HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-11-01, Page 4— T1 iE IUROAi •PNPncrrr s *.RT VF,MRRO 1 amp 1 YEAR ANNUAL G.I.C. Jn o.p•en• finnutad Within timlla. Rates 6u0Nc1 T•Nnliiwibn, Sen'ing Ontario since 1976 tvtth 151oca ions fo, yro convenience THANKYOU We would like to express our appreciation to all of our customers, friends and family for their contribution in making our reopening. such a success, Thank -You 6111 & Marlene Holman Seaforth Pliunbing & Heating Mr Conditioning -4 Refrigeration NEWS Complete Line of Marbert Cosmetics FREE DRAW with every purchase a chance to wily one of the foOlowing *FACIAL *MANICURE *15% OFF Your Purchase Draws to be made Dec. 22 20'OFF Custom Jewellery Come in or call for an appointment today! SSEY'S e,„(tte, 3 Main St. Seaford -I CORPORATE DONATION - The Toronto Dominion Bank made a corporate dona- tion of $4,000 to.the Seaforth Community Hospital building fund last week. Over and above the hot dog sales held by the Seaforth TD Bank staff, the donation puts the total amount donated by the Toronto Dominion Bank in access of $6,400. The local bank staff looks on as Marlen Vincent, right, Chairman of the Hospital Fundraising Committee, accepts the cheque from Seaforth TD Manager Larry Parker. Robinet photo. Problem was electrical An article which appeared in last week's Huron Expositor mistakenly 'identii ped the cause of a mobile trailer fire as the cook- ing of breakfast. Further investigation has shown the cause to be electrical in nature. Also the trailer was not 'situated a few yards, not a few feet from the new Agricultural Display shed. Our apologies for the inconvenience and embarrassment these errors may have eaused. Too many zeros in pace In last week's story concerning the Tuckersmith Council meeting, it was writ- ten that the shower maintenance costs for the Seaforth and District Arena were an estimated $15,000. The Huron Expbsitor would like to point out that this figure is incorrect, and that the actual estimated cost was only $1,500. We would like to apologize for any consternation that this oversight may have caused. Reader thanks Expositor for truth. Dear Editor; With the wonderful, unprecedented events now taking place in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the other East European countries, I wanted to say a par- ticular thank you to "Huron Expositor" for all the years it has printed the truth. The silence of the West, over the years, concerning the takeover oi; the Baltic States by Stalin in 1940, and of the rest of Eastern Europe in 1945, has, for the past 44 years, been a cause of discouragement for refugees and dissidents from Eastern Europe, who tried .to tell the West of the atrocities committed by the Soviet Union; as for example; the Ukrainian famine of 1939; the purges and deportations of the thirties; the Nazi -Soviet Pact of 1939; the forceable repatriation of refugees after World War II; the massacre of Polish Of- ficers in the Katyn forest; the murder of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians at Bykivnia and Vennytsia; the mass depor- tation of Estonians, Latvians and Lithua- nians to Siberia in 1941 and to Eastern Russia in 1944. •For years these stories have been large- ly ignored in the West. Now, from the "horse's mouth": the Soviet press itself, these stories have been corroborated! Over the years the "Huron Expositor" has been in the forefront in printing the Many times, when my letters and poetry were rejected by other publications as be- ing merely right wing rhetoric or too ex- treme, you found space for me in your paper. The struggle for freedom and in- dependence by Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, flungarg, et cetera, is becoming a reality. That the "Huron Expositor" and like papers have helped keep up the morale of our ethnic peoples from Eastern Europe through the long days and devastating nights of half a century of ex- ile is a fact greatly appreciated by all • s offer not, reseatnot, e repeated. Before Canada's tax laws change on January 1st, 1990, take advantage of tax deferrals on interest income with our Compound Interest Term Deposits. Come into any Royal Bank branch soon and find out more. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR freedom -loving people. For myself, and them, I say "Thank you!" and a loud "Hurrah!" for the "Huron Expositor"! Sincerely Julia Eckert -MacLean Rawlick's Bay R.R. 2 Site 37 Box 53 AS THE BALTICS RISE TO FREEDOM By: Julia Eckert -MacLean My eyes are wet with weeping, And my heart exults in joy As the Baltics rise to freedom: Their sovereignty to deploy! And all whotasted terror, Beneath that Soviet heel of hate, Throw aside the shackles In Revolution's wake! So, rise brave Baltic peoples To the freedom you have gained, As God's own blessings - at long last - Upon your Homeland rain! Two founding na Dear Editor: DID YOU KNOW? Wednesday, September 13, 1999 was the anniversary of the defeat of the French at the Plains of Abraham at 10 a.m., in 1759. We question "Two Founding Nations!" DID YOU KNOW? 1759 - In the terms of the capitulation of Quebec to General Townshend, there was NO MENTION OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. 1760 - In the terms of the capitulation of Montreal to General Amherst, there was NO MENTION, OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. 1763 - by' the Treaty of Paris, the French King ceded New France, in the full right, to his Brittanic Majesty. Courts were established, both Civil and Criminal as agreeable to the laws of Great Britain. There was NO MENTION OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. 1774 - British House of Commons Judge Hey, the first Chief Justice of Quebec under British rule, testified that at the con- quest of Quebec, the French expected to retain neither their language nor their law. 1791 - Canada Act passed - STILL NO MENTION OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE! 1793 - 1836 - A Bill was passed in the British Parliament stipulating all lands out- side the Seigniories be held by English. ENGLISH WAS THE SOLE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE AND ALL BILLS WERE IN ANNUAL INTEREST RATE 1O.500%. EFFECTIVE YIELD OVER 2 YEARS Sudbury, Ontario P3B 4M9 Phone 1-705-675-3517 Note: Julia Eckert -MacLean, a native of Seaforth, is a poet, teacher and, free-lance writer now living in Sudbury, Ontario. Her poetry has appeared often in the "Huron Expositor". And that valiant, striving spirit, That you held all these exile years, Will give surcease to anguished hearts And wipe away your tears! And destiny shall lead you Across the Baltic Sea; To pine -clad forests; sandstone cliffs; Where loved ones wait for thee! It shall lead you back to Amber -shores: To where Baltic Rivers run; To Baltic sands; and Baltic dreams; And good times in the sun! And you shall go Home singing To your golden Amberland, As, "...destiny, turning towards the sun, Leads you back..." - again! • tions are a myth ENGLISH! Two Founding 'Nations? IT'S -AMYTH! This myth has been foisted on the people of Canada by the Federal Government and repeated time and time again in order to make it a fact! Canada is one nation and one alone, and the language of this coun- try happens to be ENGLISH. Yours truly, Dag Campbell Stroud, Ontario Shouldn't be taxed Dear Editor: RE: Federal Goods and Services Tax Brian Mulroney's tax on goods and ser- vices won't bring the Federal government any more money? So says Michael Wilson. Yet the tax on electricity in Ontario alone will bring them over half -a -billion dollars from this previously untaxed necessity. Now Otto Jelinek says he'll need almost 4,000. new collectors to collect the same amount of money. There seems to be room for some correction. Brian Mulroney should try NOT taxing electricity. In other countries with a value added tax, they have recognized electrici- ty as a necessity. C. Carl Anderson Chairman Municipal Electric Association *JUST ARRIVED* NINTENDO ACTION SET Entertainment 'System' includes Control Deck, Two Controllers, Zapper Light Gun, Double Game Pak. OTHER NINTENDO GAMES AVAILABLE See Our Large Selection Of •REMOTE CONTROL CARS AND TRUCKS •ELECTRONIC GAMES 1990 RADIO SHACK CATALOGUES Now Available EFFECTIVE YIELD OVER 3 YEARS °70 RATES EFFECTWEOCTQBER 30. 1989 :SAVE $3 00 REaALISTIC VHS�T-120 VIDEO 'TAPES NQW TILL CHRISTMAS 9 44-8601. LAYAWAY EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS -Realistic VCR with On Screen Programming Canaths leafier in personal savings' MODEL 16.519 •On Screen Proaramming •Full function Remote •14 Dayl6:Event Timer •HQ Circuitry *Quick -Timer Recording rVOP�E 399p ROYAL !BA i �TY 1 I f T S 70/0,0 ad:No/haft