HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-20, Page 1THS WINCHAIVI `TI
VOL NXXVI,--NO. 1845.
See our window display.
We import direct aavingthe middle-
man's profit, you reap the benefit.
Saving 20X.
Glycerine Soap,
Oatmeal Soap
Honey Soap
Floating Bahl Son
8 cakes
Rosedore. 150 Dake
Viodora ...• 2 cakes
Fine Tar 25c
Ooleo Unscented( 250
Ooleo Seented {( oaks
- Cashmere Baguet
Monad Violet ... 85o cake •
Dactylia8 cakes
La Franc Rose $1.00
Superfine Violet 60c per cake
Walton McKibhoo
- Macdonald Block, Wingham.
A specialcourse of instree.
tion during Jnly and August
for Public School Teachers.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
GEO. )SPOTTON, Principal.
The Name That is Read with a Smile
What the Mothers
of Boys are
Looking dor
The Boys aren't kicking about the
backward season as mucb as the most
of us, in fact, they can "slide to first"
better, when there's scarcely a cover-
ing of grass in the fields. And
mothers know' that this same "elide"
requires a good Halifax Tweed or
some wash material to withstand the
friction and the dirt,
Mothers will have a chance to fix
the Boy np very reasonably by calling
at "The Little Eaton" and inspeoting
our large assortment of Boys' Tweed
Mad Worsted Snits.
We have also jest received a eliip.
merit of Bore s Bunter Brown w Wash
Suits) nice neat patterns in Duck and
Linen, selling at 90c, $1.25, $1.40 and
Men's Fahey Neckwear, reg. 50o.,
Saturday`, price 350.
Men's Odd Pants, reg. $1.60, Tweed
and Worsted, Saturday 90o.
Old Peetoihce Store
Macdonald Block VirING HAllf.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Barber Bus' esa Change.
Mr. G. L, Ccnat le lass sold his bar-
bering business t Mr, Wm. Davis, of
Ayton, who took oesession yesterday.
We understand th :t Mr. and Mae. Con-
stable purpose mo 'ing to Toronto where
they will reside i:: future. They have
numerous friends who will hear of Via
removal with regret.
Get Parnell's. Bread, at Christie's,
L,istowej Races.
There are nine r
cf fate Ma6es in eB
Race meeting, W
and Friday of next
and 28. The List
cense an establiehe
attended, Loth b
by the general pn
bees with fell fields
h at the Listowel
demise', Thnraday
week, Jnne 26, 27
velneeeting has be•
success and is well
the horsemen and
Sellirg cut fanoy
The regular meed
branch of the Womt
held in the O. O. F.
afternocn, June 27t'
J. A. Morton will g
"Canning Fruits
A cordialinvitatic
to atter(' this meet
s. FA1JN1ERs,
g of the Wingham
s Institute will be
hall, on Thursday
t, at 3 o'cicck. Mr.
ve an address on .
and Vegetables."
given to all Iadies
See our Tan Oxfordd Woes.
the Latest, R. Johnetfafi.
Garden Par
The first garden
will be held on the
evening, wider the
P. A. sad Ladies'
chinch. The Citic
atleLdanCe and th
be given by a nn
fiesbments will 1
adult will have
They are
y To -Night.
net of the season
ark this (Thursday)
uepices of the A. Y.
Mid of St. Paul's
ns' Band will be in
ray Pole Drill will
er of children. Be.
eeivcd and all who
gccd even:ng's enter -
We are selling our 12 50 mattress at
ee.25 instead of .12.40, at WALKER'S.
Married At IGoderich.
A pretty weddirg
George's Chinch in
day of this week, wl
Corbcuid, daughter
Oorbould, of this to
of Mr. E. L. Di
known resident of
mony was perfor
tock place at St.
cderich on Tues.
den Miss Constance
of the late William
n became the bride
:Mean, also a well
Ingham. The core -
ed by Rev. Mr.
For this popular manse oliday the
Canadian Pacific Rail ay will sell
round trip tickets at'srn a fare, between
all stations in Can id and to Detroit,
Niagara Falls andByffalo. Tickets are
gcod going Friday, Saturday, Sunday
and Dlcnday, June 28, 29, 30, July 1,
and are gocd returnirg until and on
Tuesday, July 2nd. On sale at Qa?. R.
ticket offices. p"
Wood Oarvers wanted.. also several
good cabinetmakers; o wages, steady
employment, Lippert Co., Berlin.
Fon SALE—First- class 100 acre farm,
two miles from Wingham. All in grass,
Get particulars from H. DAVIS.
Huron Old Bksys Coming.
The Toronto Haror`Old Boys' Associa-
tion has completed arrangements for
their annual excurei .n from Toronto to
Wingham and Gale ioh, on Saturday,
July Gth. 'The maintrain will be run to
Wingham and it is 'xpected that fully
three hundred old b ys and girls will be
in Wingham on thi date. The excur-
sion train is due to wive in Wingham
about the noon hou . The Town Coun-
cil -bee in hand the aaatter of entertain.
meat for the visitor 4, but we have not
yet learned the par Touters, but we are
sure everything poe ible will be done to
give the visitors a good time daring
their stay in Wingleam.
SHINGLES --A large consignment just
arrived. Shinglea from British Colum-
bia, Quebec, and New Brunswick, Call
and get prices.—J. A. MoLEAN.
Union Farmers' I•
Model Farm Guel
June 27th, Train 1
7.30 ant. Fare, $
days. See large pos
Our Ne
The TIMES will
the publication o
Bound of the 13
Conan Doyle. Th
Mr. Doyle's very b:
don Chronicle, in
headed 'The Zenit
says:— "We eho•
Doyle the highest
command. Itis ei
saperior in Otigina
to the earlier adven
t oti eDr. v. D. De yl
inclho s r
w 4
deed a fo man
Hitherto he has fo
eaay to nnmabk hi
the present case he
mated again and a
against hint a skill
own and he Wind
tt hair.
Unite excursion to
h, on Thursday,
ayes Wingham at
,25, good for two
ext week commence
a new story, "The
skervilles," by Sir
d is said to be one of
st stories, The Lon-
review of the story
Of Sherlook.Uolmeo,'
Id like to pay Dr,
compliment at oar
ply that this book is
ty and construction
ares of this great de -
has provided a erim-
olmes admit id in-
-rthy of his steel.
nd it comparatively
antagoufatd, but in
ode himself °heck.
sin. There is pitted
nearly equal to his
he game almodt by
Lacrosse Boys Won Game.
The Wingham lacrosse boys went to
Clinton on Friday last and played a
friendly game with tbe boys in that
town, winning the game by a score of G
to 4. The Wingham tt am are now play.
Ing good lacrosse and are looking f
ward to a very successful season.
Selling cut fanny go,AUEDEES.
Won the Fre For -AIL
Darkey Hal, cine by Mr. J. E
Swarts, of this town, on in the free-
for-all pacing race at ondon on Flidav
last. The best am wag 2 12N
which gives tbe Lo on track a new
record. Darkey Ha was fourth in the
first heat and then exit out and won
three heats. King , ohn; owned by W.
Pulkinghorn, of E ora, who is well-
known here, non i the 2 26 pacing race.
WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; high-
est prices,—GEo. E. KING,
Damaging and Stand.
Scare of the boy pf the town (some
of them old moue. to have mote sense
and good judgmen have been demag•
in;; thebaed nand t tbe path, Stones
bave been times at the stand and
electric light tulle -31n a teen broken.
The band boys ate keeping an eye cpen
to catch the t fferdets end will have
them prosecuted. Boys should etop this
vett' unLecessaxy dtettucticn of pm.
Blankets and yarn of the beet quality
excllarged ler escol, at T. A. Isiius'.
Listowel Boys Won.
Tbe first footbal game of the season
was played on the Wingham park on
Saturday night. b tween the Listowel
and Wingham Hi School teams. The
game was a gocd me and the visitors
l,nt up the best tame, showing that
they had rece.ved more practice than
the local players. The score was 1 to 0,
in favor of Listowel. Elmer Moore
made a good rete a and C. Thompson
and P. Deans were goal' umpires. The
line np:—Wingha —Goal, Workman;
backs, Wilson and Howson; half banks,
Breen, Robinson a d Bryans; forwards,
McKersie, Robins n, McLean. Higgins
and Lloyd. Lista el—Goal, Vandrick;
backs, Morpby, H tmitson; half backs,
Pans, Thompson, urt; forwards, Scott,
Miller, Grant, Zilliax and Bricker,
If ycn purpose tal'ing a trip to the
Old Lend travel via the C.P,R. Inners.
The two Empresses give the best service.
Get tickets and lull information frcm
AIex Ross.
Presented ith'a Ring.
¶the following frim the Woodstock
Sentinel•Rt.view of ane 12th, refers to
a son of Mr. E. Ba: , of this town:—
The home of the Misses Sohlimme,
Mary St„ was the a+enc of a very plea-
sant gathering on M • day evening last,
when about twenty in • tubers of the choir
of College Avenue ethodist Church
with their attends, ga hared to bid good-
bye to one of its me... bora 1n the person
ot Mr. Cory Baer, w • has been an ac
tive and painstakin' member of the
choir for the past tree or four years.
The evening was sp=nt in games and
different amusement . In the course of
the evening an ad rasa as read
v g w by
Fred. Traut, And a b autiful signetling
was presented to Mr Baer by Miss Elva
Inoue. The gathe ng broke up in the
early hours ot the ••orning by wishing
Mr. Baer every s • ceess and singing
"For He's a Jolly Gead Fellow." The
address was as follors:—
Mr. Cory Baer :
Dear Sir,—The ch Lir of College Ave.
church reel the grea est regret at your
intended departurefrrm Woodstock and
consequently from th s society and aetu-
atings of our choir an church, We feel
individually that ou loss is a serious
one, as you have bee a moat consistent
and painstaking me her of the choir,
always ready to anis to the utmost of
your ability in all cff its for the promo-
tion of musical pro oiency and social
harmony of the me bore. Actuated,
therefore, by 'feelin s of the utmost
goodwill and perso al friendship, we
ask yon to accept thi ring as a memento
and reminder of th pleasant and, we
hope, profitable titn we have spent to-
gether in the oho r of College Ave.
Methodist Church. In conclusion we
beg to assure you o our very beet wishes
for your future we fare and prosperity.
Mies K. Fisher M. b '
aving` sold her
Book and Stationery business, all ace
counts due must be aid at once. Mies
Fisher will be at th Ook Store every
afternoon next wee rom 2 to ll p.m, to
receive payment thereof. Thaking my
numerous friends for their vey generous
Yours truly,
K. M. • Fn,tiin.
Everyone wishing to see Manitoba
and the great Nortel -west provinces,
with a view to making a home there or
merely payinga�visit, will be interested
in the O. P. R.'s alta Homeseekera
Exonr ions this armor, s mer and should
maks a point of securing a free Copy of
pamphlet giving rates and full infor.
motion, which may be obtained of any
C. P. R. agent, or from C, B. Fester,
D. P. A., O. P. R„ Toronto. Exouraione
leave Toronto July 2, 16, 80, Angast 13,
27, Sept, 10 and 24, and tickets are good
Ire return Within sixty days.
A meeting of the L
of Wingham will be 1
hall, Gregory block,
ing of next week,. Jun
ing is railed for ro•or
and cflicers will bel
important matters
party will be diaou
U. P. P. and Libera
Hurou for the C.fom
be present and all I,
to be present.
berals of the town
Id in the O. 0. F.
n Thursday even -
27512. The tneet-
anizatinn purposes
elected and other
tf interest .to the
ed, Aroh. Hislop,
[ candidate for East
one is expected to
berals are requested
Selling out fanny geode. S, MRS
'WOOL WAFTED—Eighrat price paid
in cash or trade,—T. A. MILLS.
Remember you make no mistake
when ycn deal at WALKER'S furniture
Dominion D
The annual picnic
of St, Augustine R.
held In Wallace's G:
on Monday, July
gramme is being err
inoluding .races, ga
other emnsements.
tare will be a tug -of.'
East e oxen from E n
h r ata t
Music by a string bar
from 12 to 2 o'clock ;
This annual event
popular one, and the
ideal spot in w bice
day, All will be w
to grounds ar.d din
nder the auspices
Church, will be
ve, Donnybrook,
t. A good pro-
nged for the day,
ES and various
n interesting fee-
ar between teams
West Wawanash.
d. Dinner served
upper from 6 to 8,
as become a very
pionic ground is an
o speed a pleasant
lcome. Admission
r, 25 cents.
Highest price paid for bides and peal -
try at T. Fella' butcher shop.
WANTED -600 tubs choice dairy butter;
also ICO cases of eggs, weekly.— GEo. E.
Our prices en furniture do not need
much cutting as they are always low, at
Death of Morr
The death on Tweed
of Mr. Thomas S. Or
81st year, savers anot
tion with the present
born at Elton, .Aberdee
and came to ibis count
first in Blenheim, In
he mored up to this se
on the first line of M
resident of that town
eight years ago' when
ham. Dnringh;s• 51
of this section Mr:
many changes, W
this section was a
lived to see tbrivin
He was a man bel
large circle of frien
In 1860 he was m
Ellen Mayberry, w
bis death, together
sons and four dan
in Morris; Johnan
George, of Lower
of town; Mrs. Jam
Marie; Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. A. Vanalet
Miss Nellie at ho
place this (Thera
o'clock from the
street, to the Wi
of this week,
ickehank In his
er of the links
ing the pioneer
days of this sec -
Deceased was
shire, Scotland,
in 1855, settling
February, 1856,
tion and settled
rria, remaining a
hip np to about
et moved to Wing.
ears as .a resident
rnickahank seen
en he located here
wilderness and he
towns and villages.
in high•eateem by a
s and old neighbors,
rried in Morris to
o is left to mourn
nth a family of five
titers, viz:—James,
Andrew, at home;
Ingham and R A.,
a Elliott, Sault Ste
orehead, Listowel;
e, Turnberry. and
The funeral takes
y) afternoon at two
Jig residence, Scott
gleam cemetery.
WANTED—Two strong act'
work in shipping roone
man, who is handy wi
to Walker & Clegg.
The Better
The new sum
the Grand Trunk R
trains running in a
went into effect on
most important ch:
morning train f1.
train now reaches
m. in place of 11.1
now makes connec
the morning train f
passengers can no
7,30 a. m. and rea
the noon hour. T
carry the Toronto
-Wingham subscribe
receive their papers
a half earlier than f.
only change in time
branch. The new
stop reaches Wingb
taking the place of t
formerly was due to
at 9 35 a. m. Then
oardine arrives in W
taking the place of t
was formerly timed
10,40 a, m. These c
hamites a very lunch
Vice. We now have
to and from Toronto Leaving Wing
e boys to
to an active
tools. Apply
rain Service.
er time table of
ilway as it affects
d out of Wingham
Monday last. The
nge in time isin the
.m London. This
Ingham at 21 54 a
t a. m, and the train
on at Clin*on with
om Toronto, so that
leave Toronto at
11 Wingham before
is train will also
orning papers, and
e will now be able to
nearly an hour and
rmerl.y. This is the
• a the L , H. & B.
aia from Palmer -
m at 10 30 a. m.,
e mixed train that
rrive in Wingham
w train from Kin•
ngham at iia m.
e mixed train that
o arrive here at
ages give Wing -
better train ser-
hree trains daily
ham at 6.48 a, m. via
Guelph one hi now abs
at 11.85 a. in., near
lien than formerly. 7
One of the very latest -
paesengers can travel i
Toronto withoutohanl
ing here at 11.03 a, mt.
Kincar din@ passenger
Toronto:at 4.55 P. en.
almerston and Gaelp
Stratford and Guelpi
latter route passengers
Listowel for dinner,
train from Wingham
route at 7.60 p. re. as
le. axe and 915 p. m.
from Totonto as f
changes of time in th
additional trains will .1
service and ehonld be
Winghamites. The da
i it
mixed eta ns 1 '
w be
people who travel. TI
Palmerston branch Wil
by regular freight tra
carding at 7.30 a. rn„ a
ham at 7.30 a. m, i71
card the passenger tial
Grand Trunk batt b
Ontario alone by 1,000
Palmerston and
to reach Toronto
y an hour ear-
hie train carries
vestibule oars and
out 'Wingham to
e of card. Leay.
fan the train from
are able to reach
ofng either via
oreawe via is Lt t t
s ,
�, going by the
have an hour at
The 2 40 p. m.
sill arrive in To -
usual. The 2.08
rains reach here
rmerly. These
trains and the
ive ate ertoellent
appreciated by
dug away of the
eloome news to
e freight on the
! now be handled
no leaving Ein-
lid leaving Dar -
der the new time
o mileage of the
en increased in
Miles par day.
The 28th annual meating cif the High
Court of the Cauadiat . Order of Forest.
ere, held in St. Thom is last week, was
one of the beet attend +d and most, Suc-
oessful in the history • f the Order, near-
ly 400 delegates bolo • in attendance.
he reports of the var . no officers show-
ed that the progress m de by the Order
during the past year w s most eatiafact-
ory and quite in keepin' with the high
record of previous year=. The report of
.High Obief,Ranger Ste ' art showed that
on the 1st of January, 1906, the Order
hag a membership of :1,241, and there
were initiated during t ' e year 7,141 new
members, being an inc ease of 835 over
the previous year. D ring 1906, 2,947
members Iapsed and 88i died, leaving a
nit membership at the •lose of the year
ot 64,055. The memb rship at else May,
1907, was 66,184,
The increase in the •neuranoo reserve
of the Order durin , the past year
amounted to $225,0 1 80. On the let
January, 1906, the a ount on head in
this branch was $1,9 9,862.15, and at the
close of the year i. had reached the
magnificent cum of $2,174,872 45. The
amount paid in dent , claims during the
year was $390,127,2
The sick and fun :rat benefit depart-
ment is also in a m . et flourishing con-
dition, During the year no less a sum
than $117,220.72, co eying 5,161 claims,
was paid in this b tench. The amount
to the credit of this fund at the close of
the year was,$93,48•,10, •
The suns receive' as interest on in-
surance investmen •s was $78,192, which
paid 20 per cent. of the death claims.
The report of ' obert Elliott, High
Treasurer, showe the. funds of the
Order to be in a •,, oat satisfactory o0n-
dition. The re eipts in the various
funds were: I' surance, $615,187,50;
sink and funeral benefit fund, $140,-
791.91; general f nd $84,303.58; total,
$840,232.99. Th total expenditure in
these funds am 6 anted to $596.886.73.
The surplus of i come over expenditure
amounted to $ 82,346 26. The inven-
ments ot the Or er are of the very high-
est class. Its s' rplus funds on 31st May,
1907, were inve ed as follows: Domin-
ion of Canada :took, $150,000; muni-
cipal and sch•ol debentures, $2,133,-
806 70; deposit:d in chartered banks,
$30,000; ourren accounts in chartered
banks, $65,674 :''; total, $2,358,951.55.
The total ass=te of the order amounted
to $2,306,764 80 and its liabilities to
$17,049 25. As :eta over liabilities, $2,-
The report .f Dr. U. M. Stanley,
Chairman of the Medical Board, allowed
that the death r to for the year 1906
was only 5 93 pe 1,000 and the average
death rate for th 28 years was 5 08 per
1,000. The office s for the ensuing year
are as follows:— C. R., J. A. Stewart,
Perth; H. V. C. ".., D. Allan, Grimsby;
High Seoy., Geo, aulkner, Brantford;
High Treas., R Elliott, Brantford;
High Auditor, " L. Roberts, Brant-
ford; High Reg strar, Wm. Walker,
Montreal; High haplain, Rev. W. J.
West, Bluevale; 1xecutive Committee—
M. D. Carroll, M•ntreal, 0. E. Britton,
Ganancque. L. P D. Tilley, St. Johns,
J. A. A. Brodeu , Montreal, and M.
Mundy, Galt.
Wingham Lead Lakeside League.
The first home ame• in the Lakeside
League was playe on the Town Park
on Thursday last, the Balmorala of Kin-
cardine being slat d againbt the locale
The local team e tended an invitation
to the Mayor and Council to open the
game, and at 5.30 Reeve Irwin stepped
on the robber. h ving for his support
Councillor Nich eon while Controller
Bell handled the ;willow Umpire BraeIan gave the w rd "Play ball," and
Controller Bell landed hard on the
second ball for a it, amid cheers from
the crowd, onnoillora McDonald,
Gordon and Kerr were also guests of the
Ball Club.
Kincardine tem went to bat and
were blaLked, w ile Wingham made 2
runs on a bit by :Moore, a sacrifice by
Longman, and a !drive by Britton, and
Welsh bringing in the latter by a long
The seoond innings, both teams were
blanked but in the visitors third, hits
by Sinolair and Calder landed a run,
making the score2 to 1, with Wingham
to have their half, when hits by Moore,
Longman, Erittdn and Welch in sutteo-
cion, and a sacrifice by Workman totall-
ed 4 runs. The ourth added 1 to Kin-
oardine, McKay%getting a hit and being
sacrificed aron d for the run, In
Wingham'a hal a bit by Hammond to
the trees, folio ed by bangles by Moore
and a scratch by Workman, added 2
runs for Wingham.
The 5th and 6th were blanks for the
visitors, Danlo benders being toe puzz-
ling for the Fis ermen, but the firewotks
Were on and Wingham again added 3
more runs, I
In the unlno' y 7511 innings, Sinclair
made a hit, foll wed by A. McKay with
a second, and s veralmisplays n t he
C 0 t
part of the too Kincardine added4
, d 0
runs, but the sca Was safe for the re-
meieder of the g me, the 'lettere being
well taken care t by Dunlop and Brit-
ton. and the to ale' fireworks, Work-
man, Altoheson, Alderson and Dunlop,
breakiug up the erne by smashing the
ball and bringing in 6 rune in the last
stages of the gam .
The Work of Vi for Brislan of Luck -
now with the in teeter was the best
seen here and he pt the teams playing
ball all the time. Snore by innings:
Wingham-2 420324x17
Kinoardine--0 1 1 0 0 4 0 x 6
Batteries---Wi bath, Dunlop lend
Britton. Kilmer ine, Calder and MO -
Hite off DnnloP, 7, b
ff Calder, 16.
The wire nettin placed for the game
kept the ball away Prem the spectators
and is a great imp vement.
Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bebe"
and '"Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big
plane. (utility always the sable.
.Lfi 40 •
PEOPLE Announcement
Ex -Mayor o', Wingham.
This week we give picture of a man
who has been pro• neat in Wingbam
business circles for number of years.
Mr. Bell oameto Win team from Seaforth
and in company wit. Mr. Walter Scott,
engaged in manuf:'oturiug furniture.
Nearly twenty year ago Mr. Scott re-
tired and a few yearn later Mr. H. 0. Bell
entered the buoine:,: with his father.
The Bell furniture es of the very high-
est class and it w • : known in Canada
from ocean to ocea•. Since the forming
of the Canada nun " ure Manufacturers,
Mr. Bell has held th position of manager
of the Wingham fa tones. Mr. Bell has
always taken an ac ilea interest in mat-
ters that were to he beat interest and
building up of the ••wn. He carved for
many years as a ••ember of the School
Board and was • airmen for several
terms. He served • s a councillor and for
the years 1905 and a 906. was Mayor of the
Special prices in all lines of furniture
until�.Jnly lot as we must have money at
CANVAS SHOES—The newest and latest
styles in Ladies; Misses, and Children's
Canvas Shoes. All colors. W. J.
The Rev. W.
Methodist church,
own pulpit next St
vices. Subjects, 1
from an old love Ir
Good Laugh." '
pleased to show stri
. Howson of the
xpegts to occupy his
ndav at both ser-
a. m., "An extract
Iter," 7 p. in„ "A
he ushers will be
ogers to seats.
The subjects di ussed by Rev. H.
Edgar Allen in the aptist Chum next
- Lord's Day will be as follows:—Morn-
ing, children's talk, "What Ican see in
- a glass of water," Rs gular sermon, "The
Apostolic Motive." This sermon is the
last of three studies tf the 1st chapter of
John's 1st Epistle. Evening sermon,
'•The Fifth Commairlment, or parental
At the Baptist sociation held in
Listowel last week l..ator Allen, Wing -
ham, was honored b ' being appointed to
no less than three ofl-.ciai positions, vaz:
—Those of District eoretary of Grande
Ligne Missions, As ooiational Repre-
sentative of the Bibi Stewardship Com-
mittee, and a mamba of the Local Home
Mission Board. It was also lett to
Pastor Allen in con unction with the
Rev. D. J. Welsh, 13 A., Th., of Tiver-
ton to initiate a Ino ement loohiug to-
wards the organized n of a Pastors and
Deacons Conference ithin the bounds
of the Association.
—Thirty-one ticke :a were sold at Wing -
ham for the Greyht nd excursion from
Goderich to Detroi on Tuesday.
For the best goods, low prices and
prompt delivery of farniture, go to
FOR BEST' VALVES obtainable any-
where, in a well -assorted, fresh, Olean,
new and up-tO.date stock. you will find
them at the leadii.g Dress Goods and
Fancy Goods Store of D. M. GORDON.
leo for good butter; 170 for fresh eggs.
—During the electrical storm which
passed over Ili s sec ion on Wednesday,
Mr. R. H. Saint'stable was struck,
and damaged to sore extent.
WOOL 1 WOOL I WOOL 1 1 We are
buying it and pitying the highest r
Genuine clean out in parlor suites,
couches, etc., and cut prices on baby
carriages and go-earts at WALKER'S,
For Quality. and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
'•Stag" and "Currency" Chewing
WE'LL MEND 'nix—If gent Shoes need
a neat patch, half sole, or want repair-
ing in any. way -bring them here to be
mended. W, J. GRE1yR.
Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Lar and
Throat Specialist, will be at the Queen's
Hotel on Thursday, June 13511 and
Thursday, July 11th. Hoard, 8 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Dr.Ovens, Oculist, u 1st London, Surgeon
Sn eon
Eye, Ear, Nse and Throat will be at�Mcs
Kibbon s drag store, Tuesday, Aug. tl
--all day. glasses properly fitted.
if you are not a customer at Walker's
furniture store, try this store for your
nett goodie We give our customers
their own wily as they should kite*
What • they want tO buy,
We will give extra low prime
to schools now putting in
libraries. Have spade a con.
tract with the publishers to
take a large number of booka
and hence can quote exoeption-
ally low prices on this work.
50 per cent. off
All Wall Paper
Till July 1st
This store will close every
evening except Saturday at
7 o'clock.
Your money baok if you want it.
"BigBook" Sign a Fisher Stand
Near Post Office.
Ritchie & Cosens
A few Choice Farms taken from
our Liets :
200 Acne—xcmelleenfruh Wnamp
terms. A. moneymaker for the right man.
102 Acres—goods barn end Istablea ;
t2,00e cash, balance at 5 per cent.
Cres—Art 9 miles from Wfngham ;
An excellent farm with
fine buildings and all mcdern conveniences.
200 Fifty acres good hardwood bush.
cies~n 5 miles from Wingham ;
Rood buildings; asnap for
quick sale, with or without crop.
50 1 mile Prom wroxeter; fine
Acres buildings. Terms, $150Q
down, balance on mortgage.
150 Acres —g ne of tulles from Wingham ;
othe best farms in
Almon. Terms right to right man.
100 2 miles from Beigrave ;
Ares best of reasons for selling.
36Acres—AopvcR faor1ueavamlean; jwuh
small capital.
1 00 Acres-501%i
aWingous to
sell, as he has other business.
A much larger Hat in our three,
consisting of farms, town restdenoes,
desirable buildirg lots, and businesses
of all kinds. Call and see nee
Griihn-VasstoneBlock, WirIGl3Ael.
Phone 123
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton B. C.)
= I
Individual instruction,
Write for handsome catalogue. -
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
Stylish new effects in Outing
Shoes FOR MEN and FOR
O >� The smartest marts t Ou
ing Shoes are here.
Shoes for Tennis, Yachting,
Camping, Rowing and every
other sport.
White and black canvas and
Cooley cloth. Some with rub-
ber soles -some leather trim-
med, High and low auto,
75e, X1.0O, $1,25 to
The variety of styles, prices
and sizes is complete,
W. J. Greer
TAB snoE