HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-06-13, Page 10
VOL XXXVI.-NO. 1844.
See our window display.
We import direct saving the middle-
man's profit. you reap the benefit.
Saving 20%.
Glycerine Soap,..
Oatmeal Soap
Honey Soap
Floating Bath Soap
Viodora ({
Pine Tar
tlOoleo Unscented
Coleo Scented j(
Cashmere Baguet
Monad Violet .. •
Dactylia {(
La Franc Rose
10e cake
3 cakes
15c cake
2 cakes
35o cake
3 Oakes
Superfine Violet 0Oc per cake
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
r Summer
A special course of instrnc'
tion during July end August
for Public School Teachers.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
as GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
The Name That is Read with a Smile
• What the Mothers
of Boys are
Looking For
The Boys aren't kicking about the
backward season as much as the most
of us, in fact, they can "slide to first"
better, when there's scarcely a cover-
ing of grass in the fields. And
mothers know that this same "slide"
requires a good Halifax Tweed or
some wash material to withstand the
friction and the dirt.
Mothers will have a chance to fix
the Boy up very reasonably by calling
at "The Little Eaton" and inspecting
our largo assortment of Boys' Tweed
and Worsted Suits.
Wo have also just received a ship -
went of Boys' Buster Brown Wash
Suits, nice neat patterns in Duck and
Linen, welling at 90o, $1.25, $1,40 and
Men'a Fancy Neckwear, reg. 50o.,
Saturday's price 356.
Men's Odd Pants, reg. $1.50, Tweed
and Worsted, elaturday 99o.
Old rostofitae Store
Macdonald Block + WINGHAM.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Meeting o!'Liberals
A meeting of the
of Wingham will be
office next Monday
commencing at 8 o'c
of the town are reel
as there will be i
for discussion.
iberals of the town
held is the TIDIES
vening, Jane 17th,
look. All Liberals
ested to be present
ortant business up
WOOL WANTEp-/ ;beet price paid
in cash or trade„ A. MILLS.
First Lea ue Game
The first home ga e of the Lakeside
Baseball League wi 1 be played on the
Wingham Park th s (Thursday) after-
noon. Mayor Ho es will pitch the
first ball. Kinoareine boys will be the
visitors. The Loc:els are playipg good
ball and are out to win first place in the
League. Attend he game this after-
noon. Game ca led at 5.30 o'elook
sharp. 1
WooL WANTED—Any quantity; high-
est prices.—Geo. E. KING.
To Celebra in Blyih.
At the regular m. .ting of Wingham
L.U.L., No. 794, on . riday evening last,
it wan decided to -elebrate July 12th
next, with the bretl ren at Blyth. The
Wingham Orangem. n and visiting mem-
bers from neighbor g lod$es will attend
divine service at t. Paul's church at
seven o'clock on unday evening, July
7th, when the Re tor, Bro, the Rev. T.
S. Boyle, will pre h.
Highest price paid for hid and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher s .
Our prices on fu ni re do not need
much cutting as th re alv,aye low, at
Forester xcursion.
On Friday, June 4th, the 'ordwichb
el excursion
1 th it anon e
it run
over the OR R. to ronto and Niagara
Falls, N.Y, Fare fr m Wingham, $2.50;
time, 6.10 a.m. S e large bills.
CANVAS SHOES—The newest and latest
ityles in Ladies, Misses, and Children's
Canvas Shoes. All colors. W. J.
Marrie in Toronto.
A Toronto pap r reports the marriage
of a Wingham y ng man as follows:—
"'At 203 Grace st eet, on May 24th, Mr.
Wm. Orr, of ingham, formerly of
Belfast, Ireland, and Miss M. L. Stan -
more, of Toron.o, formerly of Essex,
England, were anited in marriage by
Rev. Dr. Turnb ill, pastor of Dominion
Avenue Presbyt urian Church. Mr. and
Mrs. Orr will reside for the present with
Mrs. J. Alderso i, Shuter street."
WANTED -500 tube choice dairy butter;
also 100 cases of eggs, weekly.—GEo. E.
left in town. Nem. High School, on
Armour and Quay r operties, Apply to
Are Yo
Gentlemen why s
as old as you are w
Prof. Dorenwend's re
demonstrate to yon ti
back your youthful n
ing one or other of hi
Wigs or Toupees? f
wick Hotel, Winghat
18th. Don't fail to s
old yon look twice
en by consulting
resentative he will
at he can bring
pearauce by wear -
beautiful natural
will be at Bruns-
, Tuesday Jane
e his latest patent
WE'LL MEND 'EM—If your Shoes need
a neat patch, half sole, or want repair-
ing in any way—bring them here to be
mended. W. J. GREER.
Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and
Throat Specialist, will be at the Queen's
Hotel on Thursday, June 13th and
Thursday, July 11th. Hours, 8 a.m. to
1 p.m. '
Good Work y Little Girls
Miss Stevenson, t e lady Superintend•
ant of the Hospital was much pleased
with the interest anifested by two
little girls in the Hoe ital welfare, Miss
Pinkie Smith and Mi Catherine Pringle
called on her one d last week and
donated two vases fi led with flowers.
They informed Mis Stevenson that
they had purchased t e vases with the
profits of a millinery petting they had
held and told her the would call every
week with fresh flow s to fill the vases.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big pities of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Onrronoy" Chewing
Dr Nelson Tait of 498 Spadina Ave.,
Toronto, will be aL he Queen's Hotel,
Wingham, on Fridz, June 14th, from
8 a, m. till 10 p.m. or consultation in
diseases of Eye, Ert', Nose and Throat.
Glasses fitted. f!
Queen's otei Change. Tennis Club Tea.
Last week the ell -known Queen's All former member of the Tennis
hotel property in t is town was sold to Climb, and any who wo d care to join,
Mr. John Rudolph of Tara, who will are cordially invited t attend the first
take possession on he lst of July. Mr. "Tea" of the season, t be given at the
Rudolph is an ex erienoed hotel keeper Courts next Saturday fternoou at 4.30
and he has seonr a good property. o'clock,
Get Parnell's Bread, at
We are selling our
$2.25 instead 01 $2.40,
istie's. Good lines of summer shoes at
0 mattress at JOHNSTON'S.
WALKER'S. Genuine clean out in pe
couches, eta., and cut pric
carriages and go-carts at W
The Band 'Foncerts.
A large number pr our townspeople
enjoyed the mnsic the Citizens' Band
at the park on Frid .y evening, this be-
ing the first open air concert of the
season. The semi trouble that existed
last year was agai veru noticeable on
Friday night in t children being al-
lowed to make SO ooh noise during the
time the band is eying, It is all right
that the childre thonld have a good
time at these a airs, but they thonld
make the noise b tween each ,election.
"Try and be goo
Blankets and yarh vfthe best quality
exchanged for woo , at T, A. MILLS'.
SHINGLES—A large consignment just
arrived. Shingles from British Colum-
bia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Call
and get prices.—J. A. MOLEAN.
Crop Prospets Good.
That the crop proscts of the west are
good may be stated ipon the authority
of Mr. white, secoi d vice president of
the Canadian Pacifk Railway, who has
just returned from e trip to Edmonton.
He brings a most at sfactory account of
the condition of the :rope. He brought
samples of the etaiding grain, nine
inches high. The w either has been per-
fect, rain has been neral, followed by
warm days, Dakin ideal conditions for
the growing of all p educe. His observ-
ations extended t roughont Manitoba
and the new provinces.
Remember yeti ••. e no mistake
when you deal at . LITER'S furniture
store. ,/
Union Farmers' Institute a ccursien to
Model Farm, Gnelp , o Thursday,
June 27th. Train le Wingham at
Fare, $1. 5,good io two
7.30 a.m. F e,
days. See large posters.
• Death of Farmer Resident.
There passed .:way at her home in
Seaforth on Frid- last, a former well
known resident of Wingham, in the
person of Sarah 11.•orrison, relict of the
late Duncan Ke . '. edy, aged 56 years.
Deceased for a n• .. bar of years resided
in Wingham, on c.e cemetery road, and
was held in high - steem by a large circle
of friends, who, • =aid of her death with
regret. The fa'.. ly removed to Seaforth
some few years ago where deceased's
two sons are err aged in the botcher
business. The regains were brought to
Wingham on Mt3day and conveyed to
Teeewater R.O. cemetery.
FOR BEST VALUES obtp'inable any-
where, in a well -assorted, fresh, clean,
new and up-to.dat steer, yon w;11. find
them at the leadi Dress Goode and
Fancy Goode Stor of D. M: GORDON,
18c for good butter; 17o fo{fresh eggs.
For the best go??deelow prices and
prompt delivery cYj furniture, go to
Wcmen's In titute Meeting.
A meeting of th Wingham Women's
Institute will be h Id in the 0.0 F. hall,
Gregory's block, on Monday evening,
June 24th, coma noing at 8 o'clook.
Miss G. Gray, of Toronto, will speak on
"Tho Key of Life's Possibilities," and
Mrs. M. J. Shaun n, Toronto, will speak
on "Labor -Savin Contrivenoes for the
Housewife." Tie meeting will be of
special interest t all ladies and all will
be made welcom . There will be to
admission fee.
If you are not a customer at Walker's
furniture store, try this store for your
next goods. We gild our easterners
their oven way as ey should know
what they want to buy.
dune We*ding Bells.
A quiet wedding was celebrated at the
home of Mr. and 6lrs. Chas, Knechtel
on Wednesday moaning of this week at
5.30 o'clock, when ;heir eldest daughter,
Mise Veleria, and Walton McKibben,
Phm. B. were mar ied by Rev. W. G.
couple were un-
Tho yo c w
w y B P
and only tie relatives and im-
mediate friends w re present at the
ceremony. The brid , was dressed in het
travelling suit, Mr and Mrs McKibben
left on the early tra n min wedding trip
and on their return vill reside on Centre
street, being at holds after July 15th.
Mr, and Mrs, bdolEbbon are popular
young people of i lie town, and the
Tsetse joins with eeir large circle of
friends in wishing them all happiness
and prosperity tht.*igh their wedded
parlor -•lies,
s :n baby
' Juvenile Operetta.
Miss Houghton has in .-ourse
paration, the juvenile omretta, "Snow
White, and the Seven Fewarfs," which
of pre -
will be presented In the '1
ho Ise on Friday eventt
A bout severity voices wil
the production of this
an d Miss Houghton is s
to make it decidedly sl
lingham opera
g, June 28th.
take part in
ring no pains
ccessful. The
proceeds, after paying espenses; will be
donated to the Win ;ham Hospital.
Further particulars reg rding this event
will be given later. I the meantime,
keep the date in mind.
Wool, ! Woox 1 Wool"! !�/ We are
buying it and paying the h4ghest pric:
T. A. Mums
Special prices in all lines
until July let as we must h
f : niture
: money at
Expenditure on oads
The eleventh annual r port on kigh•
way improvements, ens - issued by the
Ontario Government, :ontains some
statistics which shcw th it in the matter
of good roads Huron hol:ts third place of
the counties in the Prow;�ce. The re-
port covers the ten yeareaS96- 1905. Dur-
ing that period Middlesex leads the list
with an expendittire of $683,139, York
county second with $602 196 and Huron
third with $464,675, Pert': county spent
$408,159 and Bruce $3C6,. 73, The figures
for the different townshi se of Huron for
the ten years being as follows:—Ash-
field, $32,464; Colborne. 1;16,922; Goder-
ich, $27,646; Grey,4r44, 6; Hay, $29,-
• Hull tt$39,-
39 -
218; Howick, $.,0,813, e $ ,
725; McKillop, $39,285; Morris, $23,062;
Stanley, $25,926; Stephen, $30,200;
Tnckersmith, $36,447; 'Turnberry, $11,-
386;.Usborne, $35,211; ast Wawanosh,
$12,918; West Wawa sh, $18,526,
If you purpose talring a trips the
Old Laud travel via the /C.j'i'R. liners,
The two Empresses give beet service.
Get tickets and full information from
Alex Ross.
Improved T ain Service:
The Grand Trun Railway announces
a new train service n their system to
take effect on Sued y, June 16th, which
means nearly half a million in extra
mileage. One cha ge that will effect
Wingham and on that will be wel-
comed is the pulli off the mixed trains
on the Palmerst -Kincardine branch
and replacing em with pas-
senger trains. Th new arrangements
will allow passenge leaving Wingham
on the early morns g train to reach
Toronto at 11 35, beteg 45 minutes ear-
lier than at present. A new train and a
double daily parlor tar service will be
operated between Connate and Gode-
rich, via Guelph an Stratford, and peo-
ple along that line well be able to reach
Toronto at 10 a. m. nstead of 12 20 a.m.
The new trains n the Palmerston -
Kincardine branch ill be as follows:—
New train will lea Palmerston at 9
a.m., arriving in Wi gram at 10 30 a.m.
and Kincardine at 12 50 p m, New
train will leave Kin reline at 10 a.m.,
arriving in Palmers on at 12 30 p. m.
Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bobs"
and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big
plugs. Quality always the same.
The attendance at :he races on Thurs-
day and Friday last. was hardly up to
that of former years The rain on the
first advertised day made many people
think that no races vdnld be held on tke
following day, The a was a good list of
entries, and the mesa wore said to be
the beet held in Wingham for some
years. Oa the sero d day an accident
occurred by which "Captain Spinx' driver
was thrown from tit, rig and the horse
ran away, but littl i damage reanited.
The summary is as follows:—
2.40 pace—
King John: W. Pal ing.
horn, Elora..., .. .. 3 2 1 1 1
Peter Miller: A. Pr ctor
Newmarket. 1 1 2 2 3
King Bars: W. 0. idd,
Listowel 2 4 3 3 2
Twister Queen: W
Levey, Mitohell. 3 die
Time: 2 31e. 2.28;, 25, 24 24�,
2 19 pace—
Collingwood Boy : . J. Stone,
Collingwood 1 1 1
Jessie Rogers: J. Y rd, Sarnia 3 2 2
Sydney Mac: L. H Edmunds,
Colonel Hunter: T Murdock,
Hensall ..... . , ... • 4 4
�• Time, 2.24, 2'23, 2 2314.
2 40 trot—
Ella Nevada: W Al as, Brant -
enson, Tor -
2 3 4
Presbyteri n Missions.
At the meeting o the General As-
sembly of the Pres yterian church in
Canada, the report s owed the receipts
for the year for hobs missions, east and
west, excluding th credit -balance of
$3,195,17 of last year and $479 68ereoeiv-
ed as repayments, w re $16,075'23. Of
this amount $3,571,8 was for the North.
west, leaving an Inc me for the work in
the east of $12,603 3 . The expenditure
excluding the $3,00 placed on deposit
receipt, and the $375 advanced to
students on accoun. of travelling ex-
penses and afterwar a repaid, was $16,-
375,08, of which $3 .-71 84 was sent to
the Treasurer for the Northwest, leaving
an expenditure for w irk in the east of
$41,060.60, and a credit balance on
March lst, 1907, of r,742.64. The re-
ceipts for foreign fnissions for the year
totalled $180,669.66, inorease over last
year of $10,459.92. t was to he regret-
ted, however, that t
stational contribution
to meet the estimate
expenditure of $12,
whioh ought to be pia
e regular congre-
were not sufficient
necessitating the
00' from legacies
ed in the reserve,
King Jubilee : R
Queen of Woodcli : T. Pink-
ney, Seaforth .
Archie: Phil Buc e, Brartford
Nellie D.: R. Ket le, Sarnia, .
Time, 2.223 , 2.2914, 2 30.
Class 2 28 pace—
Smut, R. Montgomery, Torcrto 1
King Arthur, W. C. Kidd, Lis-
towel ... 2
Lena Bell, W. Pnikinghorn,
Elora 3
Albrino, P. J. Stone, Coiling•
wood 4 4 ds
Time: 2.29 /1. 2.2414, 224.
2 22 pace:
J B. Wilkes, Moor Bros,
Sarnia 1 2 2
Eddie S•., H. L, E mond,
Blenheim...... . 2 1 1
Anna V. Brine, (Adam
Burnside,Kinoadine3 3 3
Alpha Hal, 3. E. Svartz,
4 4 4
in ham
Time, 2 2414, 2,19;4, 2 191-, 2 22,
Raoul W.,Mrs '.Wilson
Cleveland, Oh o....,1 1 5
Collingwood R ker, T.
Nevile, Collin wood4 2 1
La Points, J Ro baugh,
New York.... 5 5 2
Captain Spina, R ettle,
Sarnia ...
Darkey, L. H. Edmunds,
Blenheim 2 3 3
Time, 2.1434, 23+, 2,16, 2 161,4,
The Judges were L. Kennedy and
Chas. Kneohtel, )f town, and Harry
Day, of Walkerto r. J. D. Lowrie, of
Sarnia, was the at trter.
Turnberry To nship Pioneer.
Mr. James Weir, whose photo appears
above, is one of ,he few remaining
pioneers of the Tow:,sbip of '1 urnberry.
Nearly fifty years aro Mr. Weir came to
this country from SNetland and came up
into Turnberry whe r it was all woods,
and turned his farm from -a wood lot in-
to one of the best in the township After
many years spent on the farm, Mr
Weir moved into W ngham a few years
ago to spend the ev-.ing of his busy life
in retirement. Dori • R his long residenoo
is this district he mde a large circle of
friends, by whom h is held in high es-
teem. Mr Weir h: a great love for
his native land an has several times
1 1 visited the scenes of; his boyhood days
Though now past hi: 80th birthday he is
2 2 still enjoying good .ealth and we hope
he may be long s.ared to enjoy the
3 3 pleasures and comf •rte of this life.
1 1
Next Sunday m
Rivers, B.A., will
dist church. At
W. G. Howson,
3 2 pulpit, speaking
- the Sun Never Se
4 de come,
2.23- i The Walkerto
Churches meets i
Wednesday and
5 2 Rev and Mrs. H
Mrs. Peter Fish
2 3 Dixon, Miss Fib.
W, .
3 1 be amongadeElva those
2 3
3 4 4 1 5
4 4
2 20,
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo-
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6
—all day. Glasses properly fitted.
Wingham Public khool Board mat in
regular session on Tpesday evening, all
the members being present except
Trustee Jenkins. he committee ap-
pointed to consider s me necessary im-
provements about t e school reported,
and Trustee Kerr w appointed to see
that the work was dine. The contract
for building a fen between Mr. E.
Hart's property and he sohoel grounds
was awarded, to cot not more than
$12.50. Principal nsgrove was ap-
pointed a membe on the Entrance
Examination Boar for the High School.
The salaries for th month were ordered
to be paid. Th principal's report
showed the folio ving attendance for
May:—Boys, 188; girls, 1S9; total 377;
average attendance •, 349.
Died it Chicago.
Shortly before g ing to press last week
we learned of the eath in Chicago on
Monday of last we k of Mr, Thos. Ag-
new, a former we 1 -known resident of
Wingham. Deco ed had been ill for
only few days w th pneumonia. Mr.
Agnew resided for a number of years in
East Wawanosh, b ing engaged in the
saw mill business, nd later moved to
Wingham and first engaged in the flour
and grist mill busi est and for some
time prior to leavin)e the town conduct-
ed the John street li,!ery business. While
here he made many; friends and was for
a time a member of the Town Council.
About fifteen years ago the family
moved to Chicago.,1 .beoeased was aged
65 years and was ti brother of Mr. John
Agnew, of Lower Wingham, who is now
the only remai ng member of his
father's family. esidee the widow a
family of one dao hter and three sone
are loft to mourn he loss of husband and
father, viz:—Tho . H„ of Evanston;
Albert and John nd Miss Agnew, of
Chicago. Mr, J hu and Dr. Agnew
were in Chicago f a few days during
Mr. Agnew's illne
In the Baptist
morning Rev H
an object lesson
the boys and gi
sermon. This
lar feature of the
vices. All boys
vited to attend,
Talk : —"A Wor
sermon :--"They
Topic of evening
Commandment, c
tion." Everytod
rning the Rev. G.W.
preach in the Metho-
pen. the pastor, Rev.
will occupy his own
f "The Land where
s." The public wel•
Association of Baptist
Listowel ozi''Tnesday,
hursday of this week.
Edear Allen, Mr. and
r, Mr. S. Kelly, Mrs.
r, and the Misses Ella
d and Ida Elliott will
ttending from Wing -
Church next Sunday
dgar Allen will give
esigned especially for
Is, in addition to the
ill in future be a revue
Sunday morning ser -
and girls cordially in.
Topic of children's
less Book." Topic of
Apostolic Method."
ermon:—"The Fourth
r The Sabbath Ques•
welcome. All seats
Mr and Mrs J. Leslie Kerr were visi-
tors in Wingha on Monday.
Mr. Geo. Gra of Toronto, is visiting
with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr J. W. Pat icon, of Port Elgin, was
visiting for a fe days with Wingham
Reeve Irwin was in Godericb last
week attending tike June meeting of the
County Council.
Mrs. Jesse Bn ton, of Lncknow, was
visiting with ingham friends a few
days this week. 1
Mr. 0, Jerome is visiting with bis
parents in town tatter spending several
months in the Wast,
Mre. Swinbank, of Clinton, has been
visiting for a fe,v' days with her sister,
Mrs, Edward Boman.
Messrs, Abner (Oosens, Thos. Cassels
and Thos. L. Jobb wore in Goderich
this week serial on the jury.
Mr. Prootor, o , the firm of Smith e
Proctor, produce ,merchants, of Halifax,
is spending a fewi days in Wingham.
Mrs. D. McInnis has returned to her
home in Wingham after spending several '
months in Southampton and other places. •
Town Clerk Ferguson attended the
annual meeting df the Grand Council of
the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends
in Toronto last week.
Mr. T. Brown of Shelburne. is in
charge of Mr. 31. Walton McKibbon's
drug store daring the latter's absence
from town on his' wedding trip.
Mr. H. B. Elba 5 is in St. Thomas
this weekattendingthe High Court meet•
ing of the Canadian Order of Foresters
ae delegate from Jourt Maitland.
Mrs, G. Tedfor,i, 04 Chicago, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. E. Bosman. Mrs.
Stevenson, of Sli "ton, is also spending a
fewdaye with M s, Beaman this week,
• Mr. J. H. Keel it has accepted a peel -
tion with the new proprietor of the Bee
Hive store at Go+rie and has moved to
that place. Mr. nd Mrs, Keeler made
many friends in Vingham who will re-
gret their remov 1 from town.
Mise B. A. Ea lemon, Who hue for the
past year and a alf been employed in
the TIMES office left on Saturday for
Paris, where she as secured a position.
Before her depar ore she was presented
with a handsom Bible by the Social
Committee of th Epworth League, of
which she was a ember.
Why not buy a farm in old West-
ern Outario with its church and social
advantages, sohool system, railroad,
post office and banking facilities,
closeness to markets, fertility of soil,
fruit orohard and every variety of
crops, fixed land valves, low rates of
interest, freedom from epidemics,
and a hundred and one other comforts
not to be had in any new country ?
At the price wild land is selling at
in the West today it will be dearer
than Ontario farms by the time equal
improvements are put on it.
We have a large number of fine
farms for sale.
Watch for list next week,
Ritchie 86 Cosecs
Griffin -V arstone Block, WINGHAM.
Phone 121
Wingham Business College
n I (Affiliated with Clinton B. C.
Individual instruction. -
y Write for handsome catalogue.
ma .
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. -
Stylish new effects in Outing;
Shoes FOR MEN and FOR
WOMEN. The smartest Out-
ing Shoes are here.
Shoes for Tennis, Yachting,
Camping, Rowing and every
other sport.
White and black canvas and
cooley cloth. Some with rub-
ber soles—some leather trim-
med. High and low cuts,
73c, $1,00, $1.25 to 41.50.
The variety of styles, prices
and sizes is complete.
W. J. Greer