HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-10-25, Page 9THE', ',HURON zEXP.OSI R ltibtR `•25 1959 — L Po MANAGING N =Y DOLLARS a n. {e lir r } house last week's'lilast of" winterweather:aerv- ffitnual energy goes to •heating Canadian edam- a!ellilly-remmder-of what the next 'homes, ,with the'majority fof it :coming nfive-mr tsix months holds in store for is -from such mon-renewable 'resources as oil ~Eemparatm ewise, barring a :miracle. (Many and :gas. cof its who :believed that we were -living in One (of the :simplest Iheai saving !steps to :Tantair-tight zlwdllingmay 'have (discovered take, but :perhaps .one of the most +effee- .tattsome paint in :the last seven zdays that five, Isiah leakage control. This involves the .cold :air was finding -:some nook Tor the Installation of weatherstripping and -cranny to sneak into, lowering the :sealants.t;o stop nrafts around window and ;temperatures of ,our homes just 'enough to door -frames. Even something as basic as make them uncomfortable. Now would :be dipplying packing or masking tape to the a good tinge to look over your =home or Inside wf a window frame can do .the job. lapat ment and reassess its heat efficiency, Covering windows and patio doors with before 'winter begins in earnest. shrink wrap plastic :can drastically cut Ontario Hydro has put out a host rof heat :loss, and :draft stoppers at the :bottom booklets and pamphlets koutlining the of a doorframe —either strictly functional, !numerous steps that homeowners and or ornamental - can make a big .difference. renters alike can take to ,ensure that the Adding insulation .to your home is a twain' air stays where it belongs, inside: the alightly :bigger project, 'but definitely one duune. One ,of the !best of these booklets, worthwhile. Contrary to popular belief, :entitled "Keeping The Heat In", is a heat does not ,always •rise. Rather, inflows goldmine -of Information -on the: fine art of -from areas of warmth to areas of cold. 'retrofittin" your home, or upgraching it to Chilly areas in the home will draw heat .stand upnto :the infamous Canadian whiter. from warm areas through the floor and Upgrading •your home's ;heat efficiency is walls as well as the ceibne. A heated room not only a wise move with regards to over an unheated garage will lose heat heating :hills, it is =also an investment in through the floor, .and the rooms next to it the conservation :of our valuable Tenergy will lose heat via the walls. If you have .supplies. Tifton per cent .of this country's less than .six inches of insulation in the at - 'y��ir tic,for It -might be a good idea to add some more. Empty wall frames 'would benefit from insulation, as would the basement walls and 'ceiling. Although winter is fast approaching, you may still have time to completely tune up your home heating system. If you have been having trouble with your furnace or boiler, have the problem :analyzed and cor- rected now, before cold weather makes repairs impractical. Farmhouses.a , .nd older homes and apart- ments, have special heat conservation pro- blems all of their own and deserve extra onsideration when retrofitting. Drafts around the older, single -paned windows are tar e most common problem with these wettings. If the original wooden storm windows have been destroyed, metal rms can be fitted or new wooden ones be custom made. As a rule, though, ensive weatherstripping and' :shrink- apping of the windows can often be ough to drastically cut heat loss. At this oint in the year, with renovation out of e question, air sealing combined with a eating system tune-up will be enough of precautionary measure to ensure greater ergy efficiency in the older home. c d wr sto can ext wr en p th h a en Window treatments an option 1 . .Spring or summer .an ideal time tof-.the Possible. year to .install :replacement or mew twin- While the sheer number and variety of dows to your :home. But -:this .is not a ;pro- windows on the market today might:seem ject you:should-rnsh into. After a little in- overwhelming, you should be able to make vestigative ;work, you'll find that -window an :informed :decision by considering such repiaeement is an expensive undertaking factors .as the window type, glazing, frame that -anust' be approached with caution .and material and warranties. .attme:sbasic.lmowledge. Firs .of all, establish on a window -by - window basis whether the unit is to be fix- ed (doesn't open), operable • (opens), or a combination of the two. From an energy standpoint, windows not needed for ventila- tion ,nor emergency exits (check your local building code) should be fixed. Where circumstances dictate that you use operable windows, keep in mind that units with hinges (such ,as casement or `The -first step is .to ;determine what is 'wrong -with your existing windows, keeping in mind that some :problems can be solv- ed Without '-replacing the entire ;.window. For -example, :air leakage problems :can illy be :solved with a combination of :new -.weatherstripping, .new hardware and sealants. Alternatively, you can install an interior storm window in winter to 'reduce :air leakage and :provide.:an extra layer 'of awning windows) are usually snore energy .glazing. efficient than .sliding windows. In some eases, however, new windows Air leakage rates are also a useful yard - wall :clearly be -required. Two .basic :options stick for comparing operable windows (the ,are . available - renovation windows or lower, the better). Ask the supplier for the •replacement windows. Since the terns new CM JfC (Canada Mortgage and Rousing windows scan refer to either option,.mrake Corporation) .Evaluation Report Number sure you .and your supplier are ,talking and -the CSA (Canadian Standards Associa- ="about the same thing. tion) air infiltration test results for each Renovation windows ;are:;deslgned .xo be 'installed in a rough .opening and include - exterior trim. 'They .are :available in custom sizes for installation when you are Ener -efficiency building an addition, adding a window, a'enlarging ratted opening or replacing If the potential 'impact on your pocket- badla :deteriorated windows, .on the .other book doesn't convince you of the value of hand, are designed for installation in ex- ,,energy.think of the environrnen- isting frames. They are less expensive til benefits. than renovation windows :because .they re- The ,burning of fossil fuels .produces car - quire less :material and are easier to bon dioxide femtissions, which contribute to :Install• the;greenhouse effect, acid rain and other --As with any .purchase, there will likely serious ,environmental problems. So by Abe a trade-off between .price And quality decreasing the amount of energy we use, •when you purchase your windows. -While we automatically reduce environmental cost is:an important consideration, it rare- doge• ly makes sense to buy the cheapest pro- You can do your .part to protect the en - .duct available. The best approach is to virormrient. by usingenergy more efficiently ;establish a budget for your new windows in your home. In addition to such basic and then, working within that :budget, ;select units that are as ,energyefficient .as n conservation model you are considering. Make sure the unit's weatherstripping is replaceable and cannot be easily damaged. 'Glazing is the second feature you ,should minder. All windows should be at least uble-glazed. To avoid condensation pro- lems between the layers of glazing, it is recommended that you buy sealed (ther- mal pane) units. The amount of space between the layers glazing will have a dramatic impact on e window's insulation value (measured in I for metric and R for imperial). Typical double glazing withanair space f 12 nun (half inch) gives an ins ulation value of RSI.35 (R2). As a rule f thumb, ou should avoid glazing with an air space less than 10 mm (three-ei inches) unless the space is filled with an ' ert gas. c do of th RS 0 y of 0 ght m As one time, the only way to make a d sealed window more thermal esistant was to add a third layer of glaz- . However, window technology has ad- vanced significantly in recent years, and veral options are now available. stan se LEAKY SAS TANK? tDON'T REPLACE 111-- R NU IS BflR_ .—THAN 141!:--- for environment measures as .upgrading insulation and draftproofing, consider installing a new high -efficiency furnance or a heat -recovery ventilator. Active solar energy systems, which have absolutely no environmental impact, are also widely available for use in heating domestic -hot .water. It doesn't: stop there. Drivers of highuse automobiles can help the environment by converting their vehicle(s) to run on pro- pane or natural gas. With the help of catalytic converters, these gaseous fuels can completely eliminate lead emissions, and -reduce -carbon monoxide and hydrocar- bon emissions by as much as 00 per cent. Let us do It now...before the winter cold sets in. We Install, repair and service most types of 'home 'he'ating systems. SEAF.ORTH SEBRINGVILLE Open Mon. Coro Fn, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8 am to 12:30 p.m QUALITY AND .SERVICE :SINCE 190:6 1 1 1 1 1 LJL.1 LUES ALL PINE MOLDINGS NOW ON SALE MORE SELECTION IN -STOCK x 4 #1 White Pine ............... ...............Reg. .45 .39 Lin. Ft. x 6 #1 White Pine............. ........ ......... Reg. 67 o5:9 Lin. Pt. x 8 #1 White Pine Reg. .90 .79 Lin. Ft. x 10 #1 White Pine Reg. 1.24 1.09 Lin. Ft.- x 12 #1 White Pine Reg. 1.65 1.47 Lin. Ft. 'WEATHERSTRIPPING 'VAPOR BARRIERS 'CIL PAINTS *FIBERGLASS BATTS •FOAMITT 'CAULKING SALE ENDS OCTOBER a1 ,a- rFa112117 ':S watt SEAFOFtTH. ONTaq,O.1101t IWO TEIEPHONE'027.0910 ASK:A HERE WHATY011 U , Setback yout' thermtostat Useless heat if you can and set;the:thetmo- stat back when yougo-to hedat-night:or when you're away from home fora while. You'll still get a good night's sleep,and dream of the savings you'll be mating. UTIINIONBASIALL / V,1ftECO/'ir FO I , s7 /; USES. ANY:CONDITION Save $350 .on our total home comIorl package And make no equipment payments until February '90:- 411118 fieplace youi e, cti it, water heater with a natural gas water heater anu ,nake no water heater rental :payments until February '90.* TOL a UnionGasaalesp[o Ind to dud skkalmlllh.ese ;�wr tam Afi(Wses`al ailablo. membe» ci affiarelNovemj eri'7, -1989. WW Lorre more othan just .Auto s! €$Y felt. EvikStI RAN MIME il)pn l.esjdopu„' oaiet 11116 agony Insu ate Insulation saves energy and money. Check your attic and make sure that all windows and -doors are well weather-stripped to.eliminate,heat leaks. This will .also stop cold drafts - making you more comfortable. Ire-heat-clxeck Before the heating. season, have your-he.atingsystem ser- vicedand newf'ilters installed. H M iCANDOF • Guar sitder�eec i�ctb atlas amgocement or yo ur old writs+. . Tbe=toieciricbie thpJt1,p(t Theetectrie ja ttaimpasAig111y l entatrd:a realienergy clrusecAxtd ro .an glided bonusyitaiipis•yopr ousein-suntruer..it's<oneatlle•wcsst,econom. -roti ways to.heatand e000anyiliene Y4t>stlaay.also.001/ idgret ►euekct is ee. ;it's en3Pagtfplink d x9041 ile,,exert ,warmth • , vettlaniggi nitige lortts yplr earl$IillgducklWOrk Nithi53i n i9 9. x ti9ns• '' h�es.rrt��e,-A.r�� a ��yylQQy i � tyc keOtgtggl,�YpR .hi tt.!R>!3!'iZFt40/0.f1 d'1 ►Y41lot!1+r e m Ila iilattlaLddtnmett aniyotill apponetteredt -n1)leltilailwtne,cpirtlolt; p OSOM tic a gla;atlIPP snlarndce. teerilrlt&lrscond ltone(itgl0 ilonrtvxte k ejSOinaltanntealjet ,: MIS,