HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-22, Page 17116A — THE iHURDN;EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER«2, 1989 Oth ATITAVOTSary The YtamifyoFStewart&: 'mma{Seattle tnviteyou7oattenden.Open+Hause in honour f°their.parents5Oth l,Wedding Anniversary ,on Sat., 'Nov..25 aat rWingham edit & Cursing .Club, 'Whrghem fram8 00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Your presence •will be Meir treasured gift. ERGIES TAVERN at'Rhe EDEN'S SEA1~ORTff 'Photo CD. required by evetyoner THIS'=WEEK Seaforth AgricutturalSoclety TRACTOR ELIMINATION DRAW FIRST EARLY :BIRD DRAW SUNDAY, DEC. 3 at the TOY SHOW Tickets must be bought' prior to 12:00 NOON DEC. 3 TICKETS AVAILABLE from Ag Society Members "Teacher's Pet" +Oheck'Out The•'new Tunes iOn The •Jtike ttox riortwarsrsv.7.witil Seaforth Harmony t HiUtes 11 :CHRISTMAS CABARET 'iv ,Dancing to "Traces" SEAFORTH&DISTRICTCOMMUNITYCENTRES 11 SAT., -DEC. 2 "41. at 7:59 P.M. Smorgasbord Provided $12. per person - Show & Dance S5, per person - Show Only ti For Tickets CaII 527-1493 or 52740230 c� '90 Seaforth Seahawks NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE .i, kik SUNDAY, DEC. 31 0 ; at i •• "• Seaforth & District Community Centres BUFFET DINNER 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. DANCING 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. 640.00 per person includes buffet, dancing & refreshments Tickets available from Seaforth Arena Only Age of Majority Only Absolutely No Minors Bus service available for more information call Kevin Varley 527-1876 THE STRATFORD f3OYCHOIR will be featured at'a'Christmas concert at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Clinton on December 3. Also featured during the show, Which is set to begin at 2:30 p.m., is the' North Street United Church Junior Choir from Goderich. The Stratford Choir is made up of boys from Hensel!, Stratford, Clin- ton, Seaforth, and Exeter, to name a few, and the surrounding areas. Tickets can be purchased at: Clinton, Home Hardware Store; Goderich, Union Gas office; Seaforth, Custom Art Designers. Funds raised from the concert will go towards the church, and a trip to England for the choir next summer. Legion makes donations The Legion's regular monthly meeting for November was held last Thursday evening with President Mel Melanson in the chair. Due to the bad storm, John MacDonald, Zone commander C.1. was unable to attend, and the seminar on Leadership by Gordon De Jong was cancelled. The two new mmembers who were initiated were Comrade Rick Fortune and Comrade Brett Finlayson. Donations of $100. each were made to the Town and Country Homemakers and to the Seaforth High School Debating Club and $500 to the Seaforth Ringette Association. 'amens DISC JOCKEY SERVICE SUNDAY, NOV. 26th 8 p.m. St. Coiurnban Church Hall 12 games for turkeys 4 Share -the -Wealth Door Prizes LAP CARD - $2.00 Extras - 250 each or 5 for 1.00 4; Country Gold .& hock !nig L DISCO, POLKAS, WALTZES. NEW LAZIER 05C MUSIC, GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES, ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC to y,e. experience .No mileage MUFTI. BRUSSELS - 687-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS Happy 21st Birthday Cherr B Aline Smith LEGION NEWS by Gordon Scott to local causes The Christmas Turkey Bingo are now underway with the next Bingo on Tuesday, November 28. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Bingos will also be held Tuesday, December 5 and Tuesday, December 13. The New Year's Eve Dance tickets are now on sale at the Branch. These tickets are .available until December 11 for members and guests. After that non- members will be invited to attend. The for- mat is the same as last year, a social hour, and a buffet meal with dancing to follow. There are only 160 tickets printed so pick your tickets up early. The 1989 Literary contest winners have been judged with the following names the winners. The first name on the list will be entered in the Zone competitions at a later date. All winning entries received a cash prize. Category No. 3 Grade 4, 5, 6. Posters - (1st) Sarah Lamble, S.P.S; (2nd) Jered Munro, St. James; (3rd) Bill Ryan. Poems - (lst) Kathy Devereaux, St. James; (2nd) Bradley Hoegy, S.P.S; (3rd) Robbie Craig, St. James. Essays - (1st) Lisa Gingerich, S.P.S; (2nd) Ricky Poppe, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MONS St. Patricks; (3rd) Sarah Lamble S.P.S. Category No. 2 Grade 7, 8, 9. Posters - (1st) Michelle Etue, St. James; (2nd) Mike Moylan, St. Patricks; (3rd) Christine Dale, St. James. Poems - (1st) Joe Kenny, St. James; (2nd) Sharon Kelly, S.D.H.S.; (3rd) Adam Agar, St. James. Essays - (1st) Sharon Kelly, S.D.H.S.; (2nd) Melanie Cronin, St. Patricks; (3rd) Jamie Somerville, S.P.S. Category No. 1 Grades 10, 11, 12, 13. Poems - (1st) Dave Kelly S.D.H.S. Essay - (1st) Dave Kelly S.D.H.S. Once again Bruce Wilbee, Chairman of committee and the Legion thank all who participated in the competition, especially the teachers who helped in any way. Remember the stag euchre tonight at the Branch. All guests must be signed in by a member and leave with the same. Crib- bage is on Monday evening at 8 p.m. There will be a meeting of the Dart players this Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. with the idea of discussing a meals dart Turn to page 18A SIEAFARTH 139 rint Yd5k9 �N� are LORETTA DOLMAGE Dart 'MARK $100. John Strangway $10.0. Janice Rose $100• Kevin Melady 1989 FORD PROBE -°Emit 'from IMoirt- t''! -SALTFORD VALLEY HALL - EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT DOORS OPEN 6:30 PMIBINGO STARTS 7:30 PM TOTAL PRIZE MONEY....$3200 14 REGULAR .GAMES 1 SHARE -THE -WEALTH O $1000 JACKPOTS —1 MUST GO - 1 PROGRESSIVE AT 50 CALLS. —$500. MUST GO!— Walton • from page I1A unit II was held at the home of Maxine Houston with 12 members present. Malin - da Joenston and Pearl McCallum led devo- tions all relating to Remembrance Day and Peace. In the business it was announced the December meeting would be held December 6 with a pot luck supper; bring a donation to go to the Friendship House. Officers for 1990-92 were elected - President -Maxine Houston; vice president - Kathleen Williamson; secretary -Margaret Craig; treasurer -Margaret Bennett; misc.- Helen Craig; supper committee -Marilyn McDonald, Helen Craig, Kathleen William- son and Margaret Craig. $100 • Greg O'Reilly $1.00 a John Driscoll $1000. Mark :Moore `$100 • .Sandra HUliey QUEEN'S $30:0. - PAUL McLLWAIN $500. HOSPITAL NURSING STAFF YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED. THANK YOU! Seaforth/Denmark '89 Hockey Exchange ;Committee .Mabel and Reinhardt auer of `Brussalswish Io extend an Invitation to all •to;join usdn•celebratlon of our 501h Wedding Anniversary en .Set., Dec. 2, 1889, ,8:30 p.rn. in The :Brussels Community Centre. Open ,HousewilLbeheldon:Sunday', Dec..3, 1989 from 2 ,p.m. to .4 ,p;m..at our •homeinBrussels. 'Best Wishes' Only. B & W TRAILBLAZERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB is now selling OFSC Trail Permits Enjoy our monthly Sunday 4.95 Brunch All10 Youa.m.-C2anp:Emat . In Our DONUT SHOPPE WARM UP with Hot Chocolate, Hot Cider or Fresh Brewed Coffee and try a donut or Fresh Baked Muffin. All For Only 990 Book Your CHRISTMAS PARTIES NOW Before It's Too Late 4118., $45 before Dec. 15 $55 after Dec. 15 Available at Todd's Bakery, Brussels McGavin Farm Equip., Walton Vincent's Farm Equip., Seaforth Snowmobile Drivers Safety Training Courses for kids ages 12-16 Dec. 5 & 7 Brussels, Morris & Grey Centre 7:30p.m. S15.50perperson FOR REGISTRATION CALL MARK GROPP 887-6353 CAM ROSS 887-9338 Next meeting • Wed., Dec.13 •8:15 a.m.-IBrusselsHotel THE iDAllLIN :S' PECTAICiD1A'R PARK THEATRE 3 DAYS ONLY Fri. -Sun., Nov. 24-26 Fri. -Sun. 7 P.M. Sat. ;& Sun. Matin '° e: 2 :.P.M. A5 extlt(aratiug pertauinan;,t or n • si . l)rta.tntaklnij prOUuctit narnoers thri(iing skatinu and fu„ Sep tits ma greatest skaters to (Kt: r e siruv; sensatteti of Ott pottit;rl of tht, procerlrs support fdaddto mufti; of;veropnlwr?:. A Christmas adventure for the whole family, Frio res. Nov. x2448 "a ;t9 i L Onlyj� n.;t& Tulsa 1P.M. atp)rdll����nb� i���hal�jid�q�it atric.k :Srwayte A Chicago cap from the, hills •of -Kentucky. liuniing,his :brother's ,killer. Seeking; justice country style. SPerw i►k •