HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-22, Page 1635 I ND . S WANTS . HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.FT..(HC) 9001 Preventive Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers in Ontario Housing Coe Oration +.Buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, December 6, 1989 by the Huron Coun- ty Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. (HC) 90-01 On Move -Out Painting as and when re- quired at OHC Huitdinas in Huron County. Tenders •.will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, December 6, 1989 by the Huron Coun- ty Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 22, 1989 — 15A 37. NOTICE TO PITO - 'NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS • AND OTHERS in The Estate Of OLIVE °ELIZA'BETH BECHELY All persons having claims against -HE ESTATE OF OLIVE:ELIZAIIETH ECHELY, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, who died on or about' the 1st day of October, 1989 arefrereby notifiedxosend in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned an or before the 13th day of December, T989, after which date the assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 6th day of November, 1989. MccONNELL, STEWART 8. 8EVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor Queens fn m<page9A between his feet. Joe Vink and Steve Eckert both scored assisted by Jim Nyenhuis. Jody Durand got a goal off a pass by Larry Berten. A lone goal for Parr Line as credited to Don Wise assisted by Dennis Dobnage. RAIDERS '0 - ROYALS 1 Perry Kemp picks The top corner of the net and scores a goal 'for the Raiders, with only two 'minutes left. Chuck Dow assisted. The Raiders lost count of their many shots off of the goal post. A well played game by both femme DUMPERS 1 - EASY RIDERS 1 Ed Van Miltenburg drives the ball into the net assisted by Joe Vink and Jerry Zwep. With 50 seconds remaining in the game the Dumpers' Bill Dale scored assisted by John Deveratb . 'There was a full house to watch this game. REIS RUSTLERS 0 - GRADS 4 Ray Filson for the Grads gobbles up two goals after wrestling for the ball in front of the net. Tony Van Denheuvel also dashes in and gets three sure points. to� theeffective Craig Smith dedicates his goal passing of Robert Wydeven. The Rustlers sure did give this team a run for their money, as numerous chances of goal scoring were present but none were accounted for. In Men's Broomball November 23 at 8 p.m. Raiders vs Winthrop; 8:50 p.m. Dumpers vs Knights; 9:40 p.m. Red Rustlers vs Royals; 10:30 p.m. Grads vs Easy Riders; and Parr Line sits out. 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3't miles east of Exeter 233-1123 Try us for CUSTOM MIXING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Hi,me cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. HURON * COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (HC) 90-02 Preventive Maintenance and Testing of Fire. Alarms, and Related Equipment in Ontario Housing Corporation Buildings in Huron County. Tenders wit be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, December 6, 1989 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario -N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY, ACCEP.'FED. HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton foe Zehr 887-9599 Brussels is there something about your house that's driving you crazy? Are you in need of a - Decorator? Painter? Wallpaperer? Stenciller? Are you still postponing that dreaded spring cleaning? If you answer Yes to any of the above, call us for an estimate, after 5 p.m. please: Sandy Volckmann 522-0818 or Joan Gowan 522-1382. 37 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 39. CARD OF THANKS Bill Hanly ® from page 1 pulse of each and every one of these committees. It is not an easy job to do but Rattly still regards his office with reverence and the system itself with optimism. "You have to deal with a great many people in this job," he says when asked about the continuity of his position as op- posed to the ever changing faces about him. "You have to get to know people very quickly as well. I don't consider the fact that there's a new warden elected every year a problem at all. It brings a new and different thought and view to council every year which is certainly a good thing." Also, says Hanly, the fact that the warden is elected from council by his peers tends to assure the county gets the right person for the job. "We've never had a warden with less than six years experience on council. I've always known them and worked with them on various committees before. Besides, no one could afford to be a warden for more than one year at a time. The person who's appointed usual- ly has to give up their personal business for a year in order to accept the job, and Town denies from page 3A Mr. Bedard said the'Recreatjon Depart- ment does not have any major capital ex- penditures for 1990. Council however, said it felt the town would be .better to investigate the issue further rather than to rush into a pur- chase. It suggested that the finance and general government committee in- vestigate the feasibility of purchasing a computer unit that would integrate with the one already in use in the town hall, with an eye to possibly exchanging it with the one in use in the mainstreet of- fice, since that unit is not compatible with the other town equipment. The co9n- puter put into place in :the recreation of- fice would not have to be compatible with the town system, and 'council felt it would be better to 'have only ane odd piece of equipment, rather than ;three. "I wonder at this time if there aren't some alternatives we -can llok at rather than rushitig,.outsand, hlgying,a.machine," said 'Councillor Bill Teall. According to the recreation director the towns of Goderich and Exeter are the on- ly ones in Huron County whose recreation departments are currently computerized. the job just doesn't pay very much." While a position such as the one he's held for more than 30 years is all con- suming, Hanly still found time to act as the church treasurer for North Street United Church for ten years, to coach minor hockey and to serve as president of the local Kinsmen Club. He and wife Jean raised four children in Goderich before moving to a new home in Port Albert. And then there's his golf game. "I'm looking forward to retirement," he says, leaning back in his well-worn chair. "We've got some travelling to do, some grandchildren to visit and a golf course or two to play. I won't have trou- ble filling my time." It's going to be a real change for him," Jean says about her husband's ear- ly December retirement date. "We've got a 10t of places we'd like to visit and, of course, there's golf in Florida in the winter." But he does admit he'll have a hard thaw changing his habit of showing up at his office at 8 a.m. every day the way he's done for over three decades. "After 31 years, I'll probably be in for coffee every now and again," Hanly says with a knowing laugh. "They have a busy time ahead of them; an exciting time and an interesting time. This county will be getting nothing but stronger in the future and I'll be watching that with great interest, It's a very good time to be living in Huron County." Replacing Hanly behind the big desk at the County Court House is Nigel Bellchamber. Bedchamber is a man Han- ly regards with great respect. "Nigel certainly doesn't need many tips from me," Hanly says of his successor. "He's familiar with council; he's got lots of experience. No, I'm leaving the coun- ty of Huron in very capable hands. And in the wings is another Hanly. Hugh Hanly, Bill and Jean's youngest son, is currently the clerk/treasurer of the village of Brussels At his last meeting of County Council in the position of administrator, Hanly of- fered a sincere thanks to the local media, council Members past and present, and to the warden. "T� say that I will not miss you would be the understatement of the year," Han- ly said in his final address. "Thank you for everything. I've loved every minute of this job." NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS lin The Estate Of MARGARET ANN ,PRIMEAU All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ANN PRIMEAU, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of September, 1989 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 13th day of December, 1989, after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to cloims then received. Dated at :Seaforth, Ontorio this 2nd day of November, 1989. Mt:CONNELL, STEWART & DEVERgAUX Barristers, &c., Seoforth, .Ontorlo Solicitors for the executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate Of ISABELLA VICTORIA CAMPBELL All persons having claims againstTHE:ESTATE OF.ISABELI.A VICTORIA CAMPBELL. late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, who died on or about the2nd day of October, 19B9:arahereby notified toaend in full particulars of.their claims to the under- signed on or -.;before the 13th day of December,A989ydfter, which date theassets will be •distributed having regard only to claims thenareceived. Dated of'T4eoforth,'Ontario this 16th day of November; .L989. McCONNEL'L; AYMNARTA,DEVEREAUX tila4rlsturI4&c., SeetarthatleteNo SolIcIterf{ ettthe:Axecytors NOTICE 10 CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The iEstate Of MARY :KATHLEENtMCGRATH+SMITH Allpersons having claims against,THEUSTATE OP ;MARYrK/ATHLUII MMcGRATHI.SMITH, !wept the,T.own:oflSeaforih:In the Cauntypf Huron,,whocdIed on or about the 3rd day;9f October, i989are:hereby notified •to>send.in Eull particularsof their,ctalms-to-the,under- signed an ,or .:before '.the t3th day of Derernber,19e9,:dfterwhich dote the assets will;be,xfistr,(buted;.having.regard :only to claims fhnhrrittelved. RatedatAeaforth,lOntoricnthis27thday.af Oetabor ,1989. MtCf ±HlaLeStTAyW,ARTr&D viREAUX ellttferisteksi';, e.. S+i etihd ,Basi t DECORTE I would like to thank my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits and prayers while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Ken's parents, my parents and Mar- tha for all their help. Elaine DeCorte39-47-x1 LAMONT We would like to sincerely thank our family, neighbours and acquaintances for their ex- tremely kind expressions of sympathy through cards, flowers and donations, in loving memory of Arnold. A special thanks to Riby's Funeral Home, Rev, Jones, the ladies of Northside for their delicious lunch and to Fran Hook and all the people at Maplewood Maner, also to the ones that gave us meals. Will always be remembered. The Lamont family 39-47-1 ARMSTRONG We wish to take this opportunity to thank friend, relatives and neighbours for making our 40th wedding anniversary a very treasured celebration. Thanks to Pat Taylor for organiz- ing our entertainment. The dancers where tremendous. Thank you to our families for making our ppt luck dinner a success, Sincere thanks to the people that sent us best wishes with a card. We wish to make special mention of Ron and Dorothy Williamson who provided the special extras for the meal. Special thanks to our children Greg and Pat Armstrong end their lads Jonathon, Matthew and Nicholas, Richard and Frances and :dear Emily. The day wit always be precious. Floyd and Jean39-47-1 BEUERMAN I would like to thank the Legion gang, am- bulance men, Seaforth Hospital nurses and Dr. Malkus tor their care. Harvey'Bauerman39-47-1 BENNEWIES We would like to thank :our sons and their ,families -for the surprise ,25thL.Wedding.Anniver- sary ,party held Saturday ztight.in'Brodhagen Nall. Special :thanks to -the .McGuire family, Aunty and ,neighbors and •friends for preparing and serving a delicious lunch and helping In zany ether way. Also our sincere -thanks for the cards,.gitts ;and .best wishes •received. Ivan and ,Marjorie. 39.47-1 -FLANAGAN We ,.would like to thank our relatives and friends for'tho•gifts, cards and visits when Mar- .tin:was born. Thanks to those ,who offered to babyeIt.and:who brought baking to our home. Special thanks to Sherry Maloney for all her help. ',Thanks also to Dr. Salsbury and staff of -Cllnton,Feiblic Hospital for their care. Joanne and Larry Flanagan 39-47x-1 HICKNELL I would fikeeo thank die -:Doctors.Arciozeuskl, -Hodes, ;Quinlan, Rodney :who took excellent care. of -me ,white I was a .patient in ;Stratford General Hospital. To the nurses and ,staff of the ,.third irfloor, Reinke ,for ,your ,prpffeesional ear°..3llll*farty, Sister:tFilta„and Father.,Herdy 9lhanks '-for ,your sprayers and =visits. To my , friends, s nelghlxturs ,and aamllg thank yea for all 'the elaitsl >tloyre a aandyi times of =.fruits d, get wen. ;Dards ,when I „was..In tretford land eat (home: Tis alImill amlly4itankssaggeorferhelp- irdg :ti sgie 4)t ,41ome Frpr)g1s iq,4,A11rr3 { 0ial 39. CARD OF THANKS MENARY We would like to thank all mom and dads (Ken and Lois Moore's) neighbors in Harpurhey for the beautiful brass livingroom lamp given to us for our wedding. It was a beautiful gesture. Phil and Darlene Menary 39-47-1 WRIGHT I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and Mrs. Hook, the administrator of Maplewood Manor for arranging such a lovely 81st birthday party for me Nov. 14, 1989. Special thanks to Lynn Robinson for baking and decorating such a tasty cake. Thanks to the girls in the kitchen who are so kind to me from time to time. Special thanks to my fami- ly for all their kindness and thoughts to me et this time. Also for the ,beautiful cards, cut " flowers and potted plants and gifts received. Also thanks for long distance and local calls. Everything was most appreciated. All these things and best wishes Just made my day. God bless you all. Mre. Gladys Wright 39-47-1 40. IN MEMORIAM PLANNING APPLICATION FEE The Town of Seaforth will reply to a letter from the Town of Exeter regarding its disagreement with and opposition to the decision of Huron County to institute a processing fee for each plan of subdivi- sion in the amount of $1,000 plus $50 per lot. The Town of Seaforth will advise both the Town of Exeter and the county that it is its policy to getthe devloper to pay for these fees, and is therefore not af- fected by the county's decision. PAY FOR MEETINGS Members of Seaforth Town Council received a total of $2,500 for meetings at- tended in the month of October. Deputy -reeve Peg Campbell received $615 for one council and seven committee meetings plus attendance at the MPA Conference. Reeve Bill Bennett received $375 for one council, five committee and one all -lay meeting. Councilor Pat Malone received $345 for one council and one committee meeting, plus the MPA Conference. Mayor Hazel Hildebrand received $325 for one council and five committee meetings; Councillor Marjorie Claus received $240 for one council, two com- mittee and one all day meeting; Coun- cillors Bill Teall and Garry Osborn each received $210 for one council and three committee meetings; Councillor Bill Pinder received $135 for three committee meetings; and Councillor Irwin Johnston received $45 for one committee meeting. STRIKING COMMITTEE Town Council's striking committee has made the following appointments to the standing and special purpose committees of council: TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRON- MENT, Bill Pinder, Bill Bennett and Garry Osborn; PROTECTION TO PER- SONS AND PROPERTY, Peg Campbell, Pat Malone and Garry Osborn; FINANCE AND GENERAL GOVERN- MENT, Bill Teall, Marjorie Claus and Ir- win Johnston; BIA, Marjorie Claus; PLANNING ADVISORY COMMIITTEE, Marjorie Claus and Bill Pinder; LACAC, Peg Campbell; SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES, Pat Malone; MID -HURON LANDFILL, Bill Teall; RECREATION AND PARKS, Pat Malone and Bill Pinder; SEAFORTH FIRE AREA, Hazel Hildebrand; SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BOARD, Garry Osborn; VAN EGMOND SOCIETY, Bill Teall; NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE, Bill Teall, Bill Bennett and Garry Osborn; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Peg Campbell, Bill Bennett; and STREETSCAPE, Peg Campbell and Bill Pinder. PROGRAM PROPOSALS Town Council has given B.M. Ross and Associates authorization . to complete the pre -engineering for Chalk Street. Tha.it Street is among the 1990-92 Roao Pro- gram Proposals for the Town of Seaforth. The Town has agreed to go ahead with the engineering, knowing that funding for the program will depend entirely on government approval and funding for the sewer expansion project, currently in libo. Another street being considered for, total reconstruction is Brantford Street. Being considered for resurfacing are por- tions of Gouinlock Street, the back alley, Isabella Street, Side Street, Crombie Street, Mill Street, Coleman Street, Welsh Street, North Street, the West William ex- tension, and George Street. .R.OLEMAM For a dear grandfather and great grandfather T. Russell Coleman ,who passed away on November 22, 1887. They never ,quite .,leave us. These -friends who have ;passed From the shadows of earth, to the sunshine above A thousand sweat-memories„are holding them fast To the places they -blest with their presence and lova. Dearly loved and always -missed by :8ev, Gayle, Brent and Ashley. 40-37-1 „MsCOWAN In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Isabel McCowan .who passed away Nov. 19, 1982. No-lerigth of time can ,take away. My, thoughts of ,you-toaday Sadly messed ,by daughter Kaye, .son-in-law Fred and grandchildren ;Dana, Vance and Judd. 10-47-1 THAMER In loving memory of a ,dear father .William Thamer..who;passed away 'November 26, 1980. In a ,quiet cpuntry ,graveyard ,Where rfhe :gentle breezes blow ,Lies the one I loved. ,so 'dearly ;And Jost nine ,years .ago. Lovingly remembered <by ?Fruth and family. .40-47x-1 NOW DOES THIS WORK AGAIN? IT'S EASY! ••Do you have papers, orders, documents, that have to be in Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, or Listowel today? Right now! !Ever faced with deadlines? MEET THEM WITH Instant Document Transmission The .Huron ape, sitor'haa.a:F.A%;medbine In our*Moe that dots you contact:arly..oTer :EAX.rnmcbine to the moniid ... In. st>';fntly. The EtcPo itor.ANers l miheAor,.vipe-of toe FAx1or Sa.90 forth! first printed 8leo"x11" etanp;,$1,;(!,(i,IQr ha itional Y,ir,,x11 sheet for :tra[tafl i n to:' a .pr iiae fttlf4 t$l U S $pr''trfllr0rnialflefB tereachIPPOLPutaldfgtllhIt (0,4441 st lrillf.. 1s)Prip/an:EO",x11",•,dell tor dettills.9 fAxmliant nklaaiso ypyr number gett you want ^ to be •r,ealcJiod loigt+ Y — b wHlkr,lp. llYesyeurl ,ores ':fpw$9,^QO;per:$0,. dt 11",s ;, I. PERSONAL, O1JEF,i.EiOHT? Try.our ;new Appetite,,Llontrol -sPyam i lona..0100 rips r .,IArs 911 )fd f. ( OAV.2O r1,00r , r c,,�rttsg a ti$ prk¢ing- rrLyAaflordef$01.1 =.(4i1E)' 0.41,1474110 'OA js . t'274424O for details.