The Huron Expositor, 1989-09-27, Page 44A -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 27, 1.989
All Oocoalie In.uroO•Wllllln Llnlle. Once Subject To VOnnspllon.
1 YEAR 111
1._. RRSPAR 0.8515 YEAR
,TONANIwt1•;ab Edi
/1 Serving Ontario since 1976 with 15 locations for your convenience
Off c a penin •j
The County of Huron invites the public to attend the official open-
ing ceremonies of the new bridge on the new section of County
Road 15 west of County Road 8 at 2:00 P.M., Friday, October 6,
Opening Ceremonies will continue at the Huron County
Maintenance Garage at Auburn at 3:00 P.M,
Lionel Wilder, Chairman
Road Committee
County of Huron .
We are ready ,fie meet
Comrumty invicolvenient needed t F '11 (P it
Dear Editor:
I am writing to address the subject of
what Seaforth Fall Fair didn't offer last
There were events advertised that did
not happen, but that was due to the
unavailability of manpower on which the
Agricultural Society counted.
Before you utter the statement "Seaforth
Fall Fair has nothing to offer me", please
consider what you night have had to offer
the fair.
Our community is rich in resources of
talented people and the wonderful things
that happen when we all work together are
If you belong to a fellow organization in
our community, what was their response
when the Ag Society asked them to help
by taking midway tickets, running a snack
booth or bingo?
The members of the Agricultural Socie-
ty are just like yourself. They have
families, jobs, farms or businesses and To those organizations and individual
commitments to other community events. citizens who gave the fair board their sup -
Each member is only blessed with one port - a hearty thank you.
pair of hands, and 24 hours in each day. Before next year's fair is upon us, please
They are committed to having think seriously about what you or your
everything you'd like to see at the fair, but group could do to 'help stage a fall fair
many of those events take additional man- that everyone can afford and enjoy.
power and without the support of the whole It'; exciting and Challenging to become
conununity to man them, they can't involved. You can't beat the satisfaction
become a part of the fair. gained from hosting a successful communi-
The midway was a source of contempt ty event!
and no one was more disappointed than New members are always welcome.,
the Agricultural Society. Your ideas and assistance are valued. Con -
It's becoming more and more difficult to tact a member of either the men's or
attract midways to small fairs. An inter- ladies division and come to the meetings.
view with a manager at a convention gives
little indication of what you're going to Sincerely,
have on your doorstep the day nr «ti,. , An Avid Agricultural Society Supporter
Resident ,cornmends letter writer
To the Editor: Let's start using some of this money to
"BRAVO" for Mr. Frank Phillip's arti- benefit the people of Seaforth who have to
cle in last weeks newspaper, Let's hear supply it in their taxes. We need better
more people voicing their opinion, and let roads and sidewalks, paid garbage pickups
the people whom we elected to town coup- etc. - services that other towns supply.
cil know that they better start listening to Let's let the town council know what we
the opinions of the people who elected
them to their positions.
In my opinion, just because $15,000
dollars was set aside for the statue, it
sounds like the committee did not do their
homework so I would say it should go
back to square one and have to go through
the process again and get further public in-
put, in which case I think the statues
should be forgotten about.
Other towns in this day and age are not
crazy enough to waste $15,000 to $20,000 on
a statue, let alone three possible statues.
Some improvements made by the
Streetscape program look .good but let's
get public opinion on every phase and not
just figure their ideas are cast in stone NEVER has an Ontario Bill been more
and can not be changed. discriminating against English-speaking
The planters in front of city hall are out people.
of place. They would not have been in NEVER did the people of Ontario give
front of an approximately 1900 city hall. Mr. Peterson a mandate to proceed with
They would look more fitting in front of a this legislation. He has forgotten that "the
modern high rise. right to govern is derived from the
think. Write letters or cotne out to the
council meeting the second Tuesday night
Yours truly
Bob Litt (resident of Seaforth )
French language extension a tax waste
Dear Editor: - miniscule media 'coverage. If this Bill is
Re: The French Language such fair and equitable legislation, why
Services Act of Ontario were the details not made public? At least
NEVER was there a more damaging Bill 93 per cent of the population of Ontario is
legislated against the people of Ontario. already included in designated areas, ex.
(Millions spent and the true extent of Toronto, with a 1.2 per cent Francophone
designated areas NOT revealed). population, is a designated area• To quote
Bob Runciman, MPP Leeds -Grenville,
"there was no meaningful debate, no
reference to a Standing Committee to take
a look at what the implications of the
legislation meant to Ontario and no record-
ed vote". "I think there has been too much
effort and attempt by this Government to
cover up this issue,' to have meaningful
public discussion about what is happening
in terms of language services in this Pro-
vince', the cost implications, social implica-
tions, etc. This is another Effort to further
that ,program of concealment".
To again quote Mr. Runciman, - the
NEVER was there a greater need for a wholesale extension of French language
legislated Bill to be rescinded! Bill 8, The" services in Ontario represents a "horren-
French Language Services Act was - dons waste of tax dollars", whose passage
'passed on November 18, 1986 with 70 of in 1986 marked one of the "blackest days
125 members absent! WHY! in the history of the Legislature".
of Bill 8. Our future
-recorded in French in the assed in French in eHans rd Report is at ture stake for particulars
Box 22109, Barrie, On -
(the public record) - for the 96 per cent tario IAM 5R3.
English-speaking residents of Ontario? • Yours truly
NEVER was a Loll passed in Ontario
with such secrecy and deceit!
NEVER was there a greater need for in-
formation to bre made available to the
Truck loses cab to fire
Warren Bennewies of RR 5 Seaforth lost
�y.a.ivaehicle,,, Wednesday ,when. a ,flatb-
ed truck hauling a 'compressor was burn-
ed. Mr. Bennewies had recently arrived
home, shut the truck off, and upon retur-
ning to use the vehicle again saw smoke
coming from under the hood.
The fire didn't reach the gas tank before
the Seaforth Fire Department put it out,
and Mr. Bennewies managed to keep the
,flames -away- from, the compressoc.0>7 the
back of the truck up until firetiien rblieb-
ed him. But under the hood and the cab of
the truck were destroyed.
A fire alarm which went off at 3 AM
Tuesday summoned firefighters to the
apartments at 50 Market Street, but it was
a false alarm.
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52.00 Curbside in town every 7 days
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Our Recycling Program is a success - Thanks to your co-operation
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Call for prices
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The 'Blue Tag' assures you of Certified #1 seed. For Purity, quality and top yields
sow Hyland brand certified seed.
The staff at W.G. Thompson P Cons Ltd. are ready
and looking forward r . Flu this fall.
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