HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-30, Page 8+444444+4 ++++++++++++++++ Ir •• •• • • • • • • •• • ♦ •• •• ••• • •• • • Z •• • •♦ • • • • • • • • • •• s,_ • •' ♦ • • • ♦ •4 • • ♦ ♦ • • of •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Course THE W.INGAD1 TIMES NAY 30, 1907 ••••••••••..••••.••••••••• • ' • • • • • • • • • • You Are OOKING for Bargains in WALL PAPER You don't want to face that faded, soiled, old Wall Paper another long year ! It's late—but we know that ! Read on ! We want to buy goods ! Our money is tied up in Wall Paper ! You get the benefit of the situation. Wall Paper usually selling for 6o cents, now 35 Wall Paper usually selling for 5o cents, now 27 Wall Paper usually selling for 35 cents, now 20 Wall Paper usually selling for 25 cents, now 15 Wall Paper usually selling for 15 cents, now 10 Wall Paper usually selling for Io cents, now 7 Wall Paper usually selling for 5 cents, now 31..f cents cents cents cents cents cents cents In addition to all that we have 300 patterns still left to select from ! A Border same price per roll as wall AC'T' ! ! Paper Trimmed Free of Charge • • ie • ♦' • • • ♦ • ♦ • A • • • • e • • •• • - • •• • • • • • •IThe e LET .. V .. I'I° I IN CHINA IN CUT GLASS Collectors of Limoges should call on us at once, as we are making up a large order for early delivery, and wish to buy what you will want. Ask to see our Hand -Painted Hat Pins and Brooches ! Jurniors in OF LADIES HOME JOURNAL Wo>IAN'S HOME COMPANION PEARSON'S SMART SET SHORT STORIES FRY'S ARGosv ELITE AMERICAN BROADWAY WORLD GRAND OCEAN TOILETTE MECIIANICS' Tell us which to reserve for you. Mazazines come every 2 days. Will order for you any pub- lished in the world. No extra charge. Big Book Store 1 r Fine Slaliooery, We always will have on hand the best obtainable lines of FINE STA- TIONERY for all occasions and purposes. White or colors. High priced and otherwise. See us for TABLETS ! We've $300.00 worth on the shelves, just in, at Loc to 5oc each. CONTRACTS made with SCHOOLS FOR SUPPLIES. - - R. E. Saunders • YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. SUCCESSOR TO K. M. FISHER. • • Sporting Go ods are our Specialty. 'Nuff Sed. ••••••••••600000000©•0000. 00`000000.00++0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 ♦040•eo4,0eo0•o••s••so•ose♦ PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. 11 you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send ue a note to that afoot. • Velvet can be cleaned by rubbing with • • a ,loth that has been dipped in powder- • ed magnesia. Shake occasionally, and • w' .en entirely gone over brush with • rather a stiff brash. Mr D. Showers, of London was visit- ing with old Wingham friends for a few days. Mrs L. F. Brown, of Galesburg, Ill., is a guest at the residence of Dr. A. J. Irwin. Miss Mollie Hammond was visiting for a few days with friends in St. Thomas. Mrs. W. F. Glasgow, of St. Thomas was visiting with Mrs. J. A. Taylor for a few days. Miss Mand Sherk, of Detroit, was visiting for a few days at her parental home in town. Mr. H. Davis was visiting with his brother, Mr. W. R. Davis at Mitchell for over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murdcoh, of Hensall were visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, Q $3,5001000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $4,500,000 Total, Assets, per 45,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly— end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Misses Lillie Hisoox and Etta Baker R. Vanatone, Solicitor. of Teeswater were guests of Miss Jennie Walker last week. • Mr. A. J. Nicholls spent a few days of the past week visiting relatives and friends in London. Mr. D. R. McKay, of the Clinton News -Record was calling on Wingham friends on Monday. Mrs. Thos. McCracken, of London was visiting for a few days with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. Frank Quirk, of Buffalo, was visiting for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk. Miss Hattie Wellwood, of Toronto visited with her paren s, Mr and Mrs. Wm Wellwood for over the holiday. Mrs, Taylor, of London was visiting for a few days with her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. McCracken, Frances street. Mrs Phippen, sr left an Tuesday morning for Michigan, where she will speud several months with her daughter. Mise McGregor, of town, and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, of Turnberry, were visit- ing for a few days with friends in Mit- chell. Mr. and Mr. F. H, Walley and Miss Dorothy Walley were visiting for a few days with relatives at Brantford and Ingersoll. Mr. Horace Hodgson, of Toronto, was visiting with his parents for a few days prior to leaving for Chicago, where he will accept a good position. Messre R. Maxwell, of the Blnevale Road and John Aitken, of Culross, sail on the Empress of Britian on Friday of this week. They will spend several weeks in Scotland, viewing the sconces of their boyhood. Dr. Ovens, of Loudon, who is well known to many our readers, will leave shortly on an extended trip to Van- couver, B.C., where he has large finan- cial interests. He will bo away for a couple of months. . Mr. E. H. Ayer, excursion agent of the White Star Line, of Detroit was in town on Friday, looking after matters in connection with the excursion on the Greyhound from Goderich to Detroit on June 18th. Full particulars of the ex- cursion will be found in our advertising columns. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodgson left this week for Calgary where they intend re- siding in the future, their son, Joseph Hodgson, now living in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgsou have for many years been residents of Wingham and their numerous friends here will wish them many years of happiness in their West- ern home. THE WOMAN AT HOME. • • • • MINOR LOCALS. —.Acelebration will be held at Brus- sels on Dominion Day. Wingham races on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. —Huron Connty Council will meet at Goderich next Tuesday, —Mr Elmer Moore bas the booth privi- leges at Wingham races next week. --Dr. Lewis, M.P.P., of Orangeville, died suddenly at Toronto on Friday. —W. G. Patterson, the Jeweler, has a new advt. in another column. Read it. —The question frequently asked, "What will Wingham's tax rate be this year?" —Mr. Fred A. Lewis, piano tuner, ex- pects to be in Wingham about the last of ,June. —Regular monthly mooting of the 'town Council will be held next Monday evening. —The work of laying the brick for the new Hanna store was started cn Tuesday. ---Mr fl T.Entler, a resident of Strat- ford for 52 years and a veteran newspaper man, died on Friday last. --Copies of the now Bell Telephone direotory have been delivered to the local subscribers this week. —Tile high wind on Monday knocked sign board throng the plate glass win- dow in Robt. Knees store. —The Bee ]live Co has sold their general store business at Gorrie to Mr, R. H. Stephens. of Mitchell. --Mrs. John Oeultes, of Morris is nn - =lug treatment in the Hospital here, the oar of Dr Tamyln. —The regular meeting of Conrt Mait- land, Canadian Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. —A good taste of summer weather on Sunday and on Monday we aro back in- to winter, with a good snow storm. —Mrs Wm Goggin, of Fordwich, who underwent au operation at the Hospital on Friday last, is rapidly improving. —A number of Wingham members of the Masouio Lodge were in Wroxeter on Tuesday attending the funeral of Mr, Galbraith. —Dr. A J. Irwin is steadily convalesc- ing after his operation at the hospital and expects to be in his office on Satur- day, Juno 8th, —South Bruce Farmers' Institute will hold its annual meeting at the home of Mr Herbert Stuckey, con. 10, Cnlross, on Wednesday, June 5th. A black spaniel dog strayed on the premises of Mr. Samuel Peddle, near Whitechnrch a few days ago, Owner can have the dog by calling at Mr. Peddle's, —The rugular meeting of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital will bo hold in the Council Chamber on Monday afteraeon, June 3rd at 4 15 (harp, ---Jane May, wife of Mr. John Gowdy of the B. Line of Howick, passed away on Monday evening of last week, agcd 41 years. Deceased was a neice of Mrs. Agnes Scott, of this town. —The Independent Forresters of Ear). ter have arranged for an excursion to Niagara Falls on June 20th. The ex- cursion will take in the stations on the L., H. &B., starting at Wingham. —Miss Mary Hyslop, of Teeswater, was united is marriage to Mr. Chas, O'Drowskte, of Guelph, at a quiet wed- ding which took place at the home of Rev- Mr. Marshall, Berlin, Thursday afternoon. —At the annual meeting of the On- tario Medical Association held in Toron- to this week, Dr. J. P. Kennedy's name appears on the programme to open the discussion on the Clinical Diognosfs of Maliquart tumors. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Three Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church. —The regular meeting of Wingham L. 0. L. No. 794, will bo held on Friday evening, June 7th. All members are requested to attend, as there is import- ant bnsiness to be transacted beside the conferring of degrees, etc. Fox SALn.—Brick honso and lot; also a good brick house with all modern conviences; hard and soft water, good barn, and from one to four acres of land. Get particulars at the Trmas office. —At a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee of the Town Council, held on Monday evening, the contract for tapping the water mains when water is wanted by citizens of the town was awarded to J. Bugg & Son, At the village of Bright, in Oxford county, Wm McKie and his aged mother were found dead in their home. It is believed Wm mnrdered his mother by administering chloroform and then took his own life. A Baltimore woman who had a per- fect treasure Ot a cook, was horrified re- cently when Maggie came to her, say- ing:•-•-"Plase, mum, I'm givin' ye a Wake's notioe." "Why, Maggie I" ex- claimed the lady of the house, "this is a surprise! Aren't you satisfied here? Do you hope to better yourself?" "Well no, mann," responded Maggie. "'Tis not exaotly that. The fact, mum, I'ni goin' to get married." CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Was established wonty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor- able dealiuge with its patrons has become one of the largest and most - widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. - The demand upon ns for commer- cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students aro entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Thefirsistep Often means so much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried post. tion. Take the step to -day. Address, Central Business College, 395 Tonga street, Toronto. W. 11. SHAW, Principal. W. T. hzy-0..97.4.50....r.ir_aziF47,74..w...ri„ Save tea leaves for washing varnished paint. When sufficient leaves have ac- cumulated steep them for thirty minut- es in a tin vessel and then strain through a sieve. This water will give varnished paint a newer and fresher appearance than a washing with soap and water. When you wish to press a new waist fold a clean sheet so that there will be four thicknesses, pin tightly over ironing board, sprinkle with warm water and press the wnist on it, For the woman who does her own laundry work great saving of tilne and strength may be found in the use of the small 5 cent vegetable brushes. No Canadian missionary boards have missionaries stationed near the scene of the troubles in China. BORN. ON THE CEORCIAN BAY AN Ideal Summer Resort on Lake Huron, OWEN SOUND, CANADA Ringsal Hotel and park Golf Links, Bowling Greens, Lawn Tennis Courts, Croquet Lawn, Safe Boating and Bathing, 70 Acres of Gounds, Minature Railway in Grounds, Orchestra and Dancing,SummerTheatre, Athletic Grounds. Cuisine unexcelled. Service first-class. Reasonable transient and family rates. Booklet free. FRANK H. NORMAN, Manager. MUST CONSIDER 1 Ithe amount of Tea and Coffee I consumed, and yet little attention is given to the quality, IOftentimes gets no consideration and yet it is TnoMIPclO:i—In Teeswater, on May 20th, the wifo of Mr. Fred M. Thompson ; a daughter. MORE IMPORTANT COLPIN—In Culross, on May lath, the 'wife of Robt Colvin; a daughter. to consider this than to consider the quality of the cloth we wear. 3 QUALITY 3 8xtrAirr—In Wroxeter, on May 17th, the wife of Mr C. Stuart; twins, sons. MARRIED HANaT—aTEIniNe ,—In St. Stephen's Church Gerrie, on Wednesday, May 2°nd, by Rev. J. H. Farr, Clara Elsie Steurnol, of Howick, to W. H. Raney, of Bluevalo. PAtTT,tx--MCMICUArO -A1 the home of the bride'sparents on Wednesday "2nd inst., by Rev J. I1. Osterhout, Miss Elsie'lloMichaelto Cleo Paulin, both of Wroxeter. DIED ANnxnsoN—In Wingham, on May 29ti1.Leon- era B. R. Anderson, aged 23 years, 5 months and 14 days. The funeral will leave tho residence of his father, Mr. R. Anderson corner Victoria and Frances streets, on Friday, 31st inst., at 2 30 o'clock for Wingham cemetery. AnAMs—In Betmore on May 22nd, Charles Adams, in his 70th year. BTTxsox—Ta Gorrie, on May Isth Lydia Baird $imson, relict of the Iate Alek Stinson, aped 18 years and 11 months. Clower --In Howlek on May 20th, Jane Nay, wife of Jelin B.(+owds,'line, Howick, aged 40 years, 6 montha and a8 ay"s. Nothing exeels a good eup of Tea and Coffee. I handle nothing but best grades and whatever price you pay, YOU'LL CET QUALITY Prices 25e to 750 per lb. 1. Henry Christi Grover and China Merchant CAPITAL PArn UP: TOTAT, ASSETS: RasatVa Porro: 52,500,000 Thirty-two Million Dollars 7{2,500,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of interest allowed. 96 Branches throughout Canada. WINGHArl BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALTZER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. II. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000• Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED] 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGl. SEASONABLE GOODS ! COMPLETE STOCK OF Hoes Garden Rakes Spades Shovels Sheep Shears Sprays Corn Planters .Bug Exterminators Paris Green Ditching and Post Hole Tools Sprinkling Cans Have yon seen our LAWN MOWERS, SCREEN WINDOWS, DOORS and HAMMOCKS ? It would be a pleasure to show you these goods. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. BISHOP. Meeting of ihHuron County BULL AND OG FOR SERVICE COnCII, The council of the of Huron will meet the Town of Goderi Tuesday,°June the the county, requiri ed with the Clerk b Dated May 20th, 1 orporation of the County the council chamber, in h, at 3 o'clock on June th. All accounts against settlement must be plac- Yore day of meetiu W. LANE, Clerk. 7. The undersign will keen for service on his. premises, Lots 11 nd 12, Con. 1, Turnberry, (Win haln Ju tion) the Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, 'Admiral," No. 55090. Admiral is from impor ed etcx c. Terns 01.00, with. privilege of re ruing if necessary. Thorough- breds 05.00, Also have f • service a good .thoroughbred Yorkshire Ho . Terms $1.00. payable at time • of service. ALEX. DAVIDSON, Wingham P. 0. June Cas Sa e We offer our large and splendid stock Watches, Clocks, Silverware Rings, S e acres, Jewelry of all kinds AT PRICES WHICH WILL SURPRISE YOU. FOR JUNE MONTH ONLY ! This is a chance of a lifetime to buy good jewelry >"01 We keep the English Tiffany and Betcher Wedding Rings. W. G. Pa►.tterson-- 0. T. R. Watch Inspector, WINGAM.