HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-10-25, Page 1714..ARTICLES AOR SALIE BEAUiY .b ... for complimentary skin ears and glamour consultation, please ealL.. man«'�ciliichof 527.2177 108 JOHN ST., SEAFORTH. NOH IWO Skin Care and Glamour Consultant --V10-TON FEED TANK, $806 or best offer. 5 ' farrowing crates never used 280 each. Phone 522-1641. 14-40-tf ATTENTION MECHANICS! Are you looking for a complete set of quality lifetime guaranteed tools? I have a complete set of Snap -On -Tools. etc. For information call 524-2900 atter 6 p.m. 14-24oke APPLES Spartan, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Ida Red. Call after 5 and weekends, ' 527,0622 14-42-x2 ROASTING CHICKENS 6-10 lbs Phone your order now, 345-2277. 14-41x3 PRECIOUS MOMENTS 25 piece Nativity Scene, full length royal blue wool coat, brass and glass shelf, solid teak desk, solid pine Cannonball 'bed. Call 345-2556 after 7 p.m. 14-42-1f STOCK UP FOR WINTER with potatoes, onions, spanish onions, cabbage, cauliflower,• broccoli, peppers, plus much morel Large pum- pkins and garden mums. Nursery stock and perennials 208/o off. TE -EM FARM, RR 1 Bayfield, 482-3020. 14-42-2 GREY WOOL PANT COAT size 10-12, ex- cellent .Condition, 327-2393. 14-43x1 TWO PIECE blue snowsuit size 3, $10.00; two piece blue snowsuit, llke.new, size 24 months, $20,00, '522-1021 14-43x1 TRAILER LIVING FJOOM FURNITURE couch, loveseat, three chairs, two ottomans, in Autumn colors, good condition. Phone 345-2198.14-43.2 WOOD STOVE large, with front grate. $300.00; TV tower, antennae, rotor and booster, $500.00. Call .346.2768. 14.43x1 FOR SALE ohe Porta -spot welder sand blaster, 522-1989 23. REAL ESTATE . -ARLES 'SLE BEttINI ,ACCORDIAN in -excellent condition with hard Vase. Asking $200:00 or best 'Offer, Magna Vox colour, -floor model TV, needs'pic- ture tube. Cabinet In •excellent condition. Ask- ing $35.00. Cali 627-2958. 14-43-1 30" STOVE, 15 cu. ft. fridge end dishwasher in harvest gold, $500,00 tor the set, 527-2413 14-43-1 fiASPBERRY CANES (Comets), Leen Van de Ban, RR 1, Seaforth, 527-0705. 14-43-1 APPLES - Macs, Kings, Spartan, Wolfe River, Empire, Spy, 'dared, Greening, Mutsu, Delicious, cider apples. McClymont Orchards, one mile south of Varna 233-3214 14-43-1 APPLES - Macs, Cortland, Ida Red, also sweet cider, windfalls, $4.00 bushel, Martene Or- chards. Phone 522-1507. We deliver in town. 14-43-tf THREE TO FOUR FOOT White Spruce, $14.99 each, full thick trees. Call The Lawnmaster, 527-1750, 14-43-1 BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28 x 40 23,986; 40 x 60 $5,450; 46 x 90 $8,900; 60 x 20 $17,000. Clear Span Wldths from 20 feet to 240 Leet. Call now 1-800.688.4338 or (416) 792-2704. 14-42-bc THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC., 63 Clarke Slderead, London, Ont. N5W 5W7, (519) 4523919, Complete Hydroponic Systems. We do mail orders. Send $2.00 for catalogue. $2.00 rebate on your first purchase. 14-42-bc FUTURE STEEL Buildings left over from Inter- national Plowing Match. Different sizes. First come, first served. Quonsets and atralghtwell. Call toll free: 1.800.888-8553. 14-42-bc BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Fall Clearance. We over-estimated - clearing out excess stock. All steel and wood -• steel models. Paragon 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. 14.42-b c INGLIS WASHER $275; dryer $175; fridge $250; white; freezer $175, guaranteed. Phone 482-5218. 14-41-4 1978 HONDA 750 .motor bike, runs well, 8450.00. Phone 522-1507. 1443.2 and one YORK 2001 weight lifting machine. Excellent 14-43x2 condition. Phone 527-0089. 14-42-2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE RED AND GREEN CABBAGE also potatoes, as -tong •as 'they ,last. Apply 150 "Market St., Seaforth 14-43-1 MANUFACTURER'S -SPECTACULAR FALL SALE - Metal Buildings - Quonset and Stralghtwall'Models - Hardware and Caulking included - High Quality 'Material - Super Sav- ings on Present Stock - Order from the Fac- tory - Limited Supply. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours), 14-43-bc HOLDING TANK - Brand new never used plastic holding tank c/w manhole. Capacity 1100 Imperial gallons. Size 87" diameter by 56" high. Regular price $1,700. Sale price $999. Call (416)564-2300 ask for Eric.14-43-bc WATER PROBLEMS? Water that causes hon staining, smell, and taste problems and possibly contains bacteria and chemicals -can now be treated succeesfully. New state of the art 'technology can eliminate these problems thus providing clean, safe water throughout your entire water system. For information on this unique 'treatment system write Aztec Water Systems, Unit 5, 6380 Tomkin Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1K2 or call toll-free 1-800-387-3423, Sales and Service represen- tatives throughout Ontario. 14-43-bc SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES. $22,000 In- cludes freight and training, 5/yr guarantee. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Complete body wrap kit $1,250. Ton "0" Matic Canada Ltd. 1-800-667-5825, 14-43-bc BILLSON .COMPUTER SERVICE 'Falil Speck'' IBM -AT compatible 10 MHZ, 1 -MEG RAM, Parelell/Serial/Game Port, 1.2 MEG Floppy Drive, 40 MEG Hard Drive, Juko G8 -Video Board,. 12" Monochrome Monitor, 101 Key Keyboard, EPSON FX -850 Printer, DOS 3.3, direct access Hard Drive Menu System, LOTUS 1-2-3, Word Perfect 5.0, 1 year, full parts & labour warran- ty. Total price -113599: installed (tax ex- tra). Other systems & software available at similar savings. CALL NOW o SEAFORTH 527.2682 14. `IRTMLES viari SALE THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, -OCTOBER ?5 /19 _ 114 28 'FOOT SPEED 'KING grain auger; 3 pt. 'hitch plow, rabbit cages, pony can, 527-1433. Reasonable 14-43x1 'HAVE YOUR OLD HOME MOVIES transferred Io video 'tape. -Special price only 7 cents 'per foot. Price Includes litle and musical sound track. We do slides too! Phone or•write,for-free brochure and order kit. Memory Lane Video, o/o 30 Delaware Ave., Chatham, Ontario, N7L 2W2, (519)351-6115. 14-43-bc USED TIRES AND RIMS 2-Chev, E78 X 14 on rims, 2 -Ford, 7.75 X 14 on rims, 1 -Ford, H-78 X 15 on rim, 1 -tractor, 14.9 X 28 on rim. 'Best offer 527.1016. 14.42-tf FUTURE STEEL Buildings left over from Inter- national Plowing Match. Different sizes. First come, first -sewed, Quonsets & straightwall. Call toll-free: 1-800--888.8553. 14-03-bc NORITAKE CHINA SALE! Avoid year-end price Increases - Order Nowl Terrific discount on CURRENT. -patterns. Delivered well -packed, In- sured. Specify your Noritake patteml For price list, shipping details, call Alexander's, "The Noritake Experts", Toronto, toll-free: 1.800.263.5896, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT. Clip and save. 14-43bc BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Fall .Clearance. We over-estimated - clearing out excess stook. All steel and wood - steel models. Paragon 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. 14-03-bc THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC., 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont., N5W 5W7, (519)452.3919. Complete Hydroponic for catalogue. $2.00 rebate on your first purchase, 14-43-bc ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff Joints? sleeping hands? "Beulah 011" helps!! Send $2 for brochure/information: Beulah Lana, box 1086, Portage, La Prairie, Man., R1N 3C5. 14-43-bc 115. R V'S FOP SALE BONAIR R.V.s, CAMPERS, Trailers, Hardtop, Tent, Fifth -wheel, Travel, Park -Models, Ac- cessories. New & Used. End of Season Prices. Large Selection. Fibreline Fiberglass & Aluminum Truck Caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. 1.519343-2122. 15-43•bc 23. REAL ESTATE 23, REAL ESTATE 19. PETS FREE TO GOOD HOME six week old part • Lab and Border Collie pups. Phone 522.1300. 19-43-1 PUPS TO GIVE AWAY, medium-sized mother. Phone 263-2114. 19-43 Li 114 Suncoast Drive Goderich ' Agents: Mary VandenHengel & Bill Steenstra friday, Oct. 27th 6-8:30 pan. PRICED -REDUCED TO 811$000113 bedroom bungalow, nicely landscaped large lot, deck, t wheelchair accessible and large -finished rec 4;,room. Come see and move in before Christmas. Hope to see you there, Serving Western Sharon Medd (Seaforth) Bill Steenstra Aileen Craig Gordon Hill %Office 120 'Osborne St. Clinton Agent: Sharon Medd Friday, Oct. 27th - 6-8:30 p.m. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM, newly landscaped, newly furbished bathroom, dining room and main floor laundry, woodstove in living room, kitchen has solid oak cupboards, deck off kit- chen. List 883,500.00. Hope to see you there. 118'Queen St. Clinton Agent: Aileen Craig Sunday, .Oct. 29th - 2.4 pm. THE-PERFECT.SHOWCASE for,precious an- tiques. Spacious 3:bedroom home, original woodwork, bay window,,lead glass, French: doors, custom decorating - new 3 pc. Victorian Country bathroom (down) and 4 piece up. ' See you on Sunday. Ontario With All Your Real Estate'Needs Since 1953 527-0560 Mary VandenHengel (Seaforth) 482-3780 Peter Damsma 482-3669 Bill Shackleton 233-3307 , 11 Victoria St., :Clinton 21, WANTED TO .RLIY OLD WRIST WATCHES WANTED! Eatons 1/4 Century Club - men's rectangular wristwatch. Will -:pay .83,000 and up -for-this ;watch. Also wanted, old Rolex, Patek, Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vacheron Constantine, or any other high grade or complicated wrist watches (men's only). Call 1-416-365-7240. Write: -B. Walsh, 309A Mutual Street, Toronto, M4Y 1X6 21-43-bc J23. -REAL ESTATE 1S. dRW'S 'TOR SALT 1983 THIRTY-FIVE toot Citation trailer, 'double axle, fridge and stove, propane furnace, -gas water heater, Iwo bedrooms, broadloom. Call anytime 416=853.7905. 1543-11 21. WANTED TO 81.11r OLDER PAINTINGS and works of 'An. One br entire collection. Karl Mearns, Box 1266, Caledonia, Ont. N04 140 (416)765.6782. 21-43-bc TWO OR THREE BEDROOM home with full basement, Seaforth area high $40's, mid $50's, closing flexible. Call after five 1-686-0853. 21-43-2 COLLECTOR WILL 'PAY up to $1,000 for an- tique toys. Also Interested In all other antiques, from A -Z. Al Jones, 15 Eldale Road, Elmira, Ont. (519)689-2960. 21-43-bc WILL BUY Complete Household Furniture Or Partial Lots HAVE ANYTHING TO :SELL.... Call 527-2540 Daytime 522-0185 After 6 p.m. 22. WANTED WANTED CARS AND TRUCKS tor scrap, free pick-up service. Call 522-0616. 22.42-2 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT 1 MODERN PROFESSIONAL OFFICE on Albert St. Clinton. Available June 1st. $400.00 per month, Includes all utilities. Call 482-9210. 25 -40 -If 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT MAXWELL Apartments - bachelor apartments rents from $247,00 to $330.00 per month. Cell 393-6921. 26-40-4 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Main Street, available December 1, 527-0810 daytime, 522-1323 after 6. 26-42-3 23. REAL •ESTATE 1 RIVERMILL VILLAGE - luxury condominiums on banks of Scugog River, Lindsay. Osprey Suite - 1317 sq. 11 - expansive living area with balcony - large kitchen and breakfast eating room. - two bedrooms - Master with luxury whirlpool tub in ensuite. From $215,900. Sports and recreational amenities at restored Carew , Mill. Under construction for 1990 occupancies. Call Upper 'Canada Lakes: 1-800-461-6521. 23-43-bc THREE KILOMETRES TO LAKE HURON, 265 acres in Dashwood, 230 workable, mostly systematically tiled. •Barns and home have been updated with new addition on home. Land is all in one piece. Broker inquiries welcome. Call anytime. $477,000,00. Realty World Landex 673.6941. 23-43-2 4MARKET Sili6EITA fOPdroom'-i, a•;dtotey -ahome,aboveggro t1Loclwith,privacyifence. . Listed'7.0000. MEW LISTING - ,EGMONDVILLE ,4 1 bedroom brlok. anchstyle home, full finish- y: •,edbasement, patio doors off kitchen to deck, ..attached double car insulated garage and much, much more. Call for more details. Seaforth :Office: 527.1577 n8,Main Street, Seaforth s8O'a • 2.bedroom, l Vs storey alumiuum,eld- ,ed home,.extra •large .lot.on outskirts of town. GODERICH ST. • 10 yr.,old Cape Cod with 2.or 3bedrooms. 2batba, family room down, fireplace insert,-ett' d.,garage. WEST WILLIAM ST. - 20 year old bungalow, 3tbedrooms, family room,.new roof,,nice,quiet,area . RED.UC,ED • New 3 bedroom ranch style home,.main ,floor•Jauadry,,large : lot on out- skirts of .town. VACANT BUILDING LOTS Call ,for your choice today: EpMONDVILLE - Cozy 2,bedroom,new home, .-centre '.fireplace with :cathedral .:ceil- .,.inge,,Lovely„quiet eetting:.everloohipg,the river. .>{ M Y1Ii k G OND f•F- 4bedroom,Aacickcianeh •stylesisane,tfstuily„rovm<rloyrn,'Lbntbs. tastefully ,rdeeerat.ed •;throMghout, 1r1V1aiatiOnanceCfeeaeztai er. z10.44,911ES - Yocaa4:iltutd0Juslttproperty. Axue116atkinrlirt ng site, Jet MO's. 'SeatonhAViintoo ,14e6ative ttiauteaMolfis 40113A24 AY Ol3i ,OB vitrl8 11:00 a.m. ].2:00 noon "EYE APPEAL,;L131ID:PU1tSEAPPE/4;L" - .Main St. North • iiVbat a ideal! ,tor 129,900.O0,this beautifunew & bedroomell brick home: could,be:yours. Eeaturipg:mein fieodmindrY apd Ea ,pnitei IIIIthitths. HARPIJRHEY • ;35• yr. Old 2 ,bedroom :ranch, ett'd..double garage, new.roof)amily room, office &. workshop .downstairs, fennel ,ipgwe. -Extrniargelot. ARAM ,for,iuet 199.000:00. Check it,ont today! i$t 110.4) ' Uit E -glean vii 2.,etorey ,yellow zieklimee,wlttikhardwofialloort & ,celli4gt andstoveosathedraimdillRg. very ' b44 14ngul7hrfragboat„,welted ,,eiiaster aptimpul,srli tidiod eat tr t'ha't'.• lYki,649+1245R art41S `.. T pr��, V ,.,a t,�t. �fd g 4:00$1wta„8 tt 41AR 4 4•'fll3a%;:8rililtw' 'lrlrhoui'onginr latIteatianewi,bydrosfiermice, :eAaw.er rgot 14; 0..tomktown'407s- 2;STOREY ayear old,homewifh;la(ge,land- 8Caped lot. ,Legge fee •reom,.with Net bar, .•Upslaira:haskitcheneformaIAinigg•room,and .11vi0g room, 3 bedrooms -and .much, ,much more. rNEW LISTING-In;Bayflatd ONildwood.bytlle river),in the recreatlon.,park. Thia•,.8' x4A0' ,ttailer,ison.a<42' x ;1142,,Jot,kalea-p86;comfor- 4ably,;utilltyrahed,rpundeek„and•much,rgore. -Pricediat !8;500:00 Aall.MaryorySftatondor •cmoreedeiis. a NEW,b1STiNQ,ini.argi6 tyro, 2;alorey,bripk home,and,istgebarnatistied,on.26;aoresolth 11,awes:,w•orllable,.lr)ppled;on paved»rpgd, rlvergoing,thtough tbelback;of<theproper- ty ;Gall.for iI re abs rIREIVE FI' Tiake,a:iookallhIar illgIf rrliotle altd'•idail atalpY AM0;1grpe OOwlldi0110INCIIR rias 111K tltsylurrlgga, pintlikOrz MaurY.Mat011y;r,QomARROm00 all; 3}Iapn ,527 Q660 braliary ;127;+ Q . 4ltliad 0.;INPAO. "1 9P, ij H'!WP.-All,aodespf YARIRp11lt}dd. • 410,9,0yt1 4lstsaffRfilpry 68 nW0.4.lidi,99..40t . , ,py ann, Sptc,� at4Skepnifi0. e n _� ,114 u h f , . Jlorflsfd, Nr r 11t�i4 a soil n.r 2 td a� lli;,,s„,�lam,arl teat n�kitCken,ylaroliy 40014lita !arltafldgRault s„aJpa. ,I.Af1I1E •t:QyNTRY,iFIONE on a beautiful ,landepaped.lot with,mature.trees„fermal:din- ing.roam-&:Ilving,room„Jarge vac room with tlreplace. Must ba seen. ;MINT CONDITION - 4 bedroom brick bungalow,racently redecgrated, formal din- ing •rgom, Jorge ,family rppm .and.den and much,more. c J;A;UT.FUJLLY DECORATED 6 bedroom hAiftel with•4,washrppms,,;siuing (ppm with �lIeIllaRer•for•Taal..farliag.rpomatlaln ipprrec rpom, loll baaernent, :over .3890 ,Ssq, Oft. d'18QAntly .40 And wefeaktast. 'Fpr rntre 401411s c011..msstodfay 1.91#1110,11g. .73,A - YPTL hpie,eQXlejipr t0;0014pQA2e wll r?eAP,9)9"10(di/t , 1$004w otiohroNt,�9ipttt the,not pf f e yEe >�p Q >~or,mpfe,:�elNlls. ':Otltcr. ea- Aff#jes 1e11Pifdce AIL if 6 ee Aa „0 ra; ince Ili HOR a ikigIfflfpRhl§E2i ipn w 1