HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-01, Page 10t9F0- = 1'#1EalifiRi")t3= )FPOSITOR atiOVEMBER 1, i98 Utes service lfiettitlatton :Stetlmates g',Barr Cleaners d Stabling QLiBunk eeders Mamie ' . ives '1R R. 22Blyth M3ruasels:81:179024 'The -SetifOith:S ltl3Wks "tfok pit on the chin 'rtwice ythis aweiekend. "They were qiiitscoredlidallailltedtepatWaloaSeatin iesternsthUa lion 4'thlGtic 114ssoblation 'ln- ttermediate-ibeekeyaction. Saturday-nlgbtsat'E ussels`xtte*hometown Crusaders, paced :by ',the 'two- goal efforts FRAMES ` ieip i e 1 o-Hoip 'YOU -Get you r-Chrrsi'rnas'framing and -portraits -done-early. .PFAAMING SPECIAL •Anysttetchtngonmeedlepoinf FREBwhe n.customiramed. •V -groove orotheirfancy,cutommardone-FREE:whenprinl or photograph .custom :teamed. •t n•stock%FlNE•ART'PRINTS'FREE when -we dothecustom 'framing. =LIMREDEOITION'PRINTS - 103'o:discount on custom framing. ARTY TURD SPECIAL fir Discount =on'Portraits Speclats•ends Nov,. 15. 1989 torbothlraming and pot. Malts. These.speclals are not in:conJunctlon with any other specials. WALDEN PROTOBRAPHY to FRAMES .GARY WALDEN 13 Rattenbury -St. !vast, Clinton -4B2 7695 r 413 filamitt-eVh Dieter%and-Vitra n't; otrie y, ae init,the SelibaWkr93..'Bt eisbntltapp•a 50-leadsbefore•'lthe;Seeitatalcs• gotson-tate rbesrta'abut` ated4hatavaaaalot tterztt[an Friday 'alight -fat aSeaferth Where -`Grand Valley` ndIttrpa Y3-0‘leacPbefore-emitting tome°avith- a 1142 tun ovet"the 4oreileln a rena'lty=frlled=debaele. 'Tate-Seahawks mew ,Own a 1-2''°win=toss 'record ehiaalntoaheir tteatgaate,'"Paaiday flight °at thome to Drayton. °Gametime'is -830. zGrand atalley=andSeafdixhaaiayedasolne great thockey -:games abaft 4n Abe early 1580rsrwhen`.ltey'metmearthe limier "D" =-finals.'-Many rofatttoseesame 4uriiors'mow ,.play ;'for the intermediate Tornados who wasted -the<Seahawks Fi lday Fntght. Tornados, who fotaner;Seaforth ahem- tptonship 4uniors who were with 'the -Seahawks In ^seasons past are mow 'no Monger!wVith the *earn 4br ;one Yeason -or another. Murray 'Hunter ted -Y.he Grand Valley -assault %with -tree -goals, as 10 sdif- ferentplayers -shared in the goal scoring. Tom llniac and Rob Core replied for $"-forth. Referee Ron Keleher tabbed ,Seaforth with 489 minutes worth of -penalties, °com- pared to -40 for Grand Valley. ,Saturday ` tightrat° Brussels'•was a _'much tamer -af- fair. •Seaforth400k 14 minutes in penalties to:Bnissles:eight. Bill Dale, -Bob "Nash.and Brake Rearm scored for :the'Seahawks, who got the last two goals in the game. Secifort i 141treirrze wilful 'hockey SiirnSon ;opener - as a,aaaa' 'iia "aaaaa eavaaai aiwaa '*aaaThe :Saaforth Novice hockey -club -opened ow Jell Chntonl OFFIO U Monday to Friday° 9 am -9 pro Closed Saturdays and 7. Sundays beriy Itat REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST OFFICE: 15 A RA. JAEN/ RY ST. EAST . (CLINTON Phone ftir an appointment office Kim has completed a minimum of 2200 hours of traimng.and a year et a half ot:education at aTovemmentapproved school of Massage.ndhas-been exam eea.andficensed•by theBoard of Directors ofthflasseursomdenahe:Drugless-Practitioners •Act PLEASE NOLE:-.RE16ERRALS NOT NECESSARY MASSAGE THERAPY IS RECOMMENDED FOR: L_ichromc stress/tension release Lirelief of pain Uimproved circulation/lymph • drainage C!muscle rehabilitation/improved joint mobihts Liincreased•body awareness AND TS.EI'I ECTIVE IN 'THE TREATMENT OF: Oheadache/migraine Dathletic injuries Oback and meek pain Clneuritis/neuralgia Cistrains/.sprains/muscle spasms Darthritis Lisciatic consti pation Lldiseomfons of Liwhiplash menstueation :pregnane A Member of ...,,oatetuoaassRoeetrruteisr,wsocut�n �M o aYMEGgeneral relaxation taxeD 00,you=,haveapapers, omitsitclocumentsahat haveloibelirr ur.Qnto, a Vancouver,-tNow'°alerk,.,Jsoa Rn,gaissr RAtIeraalrter,or-,I:fstowet„today7 ;Might ;Howl ,ilgverilacedwittiWeadllnes? ,;MEET"THEMAWIT H instant D„mu n t ?''Tr. a+sns >ssio 1 " hegkiurefEExpel'aitor hesArEA Xrt chine 1 •ficerthat:4ets: you newituctsanyiother•F4X chlnesinithe oval .. , 4n.. ' -the .E,i$ osator otterslyou theaser flop ut,.he F.. 11 14.Iite .11C. zPrinlet'ta 2' tell "lite net awif 14004or400101am,x 1 ' ;MOM i' • OretratilifitieSion to .+Airdeal ti • colltlfH0t01.4lI1,S..-For trelrlamisslogs t•. ,tosmaclhInat dA .G, t lttlaijlOrao✓r t 0 jti Oi ela.K$er�t'ttian 81" x 11 "Asill fu, riotatit-° ttr.•F„1tadl.ualbere,,IalllRo°ly.Rwripll gerz►oGitdlougw,,elnt 4 e eachediaatantlSu—alle oilll iwareur r34^ egsotIpr A Morar r ' Axsht. ' all. duds at S27, Q.2i40 Its -regular season schedule by ghosting the Listowel Cyclones on Saturday. -Seaforth has played three exhibition games and .has two losses and . a :tie, hut wasted no time putting one in the win col- umn when it counted with a 3-2 victory, After. a .scoreless first'+period:thmgs'apen- ed .up a :bit in the seeond._Early in the se- cond Scott Van Dooren put Seaforth up 1-0 while scoring ;unassisted. 'Midway through the period .Listowel's Ryan Matheson even- ed the score. • But with,55 -seconds remain- ing:in:the:period Scott Henderson gave the Seaforth troops a 2-1 lead. The first 10 minutes :of :the third period was and to and .action but neither team could. score. -With 458 remaining .Listowel tiedthe.game on a goal -by Mike Dietrich. .Seafotth's Scott Van Dooren answer°ed.that goal with one of his own 1140..iater to .put :his team :up 3-2. Seaforth -goalie Steven Phillips :secured the victory when he stopped a .Listowel :breakaway L the dying seconds with a good skate save, :Sean Ludwig was solid in the ,Seaforth goal for the first two periods and Phillips took -over in :the third period. it was a :good :soiid.laeam'effort -for<these 7n1:mgsters they .begin a-very.3busy ;season. 'Branch 156 Royae lanatlian tt-gion ':;FINANCIAL 'STATEMENT -Poppy gust :Fund) 4st.Qctober 1.988.40th:September 1989, 4°oppleTrust tund:,as 01 :September.:30th, 1-989. 83,437:82 • -Amount-:collected in 1988.0ampaign 3;601.98 linisbursements.jexcluding ampaigri. axpenses,+wreaths and:1a..gppies 14694:00 :Cast -of P,oppiee romotionaI . -material .Campaigneaxpenses 1988 925.45 'Totalscost. of "W.reaths, 1988 1.;035.00 WEf,WJLL REMEMBER "TiiEM. a• fh ,o You Stiffer ri s Allergies ii, ` h DIRTY DANCING - A Seaforth Seahawk makes a determined, but more than like- ly illegal, effort to stall a Grand Valley hockey player during last •Friday's .game in Seaforth. Elliot( photo. Highway `01 on the move In Thursday Nighter Bowling last -week all teams recorded points, with "Highway 401", -Wildcats and Guttercats all recording five each. 'The competition, each of whom recorded two points, mere the Ballbangers, Beatlejuice and Bears. In terms of team standings "Highway -401" .made the major move, leap :frogging from -fifth to third place in :the : six team league. 'The Gutter - cats continue to hold a slim - first place lead and `Beatlejuice" is still mired in last place, Leading the "Highway 401" team was Joanne K-rught -with a 246 .game. Jack Ungarian bowled a 245 first game but the rest of the night deteriorated continually for him. Doug Vock had a 624 triple and Gerry Armstrong •added a 247 third game which this team lost to 'the Ballbangers. Doug Proctor led the Ballbangers with a 266 single and -'682 triple. Barb Alexander -sparkled in her final, game with a' 225 but the :balance of the :team struggled -most of the night. -ThelVildcats -were ked»by Don'Deighton's ,685 which included a 263 single. Ralph Johnson -contributed with -games of 233 and 217, and Gary Bedard added a'212, 'enough to win the bulk of points from Beatlejuice. Beatlejuice was led by Neil Beuerman with a 286 game. Eric ,Matzold struggled -most of the night but managed a 215 se- cond game. Brian Dale counted .a.210 and Sherry Timney joined the "200.club with a 207. The team • seemed to be most hampered by two players absent (one on maternity leave) - any :spares out there? Doug Leonhardt led the Guttercats with a '267/684 night. Pat Ryan added as 230 game and Dave. Moody managed a 219. Top marks go to spares Paul Henke with a 674 night 'and George Johnson aidio con- tributed a 210 game to the -effort. The Bears had trouble :breaking the 200 mark but Dan Betnewies managed it twice included a 242 game. Pat Deighton counted exactly 200 in the final stanza. Deb "Bedard came close in the second with a 196 and had a 371 night overall. Dave Deighton also deserves honourable mention :with a 183, 'llhis=week everyone starts tthe elimina- tion rounds for the Hiram walker High - Low Doubles Tournament --GOOD LUCK!! Seaforth zta :r eat ort Ams wain tlwace The Seaforth Atom hockey team travell- ed to Listowel, Sunday evening for the opening game of the season, Seafoith's Mark Van Dooren put the first goal ,orrthe scoreboard at the 3:09 -mark of the first period. Shawn Anstett added another .before the and of -the first to .take a second goal dead. ' • Seaforth never looked .back, .Brandon Nash :assisted by Shaun and Mark added the -third goal. Shaun, assisted by Brent Hulley, gave Seaforth 4-0 .lead before Listowel ,netted ;the ..puck. 'Seaforth was ' determined °to ,keep -their leer goal -lead as :Chris rMarion .scored ,rrriassisted. Listowel wasn't tong :coming back -with their second goal, ;but ;both Mark Van Dooren and Brandon Nash scored .!unassisted to and +the ,period 7-2. 'There ewas little ,scoring .an the :third as Listow.elscOredlonellnd;Seaforth's:Derek Smith,tiassisted-by .Jason;Smith, scored :the finalzgoal :to•,won„the.game;for Seaforth,8.3. 'The .,Atom squad travelled ,to Mitchell Monday evening. The first :period :had on- ly • two goals scored, each ;team with :one. Mark Van • Dooren assisted :by Shaun Anstett netted .the puck for Seaforth. The second .period had a lot moreaction in the Mitchell net as Seaforth-scored.three more goals. Two goals by Mark Van Dooren and one by Brandon Nash. ,Assists were given to Shaun Anstett and Chris Marion. The period ended 4-1. The third period .also had lots .of goal scoringwith one goal for Mitchell and Seaforth adding six -more. Goal scorers for Seaforth in the third were: Mark Van Doman with two, Pat Gridzak, Jason Smith, .Shaun Anstett, ..lash Deitz •each .adding •another. Assists were credited to Shaun Anstett, llfnr+k Van Dooren, Brandon Nash, Bruce Griffin, Josh Deitz. Tse final score was 1032 fol• Seaforth: There was excellent goal tending by 'Scott Wood and Charles Robertson. 4cangOTIDOS 1ho I lead St licirnat,es -TheeKangaroos held 'the lead ;this rweek The Ladies High Siegle5and.#Iigh'Triple :ln;St.. arises -howling. "They took •five,points ,wept to Pat Nolan :this week rwith .a '2384151. -from tthe ,Leopards.:Natigaro) .top scorers •Richard Love took ,both Men's •Hjgh i5liagle :were !Don ?Nolan .221i609, ',Reg Chappel -& °Tr#pie :with 020487. 2131516, and Rt)b" aylors302415. Team -Standings are : dcangarees TAp,scorerssfro,;ljre,i.egpar_dsmore Pat Leopards - 22, Pythons 22, Flying iliyan :114.516, driacen -Boggy 1207-590 and Monkeys - 21, -Tigers - attd 'coatis 14. sQM,ade' Lee 12004,26. . The l?y �ons ltd s4ivAd up .y- rsvm Rion keen ingforvmortihge 7cdda1dw d,ke iiSeelVra 0r te Itthells 4with a ;,2#7:6 2 , tioliosi41by Jackalyan1,1244404. cili titan 1'tl $nio L,J. 'Li: -ki0Ve,9. 7: r, iga1iled av rt J eiti aa: r k ,:'gores- , . g rge ve to Andllaye- y. 731724 '' .:MucicaY eltiAevries led ,the sFdy°ing 014.3rsstylthea,, t>=7;d1. -Var1 he,t . ��e „pints „ til -top ,, ooers v 'flat , en 81 a° char; to e ; 204137 nd RAPYsl3Toome j 019. llwenty zeven ;herders -were eut.,en ; slay;altfloltgliAlieRroathormon ibortitowd. or ,outdoor :event' with „rummer ke ,temparaturea Art .and Mary were ire bowlers, Art with 50,90 ,tr fe , ode ;single -,while itjary - d ,1004.;;8 pie And • ,r71 suirgle, 4nne t;W , , a]so •. aye 2223 aed r , 1: trrple, nd por, 40001144$113e--!•:140 5a ;silrgle And A0.406 iple. v arvsy! pow war .449k rut rgaod ;fpr,In awlth ka X07 ;,tr a and Sip le Ar 08. xwthe 70fin -Ms?, o re ftp a;5,►0 , lewd -t 'INSUR*1 C ' BON .1111111.81MONTRifiAlsINPN9 111zM tW!4:e.°jt tclli+allAmons ,* gvntttp• 4101000 1.:,.2i: Smiotttiq is ^oaflY .on Stns -AP ./13 e kfi act, «ey ryype,;jsUge- o giry h g ' fir, die. ' 1e _'l?,j4R . pe .«t0d ,h . t 4were$ruVnsa 4g*9 stn 437,s ,te s 4tok,,o IQs. mi. YI sop. ,.eir °�pr •a5 , ,i,,• ii}on isle e pP,a, 474 -P0sr: -4Y(04. F P 11111 .0140111.1M