HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-13, Page 44 THE WINGRAAV TIMES, JUNE 13, 1.907 IXOTASfelfeljaltP 1872 Tat ,WINIAM TIMES. Ft. Bg,141KeTT, VI7S141031gs A>,vD PkOPklumoto THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1,907. TO ADVERTISERS No9taa of changes =net be left at this ofliee not later than Saturday noon. The Dopy for ebungee must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up tea noon. Wednesday' of each week. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The customs reoeipts of the Dominion for the month of Mav this year show the astounding Worease of $1,208,968 over the reoeipts of IA or, one year ago. Last year the receipts were $4.124,235 a banner =Datil, bat Key of 1907 reaches the sum of $6,333,258. Mr. Robert Holmes, ex -M. P., has been renominated by the Liberals of West Huron. It wag eomething of an accident by which Mr. Holmes was defeated Iast eleotion, and the people now recognize the need of bins. Commodore Lewis Will have his work out for him next election.—Stratford Beacon. With the Government of this country, Canadians, as a people, are well satisfied. There will always be, under a demoora- tic forta of government, party lines drawn, bat the conduct of affairs will never be taken from one party and in- trusted to another without good and sufficient cause. There is every evidence that the people desire no change at this time, and until something is formulated by Conservatives to take the place of the enlightened ad ministration novena charge of public affairs, it may confidently be expected that Canada will continue her progress, for the people have an abiding faith, both in the possibilities of the Dominion and the government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The affairs of the nation are affairs great and important ; and it behooves the best of her sons who have in any degree the capacity for affairs to offer the beat of their years for their country's service. Much water will run under the bridge ere we have a leisured, independ- ent class which looks upon the I'arlia- nneatery Iife as a vocation and duty, Meanwhile, until that day dawn, it is the duty of cur young men of strength of character and faculty of mind to look to it that responsible government in our time embodies events that will make honorable Canadian history. As a be- ginning mach can be done in educating the electorate concerning political meas- ures, and their intelligent discussion; much iu making educational and moral standards for measures and men alike.— Winnipeg Free Press. The census department at Ottawa has issued a bulletin dealing with the manu- factures of the Dominion, as shown by the Government census of 1901 and and 1906. Daring the five years the value of manufactured products in Can- ada has almost doubled. From $481,- 055,375 in 1901, the value is $712,664,835 in 1906, or an increase of $231,611,460. The figures for 1901 and 1006 of towns in Western Ontario are given below. The details are for works employing five or more persons: --- 1901 1906 Wingham S 407,291 $ 430,561 Clinton 338,225 386,818 Exeter 142,411 248,060 Godericb 289,614 2,105,847 Harriston 575.930 691,968 Kincardine 219,225 202,369 Listowel 358,233 440,179 ttonnt Forest 244,258 494,034 Palmerston 807,654 802,537 Seatorth 398,217 347,389 Walkerton 356,719 818,241 Prom the above it wilt be seen that Wingham is holding a front plape as a manufacturing centre and that the in. crease Watt 000siderable in the five years, One beaks in vain for a defined policy for Which the people are asked to sub- stitute the present one followed by the Liberal government. The Conservative party appears to be made up of units, each following a separate and distinct conrae. 'Upon na two lineations ate they unanimous, unless it be that they are all anxious for the overthrorsr of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and the resulting ad - 1"1} .air at Auction. rrr.- At any . rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction -sale principles: "going, going, g -o -n -e t" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair 'Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for It's nature's way. '1'tie''mit kind o! a teetf :amenia..- "Bold for over Ilxty veers." P SAIISAPb9IGf ll. NAY talCrOltele iiiiiiillineitiallinti A GREAT TRIUMPH • GAINED BaDR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. The Doctors of Mount Clemens Instil tute Prove the Value,of these Pilie in the Case of Mr. S. Harris, Government Inspector of Elevators at Hamilton, Ont. From the Star, Dundas, Ont. We were ranch pleased to see Mr. S. Harris, the well known Government .in• spector of elevator's of Hamilton, in Dundee the other day, greatly improved in health and appearance since the last time we met him. As is known to many of the Star readers, Mr. Harris has re- covered from a long and serious ilinesa, and is now quite able to attend his usual duties. From this long illness many predicted Ur. Harris would never recov- er, and the fact that he is ante more able to go around very nearly as spry as he did before he was attacked, is little less than marvellous to them. In reply to our reporter, Mr. Harris related the early stage of the attack and subsequent sufferings which be exper- ienced, and while he did not court pub- licity, decided that ha the pablio interest be would relate the circumstances of this wonderful cure. About fourteen months ago Mr.Harrie woke up one morning with a stiff neck; try as he would, and after applying alt the remedies extern- ally that he could hear or think of, he was unable to get rid of ft. The stiff- ness moved to the spine and shoulders, then to his hips, until it trade almost a cripple of him, and it was with extreme difiienity that he could get out of bed at all. As for walking it was out of the question with him. The attack became so bad that he was unable to put on either his coat, vest, or hat. From time to time be called in various medical men, none of whom were able to give him much relief. It was almost impossible for him to raise hie feet from the floor, and all pronounced his a severe .case of muscular rheumatism, giving trim little encouragement as to his ultimate recov- ery. However, one medical gentleman finally recommended the baths, and as a last resort Mr. Halris decided to follow his advise, and went.t'o Mount Clemens, Mich. As is custom ry with all patients, Mr. Harris had to undergo a thorough examination in order to determine if the system can stand this rigorons treat- ment. Atter several examinations had been made as to Mr. Barrie' condition, the physicians there finally decided that that he was not suffering from muscular rheumatiem at all, bat that his ailment was of the nerves, and told him tbat the baths would do him little or no good; that he required altogether different treatment. Mr. Harris placed himselt is the hands of one of the physicians there, and what seemed quite strange to him, they did nothing for him bat administer medicine in the shape of pills. Shortly after he commenced this treatment he began to improve perceptibly, and his appetite greatly improved. He began to walk around slowly:at flrat,but soon was able to get around more than he could for a year previous. He was able to put on his coat and vest, and began fo feel like his former self. His improvement was so rapid and perceptible not only to himself but to others, that he was plied with all sorts of questions as to his won- derful recovery. The medioal attendant was questioned as to the nature of the medicine which was being administered. Much to the surprise of Mr. Harris and other patients there, he was told that it was a well knows Canadian remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, and was advised to continue their use for a time on his re- turn home. Mr. Harris is loud in his praise of the wonderful curative qualities of Dt.Williams' Pink Pills, and consen- ted to make his case public iu the hope that he might benefit others similarly afflicted. Mr. Harris has long been a resident of Hamilton, being a well kn- own builder of elevators, as well as Gov- ernment inspector of the same, so that his prominence and well known integ- rity is evidence that he is sincere in the statments he made. vantage that might accrue to some of them, Tho leading papers supporting the Conservative party are not even agreed upon matters of indifferent im- portance, and it seems an impossibility to reconcile the various differences of opinion on political matters as they affect the party. Since the House rose, there has been a continual rehash of matters brought up daring last session, bat for some reason the very full and satisfactory explanation given of these things at the time seems to have been entirely overlooked. If the Coneerva. tine papers would print both sides of a story and let the people judge, the Lib- eral party would be content to abide by the decision. bat no man can arrive at an intelligent or just conalnsion when a garbled and prejadiced aecount of one side only is given. Stook 41ve Markets The Inn at the Oattle Market Tuesday consisted of 73 loads, containing 1,300 cattle 400 sheep,650 hogs, 875 calved. The market was very firm, with a tendency to rise, and trading was very brisk, the whole of the large run being disposed of early in the morning, Prices show a tendency to rise, and the markets on Thursday may be Brill higher, The hog market has dropped a little from last week, aitd they are quoted as follows: 86 00 for eeloets and $6,65 for lights and fate. The folio a ing are the quotations t Exporters' cattle.. Per 100 lbs, Ohote to60 5 5 7 0 $ Medium 5 00 6 25 Bulls 5 00 5 25 Light 4 50 4 75 Cows 4 30 4 70 .Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up, War00 4 40 Stockers ahoioe 4 00 4 25 balls.. 3 00 3 40 SntOhers'— Picked 6 40 5 60 Choine 480 515 Medium ... . ......... . 4 26 4 60 OteWet... , ..... 400 4 40 Belle.. 8 25 3 50 Hogs Hest 730 Lights 6 85 Sheep - Expert ewes 600 500 Bucks., 400 460 Culls . ,... ,360 4 60 +ry'Spring Lambs each.. 8150 0 �5yi0 Cial,ta5.e.ifit ¥00 585 Why Is It You see so many times on our measure book, after a man's order for a suit, -- MEASURE SAME AS LAST Because onr customers are always Well Suited. We make your suit as you want it made and do not insist on any particular fad of our own get up. WE HAVE THE GOODS 'For and can make you any kind of Suit, Overcoats, or Pants, from a cheap two piece sack to a Prince Albert or Full Dress, an or- dinary Chesterfield or extraordinary Paletot Overcoat, Peg Top or Spring Bottom Pants, We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION We sell the celebrated W. G. & R. Shirts and Oallars. The best fittitig as well as wearing Shirt and Collar made in Canada. We have a large range of Fanny Vesta made up or made to your order. Bargains, 5 dozen assorted Vests, regular 51.50 and $1.25 for 98o, see them in our window. ,11AXWE LL. & HILL. Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. rApol bwidnfra thr4) if•V VYV Vyyyyr,T'!,y!',Tvy,vy vv; 4 .44 4 4 PIANOS ! SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM The New Scale Williams Piano Co. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 .4 4 .44 4 4 Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store and have appointed me their solo agent for Wingham and vicinity. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A special invitation is extended to everyone who wishes to see them and test their tone and design, to call at my furniture store. We specially invite the ladies. Come in and bring any of your friends along and play on them—the more they are played on the better. We eharge nothing, but will consider it a favor to have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion of what is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada. And after you have satisfied yourselves as to their high quality, we will be pleased to quote you prices on them. Don't buy until you see the New Seale Williams— they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone and finish. S. GRACEY 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 .4 4 4 4 .4 FURNITURE DEALER 4 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IAAAAAAAAAAAAL4AAAAAAAAAAi, °MING The representativ j of PROF. DORENWEND will be at the Brunswick Hoel, Wingham, Tuesday, June 18 TO 1MPRtVE YOUR APPEARANCE Retain your you hful freshness as that no one Dan remark, "she is past her p me." To appear younger and more attrac- tive than the aver ge woman. you must be particular that your hair shows no sig s of being thin, short or scrawny. A Doren - wend Transform Jou. Pompadour; Nave, Carl or Switch will substitute natures defects. Even if you have plenty of your own hair, these Li ht, airy artifices may be worn over it, saving von the worry of arranging your hair in the prevailing style. 'Your hair can be�perfectly matched in color and texture, so that detection ls,oat of the question. CONSULT' PROFESSOR DORENWEND 141111 tiW 'VIII VISIT a� or atticall so,you T E..S. If� on are bald. MAN O DdAN'--ABOUT iIALDNiy�Y pp tetolia b at ythst ndtn the desi have soli must realize that it make you look old. No i a your one time busby head of hair, ou hesitate before wearing a natural hair covering simply because you imagine itis goi g to be notieedby* others. Now you never made a greater mistake, Thousands o meat, who thought the same as you do, are today wearing a D10E).NWENDr PAT 1YT TUUrEE and instead of carrying the handicap, that b duets proved to them, they ate not ' enjoying the advantage of "looking young" nd that is what counts today in business and social lite, Our Patent Toupee s a featherweight faasimilo of your own natural heir acid may be worn without ear of deteetton- itorioasible to re- move from the head unless at *111 --not the est clumay'oe unoomfortfbie. They bet as a protection, preventing colds and ca rrh, so common to bald men. The borertwend Co. of Toro. itirlomEtitnER The Bruns llelt Now do not 'neglect this op. fortunity--cords and see for yourself. A feW fninutoe demon. stration will Convince you that a Dorentrend Patent Team% le not Iikesthe elutnay vrlggy affairs that areelaimed to be "jest Ss natural." t', Limited, 103 and 105 X'onge Street PLACE, DAT AND DON Oteir T esdalr, June iflth. The "Bxg►tare"* WINGtIAM, At - ONTARIO. _ III& AIM JOHN KERB Alt) SAI, Is in full swing and the crowds are coming this way. There has been a big rush for bargains. But the biggest rush is to come, on account of the warmer weather. Remember our Clearing Sale continues up to Saturday the 29th of June, CARPETS. House-cleaning has been late this season because of the cold weather. Our sale of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Matting, etc. comes just in the nick of time for all who are needing new floor coverings. BIG MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. New Window Shades With fringe and insertion or plain. Good roller and spring. New Poles, small wood, white finish, Brass Extension Rods, etc. ALL AT CLEARING SALE PRICES. Curtain Ready -Made Clothing for Men and Boys. All of our big stock of Progress Brand Clothing at clearing sale prices. All of our big stock of Gents' Furnishings at reduced prices during this month. Dress Goods, Muslin, Delaines, Waistings, Silk, Satins, Laces, Embroidery, Ribbons. New and Seasonable Goods at Reduced Prices, Our Boot and Shoe Department Bargains Are proving very attractive. Don't miss this opportunity of saving money. Large stock, new goods. We'll not offer you something;or n-lth ing, but we will satisfy you with values given or we'll quit the bu;lness. iste sir ��lMwMwry�)q�Nrw.�N�}MiiJ WINGBA11I I+MARBE'P RIiPORTS Wingham, June 121h,1907 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 25 to 2 80 Fall Wheat .... 0 85 to 0 85 Oats,0 42 to 0 42 Barley 0 45 to 050 Peas .......,'. 0 75 to 0 75 Butter ...... .... ........ 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs per doe 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord 2 60 to 300 Hay , per tort 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per ib ..,, ,.,. ,,,, 0 51, to 0 06 Lard ,,. 0 15 to 0 16 Dried Apples per lb 06?j to 0 07 Live Hoge, per owt. 6 50 to 6 60 BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER A Large stock of Wall Paper of the newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly reduoed prices 25c Wall Paper for 20c per roll 20o " " " 15a a ,r 150 rr 120 rr 10o " " " 14o .r a rr rr 100 a " " " 8o " u 7o tr ,r " 5C i, r, Borders SUSS price per roll as eideWalls they match. Spalding Sporting Goods Headquarters for everything in Base Ball, b'oetball, Lacrosse, Tennis Goods, Eta. Englie v-mrtde fishing Tackle We carry a first class stook. Trp us L'aney, Seervenir slut Coolie Pest Cards Our variety caret be beat anywhere. Cameras and Plinotogi,apitie Supplies. A. fresh and eorpiete stook, free dark room and watt -satiate to beginners, R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer rVilia>1lhttcysdii 074, —Ow Mir VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVV60 } 1 AAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Special Quality Footwear For Ladies. AT POPULAR PRIDES We term this footwear "special quality" because the quality is specially fine for the price, and the styles are more attractive than C are usually sold for the money. ' c Oxford in Patent Sid, Gun ]!Metal and Viol Eid, with turn or welt soles. Repairing neatly done. . JohnstonI SHOE DEALER WINGHAM MAR AAAAAAAAAAAA 1�AAAAAAAAAAAA mac AAAA F'+r =. �r'tAVAI" " M�+�re�mt�fs,rew, ASig wlr lrb,nrnnrwf.h( 1 'IfrW�I si.=su»�i�e c�rmri�rura��`. PAINTS 1,' 4' Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis ! ! ! This means that you can take any can of " Martin- Senour 100% Pure Paint" off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada. If you do not find it abso- lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay the charges and make you a present of $zoo for your trouble. ► � SOLE AUNT IN :WUNNNAM. BURNS. 0