HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-10-04, Page 3THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 4 1989 3A
Jane Papple wins county award and Governor General's nneda_8
returned tor Grade 13 include' Ben Driscoll, Andy Watson.
David Cronin. Ken Ryan. Peter Ste, Marie, Scoti Lamont,
Michael DeCorte, Blair Beuermann, Heather Baan, Judy Mid-
degaal, Vicki Tremeer. Scott Hoegy, Vicki Gordon and Jacquie
McNichol. Corbett photo.
(back. tett) Karen Campbell, David Kelly. Brian Alcock. Jeff
Robinson, Brad Carter, Wayne Regele. Jeff Medd, Lori Brux-
er, Cheryle Shewan, (front, left) Marianne Moylan. Tracy Salver.
da, Connie McClure, Tracey Fischer, Heather McGavin, Katrina
Lindemann, Tanya Armstrong and Lori Cronin. Absent are
Tracy Bosman, Glenda Carter, Lorrie Glanville, and Rhonda
Smith. Corbett photo.
GRADUATES OF SDHS who received diplomas Friday al ce
mencements included (back, le` 1 Leanne Simpson, Lois f
nendyk, Linda Binuendyk, Terry Gray,. James Cook Stev
Dyk, Chris Harburn, Blaine Marks, Jeff Dolmoge, rail , ey.
Andy Ball, Brad Milson, Brian Whyte, Rob Charters, Elizabeth
twee,- Jane Papple, Tracy Read, Tami McClure, (front, lett)
'urea Muir, Angela Duffy, Pam Nolan, Sandra O'Reilly, Yvette
iedhomme, Anne Robinson, Crystal Whyte, Cathy -Lynn Hak,
Lori Henderson, Michelle Butt, Melody Van Dorp, and Nancy
Mc euigge. Corbett photo.
Seaforth District High School graduates
were honored Friday night when Com-
mencement 1989 was held. In addition to
their diplomas many graduates shared
over $15,000 in scholarships and awards for
their academic successes.
Grade 13 graduate Jane Papple took top
awards, 10 in all, including the coveted
Governor -General's Medal for achieving
academic excellence, and the Carter
Scholarship which is presented to three
students in Huron County with the highest
Grade 13 average. Jane received awards
for receiving the highest marks in four
subjects: The Seaforth Veterinary Clinic
Biology Award, The Huron Expositor
English Literature Award, The Box Fur-
niture French Award, and the Sills Hard-
ware History Award. She also won the
Lyons Food Market Scholarship as the stu-
dent with the highest Grade 13/OAC
average, the Janet and Margrete Snell
Scholarship for maintaining high academic
achievement in six OAC subjects including
English and French, the First Presbyterian
Church Bursary as- a student in pursuit of
a career in the field of social service, and
was one of 11 Ontario Scholars.
Ontario Scholars were presented to
students having an average of at least 80
per cent in six Grade 13/OAC subjects.
This included Elizabeth Boven, Rob
Charters, Peter Chung, Cathy -Lynn Hak,
Paul Murray, Nancy McQuigge, Jane Pap-
ple, Anne Robinson, Leanne Simpson,
Melody Van Dorp, and Steve Van Dyk.
Rob Charters was acknowledged for
Math Awards in three subjects and obtain-
ed the Seaforth Insurance Algebra Award,
the K.J. Etue Calculus Award and the
Ross Ribev Functions and Relations
Elizabeth Boven won the Anstett
Jewelers Family Studies subject award, a
Janet and Margreta Snell Scholarship, and
the James R, Scott Communications Award
'given to a student who has demonstrated
achievement in communications.
Anne Robinson was another winner of a
Janet and Margrete Snell Scholarship.
Anne was also awarded the Alumni
Memorial Award as a graduating student
who has done well academically and has
also been active in school activities, and
was class of 1989 valedictorian.
Nancy McQuigge was presented the
Huron Expositor English Award, and the
Town of Seaforth Geography Award.
Paul Murray won the Grade 13
Chemistry subject award donated by the
Seaforth Creamery, and Ron Williams won
the Lyons Food Market Physics Award.
For their high academic achievement in
six OAC subjects including English and
French Melody Van Dorp and Cathy -Lynn
Hak received Janet and Margreta Snell
Blaine Marks won the Mackay Physics
Award for showing a keen interest in
physics, and the Calvin Pressey Memorial
Award "to a student who made SDHS a
happier place to be."
Students' Council Citizenship Award, to.a
student who contributed much to the
school, was presented to Ben Driscoll.
Andrea Muir won the Ladies Auxiliary,
Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion award
to the son' or daughter of a Legion
Member going on to higher education.
Peter Ste. Marie won the Royal Cana-
dian Legion, Branch 156 award to the son
or daughter of a Legion member going on
in higher education.
Linda and Lois Binnendyk both received
awards from the Women's Auxiliary of the
Seaforth Community Hospital, given to
students proceeding in hospital related
Jacquie McNichol won the Edith Nott
Memorial Award, presented to a student
going on in childcare education.
Ayesha Hills won the Patrick, Kenny
Family Award as the most improved
Feather Baan won the Jean Hildebrand
Award as an outstanding graduating stu-
dent in Business Studies, a Leeming
Memorial Scholarship as the top student in
Grade 12, and was the . Grade 12
The Susan and Bertha Ross Award was
won by Mike Holmes, as a student who
has shown courage, determination, and
academic standing.
Vicki Gordon won the Edmund Daly
Award given to a student aspiring in a
career in medicine as a doctor or nurse.
The Mary (Jackson) Hinton Award to a
student going on to University was won by
Racho and Louise Dick were among tivr
people who returned to school to ger thea
graduation diplomas at the commance
ment ceremony Friday evening Rick
Crich, Angie Menary. ano Cath\ Noble
also graduated, and Sher. Cornish anc
Christina Jeffrey received hono• graduate
diplomas. Corbett photo
Yvette Predhomme.
Crystal Whyte won the Britannia
Masonic Lodge -23-170 Award to u
graduating student who has successfully
combined academics with cnmmunit�
The Dr. P.L. Brad, Award to a
graduating student going on to a health-
related field and who has demonstrated pa-
tience, perseverance and dedication was
presented to Sandra O'Reilly.
The Dr. Charles Toll Memorial Award to
a Member of the SDHS Girls Band pro-
ceeding on to a post -secondary education
was taken by Sherry Hoegy.
Sheila Bachert won the Seaforth Lions
Club Business Award for being an outstan-
ding Business student who is continuing
her education in business studies
Lori Henderson was presented with the
Seaforth Lioness Club Award to a student
going on to post -secondary education who
has displayed effort and initiative.
The Topnotch Feeds Limited award for
a student proceeding on to a higher educa-
tion in agriculture was claimed by Ken
The Seaforth Junior Farmer:,
Agricultural Award to a student going on
in agriculture or related fields was won by
Brian Whyte.
Elizabeth Scott Bursaries for Grade
13/OAC students who have gone on to
university were presented to And Ball,
Elizabeth Boven, Michelle Butt. Rob
Charters, Peter Chung. James Cook,
Angela Duffy, Oathy-Lynn Hak. Lori
Henderson, Tami McClure, Nance
McQuigge, Paul Murray, Pam Nolan, Jaru'
'Papple, Yvette Predhomme, Leanne Simp-
son, " Melody Van Dorp, Steve Van Dyk.
Tim Westlake, Brian Whyte and Crystal
The Touche Ross and Company Accoun-
ting Award was won by Jason Schoonder-
woerd, Lori Wiliems won the Maplewood
Manor Family Studies Award for a Co-
operative Education Student showing en-
thusiasm and dedication. Aaron Broome
won the McConnell, Stewart and
Devereaux Law Award. Jason Dietz was
presented with the F.A. Dobson Physical
Education Award.
Nancy Godkin won the Haugh -
McNaughton Memorial Scholarship given
to the Grade 11 student with the highest
standing, as well as the Leeming Memorial
Scholarship for the top Grade 11 student.
Andrew Kennedy took the Leeming
Memorial Scholarship as the top Grade 10
student, and David Kennedy won the
Leeming Memorial as the top Grade 9 stu-
dent. David 'also won the Canadian Parent
for French Award.
The Bob Blowes Art Awards were wore
by: David Kennedy, best in Grade 9: An-
drew Kennedy, best in Grade 10: Tammy
Vander Veen, best in Grade 11: and Kate
Papple, most improved overall.
The Huronia Welding and Industrial Sup-
plies award to the best welder was
presented to Mark MacDonald.
And the Alice Daly McConnell Creative
Arts Award for a student who has shown
proficiency in the arts was won by Peter
.:Police join .secrtbeFt compliance blitz
Police forces across Ontario will be en-
forcing the use of seat belts in October,
and Seaforth's is no exception.
"In our observation of Seaforth
motorists, it has become apparent that
many people still do not buckle up," says
Chief of Police Hal Claus. "Many children,
especially toddlers, are standing up in
cars. This is indeed dangerous as tenden-
cy for a parent is to grab a falling child
and let go of the wheel. Please buckle up.
We will be participating in the Ontario
Buckle Up Program during uc, bei . 11
may cost you fifty-three dollars."
If Seaforthites aren't buckling up they
are only following provincial trends. Since
seat belt legislation was introdur', rl in 1976
the compliance rate in Ontario ' only
risen to 70 per cent. In ter, , com-
pliance, Ontario ranks eight' ,,,,,all
' Canadian prov,eces a seatbelt
Accidents statistic, fro• how 545
drivers and 318.passr . toter
vehicles. Sixtyr.)i ,_. those
drivers and 73 pe liter passenger
were not wearii' I. . Had they
been wearing 1 1., esl.infated bet-
ween 2.3 end 27 .- u ,. 'vo eu vived the
Half of the :crdents mvoleue amall
children killed in Ontario each year in
motor veli le accidents are due to nonuse �®
or impr c of child restraint seats. ''October is sea't�be t" rnon�t'h
Test have prow that even with;prior war- As of October I, 1989 those who don't their vehicles.
ning It , in,, ssnee to hold .on to a small buckle up may have to buckle down and
chilu , i ra. .pay a fine of $53,75,
So far this year, .44,per cent of people
killed in the illount. Forest District of the
.0:P,P. (Inclgfiing<.l>tittron Count) were not
Weaving ,seat ..kits and were ejected from
The 1Vlinistry of 'transportation estimates within 40 him from home. Eighty per cent,
'that for every 10 per cent increase in seat of deaths and serious injuries occur in cars
belt compliance province -wide 80 lives travelling under 65 km/h.
•nuld ,aved and injuries affecting 1,320 Myth: If you choose not to wear a seat
persons could be reduced. belt, you are only endangering your own
This month the Ministry of Transporta- safety.
tion Safety Coordination and Development Fact: One of the more common causes
of death and injury to children in
automobile crashes is being crushed by
adults who are not wearing safety belts.
One out of every four serious injuries oc-
curring to passengers of motor vehicles is
caused by people being thrown into one
Myth: In a burning or submerged car,
occupants can be trapped by their safety
Fact: Less than one-half of one per cent
of all injury producing collisions involve
fire or submersion. If such an accident
does occur a safety belt can save your life
Myth: The chances of being in an acci- by keeping you unhurt, alert and able to
dent are slim. escape quickly.
Fact: Everyone can expect to be in a Myth: Pregnant women should not wear
crash once every 10 years. For one out of safety belts,
20 people it will be a serious crash. For Fact: The greatest cause of fetal death
one out of every 60 children born today it in auto accidents is the death of the
will be fatal. mother, so her survival must be first
Myth: It is not necessary to wear a priority. A lap belt won below the "bulge"
seatbelt when making a short trip at low and a snug shoulder belt above will give
speed. the mother and fetus a better chance of
Fact: Three out of four accidents occur survival.
Office will be attempting to explode many
of the myths about seat belt use such as:
Myth: In a crash it is almost always
safer to be thrown out of the car.
Fact: The chances of being fatally in-
jured are almost 25 times greater if you
are thrown from the car than if you are
safely buckled in your seat. If you aren't
wearing safety belt you could be thrown
through a windshield, thrown onto trees,
rocks or other cars, scraped. along the
ground or pavement, run over by your own
or another car.
In the Mount Forest OPP District, which
Saaforth comes under, {A4 per eent,of peo-
ple killed in accidents were not « Wearing
seat ,belts
The fact is this: A short trip to the -store
or to visit a friend in the next village dan
be more .dangerous than a long distance
trip.'a Why? •$ecause ,pegple 'drive more
:short trips, and -,don't Age 'their .seatbelts.
DOLOR CHART - Leslie .,,Harrington, ,BenJamin Moore's Color Coordinator, war, ir,
eaforth Thursday night courrnay,pf...the Seaforth Lioness Club and Hildebrand Paint
-arid .Paper, to hold -a ,wprkshlgp -,on raileartrating..Among the items she touched
ligon ,,wers: color .scheming, Appnge -painting arid :faux finishes. Robinet photo