HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-22, Page 2SINCE -1361 SERIIINW FNCCONi'liAtliifi(TV'' MIST idearpewatintg ` lie itrussels'Pars4 ',Published In nSeatmrtbSOnterlo uerysilio dtnradoysenorelen The -expositor, ls'bronebt ,to you •leachirdeek,lerthel ffortsaWent Armes: "Paulo +Elliott, Terri -Lynn 'male, '�Dianne'•,NiciOratlo gond A'Bo6 McMtuan. InnuenRRSki;hGenereil- ��onQgor 'Member -Canadian-Community'Newspopervtssoc Omario •CommunityNsiewspaper Assoelatlon Ontario Presss-Councif Commonwealth Press onion International -Press 'Institute Subscription -Rates: Canada '20.00 o -year, in; advance Senior Citizens - '17100 a -year Irr.advance Outside Conada460.00 a -year, In advance Single Copies - ;50 cents. each Second doss mail regisirotion Number 0696 W'eeistesii@3y, 3©o ber...22„ '0'9539 Iditorlal,and'eusiness'afflees -10"Main .Street, $eaforttc Telephone- (519t,32T-0240 .°Mdtnng 'Address - P.®4Sc x'69, :SeofortlteMtntario; ND6t 'TWO Surely -the walls of ancient Jericho tumbled 'down -with not much -more fanfare 'than has accompanied the .opening of -the 'Berlin mall. The pour- ing of hundreds of 'thousands of .East Germans into ^thewestern :sector of Berlin. is just the .latest in a -series of lightning "changes that have occur- red in Eastern . Bloc nations in the .past year. -However, 'there is ,something special about -the oming :down of the 'Berlin Wall. Said to be the only -wall built in the history of mankind to •keepspeople in, rather than invaders out, the Berlin Wall, constructed to 1961, -marked a low 'point in •relations between East and West. 'The momentous changes now occurring in .Communist countries have been' instigated by one-man, Russia's -leader Mikhail Gorbachev. While the nations of -the West have been hanging .back tryingsto .determine whether or not Gorbachev is for real, the man in question -has forged ahead. M!e perhaps foresees his own prediction of 10 years in power :leaves -much work in little -time, As a :result, the West now finds itself playing catch-up. At the same time, it, is quite possible the enthusiasm of Eastern -Bloc peo- pie with a taste of democratic freedom have ..already .pushed ',reform ahead of even Gorbachev's schedule. If this is the case, then these are exciting times with a ftightening edge. Considerable concern has already been expressed over West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl's stirring remarks about "one .Germany" -made in front of the Berlin Wail. Even so, an indication of just how -much relations have eased comes with the knowledge that' Europe's major worry about a unified Germany has more to do with economics than with 'military -threat. The Soviet Union has issued the statement that -no 'reunification of (er- tnany can be considered before *there has been a withdrawal °of .both NATO and Warsaw Pact troops from Europe, Few :people would argue with the ,logic.of, suchen .observation. if the demandsssof:-Eastern•iBloc: peoples are to be met, then military budgets -must be cut and cut drastically. Listowel Banner. .14E1E.TO .,aE 11astiersonalepetreves sand, "the 1 tosp,itlpryhtt'trthp5ettlibigs that thsApensin= theseerld''sthatnt1 71y4arnslhetn 01. "Duthritilstenefitly,etltitii Inhnd to tie ~tually*upend sfewsdays =c1ftlfined to my 'amine, ratildiPtiennystinisinlielistirnestahit down -rand-xlecide-titly 'What say pet s•peevesnWere. 'Now Flnow. Anyone'stehoshas ever'been 411.1;411 •tell youlthatnrne'smoodsarzthestime otsil2ness is hot sthesliest .:ten to in skelth, sonthould 'anything 4fte(4east^=alitioying'happen, it's Stable 'to'zbecome=;a'npet'peeve. V irat ofsall,'there'i ,trot t:eallystrtuch nine -feels -dike-:+doing-whensthey're•xill, anteept maybe;catetting- a"few zznzs 9n -^bed. If sine is "really'=energetic 4ibwelter; they might chooseto transfer'lheirlbdtly-'toythe meth, take television T.onvirter In hand, and 'at- tempt -to'relfeve some of -the 'boredom of being~.isolated'"from the rest of the°wordd, by- dozing'through an=afternoon movie, or by watching'the'farnfetched stories unfold on 'the afternoon soap operas. .However, it never'ceases to amaze me that • justns ,soon as you gen settled •into a show, the screen 'suddenly -:goes blank, a bell or buzzer sir something similar goes off, and you're beingtold that'thesregular- lyxscheduled program•4ssbeing interrupted sothat someone, •+somewhere lean dell you (in' more words than necessary): that President Bush is ;meeting sovith some `foreign .dignitary and • it As :essential that everyone view-their<handshake (as well as tO'minutes,:of scenic tapewliilerove'wait for :that .auspicious moment); that . a rocket launch -has goneoffsas scheduled; or that some -famous ;movie •star ;bas ;had their now W YbyHteather `R+obinet teeth -capped. I wean, soine.things I can utiilerstand:'Bute ere I'm•sute-'titin"wait :•until ttlte-6-o'cloekllews '"It's$g+ottenttothe p• int : at:t a •hast'�iit]e'event stringers f'`ltegramtiling. What twouldswe do if- a''really tiajor 'eventrivere to`"takevpiate?'Bow °wrould wesignal 'to: -the world =that "this thing, the ^real taring, was really eitire-Intportaltt -than any ether in- terruntion hve had had to date? `But enough lonthat. Perhaps even more annoyingsthan'being forced into n -world of reality" Whernyoufretiot-sure you're even a part of the world to begin with, is having to leave your cozy nest on the couch to answer the phone. Now, I suppose, it all depends what awaits you on the other end of the phone. Myself I've found lately that the majority of the calls are solicitations for business. Either someone wants you to buy a ,subscription to something, they're offering 'you The convenience of avoiding 'the crowds by shopping at home (but want to come and visit you with more details) or they are giving you a 20 -minute spiel on how great a job they do"steatntng carpets.'Per- sonally I don't mind answering this type •of phone call if, 1. the person identifies themself and their purpose at the start of the conversation, and 2. if they let you get a word in before 10 minutes have elapsed. In an attempt to not be rude, I recently 1 PHINi( OF '4Lt~ "NE LAMB GE WF'V.E RECycLEv ►nlTO GOURMET CL)I tNE vent- a.-oods:ott en "of ytiana'on=tftenn1one, Waiting 'for 'an 'Oppottitnit, to 'shinny tell Sdit$eone that I had no need for Stettin cleaning for earpets'since my vritire Ziotne ,.was atitfitted In hardwood What a 'waste of 'my time, and that of the poor, 'breathless -soul reciting his/her piece at -the other end of the line. Still another pet peeve of mine' is from the wf the retur- uppoon doing so-thatdyour mabooxxdis Staff- ed to overflowing with junk mall rather than get' well cards or packages. I can't count "the number of 'times I've tossed notices that I've been chosen as a finalist for a $100;000 cash prize, into the garbage, only to find that despite my leek of in- terest, I've still managed to qualify for the next round of competition (every round of course asking you to purchase some nonsensical item in order to ensure further qualification). Amazingly enough I have yet to purehase one of 'those Items, and yet, lucky me, I keep getting chosen. Some good samaritan must be digging my .en- tries out of the garbage and sending them -in for me. I can't explain my good fortune otherwise. Now that I'm on a roll, I could probably continue for some time to list other things that peeve me, but then, that might peeve you, the reader 4''`7NF-gNL y. 7'994/1 U/ GET' /$' -UNP/Nr -Zf ton not. �►nr r# �: beating I h `With .the xvoming •of Spring -every yxar, I To the Editor: • time, result in a marriage of .convenience between East and 'West. This iiaity ;of Europe will n- last or-stand,ss,elements of .iron .;anu ci v are not compatible with each other am no not anix. *'Phe following; prophetic:developments-in the political sand- relig�iotis sphere `can ..he expected to .occur as.events east their shadows: Britain will -leave the :European :Economic Glo n atmity (Dan. 7):'The1Saviet Union and,berz/allies-will invade:lsrae1;'and will ;badefeated:,on;the:rountainsrof:sisraei by ''ilVlessiahlThe -Prince" (EzekieLt30,& 39): A.ali�otttanipulfticaland<r igious-.con- federation nof.rten':Eurspeaan „n,ationssOball ohallepge ltissnew, onealieteaderaonlysto :be.aiashedntotpieceSilikea; ry (ieeela- .don^17):^,a beilMeesiali ;a e renWerld sesDaVld'rabronerm� ieresalemnwith a•trod of tron,_forr a,period,�ofsone,thouusand.years (Rev ii91,&120). 'The cry of Freedom, Reform, and Glasnost has now reverberated, from, the Urals to the :Rhine and beyond the boun- dories of Modern Europe. One must step backwards in time, in order to!compreltend..these present, "whirl- wind like", :speeds of change in Eastern and Western Europe. This continent will once again be in,the world spotlight for a brief mogtept, vas the,strongest ,political, religious, a noetic and military super- power in ti, . orld.. i n r..,. ,h' Sianiel, who wrote more that. Snn. years ag.s, saw a kingdom, in our da' • on. du partly be .made:up . of iron u, .,aniel. 2). The -:strong :iron :ele- .it'.tach Daniel ,saw was .Communism in Eastern _Europe. The,;w.eak-clay;element in the vision represented�laemocracy-aa it is currently manifested' in -modern 'Western Europe. 'The movements towards Freedom ,and Democracy in Eastern :Europe:=will in -due SQUAW' t -;;t SIMS n'dd.# Dear Editor: Recent events•have proven two truths about •Prime +Minister ;IIulroney's government. The ,first is that itsspending is ,out of control. 'The ,second , is .-'bat it's .deliberately deceivingyns„when• it ,aims -:otherwise• The ;,proof .came in two headlines on November. 2, :x1089. One •beatdhne said ,;DeficitLcl ds futiu'e, •eeonoinists warn". The .ffillowmg. tory 'r•.eported•,,tbe findings,rof ar.$tddv, .byy •,f be .Economic-,3pncil fof-Mianada ° ,he study tyrged a ,:government spending -•freeze. ,to ab p�ideal •with::; e:,npidly,egro lg .debt, ich , will ,.be a slime . J uolen on .,„our :children. ' Thepptfaei- ltnfdine ld't.',�1 l$Fmillionsto .rlletcO.pera ;dose" r'he ,uoijngsstory r�eiyealed;that4t�tsxtetleralgovernAentni lutist lwasaithe,,first. hast lest. pori,. kb) ~ . - or 1$70 p onzlfott the'Toronto rayagglina • NoiJl t r>�r tow-TM'g he��.Rperav tbat1Jdnd of out j arlltrbed.. ad. "he'Opera' House; fsytllptom of. a.znua +rgovenimntnneat year subsiding ' tiifteres,. groups. It son.:lla • an .entity pa.y r 1lAUl5t•>tte l :.him dout'I-is just none iggei di e: }te Ina o .dollor�everY "111.101,!40441)/14101 Teter V,entresca, Guelph t frif control `:Don',tyevem thinkinhelit thn C. nitintiLyou cutneantefulsgovelrtnentrspndng iron YourestrilIy, Daldid,,opaet?ttille, invariably ;forget what it .uis .tba t I }gate :af utivdnter. It:all .came hack to me :in a 'i '' l rnsh ;this ~past -week. It ;isn't .the ;snow. Pin son: -avid fan of winter sports when I .have the :time and ” :theinoney -130 for a,aki:•llftaticket - Main- 'I� joy them. And I .don't mind the temperature outdoors. I,;aetuaily, like. -Mg ?a ;my "Mittens *with the .'strings, .,and :those;bjg, :bulky 'sweaters let ate ;put ion '.few :extra ,pounds ,of ;winter, Singe �fwithoukittahowing llithat much.:it s -the .;terpppeerrsature �igside :drops rto -.mea •freeatpgrlevels{;tltat I stab looking:forward :to:++rperspiripg:.again. While 1vwas a :student :in :Waterloo, Samestat ize iairty,,nquteltlY;<t zatllow-. R 11 NOTES by Paula Elliott meant low ,temperatures. In my ;first pull- winter rental experience, I went 'through two months of ,scraping frost off of the a ,hathroom miter .before I wised .pp and ge lnoved.:to a house ;.with allot of :heat -vents when clearly 'visible. ,Heaven, I 'thought, but it t- was ,not ;to,,be. As it turns out, I had in- :advetdently :moved ,in with ,a -flock .:of nwjcious Environmental Studies I etu-energy tsosaw,nottingwrong with tur- t hing.ioffitbe tteatst;rtigitt to„save•on hydro and .funneling the Measly •warm sir that there was into the living room only. Many was the morning that I would.stand over a stove element on high to :warm my paws. Even' more frightening, a carnation that Pd received an 'Valentine's Day :sur- vived —,without water - •in .a state of :frozen stasis on : my night table until the first break in the weather two -months later. .Assoon as the temperature in any room rose, e reamery ++NON R 2,11889 tMr.: battle,"�etronstablelotAlYth,sitto a dery :close pllstlteg,other,vday }jesdrep ped dila vnevolver ion ;,the :floor, w: whenn eons w ,ent off, thetbulllet pl in ubhi:twhe:belnthr!oni.whl uberrw v,, ' EroseShaPentveatailfiliostlilit'AS 9ila-per Aid . s em tae p;ed10 t. resollom To,ther ditor: >i n ,;tier ;-to Write 4Minjster Arlan Ont oney, House sof ;frommolIs, Ottawa, ea r e Mllgaster: T,'ea. ea. _al it 4.4$. srof - tvia,.shil is aandiEnia;hdeserve Now,oM .. d:s_dlf-; idet�atlon: -,.as' oi`a+'i 1149#pllvdt�- 4 ,thins tot" at ><E AI>e.,.whop, ve,s,,,for,nso sienglt t'iet jtnition. r e pn k gilgedk,tiiose � U ttriiset hglidl r'iit;i4-Aw4th xfaithhalafld' .that7,wert iy ion a and. upon 11'oti:: e �C d loader st tintt greati� d rice uptrT AV 'tori cece# 1 : tt uy z �l vet,,by "1 . ov 111 Ott+Stofy y. P. s As 1.410000P0040000 Kiln - 0 hotel.bujl_dingxonathe coarlier-at ,bj r ndmoW' bys;,herlflte ldsr nve6 tonar;, u ssatichtbatAelsnilinopens iY amid �nr�• lxeigtialdsofstheAllisens0.neek fo 0110w, a is> electr'icafy .xgood, orking sg the tiof rite c- it `''1£Re ," 'g.easy.�',The toes it e, eowa saonee.~..n rit t�..o. .#ni'►i. a n ��eh g .. e, be milked '1tloi a ttern, an by ?Id• . op.,Cowicil: 'Phe cos. edof etiopllor a . r samlhtie; , e t~� partet.- as igoed $ ere ortiy on t�t1aWes, aek, „fol lerly of jM pp - s ut ow 01 - couyrer, . itesq to tsps tAavva, lnlsttte ih., nt•-tMr.- T�1W ; ' k, Y e " sty r cel e awcar ltlad:cf bu er me, orth ery on y e . :: iililt�ldrnet> . vile d 101,OP .mit tiy�is, bsa e l:he4.100Sa:ii f • ilf' c t}z nr c tep.to ie .alt' b k .ta ea a 4foutig td rat>tai. l; sof: fur e;' aa g Y. .3r1 a0 aPAR alp. a to parer ott eYyt(9liidow,~tie: .NP/lar,fv 0. n 0 41 711 hof Orn +.the Madison ;Squar-e floy,'s as found in :$illy"s ;pogklts: te.Tasorb70,40:weiznrett k, ,ems, electric switch, -red stamps, old Uwaatch, ,-znatph coati:' Ajtgte ;key, club Ielalberashjp t h ofn�p ,. ,'ape „keys, a�iarbles, ¢electric Rwire, giber'bands, ,phiotegi',apb A.egatit ves, piece .of leather, :mote book, hantiferehief, „Magnet, ,,knotted -string, .gas jet nvelo sof cleaning .powder, ;piece of Gran, ,p.R.n•clls, luiife,.,Screws,tnerlal�, �enetdice, pe lfa,+9 ypsand .a wad :ofsliightly.,tls- et1 chew • g.gran. AVEM $li R ,26, i484 $:tMr Mr. .40d Ara. Tony Worth,bas been chosen as, year's SJnowA,.and ,all occupy a p acs; ono}r.jn to November 28 to`�parade'R inerS1p.in t,be con,St aelstnot .arexIsrna erveaFOte s1on ans bt alle e meye,nuw. lout 20 tftecoo )lal- ,-B1.twer g.' ath red,win Ante .k.001,4411-.4?n hlS-m y e n h llkn:4jte1151ipor ,to e.; bPAY bele .t#tt tithe W ionship Alan' competition ,, V�, da".Fart Beset v • - ynpl . . d dly ,ifY is rt rrn