HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-22, Page 88A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 22, 1989
Peewee '° Dots record .a win and a tie
Seaforth got off to a good start in the
Harriston Tournament this past weekend
defeating Harriston - Palmerston 3 - 0. Fri-
the first period assistd bystartedan Jaaon
Gemmel. It wasn't until midway. through
the third period that Seaforth got rolling
Ss oAt uRodneyomeytto lim
Crowley, Colin Devereaux and Justin
The Remi -Final aamo AAO, A hard 'hitting
game ending in a 2-1 decision to 'Howick to
eliminate further, Howiek ecor0dy boys
midway the
first period. The score remanded the same
.until .the third period which saw Seaforth
outskating and outworking Howick but
without any .success of putting the puck .in
the net.
With the net empty, Howick scored with
45 seconds left and Seaforth still wouldn't
concede, with scoring 18 seconds later by
Steve VandenhengeI assisted by Jim
Crowley. They couldn't put the tying goal
in the net, however, although they had
several shots in the final seconds.
Congratuaitions to to Mike Smale who
only allowed one goal in the two games
alayed. with
dverse weatherathconditioto the nsamanaged nts who'to get
the hockey players to and from Harriston
Note: Hard work pays for itself in time.
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VVi idcatS run
un November 16 the weather was cold
and snowy but in bowling Highway 401
recorded their first seven point sweep of
the season and took over third place in the
Joanne Knight topped the team with a
251/571 night. Spare Sue Stokes added a 225
brokegame' out of her season long Janet Moody
slump with a
200/550 night.
The Deightonildcats2had
231/677 and Gard nights from
edard225 649
but the rest of the team couldn't handle
the competition.
Seaforth Belles
On Sunday, November 19 the Seaforth
Belles played Clinton on home ice.
The girls played good defeating their op-
again. dproving Clinton also play d weelves l
sidering this is their second year playing
The first period was quite interesting
with Seaforth accumulating a number of
goals while Clinton achieved one. After the
firwas still standing and goalieeriod Seaforth's el
appreared to have
The second period saw Seaforth's
defensemen getting a change of pace as
they moved up to wing. These four
victorious again
defensemen, Mcl{ercher, Roweliffe, Teall
and Sflis proved that if their wingers could
do it so could they. The four of them ac-
complished six goals in total and had some
pretty neat moves hi getting them.
Seaforth's wingers Tracey Bisback,
Tracey Bennett, Jill Betties and Sheri
Kling were In the spotlight during the
game, and accoented for numerous points
in the final score.
Last but not least Seaforth's two centres
worded hard and backed their team up for
the win.
The final score was 23 to 5. The game
was a lot of fun and thanks to goalie Shel-
ly Nigh and her great saves Seaforth were
down by. Hi hwa401
point night but it turned out the Bears had Merrian added a 204 single and spare
missed 100 pins in their first game addi- Carol Johnston hada 191.
tion. This gave the Bears 2 points on the The Guttercats kept the night close after
night with a three pin win. Beatlejuice still winning the first game, they lost the third
recorded five points and was led by Sherry by only 10 pins and total pins by 12. Doug
Tunney's 226/596, also having good nights Leonhardt rolled 236/671 and Dave Moody
were Brian Dale 225/610, Eric Matzold added a 233 in the losing cause.
206/589 and Neil Beueranan added a 246 After only three weeks, the High Low
game. .
The Bears squeaked out their first ane With Tournament qualifiers have been decided.
win as a result of Dave Deighton's 218 been alblel oto combine entereden teams OVer two have
game and assisted by Pat Deighton's 195. nights in each of the last three weeks The
The Ballbangeis gaind five points at the qualifiers are Doug Leonhardt and Donna
Beuerman with a final week plus 4 and
Dave Moody and Sherry Tunney with phis
It looked as if the last place Beatlejuice the
team had also recorded their first seven goo
ense of first place Guttercats leading
Bangers was Doug Proctor with 274/696
d enough for top score of the night. Mel
Centenaires tie as visitors® lose at home
g hockey m the bargain. Bothe miller t Brad Beutten-Seaforth, not to be outdone, answered back
awl am y teaming up for the
The Seaford' Centenaires saw plenty of Schoonderwoerd and Tim Moore on the seconds remaining in the period but
coon this past week and played some first and Akey, Sills and
good strop h
y games, Tuesday night in Exeter and with 57 seconds eft in the game,
y, twelve seconds later with a gt. At theby Ted
Friday night in Tavistock, ended. in a tie. took a pass from Tim Mathieon tscore
of y Sills on a Paul McIlwaan assist. At end
Sunday's home game against Mitchell was the tying goal and leave the score 4-4, fo the second period the score stood at 4 3
a change of tune, however, and the The Centenaires travelled to Tavistock for aforthock.
penalty -ridden Centenaires went down in on Friday night. ,The game was a tight third
opened the scoring earlyapower-
defeat 7 4. match up with neither team g third period, MCllwahl scoring Steve a Pa
The mid -week match in Exeter was a and the score see -sawed backer giving
forth �' play with assistshap by with and i ore,
Pap -
good, clean game'- two penalties per team til the game ended in a 6-6 tie. Ole• Not happy the tie score,
- with the Centenaires coming back in the Again, the home team scored the first mindeTavistock slapped another goal past net -
third period to make up their defecit. The point and the sole goal of the first period. evened the score oagain butSeaforth
fust period ended with the score 1-0 for the The second period saw Tavistock rack up a single-handed goal at the 12:58 mark.
home team, but Brad Carter teamed up two more goals by the midway point and Tavistock tried once again to snatch the
with Ted Sills and Darin Akey to tie the make the score 3-0 in their f
game. Exeter came back to drive three
more goals past Bill Tremeer and leave
Seaforth on the uncomfortable end of a 4-1
score at the end of the second period.
The Centenaires weren't about to take
,this lying down, however, and scored two
goals halfway through the third period,
Blair Beuerman assisted liy Jason
Seaforth rallied and Tim Mathieson, ass
scored the Cy Brad Carter and entenaires' first Brian at 12:04 an
in the second period. The line goalot together of
three minutes later for another goal, the
Carter assisted by Mathieson and Taylor, wi
to tighten the score. Tavistock opened. their to
lead with a power -play goal with thi
d back but all was in vain as Mcfwain,
isted by Akey, racked up a hat -trick
d tied the game 6-6 in the final seconds
the match.
unday afternoon saw action returning to
home ice, the Centenaires doing battle
th the enightly Mitchell Hawks. Home -
am penalties ran right off the page and
the Hawks weren't far behind, but all the
dirty. work in the world couldn't help the
Centenaires and the game ended with
Seaforth on the wrong end of a 7-4 score.
In a change of pattern, Seaforth opened
the game with a goal midway through the
first period, Tim Mathieson assisted by
Brian Taylor and Jason Beuttemniller. Mit-
chell answered with a single-handed goal
with '1:46 remaining in the period but 16
seconds later Jason Schoondetwoerd, on
assists from Brad Carter and Brad Beut-.
tenmiller, closed the first period with a
goal to make the score 2-1 Seaforth.
The Centenaires gave up two goals
halfway through the second period and
Mitchell gained the lead. Blair Beuerman
drove in a goal at 7:33 with assists by
Mathieson and Taylor, but Mitchell rose up
righteous and scored two more times in se-
cond period, ending it 5-3.
-forth fought back gamely and Ted
assisted by Brad Beuttenmiller and
Jeff Gemmell, knocked in a power -play .
goal a minute and a half into the third
period. Mitchell was unstoppable, however,
and drove a power -play goal and a short-
handed goal past Bill Tremeer to end the
game 7-4.
Sunday was a tough break for the
Centenaires, and their frustration showed
on the penalty accumulations. Steve
Schroeder, who didn't suit up for the
games two weekends ago, was back in ac-
tion this week for all three games but was
hit witha game ejection in the second
period of Sunday's match.
Due to the Novice Tournament at the
arena, the Centenaires will be on the road
this weekend, playing Wellesley on Friday
night Ind meeting Lucan on Sunday. •
.‘,ea: .aks record first victory
The Seaforth Seahawks won' their first Ryan, . Core and Bob Ravensburg, with the
.game in seven tries Ibis season, to end the insurance tally, scored single goals. Rob
longest losing streak in their short "eatery, Mathers got the vin in the Seaforth net.
on the road at Milver¢,on Sunday afternoon. There isn't much to ,-write -about
Rob Core scored' what proved to be the Tavistock's trouncings earlier in the week,
winning goal .on ,the powerplay from a except Seaforth gave up far too many
scramble in front of the net with five goals and scored way too few. Pryce got
minutes left in the game, as the Seahawks the lone Seaforth goal in the Monday night
defeated the Four -Wheel Drives 7-5. road encounter.
Earlier in the week the Seaforth in -
41 termediates dropped a pair of Western On- A Tavistock player was seriously injured
tario Athletic Association hockey games to m a freak accident .early t jchFriday's game
Tavistock by lopsided scores, 10-0 at here' a awl eman Bill h -ch was trying
•Seaforth Friday' night and 9-1 at Tavistock to take • away a wrist shot from Seaforth's
last Monday night. So Sunday afternoon's Bill Dale when the two collided with force,
victory was sweet, especially since Milver- Dale's stick broke, and the shaft skewered
looked ready to romp by building up a the Tavck is leg above the knee. Se
4-0 lead until late in the second period. But He was operateded on on Sunday and apparent- Sills,
Seaforth stormed back starting with a ly is doing fine and will recover,
shorthanded goal by Bob Nash. Ron Pryce The Seahawks host Wellesley in their
added a pair and Jim Harrison, Gerard next game Friday night at 8:30.
Tween ringette squad edged by /Mitchell
In Tween ringette action at the Seatorth A bit of line
arena on Sunday the Mitchell -team provid- line -juggling by Seaau,h saw Jill
_ed a strong opposition. They openescor- Marionar Caur ie�Mcfwain..1111' scored
noMg tice that the Seaforth girls
and served natural hat -trick three consecutive goals)
sharpen rap. girls had better to show that untapped potential is going:to
provide losts of entertainment
After taking a 3 - 0 led, Seaforth's Jen- this season.
niter Marion finally broke the iee scoringKelly Rau wain its one finished the two assists and corrtg
an unassisted goal. Another goal by Mit- stMatistics. Final score Mitchell 6, Seaforth
shell and the first period ended wtih them 4.
score 4 - 1. Also good effort with lots of spirit.
Olive :Papple high :senior• ladies bowler
Thirty-three bowlers were present at The Lilacs 7 points from the Asters and
.Seniors ,Alley Bowling on Friday. the Poppiea 7 points from the Roses leav-
High bowler for the ladies was Olive Mg the Poppies and Petunias still in the
Papple with a 243 single and 569 triple. For lead. Lucky .winners .in the draw were -
the men one of our eldest bowlers Bert Gordon Papple, Ron Bennett and Stan
Walters showed the younger bowlers how Hillen.
to-do it :with a 273 single and a 643 triple.
Good bowling Bert. Best wishes go out to Don Woods who is
It was all or nothing point wise as the having surgery ,at Stratford General
Petunias took 7 points from the Daisies, Hospital this week. Get Well Soon.
The Diamond Anniversary Band.
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A diarnond is forever.
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Visit And ,view ,our ((acuities on
MEDI 14014 9: 2 TM.-,,
oy'co p °g1ltaty ivireshlpl. Is
Starlight Lane Champs 31 pis., 1&1ue Jays
24 pts., Powers OI°Pain and Demolitions 23
pts., Hero's 20 pts., Ghostbusters 6 pts.
Amanda Manuel 158, Annette Haney 148,
Viki Dalrymple 125, Chris Hoffman 155,
Taum Bannon 147, Tina McNaughton 138.
Viki Dalrymple 191, Annette Haney 169,
Amanda Manuel 183, Chris Hoffman 193,
Tatum Batmen 171, Jetties Stokes 158.
Annette Haney 402, Amanda Manuel 385,
Viki Dalrymple 336, Chris Hof$nan 397,
Taum Bannon 367, Tim McNaughton 313.
Amanda Manuel 402, Viki Dalrymple 459,
Annette HaneY 422, Chris Hoffman 502,
Taum Bannon 405, James Stokes 384.
My Teaam,.: pts., T7re Flintstones 28 pts•,
Demolishers 17 ,pts., Test Pattern 15 pts.
lltr 'F f`ry JIJGH SJNGLE
Angie Jervis 1,81, Yvette Hailey 141,
Tanya Boniface 127, Luke M Mi llui 217,.
Hob Holmes (Sr.) 193, Craig Harris 181.
Steve Greiff us (Sr.) 243, Luke
NiOnian 217, Kevin McDonald 104, Tony,a
Bon ace 190, Judy Horne (Sr.) 165, • NoellE
III0*Pson and Angle Jervis 161
e gg
L e ,13,10 i ;3115.
5, ' s. Bach 455.
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nya nit ice
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