HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-10-25, Page 16*A -- ,T,HellHIURO.tit-:EXR:tAS1TJ R.• tCTi3BER,T5, ¶•989 1. COMING EVENTS z5. 'HELP WANTED "5. HELP'WiANTED C P R CERTIFICATION - next C.P.R course Saturday, October 28 8 am to 4 pm, to register please phone 527-1650. Leave name and phone number 1-41-3 EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Fowl Sup- per Wednesday, October 25th, 5:00 to 7:00 pm At the Community Centre. Adults $7:50; Children under 12 $350; Preschoolers free, Takeouts available Call 522-1455 for tickets. 1-41-3 BL YTH LIONS Dabber Bingo. 'every Tuesday at 7:30 p m. Blyth and District Community Cen- tre. $300.00 Jackpot must go, Over 51000.00 n prrzes 1-40-11 DABBER Tuesdays BINGO Vanastra Rec Centre, at 7:30 p.m. $1000.00 in prizes. 1-40-t1 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2.500 pnze money, $1,000 Jackpot to -go, at Satrtord Valley Hall every Thursday night, Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p.m.1-404f SINGLES DANCE every Friday, 9 - 1 a.m. Music by D:J. Country and Western and best of the 50's. White Carnation, Holmesville. $4.00 per person 482-9228. 1-40-tf ANNUAL TURKEY SMORGASBORD at Duff's United Church, Walton, November 1, 4:30 to 7 p.,m Adults $7.00, children $3.50, preschoolers free. 1-42-2 OCTOBER 2830 CREATIVE SEWING AND NEEDLEWORK FESTIVAL - Automotive Building, Exhibition Place, Toronto, DISCOVER. LEARN & BUY al Canada's largest showcase of supplies. services, trends and techniques for sewing, knitting. quilting. spinning, weaving, embroidery, rug hooting, smocking and crafts. Over 300 booths, tree demonstrations, fashion shows, meet the experts and more. Admission $7,00 Information (416)470-7057, 1-43-bc DINNER THEATRE Friday, Saturday, November 3. 4, featuring Heebie Jeebies, in This Punk's For You. Buffet, 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Show - 9 p.m. Dinner and show $19.50; show .only, $9.00 Regular buffets, 'Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 5 p.m, - 9 p.m. Sun-' day Brunch - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Red Maple Inn, 482-9675 1-42-2 ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SMORGASBORD Supper, held in Brucefield United Church on November 8, '1999; 5.p.m. = 8 p.m. Adults; $7:50; :children _12rand -under '$3.50; pre-school free. Tickets call 263-6502 or 263.5025. 1-42-2, HALLOWE'EN DANCE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 9 to 1 - Music by "Whiskey Jack" at Seaforth and District Community Centres. Tickets $10.00 available at Bob and Betty's. Age of Majority. Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society. 1-4P-2 NEW YEAR'S EVE Tickets NOW AVAILABLE! Dance to Whiskey Jack Music Co. For com- plete information ,call Red Maple.lnn,-482-9675. 1-42-2 SEAFORTH HARMONY -HI . LITES Annual Christmas Cabaret. Dancing .to -Traces, December 2 iv Seaforth anda[listrtct.Communi- ty Centre. Tickets available. at 527-1493- or .3489501. Group -reservations available.1-42-3 ,SINGLES DANCE Saturday. October 28, White Carnation Hall, -Holmesville, Dancing 9-1, -Music by Ken Scott. 1.43-1 TRANSPORT DRIVERS -NEEDED - Get your Class "A" Licence at Ontario's 'oldest and largest training -centre. Courses start every Monday - Tax deductible, weekend -courses, job assistance, no experience requlred.MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800-265-3559 Cam- bridge and London. 5-40-tf FULL TIME work available immediately loading ohlckens! Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1.800-265.3034, 5-40-11 WORK WITH US! It's fun! Exciting fashions! In- dependence! Extra moneyf A tree sample Ilne! Call collect: 416-632-9090, 1-827-2660,MA CHERIE home fashions shows Est. 1975. 5-43-bc PERSON TO LEARN my business of Financial Planning and Management, who desire above average income and who has management abilities, no experience required. Confidential interviews. Phone clays 1-519-482-5425 or even ings 1-519.482.9311. 5-41-tf 'BUSY 2 DOCTOR ;MEDICAL OFFICE'IN CLINTON requires experienced full-time "Receptionist. Computer skills an -asset. Reply, with references, 'by November 3 to — DRAWER #75 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39, CLINTON. NOM 110 FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT FOR -INDUSTRIAL DiSTRIBUTORS - Order desk person required. Experience needed, knowledge of small engines an asset. Send resume end/or covering letter to: Drawer No. 15, Goderich :Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. SICK AND TIRED OF THE SAME OLD .RAT RACE? 'Ready for a Career? I•requireaelf:motivnted,..'a ressive., 99 people to•eleorn-:my,business. Full -training, :above :'nvreaage;i■come. -For apereonat interview call John before 6 u P -m' 519-482-5493 VOLUNTEERS =REQUIRED SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES present and Old Tyme Fiddle.4am- :boree, Sunday, November 12, 1:30 p.m. -8 p.m. Seaforth and, District Community Centras: <Hot -dinner served (roast ::beef) 48:00 =per ,;person. Admission $3.00. Special,Occasion-Permit.•Pro- coeds to Youth Tap Dance C(ifb. 1.43-1 'ST. THOMAS CHURCH SUPPER roast beef and homemade pies, •Sunday, November 26, two sittings, 5 to 6 and 6 to 7. $8;00 adults. Please note dinner to be held in ;parish hall. 1-43-1 .ST. THOMAS A.O.W. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, .Saturday, November 18, .parish hall, 2:00 p.m., ono admission. Featuring Country Store, Deli, Bake Table, Crafts and Tea Table, Mincemeat and Christmas Puddings. 143-1 CROMARTY CHURCH BAZAAR and :Bake Sale on Saturday, October028, 2 to 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-4351 EUCHRE AT 1.O,O.F, Hall on Wednesday, Oc- tober 25 at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. 1-43x1 PENNY SALE at Seaforth -and District Corn- munity Centres, Wednesday„October 25, 4-8:30 p.m 1-43-1 •PHONE YOUR COMMUNITY ;NEWSPAPER to- . ••day and learn how "you oan make a,.good kid in your community '!feel like a million •dollarsl” 'Nominate a good kid for a Junior Citizen of -the Year award. 1.43–+bc ;ELEVENTH .ANNUAL London .Arts & .Grafts Christmas Show & .Sale •returns to .Centennial Hall, London, Friday, Oct. 27 - 12 -noon - -10 p.m, Saturday, Oct. 28 - 11 a.m. - •10 p,m. Sunday, Oct. 29 - 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. -Admission ,$2. Over 100 craftspeople, A;quality•,show,and !sale. Information Olga Traher (619)679.4810. 1.1437bc 4004,•:I -Diesottlitimon.-MitAglo II ini 01.0 d 41iif'aftevalileis i 11014 14,00 4 d .! NiltA9.6Aititt ate Idol; Cnr1ltioxeilsiatita align WANT MONEY! Want to have fun! Ladles our designer lingerie home party company WANTS YOU! &lo deliveries, earn -525 to $30 -per hour, as seen on Phil Donahue Show, fullfpart time positions available. Call 1-800265-8541 or 1-519-273-5308, 5-43-3 WANTING TO HIRE a mature person to work as a Nurse's Aide in a nursing home. The time available will be 9-4 evening shifts per week. No experience required. Will train on the Job. Phone between 9-5 3488861. 5-43-1 FARM HELP WANTED short term or tong term on a breeding stock hog farm, may suit a strike bound -college student, male or female. Vista Villa Farm Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton, 345-2317 5-43-2 NOW YOU CAN EARN UP TO 590 a day part- time and be your own boss! Join SEASONS • 'cruelty -free' Canadian colour cosmetic com- pany . Qualify for 'free kit (5750 'plus value). Minimum age 21. Call toll-free 1-800.387.9522. 5-43-bc Seaforth 'Manor accepting positions for R'hi■_A5 Health •Care Aid/ Nurses Aid PART-TIME Phone ..527-0030 Ruth -Hildebrand • or -Joanne Ryan :5. HELP WANTED To 'by' REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT (part time) assist at -Adult Health Clinics providing toot care. Apply to: Diane Petrie Huron County Health Unit, P.O. Box 1120, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 1 11 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 527-0180 We require someone to work 25-35 hrs, per week. Someone who can work at lunch, or at night, and on the weekend, Someone who is willing to work and learn. Fair starting wage, regular raises. If you .are interested please mail a resume to: P.O. BOX 712, -SEAFORTH, ONT, NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED'AbsiS 4:30 Plm:MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS ISMONDAV 11 &'M. 22 Words • one week, $4.50; two weeks, $4;00: three weeks, $3.50. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS — No charge. ENGAGEMENTS —;Fla: rate of $7, With picture $12 'prepaid. 'MARRIAGES — Fres for 8 weeks after date of wedding. Alter this time, 'photo and outline only, $15. Complete write-up 525. IN MEMORIAMS — $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse CARD OF THANKS — 30 words, $4.50. Each ed ditional word :06 cents. S0 CENT DISCOUNT FOR -CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON DF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE — 53.00, each additional week - $1.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming Events - 23, Real Estate 2 Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3 Lost. Strayed 25 Property for rent 4 Found 26. Apartments for rent 5 Help Wanted 27 For sale or rent 6 Business' Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7 Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9 Farm Stock 31 Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational ' 34. Auctlon Sales 35. Tenders wanted 36. Legal notice 37. .Notice to creditors 38. Service directory • 39, Cards of thpnks 40. In ' memoriam 41. Personal 42. Engagements • 43, Marriages 10 Farm machinery 11 Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15 R.V.s for sale • 16 'Mobile homes 17 VCRs tor sale , 1e. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted PHONE PERMANENT °Part Time 'l ieJp REQUIRED Dinette's:Restaurant offers 15 -2.0 hours, aMonday. tofriday. ..Job:Tequireamitality43.1easant .appearance and ,:personality. ldeafflor • O o rmrltith.ahitdren Ilnette's Part Time Sales Person Required INature::soles:person required..AppN- corlt.heuld possess good public rela- :tionsknowledge, neat appearance,: a ' +,willingness to.4earn, and a chance to grow. Experience Is not se prere- 'siulsite. Apply in writing to: NSTET1- JEWLLSRS P.O. BOX 52 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, NOM 1L0 'TOWN OF SEAFORTH POLICE DEPT. AUXILIARY -POLICE YOFFLCERS Sent Resume by NOV. 1, to: "CHIEF• HAL ;:CLAUS BOX 40 SEAFORTTH, :ONT. INOK 1„lllil0 .W, 'REQUIRED QUALIFIED +t��° 'y[�rt�_ aiw re111 .1E ■ for :a'part-tirne contract position . •Hur,Ion county -Health Unit requires INFORMATION 'SAND :SERVICES ADVISOR/ :COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT •WORKER QUALIFICATIONS: B.S.W. or equivalent: relevant.experience; M.S:W.,preferred; must be creative; experience in. workingwith com- munity/consumer groups on social issues highly .desireable. Must have good .negotiating skills. 'TY•PE ;OF 4WORK: To .enhance existing :placement co-ordlnallon,and to•identifygaps In the County. To.work.wlth a variety of com- munity,organizations .to,,promote improved , amass, to needed ;services. DURATION .OF -EMPLOYMENT: This is a •fulillime .regular ,position IFiEMUNERATION: Competitive •REPL•Y TG: Dr. -.Maarten-Bokhout, ,Medlcal Officer of Health, Huron County Health Unit P;O.-Bpx 1120 ';..Clinton, Ontario L OM.,1(.0 IIDE*PJ INE :FOR ,APPLICATIONS: .,November -7.0, 1989. commencing :December 19.891 until June22,.1990 Send resumetto: MiTCHELL&DISTRICT k; £O CPERA'IVE tNU,RSER1r :SCHOOL P.O.Box 1176, Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1N0',,. by November 3, 1889. 'we rec uireria MED 'S:jiEa„ ''` i'' .SEu,'i .. PR ,,,,.Salary:ds-meegetiableNaccerdieg:to bIlitlss,iend,experlence leenelits °F,;or•, nsappoinenent:,gali se:54611 t 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:00 cm. to 5 p.m. E. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SELL STAINLESS STEEL Distillers for pures drinking water and earn extra income. Act Now! Contact Water Purity Systems, 537 Bran St., Burlington, Ont.. L7R 2G6 (416)639-0503 6-43-bc REVOLUTIONARY 3-D CAMERA, Unbelievable photos, Network marketed only. Key 'distributors needed in all areas of Canada. Opportunity knocks. Gall your Success Connection (519)652-5321. 6-43-bc EARN EXTRA MONEY! Learn , income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by cor- respondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pem- bina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 296, 1-800-665-5144. Also enquire about exclusive franchise territories -mow available; 4:1113-bc PREPARE NOW FOR A BETTER CAREER NOW Home study diploma programs: accoun- ting, business, travel, law, secretarial - legal/medical, health care, electronics, child development, trade courses. Many more. Our graduates get good jobs! Financial assistance. Information package. (416)499-4172, 24 hours, Box 3050, Stn. 'F', Scarborough, Ontario, .M1W 3P5 6.43-bc WANT MONEY - Want to have fun? Ladies, our designer lingerie home party plan company wants YOU. No deliveries. Earn $25-$30 plus per hour. Featured on Phil Donahue Show. Full •or part time positions -available. Gall 1-800-265-8541 or (519)273-5308. .6-43gbc AREA DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED to service scratch and win tickets, Unlimited earning potential $100,000, no selling required, pan and full time business, investment 9rom $15,650. Call for brochure (51.9)432-2302, -ext. 106. Fax (416)873-0755. Financing available. Quebec sold out All othek,'areas 'available. 6.43-bc MOM. .14.mmr.“40smnimmanmeor 7. SlTUATI( INS WANTED AAI?8ttiotl Is Qpef1orga heAnyoi) ernentmithlolmle in Auragotinsi is an Anterestinpoonjoylai iepand challa figi+ g'".oc4uupatjon, 1711e peirson4we:are•lookangtfor4,14,4ht ;be; anoSently,,,wor4firlgdo:another type',of•-itwr.,siilg • :QR MeAt t.A,atd J 9ht'1n.0att'rnlctil g , rl meone,ot f tr,:,otir•,er lent i a pis x4al jp01i1,i ;..0000.119 tiYeAfllain • t attli alrzt ; Oa a+ext.tw-,,. "jl'AI� -Harron 1Cou'nty ',Health .knit rp,qulrsls,a $0F hWA 1r.NF„ORM 11ON ADVISOR 11111 i1ti. 191ertAIS:: iNkammirnAnaZoft- AVAletf ISP,tt fi0Ge;ortipereggal opttlputers,in- AkFlit9 ,r}atalmase llgsIgn; familiarity .with 4pRte®$itiiapintfish,SYffterns,pteterred. z MIPOK ThhoreYAPPIPl,applipant iltt'L',9.10 ll)Atd4l1BgeygI9prnent ol:ap.Nbliply .:r�ilttiPi.�piil0aurtity lnfor�latlon,1111i,1p,!t!ae Aft lllrritul glYtrI puter�; ad.ttde b7 fill maul riltillrifanit fittart•tneatar#ngtthi�l�l�lsa, .r�k?d�lflli:#I�p,�r1Y113a,as�sktn;the�al<eiop- • 49.9rItiOl r lattstlae(l, .tt er,O. 000.T10Ns0r-s;11.ME140 M NT: 7ils„;la.a pptrtotpREillf3n�ofcglxatrattnllis'.ldJtratlon l 4.0• 0p 40..:prriMSOOti3 i.I Istwl, t�IgaiWC1111.far:,pt�11Nh.,taron g9gtY ;; ijoith lrliiii, •r' ��rf1,AiopiQliiaflo If OtMLICATIORP:I ;NOM tiLO „„.0.Y9ti111 triipai 1 9 Yi YOUNG MAN LOOKING FOR part time work, weekends and after school call 527-0497 after 4. 7.42x2 RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS complied, edited and typed. Personal consultations. oRro- les 1i,, prepared. -Basic cost 525.00 Up to the ,,ages. Call 482-7390. 7,43-6 8. OUST -SIM .WORK CORN STORAGE - two -5000 bushel grain ;bins for rent, aerated, 1 1/2 miles south west of Seaforth. Call 522.1641, , 8,0-tf YOUNG NANNY GOATS fpr ole. Phone 527.1930. 943x1 RIDING HORSES one .Oucksktn rare, .pile buckskin Ceross gelding, ,,Lyell prolson. 9easonaple to good home. Phope 622.1,07, 9-4312 -Pi. JPAY WRRAW FQR PALE 74rpu.nd ;bpitls ,;of ,r41at out ,they, 7 – 6,00,,,eaoh..P.hone 627.2624. 11002 9 0 QUrvoLER l,ES.j iR ,ON telpnt.ueix, stispe. ,, „ow jolt. pI+I er viODACHP• tr htiOn..P o,0erc62V"4, ^bac 1�7F8.'l,OAE �,NINI,,�t(.I�111o„ft3r,�J�i�spPr� etJ3 I@daei�(ir<h �e Lark q,$gco,,po Ars at A .. o alfd0ati 27*Q^t 86,' .410 4, 1