HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-13, Page 5TIIE W1NGIIAi TIMES JUNE 13, 1907
The Blue Front Store.
have 20 per Gent
on 61othin)
We do not believe in carrying over goods from one season
to another. During the month of June, we will
allow you a discount of 20 per cent off the
original price of all our Spring Clothing,
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Top
Coats, Rain Coats, Odd Pants,
Knickers, etc.
This sale presents an exceptional opportunity to residents
of Wingham and surrounding country. All regular
stock goods, -No jobs, -We can give you a
splendid assortment of patterns and prices
in each size, but not a complete range
of any one pattern in all sizes.
Men's $18.00 Suite, Jane disoount price 814.40
•,� •, $12.00
" $12.00 " cc If El $9.60
" $10 00 14 II IfIS$8.00
" $8.00 II �, II$6.40
Examine the above prices and note the saving of from
$2 5o to $3,5o on a good suit.
Youths' $13.50 Suits, Jane discount price $10.75
$11 00 88.808
II $0.00 II (I$9.00 " $7.20
,c $7,60 " .'It " $5.80
Nothing here but what is good value at the original prices.
" $15 00
Boys' $5 00 Suits, June disoount price $4.00 '
" $3.75 " " " " $3.00
" $3 25 „ u " " $2.60
Nothing marked up. All prices in plain figures.
Men's Furnishings
Besides the exceptional prices in clothing we offer you
special values in our Gents' Furnishing Department
Hats, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Underwear, Shoes, etc.
Do not take our word for it, but come in and see for
& Cam
Come with the crowd and leave your order
for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from
dirt and clinkers. It has no equal.
Ton I/ 3E3 V i.. V S
The effect of Scott'," EsnuL.rion on thin,
pale children is magical.
It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy.
It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites
and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folk.
ALL. DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND 81.00. ' t''
The citizens of the village and sur-
rounding country are preparing to hold
a grand lawn social on July 4th, at Mr.
W. G. Nicholson's,'13 miles east of the
village. The proceeds of the social are
to go in aid of the Wingham Hospital.
Farther particulars to be given next
week. Jot down tho date, July 4th, in
your diary.
Health Depends on Good Blood
Everyone who pees Ferrozone has
good color and great vitality. Reason
for this is Forrozone'e power to create
nourishing blood. "I was broken down,
had no strength and could'nt eat" writes
Mrs. Chas. Benny of (Moyne, Ont. "My
nerves were irritable, I was thin -blood. •
ed and continually unhappy. I tried
Ferrozone. It gave me new energy,
force, vim. It brought me strength -
made me well." Greatest tomo and re -
builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold
everywhere in 60o boxes.
S. S. No. 6, Morris, intend holding a
pic-nic in W. Yuil's hush on the after-
noon of June 21st. Every family in
the section is requested to come with
their baskets.
Mrs. W. H. Maunders and daughters,
who have spent the past 8 months in
Idaho, are here on a visit with relatives
and friends. They will return after a
stay of a few months. Their many
friends are glad to see them. Mr.
Maunders is still in Idaho.
Tuesday evening of last week, as Mrs.
Wm. Shedden, 4th line, was carrying a
couple of pails of milk into the cellar
she fell and broke' her shoulder blade we
are sorry to state. Although having
attained a royal old age Mri. Shedden
is remarkably smart and we hope she
will soon be all right.
On Wednesday morning, May 29th,
Mr. Alex Laird passed away at his home
on the 12th con., Hawick, in his 68th
year. The departed one had a compli-
cation of diseases, but heart failulre is
said to be the cause of death. He had
been a resident of Howick for about 40
years. He was a quiet, unassumiug
man, a good neighbor and respected by
a wide circle of friends. A widow and a
grown-up son and daughter mourn his
The death of Mrs. Edward Cooper
occurred from anaemia at the family
home on the 2nd con. of Howick on
Friday afternoon. May 31st. The de-
parted one had not enjoyed good health
for two years past, but had failed very
fast since her daughter Alma's death
about two months ago. Her death was
not unexpected, but her demise is keen-
ly felt by her sorrowing husband and
grown up family of two daughters, Mrs.
(Dr.) Armstrong and Mrs. C. E. Leppard,
both of Harriston, and two sons, Bert of
the 4th con, of Howick, and Ford at
home. The deceased was for many years
a resident of Howick and ..was highly
respected by all wko had the pleasure of
her acquaintance.
Seasonaiie Goods a
Reasonm Prices
We have a large assortment in the following lines. .
-LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's
We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver,
and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand.
JUST ARRIVED -A carload of Hanover cement.
A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch.
Give us a call i'or anything you might require in the line of Hardware and
Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money.
Young's Big Hardware.
We are pleased to state that Mrs Thos.
Davidson, lith con., who has been on
the sink list for the east 5 or 6 weeks, is
improving nioely and will soon be es
hearty as ever.
We are sorry to hear that Robt. Mo.
Naughton, an old and well known reaid•
ent of Grey, has been seriously ill. He
is over 90 years of age,
Andrew and Mrs. Tarnbnll, 15th con.
left on Tuesday of last week for the
West for a holiday visit with relatives.
Their first stop wilt be with their son,
Dr. Turnbull in Winnipeg.
Mrs. Jno.MoKinnon, 8th con., was re-
moving a setting hen from the nest she
received a peck from the fowl on her
hand. Blood poisoning set in and Mrs.
McKinnon has been quite ill, the swell-
ing going up her arm to her shoulder
and neck. We hope she wilt be speedi.
ly restored to her accustomed good
Fits Yon'- Case Exactly.
Yon know how you feel, -blue siokly
and -heavy. Each morning you waken
in a dull "dopy" condition and wish it
were night again. Your liver is wrong
and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills; they do cure all liver ills. At
once the system is relieved of poisons,
blood is enriched and purified, appetite
increases and digestion picks up. Health
and vigor return because Dr. Hamilton's
Pills make the body proof against weak-
ness and disease. For your liver, your
kidneys, your stomaoh, for the sake of
your looks and feelings, try Dr. Hamil.
ton's Pills, 250 per box at any dealers.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 9, East Wawaiiosh for the month of
May. Names in order of marks obtain-
ed at the weekly examinations:
Fifth Class. -Ella Walker, Gordon
Rintoul, Wilfrid Pocock.
Sr. 4th Olass.-George Carrie, Ho-
ward Shiell, Tessa Anderson, George
Walker, Gwendolyn Carrie, Mary
Jr. 40h. -Pearl Deacon, Richard Dea-
con, Verna Taylor.
Jr. 3rd. -Charlie Taylor, Maggie
P0000k, Ernest Shiell. Harold Walker,
Franklin,Robineon, Harold Currie.
- Sr. 2nd. -Annie Corrie, Fiona Dea-
con, Elva Robinson, Nellie Deacon,
Wilmur Taylor, Bessie Burchill.
Jr. 2nd. -Mand Rintoal, Ena Mc-
Sr. Pt. 1. -Percy Shiell,:Edward Kerr,
- George Pocock.
- Jr. Pt. 1. -Helen Pocock, George,
Currie, Verna Elliott, Alex Leaver.
L. MrLNE, Teacher.
Barely Lived Through 1t
A terrible experience had Edw. J.
O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From
boyhood" he writes, "I have been a
constant sufferer from asthma and ca-
tarrh. My nose and throat was always
stopped up and I had droppings in the
throat. When attacks came on I thought
I could'nt live through the night. I
would sit UP, grasp for breath and en-
dure great distress. Catarrhozone made
me entirely well." No stronger proof is
required. Asthma is curable, so is ca-
tarrh. Use "Oatarrhozone" and your
recovery is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25o
and $I.00 at all dealers.
The principal officers of Blyth Lodge
I. 0. 0. F. were elected as follows: -N,
G., H. L. Haines; V. G., A. W. Robin.
son; R. S., F. Anderson; F. S., G. E.
McTaggart; Treas., Jae. Cult; repre-
sentive to Grand Lodge, S. A. Popie-
stone; delegates to District Meeting,Jas.
Cott and J. S. Golden.
At 2 p.m., Tuesday, June lith, a quiet
but pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Code,
Dinsley street, where their daughter,
Mand, was married to Mr. Alex. Porter-
field, clerk of East Wawanosh, Rev. W.
Hartley officiated. After partaking of a
dainty luncheon, the bride and groom
left on the afternoon train for Buffalo,
Toronto, Niagara and other parts. Their
many friends join in wishing them a
long and happy married life,
In Knox churoh, Auburn, at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, of last week,
Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., pastor of St.
Andrew's church, Blyth, and Miss Edna
McDonald, of Auburn, were joined in
bonds of holy wedlock. Rev. Dr. Mc-
Lean, of Goderioh, Mr. Small's pre
decessor in the pastorate of St. Andrew's
church, performed the ceremony. The
bride wee assisted by her cousin, Miss
Torah MoDougall, of Bolton, while
Walter McLean, of Goderioh, anted as
groomsman. Miss Young, of Auburn -
played the wedding march. The church
was prettily decorated and there was a
large crowd in attendance.
She Was Wild With Pain.
From Willow Creek, Ont., Miss E. -
Diegel writes: "A few years ago I was
drenched with rain and got lumbago; it
was like a steel rod piercing my back. I
also had an earache and was just wild
with pain. I applied batting soaked
with Nerviline to my ear and tabbed on
Nerviline for the lumbago. That rub-
bing relieved and in a few hours I was
well. No other liniment could do this."
It's the penetrating power of Nerviline
that makes it superior to all other lini-
ments. Nothing beats it, 25c. at all
Modern pirates have discovered that
there are more smokers on land than in
the ilea.
+++++++++++++4++++++++++ ++++++++++++++4+4+++++++ +++++++++++l+1++++•+++
Big Cut=pr!ce Sale
The Summer trade is now in full swing, and in order to double
our business and reduce our large stock during the month
of June, we are CUTTING PRICES' to the quick on just
the lines of goods you are in most need of this time
of year. This is a money -saving opportunity for
you. Read every line of following cut prices.
Waist Lengths
Silk Embroidered Waist Lengths
regular value $2.50 to $3 00, cut
sale price $2.00
Skirts -
White Cambric Underskirts, nicely
made, regularly $1.25, sale
price ... $1.00
Linen Crash Toweling, regular 10o
sale price 8c
One piece Union Carpet yard wide,
regular 35c valve, cat price...25c .
Boys' Pants
Boys' Heavy Snicker Pants, to
clear 50e
Boys' Shirts
A line of Boys' Print Shirts, worth
50c, our clearing prioe........39c
Fancy Silk Spot Lustres, for waists.
regular price 50o on sale at , ... 40c
A special line of Lace Curtains 33
yds long, good value at $1.00.
Bale price. 75c
Flowered and Spot Muslims, raga -
lar 153 valve, sale. 12S
Ladies Raincoats to clear, 310 00
coats for $S 00; 39.00 coats for
37 00; 38 00 coats for 36.00; $5.00
cnaMen's Clothing 4.00
Cat prices in Men's Clothing.
See our Men's Suits at 36 00, 37 00
and 38 00 Pants at $1 00, 31 20.
31 50, 31.75 and $2.00
3 pieces wide Plaid Dress Goode.
worth 353, cut sale prioe only 25c
Dress Goods
6 pieces wide gray tweed, plain and
fancy patterns, good value at 50c.
cut sale price... 390
Large size White Bed Spreads, new
goods, regular valve 31.50 on
sale $1.25.
Long Gloves
Very scarce and hard to get; we
have them at reasonable prices
50a, 75e, 31.00 and ... $1.25
5 doz Ladies Black Cashmere Hose,
last black seamless, good valve
at 35c, sale . 25c
Large Linen Hack Towels, regu-
lar value 35o pair, for 25e
5 pieces Check Ginghams, good
apron patterns, 7c value, while
they last 5C
Each week during the month of June. And in order to accomplish
this we will give the following PRIZES to customers bringing in
`the greatest number of eggs up to Saturday, June 29th.
FIRST PRIZE. -Ladies ready.to-wear skirt, your choice of our new styles
in black, brown or grey, value - - - - - $5.00
SECOND PRIZE -Ladies Embroidered Silk Waist, worth - - $3.50
THIRD PRIZE. -Ladies Embroidery Lawn Waist, latest style, worth • $2.00
FOURTH PRIZE. -Pair of Kid Gloves, your choice of colors, value - $1.25
Remember the date: Competition opens Saturday, June 8th,
and c/oses Saturday, June 29th.
Bring in your eggs and see what a load of Genuine Bargains you can
get here in exchange for them during our cut price sale.
A few pieces fancy figured Wool
Dalanes, worte 40c cur clearing
price 25c
Very pretty White Lawn waists,
trimmed with embroidery inser-
tion, regulhr $1.25 valve, cat sale
price , $1.00
10 doz. Ladies Black Cotton Hose 10 doz. Ladies
fast colors, sizes S}2, 9, 91e, regn. . clear at
Summer Vests to
lar value 15c, cat sale price...10c
Table Linens.
One piece heavy Table Linen good
buying at 35o, cut sale price...25e
6 doz. Ladies White Cambric
, Drawers, nicely made, sell oat
quick price. 35c
Fresh Groceries.
New Dates 5o lb. Cleaned Carrants IOc. Large
Raisins 103. Celery Relish 103. Leandry
Starch 70. Canned Peas 5c. 12 bars Soap 25o.
35c Green Tea 25c. 2 pkgs Gold Dust 5c.
A very pleasant event took place at
the home of E. A. and Mrs. McAsh, of
Dubno, Sask., on May 28th, when Miss
Jessie M. Livingston, formerly of Brus-
sels, Ont., became the wife of Harry M.
Smith, of Dubuc.
Following a long extended and at
Cheap Rates to
Pacific Coast
Where are you going to spend the
summer. Here's a few suggestions.
Portland, Ore. Los. AinRe1ac, Cal.
i3polcane, Wasii. I;os,hind, IS'. C.
vaneouver, B. C. Helena, Mont.
San Francisco, Cal.
Lethbridge, Alta,
Cheap rates to all the above places.
Special SIde Trips.
Tickets are also available via
Sarnia and Nosthern Nev. Co.
Tickets are now proourablo. Valid
until Oct. 31st.
Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket
Agent and he will cheerfully give
yon full particulars.
For full informat3On as to rates and
tiokote, call on L. HAROLD, Depot
Agent. J. D. MODoxer b, D. P. A.,
Ladies Kid Belts in black, •brown,
white, navy, tan, our cut price
only . 25c
Dress Goods
4 pieces gray and brown flake
Tweed Suitings, regular valve 35o
and 40c, cut price ........25e
Corset Covers
A special line of Cambric Corset
Covera, embroidery trimmed,
our cut price....... 25c
Come with the Crowd to this Big Sale.
81. E. Isard a/c Go.
+++4+++++++++4++++444+4•++ ++++-4+4+4+++++4+4444+4+444
times most painful illness, Mrs. Barbara
W. Strachan said farewell to the con-
cerns of earth and passed away to her
reward on Wednesday morning, Jane
5th, aged 59 years, 5 months and 19 days.
She died at the home of nurse Thomp-
son. Catharine street with whom she
boarded. Deceased was well and favor-
ably known in Brussels and locality,
where she spent over 35 years. Her
maiden name was Barbara W. Smith,
and her birthplace Clarke township,
Darham Co. In June of 1875 she was
united in marriage to Alex Strachan,
merchant of Brussels, who died 2 years
later. They had no family. For the
past 8 or 9 years Mrs. Strachan had suf-
fered from multiple neurites which bade
defiance to the best medical treatment. -
She is survived by 3 brothers, Walter
Smith, of Alma, Ont.; John E,, of
Brandon, Man , and A. R., merchant, of
Clinton, and 4 sisters, Mrs. A. Campbell,
of Vanderbilt, Mich, ; Mrs. J. 14. Smith
and Mrs. Dr. M^Kelvey, of Brussels,
and Mrs. Frank -lit, of Turnberry.
A brother and sit 'e also deceased.
No policeman ahoald arrest a train of
thought without a warrant,
I Royal Grover'
This week wt.. offer Printed Toilet Sets in four
different shades, nicely embossed pattern, ten
pieces in each set,
For $1.79
+•+...+40+.01_•••••4.1+•.+++ +•+4•!••• Off"•0.•44+4++11