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The Huron Expositor, 1989-10-25, Page 18
3:8A ITHE flURONcEXP..r SIToR,,OCTOBER 25 198 4. ',PROPERTY TOR 'SALE 'FAR1VI. FSR SALE LOCATION. B kllometerallorth+Eastfrom tSetlfdrth •L-EGAUt1ESCRIPT(ON: Lot 16, Concession 2.41clklltop'Township,'Huron County LAND:100;acres with 85 acres workable BUILDINGS: Nil NOTES: (1)`Purchasers must rely onthelrown in- flpeetlon-and-knowledge of the Yarm and not onthe:above or any other -particulars or representations made •verbally or In writing by or on 01lhe Farm Credit Corporation. .Before making an offer, those Interested should ascertain that the propertfcan be.used end occupied for•the purposes Intended In accordance with Provincial Legislation end Municipal Regulations. (2) Offers should be made on forms ob- tainable on request from any office of the Corporation and must be received by November 1, 1989 at field office listed below. OFFER+REVIEW DATE: November 1, 1989. A.cerlifled deposit of 14,000.00 must ac• company the -offer. For further information contact: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Att: Daryl Ball, P.O. Box 155, ©oderlch, Ontario N7A.322 Telephone No. 519.524.8381 Please refer to File No. 39658.521 Canad.4i 27. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND USED Satellite Systems, rent or lease to own with easy monthly payments; also, repairs to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite, day or night 524-9595. 27-36-ff . WANTED TO RENT FAMILY URGENTLY NEEDS place to rent by November 1, present home sold, please ca 1-294-0392. 28-43 29. FOR "RENT vstarzli STORAGE SPACE for rent, phone after 6 p.m. or before 8 a.m., 522-1629. 29-42-2 APPROXIMATELY 600 sq. ft. of store space tor rent in Seaforth, -high volume location $350.00 per' month, utilities included, 527-1964 or 527-1842. 29-42-2 HOUSE FOR RENT in Seaforth. Available ap- proximately first week in December, preferably to an older 'couple with references, 482-5798 .evenings. 29e12-2 23. 'REAL ESTATE HAROLD 29. 'FOR -RENT 1 SEAf'ORTH 1/2 .duplex, close to schools, heat and hydro-Included,'flrst-and,last month's rent, $500.00 monthly, October rent free, 62742883 after 6 p.m. 29-42-2 3 3400 BUSHEL granary Gerry O'Reilly, ^• 345-2878. 29-42-2 a ONE OR TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, Egmond- vflle, Available anytime until May. Included: hydro, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 8425.00 4 monthly, 522-0446 after 6:30 p.m. 29-43-tf 31. 'NOTICE ARE YOU living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help, 527-1850 31.42.11 A.A. if you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 31-43-tf 33. EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W. Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. 33-43-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. Call toil tree: 1-80b-265.7143. 33-43-bc HOW TO PLAY popular piano or organ. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE Information. Write: Studio 23, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C., V1Z 2H2, 33-43-bc 34. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of •household furniture, antlques, China, lamps, fells, Wilt bottles, postcards and miscellaneous Items Saturday, October 28 10:30 a.m. • South Hurons Recreation Centre Exeter for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wright; and Ms. Lorna Kraft of .tendon and Mrs. Hattie Markley, Exeter plus. additions. Don't miss this auction. For Information contact Norm Whiting Auctioneer .235-1964 '2354931 23. REAL ESTATE 4. AUCTION •SALES REG BADLEY B L PRESZOATOR `? 345-2584 233-3220 ti JIM PRESZCATOR — 522-0185 WED., 'NOV. Seaforth & District Community Centres 8:30 P.M. 10.15 guns; pine Cradle; baker cupboard; finish- ed drop lard table & much more. Full Ileting next week. Sealonh Office Open Monday to Friday 527-2540 LARGE ESTATE AUCTION Antique furniture; old butcher equipment; old guns; power tools; windows; modern ap- pliances to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Bam, Clinton for the Estate of Sam Beadle of Auburn plus good additions SAT., OCT. 28 AT 10 A.M GUNS: 303 BSA Co. 1914; Savage 22 long Pat 1905 to 1917; Gooey 60 22 repeater; Union arms pump shot gun pat 1900-1911; 4 old shot guns with outside hammers; 3 pellet flasks. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT: Electric meat grinder, electric meat slicer; Hobart band meat saw; steel mixing tub; hand sausage press; Butcher block and 2 tables; hand meat grinder; old Toledo counter scale; paper roll rack; old beam scale; hand saws; meat hooks; table brush; knives and meat cleavers; etc. POWER TOOLS: Heavy 6" jointer with motor; 12" contractors table saw; router table; power hacksaw; Acetylen torch and gauges; Lincoln 225 Welder; chain fall; hydro static drive; elec- tric motor; dial indicator; gear reduction; roller stands; 10 used Dashwood thermal pane win- dows; water softener; bath tub; APPLIANCES: Fridge; freezer; Zenith colour TV; stacking apt. size washer and dryer; hi fl; 30" gas stove; wringer washer; old fridge, ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE: Flat to wall cupboard; 2 door wardrobe; wicker table lamp with wicker shade; ice box cupboard; barrell making tools and wooden planes; 4 small press back chairs; pine blanket box; washstands, wooden barrel hoops; 2 spooled beds; fancy iron bed with brass knobs; wooden bed with rounded foot board; high chair; wicker fern stand; blanket box; hump back trunk; wooden rocking chair; antique chest of drawers; anti- que kitchen shelf clock; wooden chum; cab- ' bage slicer; 2 oil lamps; crockino board; coo coo dock; drop leaf kitchen table; drop front desk; flat top desk; 3 drawer dresser with mir- ror; parlour tables; wooden table with 1 leaf; ;, small old table with drawer; violin in case; plant tables; gun rack; 2 small iron kettles; sod irons; 3 gal. -10 gal. crocks; jugs; Coleman lamp with white shade; Aladin lamp; table with 2 leaves; sod irons and handle; odd wooden chairs; 3 drawer dresser, picture frames; wicker baskets; pedestal table; octagenal.table; fishing poles; garden tools; -nail scale; saw,r3ise;,,gas lawn mower, small belt sandd tea ladder; cross cut saw; straight razer; plus dishers;lglassware and many other items too numerous -to mention. NOTE 2 Auctioneers selling at the same time starting at 10 a,m. Terms Cash or Cheque with' proper LD. AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb and -Burt Lobb 482-7898 CLINTON REAL ESTATE LTn. 'NEIL;McNICHOL ,527;0089 Representatives 'HENRY SMER0�S27l430 '23. REAL . ESTATE AUCT1'ON SALE 10 be held at the Industrial 'Building of the old piano factory 523 Irwin Street Clinton, Ont. next door to Flemings Feed Mill for Salsbury and Demers THURS. NOV. 2 AT 6 P.M. Tag along 2 bag mortar mixer; Brunner twin cylinder stationary air compressor with 2 HP 550 volt motor; 5 HP 18" plate packer; Coral 2 bag saw dust group suction plant with 4 HP 550 volt motor; portable au compressor; old • Balantine floor model wood shaper from piano factory; old saw dust baler; pipe vise; Rigid pipe threader; adjustable pipe threader; pipe fittings and trolley; 10 overhead steam Space heaters, with fans and thermostats; quantity of wall ' mount steam heaters• oak stairs in 2 sections for 12 ft. rise; Victor storage safe 261" wide x 5 ft high; brass gate valves; bolts; pulleys; 4 inground lawn sprinklers; old baseboard cas- ing and doors; quantity of used lumber; small quantity of hardwood flooring; small quantity of veneer; 200 gal oil tank; Kerosene heater Inewl; Sears 24" snowblower; chains; chain tighteners; 10 ton hydraulic jack; 24" crescent ' wrench; trailer jack; drill bit sharpener; bench grinder; 24" pipe wrench; engine compression tester; dwell testing kit; timing light; 2 • 10" C clamps; 2 - 12" C clamps; set of acetylene tor• ches complete with 50 ft, of hose; chrome rails • for 8 ft. pickup box; windows; vinyl repair kit; Westinghouse automatic washer; Speed Queen square model wringer washer; buffet; baking table; electric cord organ; porta pottie; plus • many other interesting items too numerous to mention. TERMS' Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER RICHARD LOBE 482-7898 CANTON CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE Trucks; tractors; fork lifts; Industrial loaders; gradal I; trailers; etc to be held in Bayfield at the comer of Highway 21 and County Road 3 for Ed Dale SAT., NOV. 4 AT 10:30 A.M LOADERS: Michigan model 55 4 wheel drive loader with GM diesel; Catepillar 966 series A 4 wheel drive load with cat engine; Caterpillar 955 11 yard crawler loader, Allis Chalmers HD 6G 11/2 yard diesel crawler loader, FORK LIFTS: Massey Ferguson 202 tractor style fork life; International 4421 tractor srylefork lift. GRADALLS: 1956 Warner Swasey 2460 Credal! in working order and a model 2460 for parts. TRACTORS: Late model 8N Ford, MF 65 diesel; Case 4808 diesel tractor with cab industrial loader and side mount 7 ft. mower, MF 202 In- dustrial loader tractor w/gas engine; Ford 5000 diesel with cab; MF 165 high arch diesel with multi -power; 'Oliver 55; John Deere M; Allis Chalmers C; cab for Ford 3600; steel duals for 8N Ford;, lmco 6 ft. land scaper with teeth; 6 ft. blade; 2 rotary mowers; 2 - 2 -furrow Ferguson plows; 4 ft., dirt -bucket; 7 ft. double auger snowblower. TRUCKS SELL AS I5: 1979 Ford F600 with 14 ft. stake and rack with tarp; 1974 Ford E300 cargo van; 1967 Mercury single axle dump truck; '1968';Ehev eingle.axle+.dump••truck; power tailgate•for pickups;..power tatigate for van body; wet line w/PTO and pump; 1971 Ford 350 cab & chassis. TRAILERS: 30 ft. single axle van wired with lights and heaters; 16 ft -and 2 - 14 ft. tandem tag along equipment trailers. SHOP -EQUIPMENT: CEMB electronic wheel balancer; FMC air tire changer; Gray model 800 transmission jack; 2 sets of acetylene torches; 7" disc grinders, -etc. NOTE; Very few small items so please be on time, AUCTIONEER RICHARD 10813 Clinton 519-482-7898 Owner Ed Gale 519-565-2824 161 SOUTH MAIN1ST. Where else can you purchase a 3'bedroamrhome-lnrexcejlent,condi- tionwith economical gas heat for the pr -i eoHhis;oneat .69,,00110O? Close to uptown on a Targe commerciaLlot�:this,.property =lends itself to many ,possibilities. fr, MITCHELL'OFFICE: 89,Ontarlot$d, 348.4728 - E:. ' tae n; ',� .. „' (MLS mummy. :e <'iye .1310448181811411'NTATUVES' )1tiEllRlra 04/7114111 akar) 841.941411! 20l1�RDAalAcK 602E4B .slier) , 3llara67$ 98 T4)194' - ,flin0mstQIR0gtftt849 ltbt: ypv taeit leiitlfitlattssoi .hfii"drAr fftNMA1'J41fil lt!Satlii Ml(+agndjj,, s�ltf 441)rl�tj9b�>4`001, (YIPOMPilnit NO Af{,090. Atl�[ltustn ypllfi' Itfptztl fifth 1!r4 M6s 911,'. A . 0.1101 00#0 LII Yi!�atrJawl e Y Tt"IEIA OR1t1 :.A -,s1011 amtlMv40..!371900 oWith rtlll+ „Ino 41,I,11Fgctly :;*bniyntj f /1 1160lttfllt!lf�lgle4iy vtuot�IfXtA!;IONMl:ifi,44220' alEftltPAORrnOst ISRARA� PEAL ESTATE LTD. ;REPRESENTATIVES IIIENRY :HERO 527-0430 -NEIL:•MgNICIHOL 527.0089 ,NEW:LISTING: Egmondville. 2 storey frame home, 4:bedrooms, country kitchen, large heated shop, above ground pool and more. *65;000.00. NEW.LISTING: Country home 1 mile from Seaforth - Highway location this brick ranch was quality built by the owner this year. A very impressive home shown by appointment only, NEW LISTING: 5. Main St., 3 bedroom, 1'/, storey frame home, largo lot, close to up- town, '59;000.00. .NSW: LISTING:..Egmondville 3,bedroom coun- try -chalet •.style home, open concept with :beamed.coiliggs, openbalcony,.etc..Largo lot. 0,,00.0;'00. r.NIWtLISTJNU:.Wolton commercial. property . on:Mpin„St „with residence. '65,000,00. BfRi II;ST.aW.: A beautiful 2 storey.brick bome.featuring a formal dining room„den', family room, much natural woodwork 8 more.,Must be seen, 3,ACRES: With 1100 sq. ft. 1 floor buggalow, near Winthrop. '76,000;00. -1.35 JAMES ST.: A beautiful 4 bedroom 2 .storey borne .with ma in #lour. fa m l iy. room,. fo r- mal,dini,�gmom, highiefficient;gas.heatand more.All on 2 fuli..weli freedlots.'120i000,00. ,:DAIRYIFARAN:;Noar,,Seaforth,'100o r,es.with "quota. t.Sfposit,ICH 2ST. ,pYlf .y/e're.,toffer,ll!9 •atbla bguutl(uJ4,bedroomhgmo,att9410001,00,iyj$h -!!1Rnylft,cf iresorinclkrinigrani1garglind,p9.0l al.PLOO MEt RPILIRTYL,, trp ierlchAto.:W.01,00 a1q, ft..r,grntB,er4jalzplu4+3,4(neApar,tmanes '.rptal. incgmo.oyor•; Sx k00,.,E,1cefient,,in- ;y .1f;ittitment,opp9,9AMOty• ti4'bASIIX4 RY1P,A siitflth trout,ponds, •�!)fdraoborn,.gloyl, roomconcs11otne. Clgae,tOtRrivolrY'a1. b,; jls„lnsMCI(1IIop .t p.16Veatlor,rpys p1 j, ,I0f),wrirtioble,Jl6tyer O,b.•gdroRrf)j�lottte tl9p u(Ila:00Int„bnrma,rouahmore.-Gall,npw 'ttRte�ltl'11.ML:BJleo„e,ti4pliton,w&IJFeedl,,Stpre „IQtt ,j' .. „�sq ft.s3hop xMust4bers9en- Nlllr l.0,,15 „W44#loua a, taryt9QFfrl (flet at natlottkittiWopli gortdv110414 r !toCty. aP.)`'I4lloice. Al art4100. 1 40IIR 1.*41010..(lmre4(0101#u45 440,,01; x410! Ouatry bameayvgiiabler, allifor,,,y,gur ?I,rrgsgft;,igood LLflp, f on. 23. REAL ESTATE 'WOODENLY 1745 .SOLD„ Mason'6alley 4.029371 BROKER (24,Hour Service) RESTAURANT • Licenced for 60, apartment above, central location in busy town. VANASTRA - Heated workshop on large cor- ner lot. ,NEW LISTING: 150 acres, general farm,,Mor- ris Township. F.xceptIonal condition, very pro- ductive. Anyone would be proud to own. this property, ',CIJNTQN - 11/4 floe eAltil®s een Street, attach - .ed ,garage s .5Q RES - Cropland,.&tanley T,owrnshlp, no buildlnas. a1ND"UORIAL • , IRS — Vanostra, 12r000sq. ft, r:IO,gae. x5.6A1 •^78 0NIGI,erlch.,$ttAet, 3 Jzodrppm, 1' /s ',tiger tlome„wHh,gcs loot And attached ,igarage. -LINTIpIN - *.,floor -tome, on.olcoly,tn ed,bot ;Flosezto,4.ptown, ,ufder2J40jt)00100. .!4A1.ilAsnijsA a s)8• Quepeo'Str9et,,,2,iloor, 3 be roam home,,pxc+Rlj9nt.,,F21ldltlon, tQ0 , Fl t AHuUett jow.fa4IP, '187 dgarps fy' tttorjsgble,.,borns. (or,k50,iL�ps. 2 At lll(S:rvSPactous ;aqd 511 U810318 +bountry ,,,tfgnte,ineAAorriafj�,yrOs((t,Jpe4rbodroRms, 2 >p1 sblllha w�lj�ltaw �tb�t'd�ouP, . , :t4 UNION -4372y cf�ttetkAilKOPPAli, '2„itotey:ial4lt)t a eft, aV,Ilry7pyJ,ltIL SP1, 34. AUCTION SALES ESTATE SALE Auction of antiques; appliances''&`household effects to be held at the factib'Auction Cen- Ile, 185 Herbert St-, in 'Mitchell. THURS., NOV. 2 AT18:00 P.M Including: Nine piece walnut dining room ' suite; Electrohome colour console T.V. With remote control; Coronado deep freeze; Elec- trohome dehumidifier; chesterfield &•c'hair; chrome kitchen suite; older -style living room suite; sofa bed (1 yr. old); rope bed; dresser with bevelled mirror; washstand; hall tree; humidifier; 3/4 bed with box spring and mat- tress; desk; dressers; chest of'drawers; cedar cheats; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner, quilts; comforters; bedding; coffee & end tables; parlor tables; hooked mats; drop'leaf:table; tub stand; glassware, cups •& saucers; small elec- tric appliances; exercise equipment; Landmark - 3'h hp gas mower (used 3 times); and-a'host of misc. items. Prop: Estate of the Late Dalton Diegel with additions AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob 271-7894 Wallie Ross 539-5077 Reminder- Clearing auction at sale ham Thurs. Oct. 26 al 6:00 P.M. for Gladys Payne. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-'7898 SAT., OCT. 28 AT 10 A.M. - Antiques, furniture, old tools and butcher equipment, etc at Richard Lobb's Auction Bam, Clinton for the Estate of Sam Beadle of Auburn plus power tools and appliances from other consignors. THURS., NOV, 2 AT 6 P.M. — Equipment, air compressors, steam heaters, quantity of used lumber, snow blower, tools, household effects, at old piano factory industrial building 253 Ir-' win Street Clinton for Salsbury and Demers SAT., NOV. 4 AT 10 A.M. - Antique furniture and glassware, paintings, prints etc. at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Agnes Middleton. Auctioneer Burt Lobb SAT., NOV. 4 AT 10:30 A.M. - Trucks,•trailer, tractors, 4 wheel drive and crawler loaders, 1956 Gradall, 30 ft. van trailer w/hydro.lights and heaters, small equipment, etc. for, Ed Gale at Bayfield, Auctioneer Richard Lobb. THURS., NOV. 9 AT 6 P.M, — 1981 Olds 4 door car run 64,000 kms, International H trac- tor, wagon, antique furniture and glassware to be held at the Stanley Complex 1 mile west of Vama for the Estate of Glen Dowsan. Au, Clearing Auction Sale of 2 tractors, mower, !6 -HP. riding -lawn mower, antiques, household, misc„ t'oois, etc. for Hugh Benninger in Village of Dublin. 5 miles west of Mitchell just off No. 8 Hwy. on SAT., OCT. 28 10:30 SHARP TRACTORS, MACHINERY, .LAWN ., MOWER: Ford Ferguson 1954 gas tractor, motor overhauled in 1988„good clean cond.; J -D M gas tractor, 1949 , good hind 110es, pulley, hyds not working, in running•order; Woods rotary 3 pt. hitch mower, good cond.; M -H No. 21 horse drawn rrfower, goortz8nap- per 30” 6 hp. ridingtawn mower,:electriestait good; M -1I hay loader; small old 3 pt, hitch cult.; small box trailer racks; etc, HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES; 2 pane flat back hardwood cupboard with pie shelf, good cond.; 6 pc. kitchen dinette set, good condi- tion; Hardwick propane gas 30" stove,,good clean cond.; Maytag apart. size clothes dryer, working order; Belwood deep freezer, good; wringer washer; 2 antique chest of drawers, mustache pulls, good; davenport couch, good; older model chesterfield & chair, good; small new corner pine cupboard; antique captains chair; round & flat top trunks; plywood desk, good; old parlour table, rough; odd small antique tables; iron bed brass knobs; 2 small washstands; small table top desk; 2 washstands, rough; -Raymond sew- ing machine; Cole 4 drawer filing cabinet, good; old clothes racks; old baby buggy;,an- tique Tivoli accordion; odd chairs; small book shelves: crocks; old hay knives; wooden -, planes; Noxons cast iron 8s81, good;,p-jd tongs; oil lamp; •tea caddy; old,toys; .2 011 lanterns; music Metronome; -guitar; no. of • cameras; electric fans; depression biscuit barrel, good; 12 gauge 81991e barrel shot gun; small 22 single shot rifle; FAC required,; .a lot of everyday dishes, pots & pans; small electrical appliances; old silver candle holders; ornaments; salt & pepper; flower vases; mugs, water glasses; picture -frames; old violin & case; misc.; old Victor radio; set of .Encyclopedia; boxes of books; a- lot of small Items rapt fisted. -BAR.B-Q, tOOLS,.MlSC,-ETC.: B.D-.weed eater, good; Lambert Jawn sweeper, gopd; McCulloch chain saw, 12" bar, good; smell utility cart, good; 2 lawnmowers, running; garden tiller parts, good motor; 4" visa; ,2 small hyd. jacks; gas barbecue & tank,.,lpp cond.; small shop vac, good;.alum. stepjad- ' der; good rubbertired wheel barrow; farrow- ing crate;.lawn chairs; car ramps; old bikes; - -80 71/4 skit saw, good; saw horses; .rabbit cages; window pasha old steel roofing;.,oxt. cords; good 16'. alum. ext. jad)ier; cross out • fume; ,wpgon Load of small liens, knits, - ahpvals,,garf en,topls, odd nails, pptts, tyren- chea,pther,(terns not,Jsigd. 408AMS: Cash Sale Pay; ,Chequps Wjth I,D. 14,;:.only Prgperty,is 80,411. Lunch,Hopth. l RPER:10;20Jdpu nhcohid,.antlgtles, 14OO,p.m. Tractpre4,fpyfm.4)owsr„Also . 0.4wftenor.4uctjoOffet not,re ppn919)9 fpt,Sc- ., ptdoAla,itlfuryrgejatlposorJAJ;apfs ftlPfaty , .0,Ille )411. c F rAIN 11141A-1oN..�i,A L: ,,045 g001,9r µ311d`1.2.707 f; APPTIONEAR: 4 r ,0110.40c bee