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The flavary strength in the cup, obtained by
blending Indian and Ceylon Teas, is the secret of
Red Rose Tea's success.
The proof is in the drinking --taste it for urself.
Ask your Grocer to send you a Package today.
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our ]Exchanges,
Submission is the first step to sover-
When men pray for harvest they often
get a plow.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biilionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
All men are brave until there is a de-
mand for bravery,
Bigotry puts blinders on the best of
Itching, Burning, Skin Diseases
'Curer for Thirty-five cents—Dr Ag-
.new'a Ointment relieves in one day and
enree Tetter, Salt Rheum, Said Head,
Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers. Blotches
And all eruptions of the skin. It is
soothing and quieting and acts like
xnaglo in the cure of all baby humors.
35o.-47 Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Some preachers think of forms and
No man rises without being knocked
down a few times.
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Character seldom climbs higher than
When a man boasts of his sincerity he
ii likely to be thinking of his acidity.
Better without a Stomach than
with one that's got a constant "hurt"
to it. Dr Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
stimulate the digestive organs. Let one
enjoy the good things of life and leave
no bad effects—carry them with you in
your 'feat pocket -60 is a box, 35 cents.
—48. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
It's a great pity that the people who
invent troubles do not patent them.
It is easier to tell fortunes with a tea
cup than make them in a bucket shop.
Dean's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organa only.
They cure backaches, weak back, theme-
n Ism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
A mau'a fool friends cause him almost
as much trbnbie as bis wise enemies.
The revenue of the Province for the
live months ending May was $3,041,000.
The President a Slave to Catarrh—
D. T. Sample, president of Sample's In-
stalment Company, Washington. Pa.,
Writes: "For years I was aiitioted
with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and
treatment by specialists only gave me
temporary relief until I was induced to
We Dr. Agnew'a Catatrhai Powder. It
«aye almost instant relief. 50 cents. --
40. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The Briti%h Takeo it is said, will ex.
bibit 200 Varieties of flowers at the
Alaeka-Yorkon'Exposition, to be held in
Seattle in 1903.
'There is only one way to happiness,
and that is found in looking for chances
to help other folks.
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, as it allows t'neKidneys
to freely discharge the Uric Acid
from the Blood.
Cures Old Sores,
Good Family Med;cine to use for Cots,
Sufis and Bruises.
For by all Druggists,
42 fieth ird Street, Toronto, Canada
The religion that lays ernpbaais on
views often is remarkably short on vi.
There are still 20,000,000 miles• of ter.
ritory on this globe which have not been
explored. •
Pill -Dosed with nauseous, big purg-
ers, prejudice people against pills gener-
ally. Dr Agnew's Liver Pills aro re•
volutionsing the pill demand—they're so
pleasant and easy to take—the doses are
small and so is the price, 10 cents for 40
doses, Bilious, Sick Headache, Consti-
pation dispelled. Works like a charm,
58. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Unless the bears grows faster than the
pocketbock the life sinks ander its
The farmers of Japan have an income •
this year of $200,000,000 from the rice
orop alone,
The eesential long -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medioine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
It isu't necessary to keep the milk of
human kindness in the refrigerator. It
isn't beat that sours it.
Rev. J. A. Anderson has commenced
his twentieth year as pastor of Knox
church at Goderich,
moves all hard, sott or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, I
sprains, sore and swoollen throat,coughs,
etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Onre ever known, Sold by A . L. Hamil-
Rev. W. A. Smith, pastor of the sesta
field Methodist circuit, who was attend-
iug the conference at Goderioh, was
called away by the news of the death of
his infant child.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
eve* form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cored in 30 minutes by Wel.
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Frederick R. Anderson, a prosperous
young farmer of Ashfield, near Luck -
now, and Miss Ruth M. Girvin, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Hugh Criteria, were
married by Rev. J, 0. Reid on the even-
ing of May 22nd.
OR. A. W. CHASE'S 05
A lman•frons ToiontoNtho was epjoy-
iqg great sport with the finny tribe at.
Stanley Bark lake else, nfteruoen lent
week, went to the telegraph office and
wired his wife as follows:—"I've Rot
ope: weighs five patinae and tt'a a
beauty." In reply Fame the following
signet by his 'wife:—"So have I; 'aCeighe
ten potnnds,'he isn't a beauty; loos like
you." Billy *truck for tete Globe Hotel
and rang for a braoor,
lift John A. Borho and Mise Edna
Matilda Olheiser, .both of Teeswater
were married at the it. C. Ohuroh,
Teamster Wednesday -morning, Jane
5th, at 8 30 o'clock, Father Corcoran
officiated, and Miss Amelia Martin, of
Bufftilo,eu aunt of the bride, was brides-
maid. Mr Geo. Olheiser accompanied
the groom, and Mise Loretta Olheiser
made a pretty Sower girl. The bride
was dressed in white silk and the oarri•
ed a boquet of Queen roses,
Tiredness Conies in the Spring.
Wirt are You Doing to Overcome
The cold of winter exhausts vitality
and exposes everyone to disease. Spring
is sure to bring tiredness and laligner
tbat will not go.
Spring sickness doesn't cure itself—
the pause is in the blood, and that cause
must be remedied. It is easily done
with Ferrcz:ne, a marvelous remedy
that purifies the blood and expels those
humors and poisons that depress and
Just think of it—Ferrozone uplifts the
entire nervous system, renews the blood,
makes it rich and zed—gives the sort of
aid that's needed in throwing off weak -
nese and spring Iangour.
Tens of thousands enjoy the advant-
ages of renewed health through Ferro-
zone;—if you'll only use it, you'll eure-
ly grew strong too; it's beneficial action
is noticed even in a week,—yon see it
goes right to work, removes the pause of
the trouble and then quickly makes a
For those who sleep poorly and have
nervous apprehensions, Ferrozone is a
boon; it is a specialist in suoh cases.
Where there is paleness, poor appetite
and langour, Ferrozone makes the pa-
tient feel like new in a few days.
In tiredness, nerve extenuation, spring
fever and debility, the power of Ferro -
zone is known from coast to coast and
universally need with grand results.
Let Ferrozone build you up, let it win
you back to robust health, ---it will do so
quickly if yon give it the chance. Sold
by all dealers, 50o per box or six boxes
for $2.50. Remember the name Vero -
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
yr passages, stops droppings in the
Fever. Blower
throat and permanently cures
i, \`Q free. All dealers, Catarrh and o anr.A. W. Chase
Medicine Co„ Toronto and Buffalo.
We regret to announce the death of
Mr, Malcolm McDonald, of the Mullett
boundary, which occurred on Monday,
June 3rd, at the age of 62 years. De-
ceased was very highly respected, and
bad been a resident of Mullett township
for many years.
The Stomaeh's "Weal or Woe!"—
The stomach is the centre from which,
from the standpoint of health, Sows
"weal or woe." A healthy stomach
means perfect digestion—perfect diges-
tion means strong and steady nerve
centres—strong nerve centres MORD good
oiroulatiou, rich blood and good health.
South American Nervine makes and
keeps the stomaoh right, -52. Sold be
A. L. Hamilton.
The man who can control the talka-
tive woman may be Said to have a good
command of language.
Many who think they are traveling to
Zion are only bumping up and down on
an ecaleeiasticaiteeter totter.
"Regular Practitioner -No Result."
Mrs Annie 0, Chestnut, of Whitby, was
for months a rheumatic victim, but
South American Rheumatic Orme change
ed the song from "despair to joy." She
says: "I suffered untold misery from
rhenmatiam—doctors medicine did me
no good—two bottles of South Ameri-
can Rheumatic Oure cared. me—relief
two hours after the first dose." -50.
Sold by A, L, Hamilton.
Real estate valued in New York City,
according to the assessment figures, are
increasing $1,006,970 each day.
It there is one thing a man would
rather not do than another it is accom-
pany his wife on a shopping toar.
Malty people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shat4ared nervous
Some men not only feel that the world
owes them a living, but are sore be-
cause there are no collection agencies to
collect it for them,
The growth of the rubber triads of
Ceylon hag been *phenomenal. The total
of Ceylon•grown rubber was 168,247
poen e n 1905, which rose to 827,028
penndt itt 1000, jJ
tidy heart Was Thuntpinfr my WO
out," is the way Mrs, R. H. Wright, of
Erockville, Ont„ debcribes her suffer•
Ings from amothering, Satteting and
palpitation. Atter trying many reme-
dies without benefit, Six bottles of Dr.
Agnew's inure for the Heart restored her
to perfect health. The first dose gait
almost instant relief, and in a day vat.
feeing coated altogether, ---51. Sold by
A. L, Hamilton,
A proposition is before the dairymen
of Liatowel district for the etteblish-
ment ens milk condan%ing factory at
Listo w el b y the St.0
w basics Condensing
Company. This company have large
plants to the 'United States anti one foto•
tory at Ingersoll, Ont. It is a company
_ backed with of oitpitat of $10,000,000, and
has a reputation of beteg thoroughly re-
liable in every way. 'They propose to
erect *nether plant in Canada at cart
of over $100,000, the building being of
brick, 313 ft, long by 10 ft. wide, 1!Itil w
Wing, and IWO Stories high,
Paper bricks are used in Berlin for
paving. Many telegraph poles are now
made of rolled sheets of paper; paper
callus are used in some plaoes, Some
straw hate, into which entero not an
atom of straw, consist of naraow paper
strips dyed yellow; artifice' sponges can
be made of paper pulp.
For Over 9txty Years.
An old and Well.Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers far their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gams, allays all pain,
oures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ise
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Act, .Tune 30th, 1906.
Serial Number 1098.
Dr. Ernest Gillies, a Teeswater boy,
who has been malting a food record for
himself, first in McGilI Medical Collage
and later in the General Hospital, has
struck a pretty good thing. He has ac-
cepted an offer by the C. P. R. Oo, of
the position of surgeon oh one of the
Empress liners running between Van-
couver, Japan and China,
Another of the old residents of Tees.
water and early settlers of the township
passed away on Thursday, May 30th in
the person of Mrs Zane Ballagh, widow
of the late Wm Ballagh. Deceased had
been an invalid for a number of years
and her death was not at all unlooked
for. She was aged 78 years and 6
Deafness Cannot be Cured
By iocal applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to ours deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness is oanaed by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Ens.
taobian Tube. When this tube is in.
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine oases out of 'ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflame
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Ours, Send for cir.nlars free.
F. J. CHENEY di CO, Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa.
We have this week to record the death
of another of the highly respected re-
sidents of Howiok township in the per-
son of Alexander Laird, aged 07 years,
which took piece on Thursday morning,
May 30th. Deceased had only been ill
for a short time and all that medical at•
tendance could do was done for him but
it was of no avail. He leaven a sorrow-
ing widow, one daughter and one son to
moarn hie loss,
J. D. Warwick, of Brussels, and kis
brother, A. M., who disposed of their
sheep in Southern Idaho, will likely buy
some land in the Canadian West. War-
wick Brother% had some 2,300 heed of
sheep, far which they received a good
figure, The purchaser was James Laid-
1aW, who acme from Scotland 15 years
ago, and, after working around for a
time gradually worked into sheep ranch-
ing. Although Ile is only 37 years of
age, he has 22,000 sheep, and is estimated
to be worth $150,000, This is a great
An agent is working in Western On.
trio repairing sewing machine. He
parries all torts of ca%tings which are
needed, for machine -repair,. He works
his game by elipping in broken pests lee
has with him in place of good graft, on
the machine, Ile charge, the people as
high its $10'or $12 for repairs, and then
leaven the house and drives away. Look
out for him,
Hoe. Mr. Brodeur, Minister of Mat•
ine and Fisheries, who saw England for
the Ant time when he crossed to attend
the Britiah conferenoe, said during the
oourse of an interview with a London
reporter: "If yon Were to &,kine the chief
thinge that have interested me on shirr,
my first visit to Englattd, 1 Would an•
ewer: The high intellectual standard
among the Pea the garden like nae
tufo of the oonntry, and the order ih the
streets of London. My journey froth
Liverpool to London Watt to me are•
'relation. As we ran through rails after
mile of country it eeetned at though I
were 'travelling through one great gar.
dent. The trimness, the neatness, the
carefully dot hedges, the flue roadi: and
tine e'Idencee everywhere of rystematia
luta oulbl,Ation told; their Olen t elinfi,t
Qa Weneeeday mgreing, May 3$tb, nitinfiet Mefe '!rfrin!!,t! 1i 1►' 1"!;t/".Ii.
Mr. Charles Adana, for many year*. a t
restdegt of Be)nipre, passed peacefniiy i,,
away. Deoeased lead been in peer health ns
for several Years and for eotne menthe bee E
been•nnableeomore eetthout assistance, y.
Mr. Adams was always an honest, nerd
working Mae. IIe was long a member
of the Orange Order, and in politics was
a staunch Conservative, fie ie survived •
by three sons and four danglitera, his
wife having died a number of years ago.
A very pretty wedding wee solemnised t
at the Seaferth Methodast ebusoh,. Wed. ,t
neaday, Juno 5th, at high noon, when In
Miss Alice Dundas, daughter of Mr. ar
John Derides, of Mo$illop, beca=me the :pe
bride of Rev, Geo. A. MoTeean, 13apti>lt
minister at Cookeville, Ont. Rev. R, J,
Currie, B. A,, of Walton, assi,ted by E
Rev, A, K, Birks, L.1. B„ of Seaforth, pe
and Rev, R, S. Baker, M A , of Ailsa ;
Craig, the former pastor tied the nape
tial knot. to
Mrs. John C. Yemen, Little Rocher,
N.IL., 'writes : "1 was troubled with a
stab -like pain through my heart. 1
tried many remedies, but they scented
to do me more harm than geed. 1 was
then advised by a friend to try Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Tills and after
using two Nitrite I was completely cured.
I cannot praise them enough for the
wend of good they did for nits for 1
believe they eaved niy life:'
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Huller, Huron Road, near Holmesville,
was the scene of a very pretty wedding,
at six o'oiock Wednesday evening, June
5th, when their daughter, Edith Ellen,
became the wife of Ur. John Alfred
Potter, eon of Mr. and firs. Thomas
Potter. The bride wore a beautiful
gown of cream crepe de ohene, trimmed
with lace and chiffon, and carried a
skeet of lovely roses and carnations.
The Rey, Francis Swann performed the
The proapeets ere !night fqr a good
crop of honey this year, provided there
is imitable weather. This was the gen-
eral opinion held by delegates to the
Beekeepers' Association of Halton and
Peel counties, which met at Streetsvllie, ee
last week. This association includes
some of the most noted beekkeepers in
the Province. • Bees wintered fairly
well, with about 15 per cent. loss. The
backward weather has affected the
colonies a good deal and little work has
been done.
In the report of the operation of the
vvvvivvvirviryvvrrovvv.i, I,
AT ----
T. A. MILL$'
GLOVERS:—Oommon Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Laterge, and Wbite,
Also Timothy. These seeds are ineeecited and approved by the De•
partment at Ottawa for parity and growth, and are all home grown.
OATS:—We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel,
wonderfully productive, yielding as mnoh as 85 bushels to the "dere.
of large plump, white grain. Tartar Sing, highly recommended by
the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from rust.
White Russian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $1000
Oats, vory highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom it, has
been largely grown.
. BARLEY:—Black, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding lees than 40
bushels per sore. Mensnry, a well-known variety, strong and heavy
JAPANESM 1 /III,,(RT:--Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in
Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay,
License Acts for 1906 there were in
Huron county in 1874, 150 tavern and 38
shop licensee issued. Ten years later in
1884, the figures were 108 tavern and 11
shop licensee. In 1885, 1886 and 1887,
the Canada Temperance Act was in
force; In the year 1888 the same num-
ber were issued as in 1884. By 1E08
there was a further reduction to 8$ tav-
ern and 6 shop licenses. The latest fig-
ures given are for 1905, when 73 tavern
and 5 shop licenses were issued. The
year 1807 will show a still further reduce
tion when figures are available.
The Mammoth, the largest balloon in
the world. ascended from the Wads.
Worth gas works, London, recently
carrying 16 persons, the largest number
ever carried by a balloon: The Mam-
moth is a double decker, having a plat-
form over the oar on which two or three
persons are able to promenade behind
taut nets. The Mammoth requires 108,-
000 cubic feet of gas to inflate it. The
envelope contains 1,482 squares of silk.
The lifting power is 4,830 pounds, the
long distanoe journeys, there is a ape-
clal room for provisions. No bags of
ballast are are used. The aeronaut pulls a
lever and the ballast streams down a
Price 50 cents per box or 3 Wee* .for
$1.25, at alt deniers, or mailed direct by
The T. Milburn Ca., Litnitid, 'Toronto,
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
PIeasantly situated. Beautiful fur -
Disked. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS— •
(which i.nolnde board and nursing), $3.50 •
to $15.00 pet week according to location
of room. For further information,
address • : •
Lady Superintendent,
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Farm Labourers and
and productive.
of the best varieties, very early
RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:—Sometbimea 15 inches in diameter.
t GOOSE WHEAT: The cleanest from foreign seeds I halo ever handled.in
CORNS :—We have Coming, the largest stook of Sneet varieties for silage and
110, Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Corn, Corley's
tin extra early, Crosiers early, Sugar Corn and Country Gentleman, field
t and garden peas.
EARLY POTATOES, ---We have Nought Six a veryearly and productive
variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Fara Ottawa
BE eUTY OF HEBRON:--Successfully grown in this vicinity.
Ini ALSO' GROUND OILOAKE:—Bibbeys Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb `
' Food, and Pure Ground Flax Mein. .
All kinds of farm produce
AWW iA ii AliAtisai/►UA, TAAwlAhiA` 1 Kalli .AtAkAiiiif-0410 4111
ssseess 3•••sopos••saiso•rfes es••o•s•O•••ssesa +seoosest
• An Advertisement in
Brings Rood Results
I have been appointed by the Dominion toy-
ernment to place emigrants from the United
KingBdom in positions as farm laborers or do•
mestie servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such help should notify me by letter
Stating fully the kind of help required, when
Wanted end wages offered, The number sr.
riving may not be sufficient tosupply all re -
/Mesta but every effort will be made to pro-
vide each applicant with help required.
Canadian Government Employment Agent
Wingham, Ont.
The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum-
ihirle Chief" will make the setison of 1907 as
Tuesdai , May 14111, will leave his owner's.
stable, B1uet'ale, and proceed to Wirt, Mo.
Michael's eon. 2, Morris, for noon; thence to
Thos. Warwick's, con. 0, Morris, where he will
remain, until Wednesday noon. Wednesday,—
At moon leave for Jos. Miller's, don. 3, Morris
for night, Thuredar-oro Jos, t ollev's, gravel for noon, then to Or. A. T, fiord a eats
Stable, Wingbam, and remaln until Friday
Afternoon. Then to his bwner's stable tet
Bluevale where he will remain until the foe
lowing Tuesday morning,
T. W. Kraci, Prop, and Manager.
The im ortrd Clydesdale' Stallion, "Mascot"
Will make, the saon of 1007 as follow;Aec
Tuesday, May 14th, will levee hie owner's
Pliable, Magi/ale, and proceed to J. Eletert's,
Ooh. 5,'Tnrnbarry for noon: then to Andrew
fdemmill's, eon. a Turnborry for night, Wed-
aenday--to .l hn Wylie's for two hours, Hien to
Alex. Bose', eon. e, Turnberry, for noon, then
46 Dr. A. u', Nerd's sale stable, Win ham, for
ght Thursday -,-To Andrew Mitchell's, con.
Torbbt►sne for
1 r. tA7W,r 1 .: ay ,Qf
keens 6 �t etas
hie, _'p a s rorairin nn duly
eernor,n, d Oen proceba to hi* wsr e
able, where he win remain until the foliore-
g Tuesday marine .
The Wingham Times reaches
the hones of most of the people of:
Wingbam and surrounding country. It
keeps its subscribers posted on all the
news of the day --local, political and
If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on 'application.
We. ThinkPrinting
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas, -
i and these are here awaiting your accept- _
•• mice. It's no trouble for us to give you
intotmatiotl—to write or Calf—it will
place you under n6 obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. ° •Prices _ right. Quality
• ever the talisman.
The Wlngham Times