HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-13, Page 8s't 8 FEE WINGITAN TJ.IES JUNE 13, 1.907 0100. 401,% We Are 6roaking for our money that is tied up in Wall Paper ! We still have over $I,000,00 in the best and most beautiful papers that were manufactured for this year's trade 1 We must get that money out ! How ? By selling it at the most un -heard -of prices ! Just think of it ! ! Regular $1.00 Papers only 50c Regular 50o Papers only 25c ,) .75 , " 37}e " 25c „ " 3.21:1C {, it5c f 60 " " Svc " 10o Regular 5c Papers for only tic. And then, just to cap the thing off, we can show you nearly 400 patterns to choose from. Of course this sale lasts until July ist, but we sold 50 rooms and more of paper last Saturday. It won't stay with us at these prices. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ! DON'T think that we sell wall paper only ! STATIONERY and BOOKS, along with CHINA and FANCY GOODS, are our regular stock. We have iust placed in our window a range of beautiful HAND -PAINTED CHINA. Stop and see it ! 'Tis always a pleasure to show good stock like this. Express Wagons All sizes and prices, just in from the Gendron works. Cheapest and best in town ! Of course ! ! Hammocks ! When the traveller for the lart'est manufacturers of Ham- mocks in the Dominion reached Wingham, he was wired by his firm to take no more orders, as they then had all they were cap- able of handling, So we bought his sannples-beautiful Hammocks -at a great bargain. We hustled that time. It's your turn to hustle now. They run from $1.:50 to $10.00. • Out-of•town customers will always receive special remunera- tion for dealing here, in the shape of reduced prices. WE WANT YOUR TRADE ! Big Book Sign, Near Post Office, Fisher's stand. SAUNDERS. TOUR MONEY BACK IJ YOU WANT IT 1 We keep all shades and sizes of Window Blinds. � •sissssss•ss+son••*nes••• • • • • • • MINOR LOCALS. -Mr. W. J. Shawn, tea merchant, Owen Sound, was visiting hie aget.ta, and M. A, McLean. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters' will be held, on }3'ri, day evening of this week. ---The A,Y.P.A. and Iaadiee"Gniid, of St. Paul's church will bold their manual garden party on Thursday evening, 21st that. ---Khris Cristle, Brussels, has been appointed bailiff of the fourth division court of Huron, in plane of T. Newsome who resigned. --Thu many friends of Mr. John Tay. Jr,oof Zetland, one of the pioneers of East Wawanoab, will be sorry to learn that he is in very poor health. -The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends deoided that the insurance of any member who committ suicide with- in one year after joining the order will be forfeited. -The annual meeting of the West Huron Farmer's Institute will be held at Dungannon, on Tuesday, Jane 25th, in place of Monday, 17th inst., as was previously announced. -The Chesley Enterprise IN holiday. ing this week. Editor MoDonald is making alterations and improveweate in his office and it was necessary to cease publication for a week, -Mr. Geo. Miller, of Brussels, has been appointed section foreman on the G.T,R at the junction and last week moved his family to the section fore- man's house at the Junction. .The vote on the by-law in Owen Sound on Saturday last to grant a loan of $15,000 to the BeII Furnitnre Co. was carried. The vote polled for the by-law was 1,340, and the number of votes against was 28. -H. E, Isard & Co, are holding a big clearing out price sale in general dry goods, clothing, etc. during this month. This firm wants 2,000 dozen .eggs this month and are holding a com- petition. Read advt. in another column. -The many friends of :Mr. John J. Jeffrey, of Cleveland, formerly of Londesboro, will be pleased to hear of his success in graduating with honors from "Case University of Applied Science," and is now a B.S. Mr. Jef- frey is a nephew of Mr. A. Tipling of town. East Huron Liberal -Conservatives will hold their annual meeting for election of officers, eto., at Brussels, on Friday, June2 1st. It is expected that Hon. A, Matheson, Provincial Treasurer, will be present and deliver an address. A MOTHER'S GRATITUDE. Mrs. V. Oheoret, of St. Benoit, Que., writes as follows: "It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude that I write to tell yon what Baby's Own Tablets have done for my baby. When I began giv- ing him the Tablets he was so thin and wasted that he looked like a skeleton. His digestion was poor; he was contain- . aced and Dried day and night 'I got a box of Baby's Own Tablets , . d from the first they did him : great , eal of g.3od. His food digested, :tt. , his bowels wor- ked regularly; hi : eep was natural; he stopped crying an, began to grow fat. I got another box and am happy to say be- fore they were all used he was in perfect health and is now a plump rugged;ohild. I always keep a box of Tablets in the house and would advise other mothers to do the same." The above is a fair sample of hundreds of letters that come from all parts of Canada praising Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets cure all the minor ills of babies and young children, and are absolutely safe, as they do not con - 6 tain one particle of opiate or narcotic. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Med- ioine Co., Brockville, Ont. •••••s•••••••m•••••••••••• • PORTERFIEr,D—CODE,—At the home of the HERE Owing to the consolidation of the two Bee Hive General Stocks in- to one store at an early date, all who wish to participate in the immense bargains we are now giving will, do well to visit these stores within the next , few weeks. 'y. Prices Almost Cut in o 2 011 Nal Lines of Goods 1 4 s 1' Would sell part of' the stock in Beaver Block Store, including fix- tures (arc lights, curtains, etc.,) at a rate. Writ...,.,+, BORN. C Un'naut—In West Wawnnosh, on May May 81st, the wife of Mr, Neil Campbell; a daughter. r1oVlrrn.-In East Wawanoah, on Mar .3rd, the wife of Henry MoVittie, of twins -girls, nIARIIIED - • • • • • •• • • • • • - • • • • • s • - • • • • • • • • • 4 • • •• • bride's parents, Blyth, on Tune lith, by Rev. W. Hartley, Miss Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thos, Code, to Mr. Alex. Porterfield, clerk of the township cf East Wawanosh. 1 MAOO—MF,DoNALO-At Knox church, An - barn, on June 5th by Frey. Dr. McLean, Bev.John Lincoln Small, B.A., of Blyth, to Mies Edna McDonald of Auburn. McKianoN-Kpeenret,-At the residence of the brido'e parents, on June 12th, by Re., W. G. Howson, Mr. J. Walton McKibben to Miss Veleria Kneohtel, eldest daughter of bur, and Airs, Chat. Eneehtel, both of Winghatu. AONRty--In Chicago on June 3rd, Thomas Agnew, formerly of Wingham, aged 05 years. McDotrAt,n-In Mullett, on Jane 1st, Mat - Cohn McDonald, aged 01 years STRACRAN-In Brussels, en June 5th, Barbara W. Smith relict of the late Alexander t}tra- Chan, aged 59 years, 5 months and 10 days. KENNEDY -In Seaforth, on June 7th, Sarah Morrison, relict of the late Duncan Kennedy, formerly of Wingham, aged 56 years. LAIRD—In Howick, on May 211th, Alexander Laird, aged 07 years and 6 months. Cooeta-In Howiek, on Friday, May. 31st, Mrs, Edward Cooper, in her 70th year, HOMESEEKERS' S5CONb•CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS 'r MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA DATES rxcurai illi avoToronto'rueedaye, �y Juhe54,t8;Jtity'2rt$,311;Augus.t 13, 211844. 10 unit 24. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. RATESAre the same from all points in Ontario, - ranging from esu.00 round-trip to w)nmpe5 to 342,50 round-trip to Ed- atentan. Tickets to all points in the North-west. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cara will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, ete. smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local agent atleastsixdayi before excursion leaves. X)21711" th6r1r E E �1 ..r"tr+ N D COLONIST SLEEPERS extra ehargbafor LA Rates end full Inforniatiod Contained la feat ng, be us d far W1NG,t♦.EAM, ONE. Hsmetfkxd1pyiOghbtt. t0rk nearest 0,P.R. C. b, COSIER, Markt Pau, ligt,, C.Q.R., fat'bittt 444.44.44+$+p1*s,.,+,.4111 4$444+ •+.0' **.*+1_'r_$4,e Bee i,et`ttfti at 54'tinghairatlon sea .r, nC Wm�,w uii 1111 MI !WWII alliall1011111111111 011 .l.I imine 111umu1 vox Razz -First- close 100 acre farm, two miles troth Winaham. Allan grass. Get partioulars from II DAvxs, Dr. Butler, Eve, Bar, Nose and Throa Specialist, 8?Q Queen'a As enue, London 8rd door East of St. Andrew's Ohurob. Fox SAL).-Briok house and fat; also a good brick house with all Modern oonvtences; bard and Bolt water, good barn, and from one to four aorea of land. Get partioulara at the Tram office. WANTED --A TEACHER k'or U• S. S. No. 7, Turnberry and Kest Wawanosh. Second Class, to take Charge of School on Monday, August 19th tlalary 7400.00 per annum. Personal application preferred. App ications received up till the second of July, 1907, by (IAVIN `WILSON, Secretary, bot 22. Wingltam. AUCTION SALE Cir VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY lo the Village of Whiteohnroh. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, on Saturday. the 29th day of June inatant,at one o'eloba in the afternoon, the following valuable Hotel property, namely: - That part of lot 29 in the 14th Concession of the '1 ownship of East Wawanosh, in the Court. ty of Huron, described as follows; Commenc• ing 22 rods in a westerly direction along the boundary. line from the northeast corner of said lot, thence whose ly alo g said boundary line five rods, thence ut rly at right angles to said boupdary line t rods, thence easter- ly parallel to said undary line five rods, thence northerly at right ankles to said boun- dary line eight rods to the place of beginning. On this property is situated a well equipped frame hotel 80x40 feet with kitchen attached 1046 feet and a good frame barn 8040 feet with shed attached. 7 he buildings are in a good state of repair. The property is situated in the Village of Whitechurch on the gravel road abontmidway between the Town of Wingham and the Vil- lage of Luelenow. TERMS or SAIA 1—Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money on the day of sale and the balance in 20 days thereafter. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at W ingbam this lith day of June A.D., 190? R. VA}'1BTONE, Vendor's Solicitor. AUCTION SALE 05 VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, on Saturday,the 29th day of June, A. El„ 1907, at two o'cick in the of . oon, the following valuable property, .amel ;-The north halves of lots one and o in the first concession of the Township Kinloss in the County of Bruce, containin: 100 acres more or less. This property is e+'r. ve, iently situated, about 2) 3 mule, from the V 1 • ge of Vsintecburch, and Ifyt mules from a Bch There are on the premises a frame house 20x 28 with kitchen 12x18 and woodshed attached adriving framehouse, barn with grout foundation and stables 50x50, a good pig pen, cheep pen and There is about 85 acres of growing crop, of which 5 aces is fall wheat and the balance oats, peas, barley and buckwheat. The build- ings are in good repair and the property is well fenced and well watered. Possession can be had on completion of the sale and the purchaser will be entitled to• the crop This is au excellent opportunity for any one desirouscapital, of commencing faruting on small Teams 05 SAX per cent. on the day of sale and the balance within 80 dans there- after. Arrangements can be made, however, to leave a portion of the purchase money in mortgage at reasonable interest. Further particulars and cbnditions of sale will be made known on day of tale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated at Wing,tam this llth day of June,1907. R. VA • STONE, Vendor's Solicitor, Drink Christie's 1 Teas E THEY'RE GOOD PURE AND REFRESHING PRODUCE TAKEN. J. Henry Christie Grocer and China Merchant } AMMMAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE ; TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,500,000 Reselme Fund and Undivided profits $4,500,000 Total Wets, over 45,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly-- end of Maroh, June, September and Deoem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BUILDIN4 MOVED. Having a full equip) tent for the moving of all kinds of buildings I am prepared to do work of this kind proaaptly and satisfactorily. My outfit is the beat to this d'striet. Terms ,are 77 per day for ou fit, plank etc, and two men. ALEX. Da'oNEVIN, Wingham, P. 0. CHIEF CONS BLE WANTED. The Municipal Cou>: the Town of Wiughar tions for the position the 15thinst. at four c Applications to be a signed at whose office may be seen. Wingham, June 4th J. 1 of the Corporation of will receive supplian- t' Chief Constable up to clock p• m, dressed to the under - list of the chief's duties 1007. FERGUSON, Clerk. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.-✓ Was established wenty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor• able dealings with its patrons has become one of the Largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon us for commer- cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions, Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MoEACHLAN PRINCIPALS. .t� Thefirst step "t Often means so much, 11 ]las meant success to thousands 4£ young people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried posi- tion. Take the step today. Address, Central Business College, 393 Yongo street, Toronto. W. R, SHAW, Principal. W. W. 1, VaeFJ rayFi t' - at 7-a ON THE GEORGIAN BAY AN 1da1 Sumer Resort on Lake Huron, OWEN SOUND, CANADA King's Royal Hotel and park Galt Links, Bowling Greens, Lawn Tennis Courts, Croquet Lawn, Safe Boating and Bathing, '70 Acres of Gourds, Minature Railway in Grounds, Orchestra and Danclag,SummerTheatre, Athletic Grounds. Cuisine unexcelled. Service first•clats, Reasonable transient and family rates. Booklet free. 'RANK H. NORMAN, manager. JUNE WEDDINGS ! immommummiumisparmilimpmen We have a large assortment of Silverware, Cuflery and Parlor Lamps suitable for wedding present*. Rogers' Silverly/aro, lgtr goods, always lIn stock. Screen boors and *Windows—all Sizes and prime. .. Special Cut on Ali Hammock* 1o7 one week.- Yotottrritfotatilifolittirlir C11✓NT'1A'WI1NGtXARABlifAli ; Hr BISHOP. A Bank which has conducted t conservas' tive business since 1872, and has steadily increased its assets until they now amount to over thirty-two million dollars, is surely a safe institution to be entrusted with your, saving's, BANK OF HAMILTON WINUJiM1 BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT. THE CANADIAN BANK: OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX, LAIRD, General Manager A. II, IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000' Rest, - - - 5,000,000° Total Assets, -+ 113,000,000; Branches throughout Canada, and in the United. States and England. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking . business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail, Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WING -HAM BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGEii. 86 a•.1-•4.4.4++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++.1-14++++++.144 4. • Furniture Sale • 44, For the balance of the month of June we will * give extra special value in all lines of high-grade • and low -price Furniture, in Parlor Suits, Couch , Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Din hairs, etc. etc. 4' 4 3: L.— The balance of our stock of Baby Carriages A.1 and Go -Carts will go at your own price. • We are selling $2.5o Mattresses at $2.25 �• Remember we are giving genuine bargains until 3• the 1st of July, as we need the money more than • we need the furniture. 4. • Call and see our large stock before purchasing • elsewhere. 4. 4i + • • • • Walker's Furniture Slure 4 at• +p: r...f 4- 44+++++++++++++++ 4-4.4.4444444444.4-4.444+44+4.441? +44+4++F3•1? VP une Casi Sa e We offer our large and splendid stock of.......,. Watches, . Clocks, Silverware, Rings, Spectacles, Jewelry of all kinds AT 'PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU FOR JUNE MONTH ONLY This is a chance of a lifetime to buy good Jewelry.,..,. We keep the Vnglish Tiffany and • Betcher Wedding Rings. miororsdristatidoralth ri.irrwrr... W. G. PttersonL G. T. D. W tGh Inspector, WIN6W M. 1 1