HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-20, Page 5[Z0 ?or Cent iiscotint During the Month of June It is worth your while to find out what this 20 per cent discount meansif you are in need of anything in the clothing line. It means this, we hand you back zo cents on every dollar you invest in spring clothing, including Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Men's Trousers, Boys' Knickers, Toppers, Rain Coats, Sze. This is not ordinary ready-made clothing, but is made specially for us, Posi- tively no one .else in town can show you at any price, the same class of clothing that we carry. We are making scores of people happy every day. Smart Suits for Men made-up in the latest styles and made to fit, in fancy worsteds, tweeds, navy and black serge, black vicunas and cheviots. Men's $18 00 Suits, selling dating June at $14.40 " $16.00 " " " " $12.00 " $12.00 .. " $10 00 " " $$.00 " Youths' single and double-breasted suits, made of fancy worsted cloths, tweeds, navy and black serge, etc. I Prices ranging from $15.00 down to $4.00. Youths' $13.50 Snits, selling daring Jane at $10.80 4. 11 u 44 44 14 11 11 11 41 '4 41 44 $`9.60 $8.00 $6.40 " $1100 " " '4 41 44 $000 44 4' 44$7.50 t4 $5 50 44 .. 44 11 4, $8.80 $7.20 $6.00 $.440 Boys' Suits single and double-breasted styles, or Norfolk cut, Buster Browns, etc., good material, well put together, prices ranging from $2.5o to $6.00. Boys' $4 75 Suits, selling during June at $3.80 " $3.75 " " " 14 $3.00 " $3 25 " It ' .. " $2.60 Everyone in search of Clothing should take advant- age of this cut in prices, before the first of July. Come as soon as you can, the longer you wait the less you have to choose from. EGGS ARE AS GOOD TO 1135 AS CASs. McGee Came CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. i e LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. smosassmassaamawassasossiolleleMleallenallialnillialliniall 1 IR S THE WINGITAM TIMES JUNE 20, 1%7 ig44104040.410.40440404.4000040001400101 ,,,fee ,A New Orleans woman was thin, tl�e Because she did not extract sufficient 0 40 nourishment from her food. 401 106 She took S otf r Emulsion"' Result; 0 She gained a pound a day in weight, 401 ALL ARU6G1$1'Sz SDs. AND $1.0O .}k. 000044.0000000.0440 The C. P. R. ballast trains are draw- ing large quantities of gravel this week and are filling up the grounds around the depot. The Canadian Fire Underwriters' Assooiation have raised the Classifi - oation of Blyth from "E" to "D" on practically all three year risks, The Blyth Council received a cheque for $50 froth the Clinton Council as recog- nition of services rendered at the recent fire by our brigade. The amount was turned over to the fire company for dis- tribution among the members. Blyth baseball club has been reorgan- ized with the foliowing officers: - President, Joseph Bell; Vice President, G. H, Wambold; Manager, R, A. Sims; Oaptain, J. S, Buchannan; Sec.-Treas., A. Coombs. Sto naeit Medicine is Useiess Impossible to care catarrh in the nose by dosing the stomach. Send the healing vapor of Catarrhozone after the germs and yon at once accomplish good. Any case of catarrh is curable, -all that's ne- cessary is to inhale Catarrhozone-You stop hawking, nostrils are cleared, throat is healed and freed of phlegm, every ves• tige of the trouble is forever drivenfrom the system. If you want permanent cure for catarrh, throat trouble or bron- ohitia, Catarrbozone is a stand=by, Two sizes, 25o and 51.00 at all dealers. C JLILOSS. A quiet but pretty wedding took plane on Wednesday, June 12th at the resid- ence of Mr. John McRae, Elm Bank Farm, Culross township, Bruce County, when vis daughter, Janet, in the presence of about twenty immediate friends and relatives of the contractiug parties, was nnitedin marriage to Newell 11. Fordon of Beaohville. At twelve o'clock the bride who was attired in white organdie with valenciennes trimmings and carried a bongaet of oream roses, entered the parlor on the arm of her father and join- ed the groom under an arch of ever- greens and apple blossoms banked with ferns. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Mr. Tait, B. A., of Teeswater, dinner was served in the dining room. At 3.30 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Fordon took the train at Wingham for London where they will -spend a short honeyrnoon after which they will reside at Maplewest Farm, West Oxford. The bride's travelling snit was a very becoming one of blue covert cloth. The wedding presents were well chosen and valuable. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful bracelet. Are You Sabject to Stiffness ? Perhaps it is in the neck or shoulders. First thing is a good rub with Nerviline. No more speedy remedy can be adopted. When applied to the mnsoles Nerviline gives them fiexibiliby and vigor ; inflam- mation, soreness and stiffness disappear, "Whether in the chest or throat nothing can surpass Nerviline" writes 0. B.Den- ton, Lamber Merchant at Oak Bay, N.B. "Rubbed on at night, trouble is gone by morning. I have proved Nerveline a great medicine." Everyone says the same, and Nerviline always makes good, 25o bottles sold everywhere. Seasonm Goons .- Reasonaie Prices We have a large assortment in the following lines. -LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's ---LAWN SHEARS, • -SCREEN DOORS, ' --COAL OIL STOVES, -GASOLINE COOK STOVES, -SCREEN DOORS, -POULTRY NETTING, -HAMMOCKS, -GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand. JUST .ARRIVED --A carload at Hanover cement. A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch. Give us a call tor anything you might require in the line of Hardware and Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. Young's 131g Hardware. 1 (*REY'. A welcome visitor to Grey ie Mrs R. A. Fairbairn, of Sacramento, California She is a daughter of Mra, MeK y, Sr„ 8th con., and has not been here for twelve years. Misses Carry. Schnook and Maggie Mann who were in charge of the Bible Society collecting is Monarieff locality did well, securing $11.40 for this worthy Daus?, A Christian Eadeavor has been organ- ized in Bethel chureh, The officers are: President, W, G. McQuarry; Miss Dun- lop And Miss Ballantyne, Secretaries; Duncan McTagart, Treasurer. Me etiugs are held every second Sabbath evening at 7 o'clock. BELGRAVE The Nicholson Lime works are kept going at a steady rate and with very no- ticeable results as far as output is con- cerned. The roof is being put on the new red school house and it will be ready for occupation after summer vacation. Con- tractors are pushing the work along in god style. A grand social will be held at W. G. Nicholson's on July 4th, the proceeds to go to the Wiagham Hospital. Th e committee have bean saeisssfal in se - curing some popular speakers for the evening, also some good music including quartets from Wiugham and Brussels. A game of baseball will be played in the afternoon between Blyth and Wingham which promises to be good. Wingham citizens' band will be in attendance dur- ing the afternoon and evening. Refresh- ments and supper will be served on the grounds. Special train from Wtagliam• A good time is promised and the corn• mittee are working hard to make this social a record -breaker. Keep the date in mind. Health for itnn-Donn Women. From the experience of Mrs. Jim. Panke, Saskatoon, nothing compares with Ferrozone. "At times I was con- fined to my bed and couldn't do any work'. I was run down in flesh, lost strength, my appetite failed, my color was pallid. Weary and cast down, it seemed I couldn't catch up. Ferrozone started a new kind of life in my blood, built me up, vitalized and strengthened my nerves, and finally cured my heart and stomach pains." Ferrozone is a re - builder that has special virtue in female ailments, Sold everywhere in 500boxes ; try Ferrozone. MORRI$. W.R. Mooney 5th Iine, was in Goder- ioh last week serving as a juror, Everett Walker, 6th line, is borne from the Normal College, having finished his course there. He has done well and will follow the teaching profession we under- stand. We are pleased to notice that George Bielby, Sth line, has graduated as B. A. from the University and is now writing on an exam. as a specialist in Collegiate work. After a brief but severe illness of 2 weeks Mrs, John Speir, 4th line, was summoned from the comforts and relat iouships of the earthly home to the joys of the House of many mansions on Fridaygafternoon, June 7th. Her case was a peculiar one and despite all doctors and kind friends could do she passed away, aged 46 years, 10 months and 9 days. Mrs. Speir's maiden name was Agnes Grieve, her early home being in McKillop towiiship. Nearly 24 years ago she gave her bears and hand to her now bereft partner, who with two daughters are called to mourn the loss of a true wife and an affectionate mother. De- ceased was an industrious, bright, intel- ligent woman always interested in the promotion of good. Por several years a Sabbath Sohooi was held in their home on Sunday afternoon, which was the centre of no small interest. Mrs. Spier was a faithful member of the Presbyter- ian church. One Of those happy and important events of life took plane at the residence of Geo. Peacock, lat con. of Morris, iu the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Eleanor Mary to Geo. 0, Thornton, eldest eon of Nelson Thornton,of Morris, on Tuesday, Jntie 4th. Precisely at 5 p. in. the bride and groom entered the parlor during the playing of the Wedding Maorh by Mra. J. Peacock. sister-in-law to the bride. The marriage ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Geo. 13aker, in the presence of nearly a hun- dred invited guests, relatives and friends of the bride and groom. The bride was Owned in white and carried a bogrtet of white iidwera. After the usual oongtat- ulations and the signing of the register thdy Rif set down to a sumptuous foltst. The bii le's presents were numerous and beautiful. The happy hours o tthe even. lag were spent in a social manner with mnbio and conversation. 5 ++++++++++++++4+++44++4+ ++++++++++++++4++++++++' 4.4,4444(4444 +444+44+4. • ••• • . • •• • • •• s t • w • w • . . 4. • • • • a • • • • • • • • • Waist Lengths • Silk Embroidered Waist Lengths • regusalelarprice value $2.50 to $3 00, $n2ot,00 • • • • • • ISARD'S Big Cut=price Sale ++++++++++.++++++++++ +++4 iff4+++++++++++++'+4++++ The Summer trade is now in full swing, and in order to double our business and reduce our large stook during the month of June, we are CUTTING PRICES to the quick an just the lines of goods you are in most need of t.is time of year. This is a money -saving opportunity for you. Read every line del]owing cut prices. • • •• • • • • • Oae piece Uaion Carpet yard wide, • regular Sec value, cut price...25c • • Boys' Pants • • • • • Skirts White Cambric Underskirts, nicely made, regularly $1,25, sale price $ 100 Toweling Linen Crash Toweling, regular 10o sale price 8c Carpet • w • • • •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • w • • •. • • • w • tol• P • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Boys' Heavy Knicker Pants, to clear . 5 oc Boys' Shirts A line of Boys' Print Shirts, worth 50o, oar clearing prise3De 1 Egg Lustros Fancy Silk Spot Lastres, for waists. regular price 50c on sale at , , -, 40c Curtains A. special line of Lees) Curtains 31; yds long, good value at $1.00. sale price.. 75c Muslins Flowered cad Spot Muslim, raga - lar 15c value, sale 1211 Raincoats Ladies Raincoats to clear, $10 00 coats for $8 00; $9.00 coats for $7 00; $8 00 Goats for $6 00; $5.00 Goats for.. 84.00 Men's Clothing Cat prices in Men's Clothing. See our Men's Suits at 46 00, $7 00 and $8 00 Pants at $1 00, $1 25. $1.50, 51.75 and 82.00 Plaids 3 pieces wide Plaid Dress Gaods. worth 35a, cut sale price only 25e Dress Goods 6 pieces wide gray tweed, plain and. fancy patterns, good value at 50e. cut sale prioe. , , 39e Quilts Large size White Bed Spreads, new goods, regular valve $1.50 on ; sale. ....1.2 Long Gloves Very scarce and hard to get; we i have them at reasonable prices I 50c, 75e, $1,00 and ......... $L2tt Hose 5 doz Ladies BIaok Cashmere Robs; fast black seamless, good value j at 360, sale 25e Towels !Large Linen Huck Towels, rega- 1 lar value 350 pair, for 25e G-inghams 5 pieces Check Ginghams, flood apron patterns, 7o value, while they last Se o ,. etiti . n. WANTED - TWO THOUSAND DOZEN EMS Each week during the month of June. And in order to accomplish this we will give the following PRIZES to customers bringing in the greatest number of eggs up to Saturday, June 29th. FIRST PRIZE. -Ladies ready to -wear skirt, your choice of our new styles in black, brown or grey, value- - - $85,00 SECOND PRIZE -Ladies Embroidered Silk Waist, worth - - $3.50 THIRD PRIZE. -Ladies Embroidery Lawn Waist, latest style, worth - 82.00 FOURTH PRIZE. -Pair of Kid Gloves, your ohoice of colors, value - 81.25 Remember the date: Competition opens Saturday, June Sth, and closes Saturday, June 29th, COMPETITION OL".EN TO ALL. Bring in your eggs and see what a load of Genuine Bargains you can get here In exchange for them during our cut price sate. Delanes A few pieces fancy figured Wool Delanes, worte 40o cur clearing price • 25c Hose • 10 doz. Ladies Black Cotton Hose • fast colors, sizes 811, 9, 91a, reRa- • lar value 15c, cut sale price... 10c • • • • • • • • • • • • Fresh Groceries. • New Dates So lb. Cleaned Currants 10c. Large • Raisins 10e. Celery Relish 10). Laundry Starch 70. Canned Paas 5o. 12 bars Soap 25o. • 35c Green Tea 25c. 2 pkgs Gold Dust 5e. • ++++++++•++++++++44+++44++ Waists Very pretty White Lawn Waists, trimmed with embroidery inser- tion, regulhr $1.25 value, cut sale price .. $1.00 Vests 10 doz. Ladies Summer Vests to ' clear at ... . ......... 5c Table Linens Drawers Belts Ladies Kid Belts in blank, brown, white, navy, tan, our out price only .... ....25c Dress Goods { 4 pieces gray and brown flake Tweed Saitings, regular value 35c and 40c, cat price, ........ „ 25c Corset Covers 6 doz. Ladies White Cambric A special line of Cambric Oorset Oae piece heavy Table Linen good , Drawers, nicely made, sell oar. Covers, embroidery trimmed, buying at 350, cut sale price... 25c quick price.. 35e our cat price....... 25e ULII N:vALL The excavation ,for the new Presby- terian Church has been completed. Miss Mable Thomas, of Toronto, is attending her holidays with her parents. A Lawn social willbe held at the resi- dence of Mr. John McNaughton on 1.1%►1�;��•1►1`.``1 Cheap Rates to Pacific Coast Where are you going to spend the summer. Here's a few suggestions. Portland, Ore. kookane, wat4h. Vancouver, S. C. San Francisco, Cal, Los. Angeles, Cal, Roseland, 8. C. Belenet, Mont. Lethbridge, Alta, Cheap rates to all the above places. Special Side Trips. Tiokets are also available via Sarnia and Novthern Na,vCo. Tickets are now procurable. Valid until Cot, 31st. Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket Agent and he will cheerfully give you full partionlars. For full information as to rates and tiokets, dill oil L. Haltom, Depot Agent. J. D, MCDONALD, D. P. A., Toronto. Come with the Crowd to this Big Sale. It L. isard Go. !*!l***lW*#**1*#!4!*l.*fr7 ♦ • ♦ • • •• • •• • • • F 4. ♦ • 4. • • ••• • • ♦ • • •f • r► 4- 1 - to• ♦ • • • • +++44+++4444++++++++++++++ +++4444++++++++++++4++++++4 Tuesday evening, June 25th. Rev. W. J. West, *M. A. and Mr. T. Stewart attended the High Court of Oanadian Order of Foresters at St. Thomas last week. Mr. West was elect- ed High Chaplain of the Order. A social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will be held next Friday evening, June 21st. A good programme will be rendered by the choir and others. Re - The Origin of Gall Stones They are simply dried bile, made up of crystalline constituents of that fluid.. Very common is this distinction among merchants, clergymen and those of sed- entary habits. Prevention consists in maintaining correct action of the liver and rowels, which is best accomplished by Dr, Hamilton's Pills. No person using this medidine need fear gail•etones, nor will they ever be bilious. Sound diges- tion, good appetite, a clear color will: evidence the health giving properties of Dr.Hamilton's Pills whish are the safest freshmente will be served. A collection and best for general family use. Insist will be taken at the door. All are wel- on having only Dr. Hamilton'ste Pills of :Mandrake and Butternut, 250 per box at come. all dealers. +++++++4+++++++4++44+++4++ +4+++4+44+++++4.4++++++++++ + T Royal Grocery. • • + ,+ •... + + • D• IAMOND CRYSTAL SALT 4. + 4.+ •• + + + • • F IP1 At + The salt that never hardens; always free. Sold in bandy box package, with spout. Coupon With each package which entitles the holder to a beautiful Cut Glass Salt Shaker. Call and get a sample box. +4A+4 4, 01 . t0 04.4 +4.04.44. #$ f 4 f: *44.4 41 to