteitimeatommmokm