HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-20, Page 44 TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, JUNE 20, 1907 TO ADVERTISERS ka Of ohnges must be left at this oe not later than Sturday noon. Me copy for ohanges must be left ct later than Monday evening. Oenal advertisements accepted up to aoon Wededy' of each week. STAISUKD 1872 3I WIlM TIES. : B.LLIQTT. rtf1anR AND PROYRIETOH THURSDAY. JUNE 20. 1907. NOTES AND COMMETS. The census and atatistioe dpartieu t ls issued another bulletin giving the letaiis of the mnuactured prodcts in anala for the calendar years 1900 and 1905, according to the cnsus at 19GI and t906 The total value is placed at $715,)85,956 for 1905, compared with $41,- )53,375 for 1901. The annual meeting of the East Eluron Conservative Association will be held in Brussels on Friday afternoon of this week. Hon. A, Matheson, Provin- oial Treasurer, will be present and de- liver an address. Some weeks ago the Txis announced the date of this meet•tng for Jane 4th, and we are sorry that the mistake occurred. We do not like to make mistakes of this kind and can- not now remember where we received the information. We are always pleas- ed to announce dates of meetings of this kind for our political opponents and try to give the correct date. When the expenditure of public money was brought into question before the public accounts committe, the Liberal members were found quite as anxious as the Conservatives to probe matters to the bottom. On the pert of the Opposition the investigation partook of the nature of a fihiug expedition, but the Lib- eral, members approached the subject in a very different manner. They adopted a process of close enquiry into the item under discussion, and elicitedenffioient information to explain an ap- parent overcharge, or dispose effectually of any suggestion thatpnblic money bad been twrongfully expended. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will not be a party to wrong- doing, and when his attention is nailed to any flagrnt case, retribution will be wift and sure. The meeting of the South Huron Lib- erals held at Hansell on Friday last w as very largely atten 'ed and was one of the most harmonious in the history of the riding. The folloing gentlemen were put in nomination as candidates for the Commons:—Donald Ugrnhart, Thos. Fraser, Geo. McEwen. M. Y. Mc- Lean, Jacob Kellerman. On several ballots being taken M. Y. McLean, was selected as the standard bearer. The other gentlemen promised to heartily en- dorse the candidate. Hon. A. B. Ayles- worth was present and delivered a roes•ing speech and short speeches by Fred Pardee, M P. Sarnia; V. Ratz, M. P. Parkhill; R. Holmes, ex. M. P. Clinton; W. H. Kerr, Brussels and G. F. Blair, Goderioh. The three Hurons are now in line for the election to the Commons, with Arch. Hislop for the East; R. Holmes for the West and M. Y. McLean for the South. All three are strong candidates and the Herons will likely be repreented by Liberals at Ottawa in the next Parliament. Mr. McLean is to be A FAMILY MEDICINE. Dr.Williams' Pnk Plls the One Medi•cine Best Suited for the Whole Household. Dr, WilliamsPink Pills are the great- est blood -builder known to medical science. They never tail to make rich, red blood — lots of it — the kind that brings health and strength to the suffer- er, They are a family medicine—good for the grandmother or grandfather; the mother or father and for the growing ohtldren. Thousands have found new health and strength through the use of these pills. As a proof of their being a family medicine Mrs Chas. Castonguay, Michipicoten River, Ont.., says : — "My huband was ill for five months and was unable to do any work. Ij/made several trips to the Soo to consult doctorand spent much mouey on medicine but noth ng helped him — in fact he grew worse. He could not at much and the little he did eat would not remain on his stomach His stomao was examined by X Rays and found to he in a terribly in- fi &mored condition Atter remaining at the Soo for some time ander the doctor's care without finding relief he returned home discouraged and afraid he was going to die. Itwas then Dr. Williams Pink Pills were recommended and by the time he had taken nine boxes he was per- fectly well and ableto go to work again." Mrs Castonguay continues: "I have also used the Pills for female troubles and found them a perfect medicine. My little one also owes good health and a rosy color to them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all the troubles due to poor blood or shattered nerves, such as anaemia, rheumatism, dyspepsia, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis, etc. simply because they make rich, red, health•gving blood. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brock- ville, Ont. indulged in by the Opposition press. At the Dpartment of Finance an un- qualified dental is given and the state- ment is denounced as false and mali- cioue. It will be observed that no names are given, jut the same general charge against an offioial of a great and re- sponsible department without any par- ticulars whatever. Snoh a course puts a cloud upon every official of that de- partment. In this case action will he taken at once to compel a retraction of the obnoxious article, but in the mean- time the damage has been done, the calnmuy has been repeated, reprinted and republished throughout Canada. When the retraction comes, as come it will, very few who read the original slander will see it; prtial reparation is all that is possible ander most favorable circumstances. In the interim the public mind is being inflamed and prejudiced against the Government, which is power - loss to stop suck dishonorable methods of political warfare. A statement such as thie,while it has its origin in an obscure paper, always finds its way into some great daily of large circulation, and the damage is intensified. These are Tory methods. This is the Tory policy. This is a fair sample of the means employed to dethrone the Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, for the purpose of handing it over to an un- organized coterie of ambitious, hungry politicians. v9ROXETER. Two of Wingham's foremost debaters, Messr. Spotton and Workman, jour- neyed to this place on Thurday evening, where a friendly debate was held in the basement of the Presbyterian church. Wroxeter was represented by Messrs. Monro and Dobson. The subject was, "Resolved that it is in the best interests congratulated on being nominated by the of this country that oriental immigration Liberals. He has had parliamentary ex- should be excluded." Wroxeter took perience and is one of the beet known the affirmative, while Wineham enc• news aper men in Western Ontario. ported the negative. The decisioon was P given for the afrirmative, thou h the With the Liberals of South Huron Wingham speakere showed slightly the united Mr. McLan should be a eure better oratorical form. Dr. P. Mao - winner, donald and the Rev. T, S. Boyle gave short addresses and a short musical pro•gramme was rendered. Rev. L. Perrin ANOTHER LIE NAI LED. presided ably and the evening was voted The Ottawa Citizen, Conservative a complete success - paper, recently charged that an official of the Finance Department had sold an Stock Live Markets 4 MOM. Able 4111111111k The "Big i Cr"InP""t"""44""rt<rtrw"41"..44.II."""lb4""e Cl*C114°—.— "Ir6"111411.1"1411.1e4P1"1"4"1".".4111161r. 010 Mens 2 -Piece Suits `I' e Store" Made to order from beautiful light Homespuns, Tweeds, etc., at $10.00, $12.00 and $14.00, These are made in any style you wih, and made to suit, SHIRTS AND COLLARS. We handle the famous W.G. & R, brand. These_goods are found in the bestmen's Furnishing stoes in everycity and town in the Dominion of Canada. And for Wingham you will find an excellent assortment at our store. COLLARS -15c each, or 2 for 25c. 20e each, or 3 for 50e. Collars in . sizes. SHIRTS — 51.00, 51.25, 51.50, 81.75 and 52.25 each. We can also give you cheaper Shirts, UNDERWEAR—We handle the best Underwear made in America. SUMMER HATS—In Straw, Panama, Linen, etc., in the latest styles. 11AXWELL & HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. ....aukmag) yvVVVYVIVVVVVVYVVVVVYVV'V♦ ‘YYVVY'VYY'VVVVVVVVVVVYYVV 5.R► ►►►►►►►0. 00 10 ►0. .►0. 10 ►10 10 O . 0. ► 110 0. 0. 0. ►advanced copy of the Royal Insurance Toronto, June 18.—The run at the CityCommittee report and intimated that Cattle Market today was 75 loads, with at the samo price public ofi-icials would 1,411 headof cattle, 549sheepandlambs, .soon become wealthy. To give an air 350 hogs, and 453 calves. of probability to the accusation, the The steady rise in the market which Citizen proceeded to explain that this has been uninterrupted for the past week official used the check in payment of a or two, received a temporary check to. grocery bill. day. The sudden advent of the warm This is the kind of damnable slander weather, and the fact that there have been some heavy runs of cattle of Iate, a.a.t. finds the wholesale botcher trade pretty well supplied with stock on hand. It 1 _will probably take a few days toworktheir surplus stock, and in view of the probable continuance of the warmther, it was td be expected that a decline in the market rueabout due. As com- �yy� pared with last week's top(,adecline today was from 20c to OOe. The following are the quotations: • Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 ll!bs. Choice $5 50 $5 85 Thereare fourverses. Verse1.. Medium Ayer's HairVigorstopsfalling -ht hair. Verse 2. Ayer's Hair cows Vior makes the hair grow., Feeders- - Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vior bwards�pounds curs dandruff. Verse 4. Stockers choice Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the Butchers's - - scalp healthy, and keeps it so. Picked - It is a regular hair -food• this Choice � Meum- is the real secret of its won- Cuffs-.••.•• - derful success.The beat kind of A testimonial -...Best "Sold for oer sixty years." Lights 525 550 425 475 375 400 425 450 andup- 470 485 425 435 300 350 550 575 480 500 400 425 400 425 400 425 Xw.c ci O. J.7ea oo , Lewwn, M.s. AaoaeaotarerssExport eweSARSAPAW.LA. Buck.... PILLS. tis 600 6 65 525 4 60 C11 .,....... 350 CartY PAE'iOAL. Spring Lmbe eaoh.. $ 00 800 450 50 400 650600 AN ORDER FOR3 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 'illia sI�ew �a�e Pianos. 4 The largest retail order for Pianos ever placed in Canada is given toThe R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Limited, Toronto's largest Maeio Dealers,by Love Bros., Contractors, to be plced in one huudred new completely A furnished homes. A Dopy of the big order: —OFFICE AND PLANIG MILL PriONE MAIN 3609 LOVE BROTHERS, LIMITED, BUILDERS AND DEALERS IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. TorioNzo, JUNE 6TIr, 1907. 1000 Gerrard Street, East of Pape Ave. Messrs. The R. S. Williams & Sons Co , Limited, 143 Young Street, Toronto Ont. 4Gentlemen: —Agreeable with our conversation of this morning we take pleasure 4in herewith confirming our order for 100 New Scale Williams Pianos,No. 44 (375 style) which you will understand are to be delivered tons as promptly as possible upon order, including stool. 4We might state that this order is placed after thoroughly inveeti• 4 gating the different makes of pianos, and is decided upon owing to 4 the excellent quality of tone, finish and workmanship which we 4 found in your piano, and which we consider unequalled by anyother. Very truly yours. 4(SIGNED) LOVE BROS., LIMITED. Certainly a convinciu g testimonial of the quality and sterling worth 4 of thse wonderful instruments44 4 4 44 4e 4 4 4 4 4 4 S. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER SOLE AGENT IN WINGHAM. The old Livingstone flax mill at List- owel was burned. Lose, $1,500. There is a move on foot which may re- sultin a sweepingLDcal Option campaign in North Welington district. including in its sooe the towns of Mount Forest, Harriston, PalmerstonandLietowel, and also the townships in that district.. 4 4 '4 ) WINGIIAM, - ONTARIO. JOHN KERR OJT YOy(TTADWW S=�J De. Bader, Eos, ELc, Nlie and T hroa Specialist. 370 Q ieen's A venae, Lo ndon 3rd door E3.3t or' St. Andrew's Oh arch. FOR SALE.—Brick house and lot; also a good brick house with all modern convienoes; hard and soft wate r, good barn, and from one to four acres of land. Gat partioalars at the TIMES office. ON THE GEORGIAN BAY HOMESEEKERS' AN Ideal Summeesor1. on Lake Huron, OWEN SOUND, CANADA King's Royal Hotel and park Golf Links, Bowling Greens, Lawn Tennis Conrts, Croquet Lawn, Safe Boating and Bathing, 70 Acres of Gonnds, Minature Railway in Grounds, Orchestra and Dancing,Snmmer Theatre, Athletic Grounds. Cuisine unexcelled. Service first-class. Reasonable transient and family rated. Booklet free. PRANK IL NORMAN, Manager. ealisertileae SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN p ALBERTA DATESExcursions leave Toronto Tuesdays Juno 4,1S; July 2,16,30; August 13, 27; Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good to return within sixty day* from going date. RATES Are the same from all points in Ontario, ranging from $32.00 round-trip to %i n peg to E42.fi0 round-trip to Ed - mouton. Tickets to all pointe in the}ortk-west. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local ageht at least mi. days before excursion leaves. COLONIST SLEEPERS trhgereXacret berths, pa/mangers IDDIDIYing their own bedding, will be used as far as possible in plate of ordinary coaches. Rates and full Information eontalned In free Home.eekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. agent for a col y, or write to 8. tl. FOSTER, District Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Terellti For ticket/ tied fun information see S. $ lfeemer, Agent at Wingham. Is in full swing and the crowds are coming this way. There has been a big rush for bargains. But the biggest rush is to come, on account of the warmer weather. Remember our Clearing Sale continues up to Saturday the 29th of June. CARPETS. House-cleaning has been late this season because of the cold weather, Our sale of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Matting, etc. comes just in the nick of time for all who are needing new floor coverings. BIG MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. New Window Shades With fringe and insertion or plain. Good roller and spring., New Curtain Poles, small wood, white finish, Brass Extension Rods, etc. ALL AT CLEARING- SALE PRICES. Ready -Made Clothing for Men and Boys. All of our big stock of Progress Brand Clothing at clearing sale prices. All of our big stock of Gents' Furnishings at reduced prices during this month. Dress Goods, Muslin, Delaines, Waistings, Silk, Satins, , Laces, Embroidery, Ribbons. New and Seasonable Goods at Reduced Prices. Our Boot and Shoe Department Bargains Are proving very attractive. Don't miss this opportunity Large stock, new goods. of saving money. We'll not offer you somethirrgior noth ing, but we will satisfy given or we'll quit the business. you with values I taraftkNowebrobiommispikr44.20,04•80~welesAam,litraibil WINOHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, June 19th,1907 Flour per 100 lbs..... 22510280 Fall Wheat .... 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, 0 42 to 0 42 Barley ... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas Butter 0 75 to 0 75 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord 2 50 to 300 Hay , per ton.. 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per lb 0 5 to 0 06 L .. 0 15 to 0 15 Driedard Apples per lb Live Hogs, per cyst 065 to 0 07 t 6 50 to 6 60 BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER AT KNOX'S. A large stock of Wall Paper of the newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly reduced prices 25c Wall Paper for 20o per roll 20c " " 15c " " 15c " u n 12ic " " 1230 „ ,1 ,1 10c .[ ,. 100 11 " ., 8c f, If 70 „ „ I. So ,( I, Borders same price per roll as sidewalls they match. Spalding Sporting Goods Headquarters for everything in_ Base Ball, Football, Lacrosse, Tennis Goods, Etc. English -made Fishing Tackle We carry a first class stock. Try us Fancy, Souvenir and Comic Pest Cards Our variety can't be beat anywhere. Cameras and Photographic Supplies, A. fresh and complete stock, free dark room and instructions to beginners. R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham, Ont. VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWVVVW AMMMAAAAAMA A M/NNMM Summer 1 Comfort Is increased by cool foot- wear. There is no footwear so comfortable in hot weather as CANVAS SHOES And where can you find such variety in color, shapes and styles and at such .reasonable prices, as at R. JOHNSTON. a AAAMMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAMAAAAMAMAAMMAAA" masurnar[db" � k. mgTdR1fG'ietr trits+ 6-r rryz-atm"'1Far.az.{. mat.uz lgm MARTIN -- SENOUR PAINTS Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis ! ! This means that you can take any can of " Martin- Senour 100% Pure Paint" off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada. If you do not find it abso- lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay the charges and make you a present of $loo for your trouble. SOLE AGENT IN WINQHAM. J. D. BURNS. Ti �AQAITIMIMEiu}5i Viffill