HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-01, Page 121:2A THE'HURON'EXPOSITOR eNOVEMBER 1, 1T989' '.MODERN =PROFESSIONAL :OFFICE) -on Albert St Clinton-Avattable June 1st. $400100 per month, Includes all :utilities. Call 482-9210. 25-44-1f 25 ''PRO PENTY 'OR'' ENT THREE (BEDROOM,HOUSE 'with :garage In -Brucefletd. rRefefenoes-'required.:Caii45 D75 after 6 2544-1 1 23. REAL ESTATE r5. APARTMENTS 'iR RENF . w :Ai -9'R RENT SJEW 'AND USED -Satellite :Systems, 'rent or 4ease to gown ,with easy monthly :payments; also, -repairs to 'all makes. L & A'So0thwest Ratelllte, day or night 524=9595 2.7:44-tf Z1 . ' NOTICE RIVERMILL VILLAGE - :luxury .condominiums . on banks of Scugog.-River, Lindsay. fasprey Suite - 1317 sq. ft - expansive Jiving area -With balcony - large kitchen and breakfast eating room - two bedrooms - 'Master with luxury whirlpool tub in ensuite. From $215;-900. Sports and recreational amenities at restored Carew Mill. Under construction for 1990 occupancies. Call Upper Canada Lakes 14809=461.8521 23-44-bc THREE KILOMETRES TO LAKE HURON, 265 acres in Dashwood, 230 workable, mostly systematically tiled Barns and home have been updated with new addition on home Land is all in one piece Broker inquiries welcome Call anytime. $477,000.00. Realty World Landex 673.6941 23-43-2 i3AOHELOR APARTMENT Main Stree available -December 1 527.0810 daytime, 522-1323 after 6 26-42-3 MAXWELL APARTMENTS - Bachelor apart ments, rents from $247.00 to $330,00 per. month .Call 393,6921 26-44-5 Planta Classified Ad. Harvest -.cash? AA. if you 'think you have a drinking problem ;Alcoholics Anonymous has worked' for 7nllllons. Oak 527-'1860 31-44-tf OVERWEIGHT? Try our new 'Appetite Control Program - foae -up to 29 lbs. In SO -days. 'No drugs. 100%is guaranteed. Surprieingly eaffor- debtel Call: (416)338.5550, 31-44-bc ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking'problem?-Al Anon can help, 527-1650 31-44-1 23. REAL ESTATE 32. 'VACATIONS SOUTHERN USA COAST. Beautiful four bedroom, three beth Spanish Villa. 'Elegant y furnished and completty stocked ..with linens, dishes, glasses, full .appliances, et cetera. Spectacular view) Write to Islay Investments. at 800 Garden Street Suite K, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93101 for brochure and rate schedule, 32-44-bc TAMPA, March Break, March 10-17, 1990. $279 plus 10% tax/SVC Canadian. 'Return air- fare from Detroit Call T&S Tours, 1-800-265-9365. 32-44-bc NEW LISTING-CLINTON: Excellent income property over $700 a month, close to hospital. Apartments are 4 bedroom & 2 bedroom. Priced to sell 21/2 STOREY (BRICK ^1!IOME: -Beautifully decorated with move -in condition, you love it on sight with all three•levels completed, at- tached garage, all featured on 1.17 acres with -matured tress & lighted interlocking brick drive. 33. EDUCATIONAL FREE 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses 'for prestigious careers. Accounting, Air conditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W. Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. 33-44-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING tor class "A' licence. No experience- necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. Call toll free: • 1-800-265-7143. 33-44-br 123. -REAL :ESTATE 'RreRHlOeFRECRR1S,' Pklw'xhomeratutfy ionise 1for'wvomen."140%/401kt#dblliotis,apondless! CaOarardefec fPreE'TlhlofttltitWn, 5jlanne-Sebas- Ilen, 3284ifBouchefie `Rd.,`=Kelowna, s'BC, V1Z -'2H2. '33441bc `$'OUR 'F(jTCRE tgnseWith...'Tri-lrd4ftty Truck Driver Training. £atabliahedin t078, iob=aearch asslstance available, zttaytime, 'evening 'and -weekend -courses. `Ftnanolal'-A5sietance `on -ap- proved credit 1=800=285-0400. -Cambridge. 33.44-•bc LEARN INCOME TAX & earn -extra Income. Our 'new fax coarse is 'aValiable by cot eespondence for Petals contact: Tax Time Services Ltd. 1304Speers-Rd., Oakville, On- tario, L,6L 2X4 -418)$2/-1455. 33' 44=bc LEARN ,AUCT•IONEERING tat Me Southwastem Ontario -School of Auctloneering. Next Class: February 10-17189. For ,tnfotnrtatlon, contact: Southwestern Ontario Reboot of Auctioneering, R.R. 5 'Woodstock, Ontario, "145 7V9 (519)537-2115. 33-44-bc *4. AUCTION SALES -Doug Jo t► b'4'Millie trios 471:7894 Ur 4793:604 AUCTION MONTER TIELIRs,'NOV 2'•,41*6700`P 111.4enue+raa 'dmvo mliqueePaPPR eea&YdDade`ttaget- ►eete to 'be -'held'•er the $ateb`Aneblen -Cen- be, l85'Fferberf St lnlifitelnill er'fhePEetdte ofehe fete Dalton 'bleget.erMitihell. THURS., 'NOV . 16 AT 6410 PIM,:'Aacdon rofimdqueer'appHmeeet`&Iroueehold efleets Ininrirelditthe jaeeb itkellen Centre, 785 T►etberrSt.; ht M1teireIt1ts- tie llab1tnel of Stratford. ,AUCTION SAL PERTH 'FURNiTURE Sun,,-Novamber !BS ti `o CANCELLED ill (Due TO Constmellont 'WILL AT.LATER DATE r .M.URRA' AUCTION -SERVICE '' £TD0 284-1473 00000000o ry "SUDDENLY 'MS SOLD” RICHARD 1..O:13B AUCTION . CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 JUST LISTED: Completely redecorated this 2 bedroom 62' trailer, blinds &,curtains in- cluded, painted shop with built-in shelves & workbench, must be seen. Call today for details -NEWLY .LISTED: 4 bedroom 2 storey home, close to arena & shopping, new roof & fur- nace, targe=Kitchen &fenced in•yard.,Qallfor more details. IDEAL .BUILDINGAattleaforth.'Closet the arena & newleWied read. BRICK BUNGALOW: located close tq up- town, very well kept, full basement..partiaily finished, 3 to 5 bedrooms, lots of parking. For viewing Call Sharon 527-0560 or Mary 527-0968 COUNTRY DREAM; 4 -bedroom ranch style home, attached garage, central vac, rec room with fireplace & built-in bar, 2 bathrooms, featured on 2 beautiful acres•with many matured trees. CHURCH STRE,aforth - Just Listed. 3 bedroom si ome, 'large front sun porch; open staircase & much more. Listed $65,000. 3 BEDROOM:SU W with finished rec room, close to, uredon.exira,large lot. 41UST„24SLQCKS- FROMeDOWNTOWNaet3, bedroom 11/2 storey frame home; main floor ..laundry & family room, new kitchen cup- boards, new bathroom, furnace & most carpeting & flooring, ideal starter or retire- ment, Listed $55,000. :EXECUTIVE HOME - Surrounded by balconies. Exceptionally clean, large rec room.with bar, officespace, beautiful kitchen & much more, large garage, workshop at rear. A must to see, LARGE .DOUBLE WORKSHOP - 55' x 32' featured on 2 lots, industrial area. Listed $49,900. Serving-Western.Ontario With ,All Your Real Estate,Needs Since 1953 Sharon. Medd (Seaforth) 527-0560 .Mary .VandenHengeh(Seaforth)527-0968 8111 Steenstra .482-3780 'Peter Demme 482.8849 Aileen Craig 462-3669 4011,Shackfeton 482-3220 Gordon Hill 233::3307 Office 11 Victoria St, :Clinton .-824991 =IWttttert-Ballet' '4E2.19372 3BROIQER ' (24 Hour Service) &.ACRES: Spacious and Luxurious Country -Horne in Morris Township. 4 bedrooms, 2 -+baths. All new -throughout. '1100 ACRES: Hallett Township, 87 •acres .workable, barns for 650 hogs. VANASTRA - 13 Quebec Street, 2 floor, 3 bedroom home, excellent condition. CLINTON - 1 floor home on nicely treed lot, dose to uptown, under .640,000.00. SEAEORTH - 78 Goderich Street, 3.bedroom, 1'/ floor home with gas heat and .attached garage. CROPLAND: 210 acres near Goderich, no buildings, 40 ACRES - Cropland, Stanley Township, no buildings. • 150.ACRES: general farm,,tvlorris Township. Exceptional condition, .very 'productive. Anyonemouldbe proudtown thie,property. VANASTRA --Heated workshopenaarge-,cor- ner lot. RESTAURANT - Licenced for c60,.apartment -above, ,central location in,busy town, THURS., NOV. 2 AT 6' PM.— Equipment, air compressors, steam heaters, quantity of used., lumber, snow blower, tools, household -effects, at old piano factory industrial building 253 Ir- • win Street Clinton for Salsbury and Demers. See last week's paper for full listing. SAT., NOV, 4 AT 10 Am..- Antique furniture' t andglassware,.paintings,printsetc. at Richard Lobb's Auction'Barn,'Clinton for the Estate of,( Agnes Middleton, Auctioneer 'Burt Lobb SAT., NOV. 4 AT 10:30 A:M. - Trucks, trailers, • tractors, 4 wheel drive, and crawler loaders, 1956 Oradell, 30 ft. van trailer wlhydro lights and.heaters, smali•equipment,•etc, for Ed Gale at Bayfield. Auctioneer Richard Lobb. See last week's paper 4or full listing. THURS., NOV. 9 AT 6 Purl, — 1.981 Olds 4 . door carrun 64,000 kms, International H trac- tor, wagon, antique furniture and glassware to be held et -the Stanley Complex le mile west of Varna for the Estate of Glen Dowson. SAT., NOV. 11.AT 10 A.M. — Antique fur- niture; applianceseetc, for Ted Mills of Auburn; plus additions.at Richard Lobb's AuctioreBarn, Clinton. 1REG'BADL L'PREsZQATOA 3452504.: 4330220 y� JIM PRESZCATOR-52 ,270165 SAL WED., NOV. 13 6;= p.m. Sealorth Arena 'Bakers cupboard,'flat-to-the-well, blanket box, pine cradle, washstand oak;, secretarial desk, :buffet -& hutch, sideboard, Duncan Phyte drop 1ea'B din '. Ing room table '& chairs, 2 Cape Cod', rockers, old 2 gal. Peerless -fire ex '.l tiggulsher, Smallwood drop 3 -olderbedreomdreasers, 1-4:pc..bedroom -suite, 1 quilt, odd chairs, 2 -old lamps, , dishes, 2 electric heaters, mirrors ;golf cart, rocker, 3 bicycles, barbecue, .high 'chair, 2 small arborltetables, step ladder, gutter, portable electric organ, 16 x 9' garage door, rocs Cola cooler, enamel; barberahoppool, washboard, 2 man tent, Crossmanalr pistol, plus other'articles too'; numerous to mention. Guns- Model 12 Winchester, ..22, Mossberg, 12 ga. Cooey,eingle, 303 -.22 , semi - -Mosaberg, 22.Bolt .Lakenelci32.. STEVENS CRACICSHOT, 16,ga. Mossberg , 16:ge. doubts barrel Stevens, -222 Savage, 270 . International ,Mark X, -- 25 Stevens' Favourite, 12 ga. Savage -Pump, 410 Bolt Action, 22-PEACE"MAKER`(HANDGUN), 2 manual downrlggers. This is a good, clean lot of consigned Items. Small ltemsto be sold at 8:30:sharp followed by furniture. Guns et approx. 8:00 p.m. F.A:C. requiredlobld-onguns.!'i Owners.& Auctloneers'not responsible for • accidents day of sale. 8% sales tax in effect. SeaforthOffice .Open Monday to Friday 527-254.0 REAL ESTATE4.t.TD. Seaforth :Office: 5274'577 8 Main Street, Seaforth D 1HLtiIN.eftlentyrof.n_parcieinatbis:ln(de dau •:.ble brielebrime,veith coltaltryrsiaedild n •3,bednuNme„11/sbatbsemginiilooalau dry - foseall.e Ripfearea,•adl:sittraledtnam,llitreed etectra. targejlot. WeERYPEICTUEfilki E ,J aoresewith Is/a retorey, bolu , •stnnveairztces Uttplighsli me skitehenroe cfilmilY ,!t , „ s sten.beedfrratio*m :mith,eapaite, ,first;! ;9DA,110. ,WEST WILLIAM -,ifspacioae.4,bedroom ome„Sarehentehardwriod.:fleoriegeoleable staircase„origiealmeedwerkeZ hathseatt'd. garage..Great„pptent7iai,feseen lex. HIGH ST. - Character galore„in,ibis 2 storey, 4bedroom,bric1 pmewky Ui ppaat- kic„Iliac!ace,,,hardw:pode'floorlagheX4e lent location. COMMERCIAL,tBkfll:DIUUG-etylsfn:St. Aricationeovere,46000q, fterdeleitanleRPace .„witherrtom .forgeetratthutenle • eEXDOUT VE - 3;beds gms 20041tey b9lae, Ae attslersir, ,Away - alreentel'ireAstee,'1t/v .haOs,,{rtt'deS9TAg9tR11111a pllfrttxAtore. Agologogractintop1 p '41cI3ioNdlg g -140#.4 ,rWAI4SON-Kkamily; Air,ed 3 o0ukho u10, ,; u 141Nl t044,4.Be_lcl000,10 pftYA90Pkbide .avgaY,-,3000drY.orowtinigtIetG ckam tge, jaituatstl,op wegtea„itygo, lot e'y70's. trer? :T,,ske ea u gokeat .atria 1%2 vatoreY, :9llaRi0lalkeirIeftheell4AwIth 2,bedr.tt nik#at- 4in.€4 bt req Plasr. o ,a1•tdi40. 4ola ,P' give itr grJ„)ot:Pn,flut FirOhOf *o n- (STAT{ AUCTION SAII Antiquefumiture,and:glassware; sterling silver pieces;.prints;.paintings; silhouettes etc. from the Estateof Agnus Middleton of Goderich, to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. SATURDAY, AIDVEMBERA AAT• 10 AnM1. Antique,flat to. the -wall -cupboard; 7 ft. harvest table; Vermontheavy pine hand, hewn 8 piece dinggsuite inetudge,larre,table 2,benches, 2 captains •chairs.,hutch,truffet;desk a& -:bench; -trunks; drop iront,pineelesk; dough box;,railway switchman's lantern; lamp;fable; mapledining' suite,wlth round ,table, 2ieaves, hutch buffet andsix.:Roxtonrchairsediniagdable with square centre pedestal;,pedeetat dropleaf table; aeti- ,que hall or serving,table; 2 .antique 3 -drawer +t ests;.antique 5tdrawer-chest; 4,antique can - ,seat chairs; 2,caned.aeat chairs; modern single,bed-withbox epriogend-mattress; early Canadiaoairrow:back;cflair;-wggflenbed; rot l- ,a-way,bed; wooden.arm,eltai ,.enamel top kit- >chen,tablypid•cbesterfeld; 2,pine washstands; 2 footstools; floor,iarr3p; 2 p.id chairs•,treadle .Singer sewieg machine; antique -bagging light fixture,with,prisms; But l's.eyeroil,iamp; finger eitl -lamp; 4 oil ,lampselafnp'chimneys; small chest ;of,drawers;,several rivets;,,glass;paper .weight; :Waltham,ladies'egold,igtatch;„wrIst.wat- ,rhes;aldprintsepritnitive,,)gggajnii g •17spaintings • ,includit1g,WN CrestW,,ell,painting; 2 -18"'pan- Idle;sticks; 3,4111afepe(futtle ties; BJ,quis p4ttern„knives,;s1lad.ferks andydinner.forks an ,sterling sinter; .birks ;;stetting ,sygar castor; ,Jewellery,incl4dingstetlitt8'brqurlvs; pgad- •dies; Twrtojsa'9hell,tga caddy; co-balk,bjueyot- ,tle .with silver .lid; small collectibles; silver pieces,antique dishes afldOeseware;incjudleg flowflow IlleerPieCeshbrAsseiam.PakJ1131AOti9ue ,in(ertltatipn;b4.pks4 n,aiYJe wgven rug;,. plue,ManY eithertigtereetifighcilleptlble,items. *TAMS: £ashpectiggttery,✓,Ijh,prp-per 1:D. ��,,,ttQ .l��s���U+p` •.QNAgR p i7rTjA, s ROP :ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture and glassware; tractor and wagon tote held at -the Stanley Township Com- plex, 1/2,mile west of Varna for the Estate of Glen Dowson, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 AT 6 P.M. CAR: 1981 Olds Cutlass Supreme Brougham, 4 door with air, AM/FM radio, cruise, new tires, new exhaust, selling safety checked, run only ; 64,000 kms. TRACTORS ETC.: International H tractor in good condition; wagon and rack; 2 wheel `, trailer; INC hay mower; walking plow;horse sleigh; wheel • barrow; entension ladder; leg vise; scythe; 2 oil bottles; etc. ANTIQUES; 7URNaURE; ETC.: Oat to the wall - cupboard; 6 matching pressback chairs (good ones); antique Boston rocker; pressback nurs- ing rocker; pressback rocker; wicker rocker; side board bottom; antique curiotype cabinet with mirror back;, cedar blanket box; buffet; stereo scope ,and pictures; pressback arm chair; Harvest table, needs legs repaired; eeen.washs- ,. rand; 3 washstands; trunks; high back wooden bed; small Sessions mantel clock; antique kit- chen shelf clock; oil lamp; parlour tables;' dresser top mirror; old chest of drawers; 5 drawer chest; old table with drawer; hooked , ` mats; Bridge lamp; crocks and lugs; Doulton foot warmer; picturesend frames; largeantique 'apple,peeler; sausage press; meat.grinder; organ „ stool antique dressers with mirrors; wooden 'stool; woven baskets; 2 smallaron kettles, odd chairs; 2 milk bottles; Kirby vacuum cleaner; t colour TV; vacuum cleaner; broiter,oven; elec- ' trlc heater; tan; antique .dishes and glassware including Varna .souvenir dish; hand blown • water pitcher; pink depression; cheese dish; pedestal dishes; wash basins, pitchers and (, pieces; plus many other.ialeresting items too numerous to mention. NOTE: Car and tractor sell al 7 P.M. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEERS • RICHARD LOBO te BURT LOBS 482.7.898 �wir�iotp;t��ftal� vtalgs ae,3SEffl9rAllhE d r y R0.#�?11 l9141,a i1 _..