HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-30, Page 5The Blue Front Store.
Quality, Style
and Economy
$2.50 hats For $1.50.
A limited number of our Black Hard Hats must go
in order to give space to our hot weather head
wear, They are are all this season's shapes, all
sizes from 612 up; quality guaranteed. This is
genuine and is your opportunity, Regular $2.5o
Hard Hats, this week only, for -
Clot Weather Suits
The two-piece outing Suit which has been so
,popular in the past,'is this season again to the front. We
are showing a splendid assortrnent in grey homespuns and
worsteds, single and double breasted styles. No lining
except where needed to insure good tailoring. We invite
you to make comparisons.
Special Values $7.50, $8,50, $10 and $14.
We are in the shoe business and are showing a
splendid assortment for Men and Boys. Every line is
represented in our stock from the fine patent leather makes
to the heavy plough boots. Our prices are right
McGeo & CamiJe'
Come with the crowd and leave your order
for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from
dirt and clinkers, It has no equal.
04000004.11-40000000000 401""m"".
Br." TR
We congratulate Mr. John 0. Brown
on having passed bis second year at' the
Detroit Medical College with honors.
The glorious lath ox July will be oele-
braced in Blyth on a big goalie. A num.
ber of lodges have already signified their
intention of attending the celebration in
representative numbers. An excellent
program, will be provided.
The baseball club has been re -organ -
Ned with the following officers:—Presi-
dent, Jas, McMu chie; Manager, T. B.
McArter; Captain. E. McMillan; Seore-
tary-treasurer, W. Watson; Managing
Committee, Manager Captain and R,
What About Tour Kidneys,
Your book ashes and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
Your'e discouraged, but you mustn't
give up, The battle eau be quickly won
when Dr Hamilton's Pills gets to work.
These kidney specialists bring new
health and vitality to young and old
alike. Even one box proves their mar -
veletas power. Continue this great heal-
er and your kidneys will become as
vigorous, as able to work as new ones.
Remember this, Dr. Hamilton's Pills
are purely vegetable; they do cure liver,
bladder and kidney trouble. They will
cure you, or your money baok. Price
25c per box, at all dealers.
Patrick Gibbons, who was accident-
ally injured at Harry Chamney'e barn -
raising, is, we are pleased to say, again
able to be around.
A number of the Wawanosh teachers
were attending the Association meeting
at Exeter last week.
Roy Staokhouse, son of Wm. Stack-
house, has given up farming and has
gone to Brantford for the present.
Wm. Staokhouse has sold the south
hundred acres of his farm to A. W.
Hardisty for $4,000. This is a consider-
able advance upon the price at which
this farm was sold three or four years
That Dry Cough is I3ronshitik
If neglected it will weaken the throat
and finally ranch the langs. Nothing
eimpler than inhaling the healing vapor
of Catarrhozone. Its action is like magic,
so helpful, so easy to apply. Be done
with Bronchial trouble for all time!
Catarrhozone does core the worst cases,
will cure you, too. Sold everywhere,
25o and $1.00 under absolute guarantee
of satisfaction.
Malcolm Cameron, of Anderson,
Blanshard township, was a visitor at L.
Addie's, 13th con.
Sabbath school has opened at Roe's,
with a good staff of teachers. John
Bryans is Superintendent. School meets
at 9 30 a. m.
Frank Anderson and bride, of De-
troit, were guests with L. Addie, 13th
con. Mr. Anderson is a brother of Mrs.
Addie. It was a wedding trip.
Satneday,May 18th, Harold, the second
son of Louis and Annie Hollinger, 10th
con., died, aged 8 years, 5 months aid 18
days. The Iad had a bielding ear, the
trouble ,affecting the brain resulting
in hie demise, He was a bright boy and
will be greatly missed.
There will be no service in the Metho-
dist church next Sunday evening. The
pastor, Rev. W. A. Finlay is attending
the Conference meeting at Goderich.
Many peop'e in this district are using
incubators this spring, Some are hav-
ing very good success and others think
of going back to the old way—aetting
Oar hardware merchant, Mr. J. T.
Holmes, now has an excellent stock, and
will get a good trade if a large stock,
proper prices and olose attention to
business will bring it.
Not mush work in the building line
has been done in this section this spring.
Your correspondent saw two farmers
putting away their sleighs on Saturday.
Winter must surely be over now.
Seasona) e Goos a
Reasonae Prices
We have a large assortment in the following lines.
—LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's
We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver,
and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand.
JUST ARRIVED—A carload of Hanover cement.
A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch.
Give us a call {'or anythingyou might require in the line of Hardware and
Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money.
Young's Big Hardware.
That hacking cough continues
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened,
Take Scott'j Emulsion.
It builds up and strengthens your entire systems,
It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so
prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest.
It is expected that the balance of the
briok for tbe new school building will
be delivered this week.
Communion service will be held in the
Presbyterian Chnroh on Sunday morn-
ing, June 9th.
A degree team has been organized in
connection with Court Belgrave, Cana-
dian Furresters and the work will be
Fut on in good shape after a short time
at practice,
Mr. John Wightmau will represent
Court Belgrave at the anneal meeting
of the High Court of the Canadian For-
esters to be held in St Thomas the second
week of Jnne.
Mr Robt Irwin, of the 10th ooncession
of East Wawanoah had three horses kill-
ed by being struck by lightning on Sun-
day afternoon, They ware a one and
two year old and a working mare. The
horses were near the barn when they
were struck. Mr, Irwin's loss will be
about 5500 and he had insurance in the
West Wawanosh Matnal.
Lawrence Lovell, who died at his
home iu Wroxeter, ou May 16th, cams
to Canada from the south of Ireland in
1848. and settled in Oxford County. He
was married in 1852 to Mary Gillespie,
a native of Scotland, who has proved
herself a true and worthy helpmate in
every reepeot. In 1866 the deceased
removed to the 2nd con , Turnberry,
where, by the co-operation of a devoted
wife and loving family, he established a
beautiful home. Four years ago be re-
tired to Wr.xeter, where he enjoyed a
well earned rest, from the exacting duties
and the cares of life. Tho deceased was
an earnest and faithful member of the
Presbyterian church, and a great friend
of the ministers of the Gospel. He was
held in high esteem by the community
at large. He was a Reformer in politics,
and read the Globe since 1852. Mr.
Lovell was the last of a large family to
pass to their reward. A widow, five
sons and six daughters mourn their irre-
parable lose.
Why Remain Thin and Pato?
Pale people have pale blood. The
stomach is wrong, assimilation is poor
and food is not changed into blood. The
system lacks vitality and reopustrnative
power which oan be sdpplied by Ferro.
zone. It braces tho appetite, digestion
is stimulated, that you eat is transform-
ed into the kind of nutriment your sys-
tem requires. Vital life-giving blood
that makes rosy cheeks, strength that
defies weariness, spirit and ambition all
come from Ferrozone.,. Nothing in the
annals of medicine so sure to build up
and strengthen as Ferrozone, Try a
50c box. Sold everywhere.
Minutes of Council meeting held in
Clerk's offioe, Blnevale, on Monday,
May 27th. Members of Council all
present. The Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting were read and
adopted on motion df .Messrs. Moffatt
and MoMicheal. Communication from
township engineer, re McDougall drain
was filed. The Reeve reported in favor
of grant of $2 to Peter D. King for tile
for road allowance.
McMisheal--Rntherfofd--That the
Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Alex.
Hastie to remove all his fences off 6 line
before the let day of July next.—Uarrted.
Rutherford—Moffatt—That no action
be taken on proposed County Bylaw re
Good Road expenditure.—Carried.
Ratherford—MoMicheal—That James
Porter be employed to repair government
drain in con. 12 where washed out.—
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued :—Peter D. King, 52,
tile. for drain; John McTavish, $65,
Assessor's salary and postage.
MoMicheal—Kelly—That the meeting
do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, on Monday, Jane 24th
next at 10 o'clock a.m.—Carried.—Jorer
Minutes of Court of Revision held in
the Clerk's office, Blnevale, on Monday,
May 27th. Members of Court all present.
The Reeve in the chair. The members
having all subscribed their oath of office
as members of the Court of Revision,
the Court was opened in due form as
per notice when the the following
appeals were laid before the Court:—
Robt. Weir, assmt. rednbed $100; G.N.
W. Telegraph Co., aesmt. reduced $310;
Daff & Stewart, Flax Co., real estate
transferred to them and assmt. reduced
5700; Morris Smeltzer asemt. reduced
$100; George E. Wright, assmt. reduced
$200; Mrs. and E. Mills asemt. trans.
ferred from John Ashton to them; David
Adams assd. tenant M F, Belmore; Mrs.
E Thompson's assmt, transferred to
David Miller, tenant NIB; Albert Walk-
er mad M F, lot 11, con 6; David Colvin
assd 111-0, lot 10, son 8; R 3 Underwood
assd M F, lot 9 con 8; Alex Robertson
seed M F lit 23, con 8; Milton Edmund-
son assd M F', lot 13, con 4; James 3.
Powell assd M F, lot 11, con 6; Isaac
Deyell aged, M F, lot 56, Vit T P; Robt.
Deyell amid MF, lot 51.52,- W T P; F.
Keys amid M F tenant, lot 62, D S, Blue -
vale; Samuel Chittick ivied M F, lot 5,
con 6; Wm. Finley aesd M F, lot 54, W.
T P; George Wilson aced M F r, lot 23,
con 11; James Nichol assd M F, lot 22,
con 10; L Orvis aesd M F F, s? 15, son
B; Robt, Campbell amid M F 1 ,lot 42,
W T P; J Finley, aced M F, lot 852, W
T P. McMioheal—Moffatt—That the
j Court of
ben w
closed and
that the Assessment RoII as revised and
I corrected be the Assessment Roll for the
yearlr,1907—Carried. dolma Bunce ss,
The frame work and roof of the old
.Presbyterian church will be sold by pub-
lic auction on Wednesday, June 5th at
6 o'clock p.m. The building is 54 x 50
ft and20ft high and the frame is of rock
elm timber free from rot,
The Scotch social and concert held in
the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday evening,
under tbe auspices of the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Presbyterian Church was
largely attended. The entertainment
was one of the best held in the village
for some time.
Miss Jean Hibkirk of Brussels visited
with friends here this week.
Miss Berva Bryans, spent the Twenty-
fourth at the home of her friend, Mies
Laura Cardiff of Brussels.
Messrs F. T. Bryans and Finlay Frac-
sr, attended the Teachers' Convention
at Guelph on Wednesday and Thursday
of last week.
Mr and Mrs Geo Eckmier and Miss
Faroe visited with friends at Ethel on
the twenty-fourth.
Robt Forrest, teacher at Dungannon,
spent the reoeut holiday at the parental
home here.
Miss Pearl Baker of Blnevale visited
recently at the home of Geo. Eckmier.
We are pleased to know that I hos,
Wilson, who underwent several opera-
tions for frostbitten feet in a S:rn'a
hospital, is so far reoovered that he will
be able to be at home in a few days,
Donald Innes, of Moorefield recently
called on friends here.
W. 11. Kerr, of the Post, Brussels,
conducted service in Victoria Hall last
Sunday evening.
A. F. MacDonald attended the Meer -
al of bis friend, the late Dr J. 0. Martin
at Whiteohuroh on Thursday last.
Help near at hand
Is what you, want when sickness hap.
pens at night. Can you possibly find
the equal of Nerviline? No, for it
stands unequalled ill curing pain, inter.
nal or local. Earache, toothache and
neuralgia disappear in a jiffy. Rab it
on and away flies the pain. For orampe,
vomiting or indigestion, all you need is
ten drops in sweetened water. Sick or
well you'll find Polson's Nerviline in-
valuable in your house. Get a large 25c
bottle to -day.
Council met as a court of revision on
Monday. Minutes will appear in our
next issue.
Harry D. Ainlay, teacher, was away
to Guelph to the Teachers' Convention,
An addition will be built to the barn
on John Broadfoot's farm, 5th line.
Cement stabling has bean put under it.
Mrs, Donald Carrie, 4th line, is back
from a visit of 4 Reeks with relatives in
Hamilton. Her little grand daughter,
Rhea Arnold, came back with her.
A short time ago Philip Aubury, a
former resident of the 3th line, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wolfitt
at Clio, Mich., aged 90 years. Deceased
resided with his son, Edward Aubury,
here and removed 18 or 20 years ago.
Thos. Clark, 5th line, sold 5 dandy
Tamworth pigs to the buyers, Al-
though only 5 months old their aggre-
gate weight was 1400 pounds. He re-
ceived $6.60 per cwt. This kind or hog
raising should pay.
It is not all gain even on the farm,
Robert Currie, 4th line, lost a roadster
foal last week. This is the Sth sncces•
sive year that the same thing has hap-
pened with him but he sticks to it with
commendable earnestness.
Baby's Own Tablets contain no opiate,
no narcotic, no poisonous drug. The
mother who uses these Tablets for her
ohildren has the guarantee of a govern-
ment analyst as to the tru • of these
statements. This medici. : can there-
fore be used with absola = safety, and it
always cures such tro • •les as indiges-
tion, sour stomac, c• , stipation, Diarra-
koea and colic. • : Tablets cure simple
fevers, break np 'olds, destroy worms
and make teething easy. Mrs, W. H.
Young, Roslin, Ont., says:—"I have
used Baby's Own Tablets as needed for
more than a year and would not be with-
out them in the house. They are just
the thing for teething babies and other
minor ailments." The Tablets cost only
25 cents a box and may be had from
medicine dealers or by mail from The
Dr. Williams Medicine 0a., Brockville,
The son of Mr Arch McNeil had a
very narrow escape from death one day
last week. He was working with a team
of horses, attaohed to a wagon, when
the horses ran away down the lane. The
young man was thrown from the rig and
the waggon passed over his body. He
was badly braiahed, but fortunately no
bones were broken, and it is hoped Mr.
McNeil will soon be able to be around
Fourteen persons were killed and
many injured in an electrical storm in
Northern Texas, on Friday. Many
houses and barns were demolished, and
a large quantity of live stock killed.
The widow' of the late President Mo-
Kinley of the United States, died on
Sunday, at her home in Canton, Ohio,
in her GOth year. She was stricken with
paralysis about ten days previously.
New .Idea Agent for
IriAVy det►
Only 100 7'atterntr
H. E. Isard & G
Quality and Prices
We are ready with the Largest and Best stook of
Whllawaar, Shirt Waists1 Esc
we have ever shown. Slsrew:1 Buyers will do well to see
our atoek before baying elsewhere.
Special Value in White Lawn Waists
The "Gale shake," every size sure to fit, beth Lnng and Short;
Sleeves, Prices are $1, $1.25, $1.50. $2, $2,50.
• White Underskirts .
Made fall wide width, nicely trimmed with Lace and Embroidery.
• Alt prioes. See our special line at $1.25,
1 Children's White Lawn Dresses
iA full range of sizes in pretty drama for children, Prises are veru
:1 moderate; and are cheaper than you oan have them made. SEE OUR
• Ladies' White Linen Skirts.
Nicely made. See them.
• Ladies' Drawers
▪ 1
A good stuck to choose from. Six dozen EXTRA SPECIAL, Good
value at 50c ; while they last, only 39c.:
♦ 4
• Japanese China!
4. 4ea+0♦000000♦ ♦t♦04000♦0•
roc .
When we place on sale a window full of 4
New goods at half prices, for June weddings.
Don't forget the date.
Tne Presbytery of Maitland met in
Luoknow on May 21st with the Rev,
John Radford, Moderator in the chair.
The Rev. Messrs. Melanie (Presby-
terian), Saunders (Episcopalian), and
Miller (Methodist), being present, were
invited to sit as corresponding members.
Mr. West intimated that it was the
purpose of the Women's Home Mission-
ary Society to send one of their number
to spend two weeks in our Presbytery in
June, and that she would be prepared to
add the women of the congregations
dur hat time. Any congregation
deal ser services should commnni-
catt with Mr. West.
Mr. Radford stated that Miss Bette
was prepared to address auy Young
Peoples', or Women's Society within
the bounds on the subject of French
Evangelization with a view to interest
them in the Pointe Aux Trembles
Schools. Those desiring to have her
address them might communicate with
her. Her Address is, "Oare of Rev. D.
Tait, 13 A , Teeswater."
The Statistical report was presented
by Mr. MacNab, in the absence of the
Convener. This showed a decrease of
$116.00 in the Presbytery for stipend as
compared with last year, an increase of
$1430.00 for the schemes of tare Church
and kindred purposes, and it gain of
50035 00 for all purposes. The kindred
purposes meutioded in connection with
the Church schemes such as Bible
Society, and Lord's Day Alliance con-
tributions were not, however, included
in the previous year's report.
Messrs Perrie, Thistle and MacNab
were appointed a oommitteo on Standing
Committees, with instructions to report
at the September meeting.
The final list of Commissioners to the
general Assembly is as follows: Messrs.
D. Perritt, R. W. Craw, A. Miller, and
1 A, C. Wishart, Ministers, find Messrs,
Peter Cream, W. C. Smith, Wm Hen-
derson a.d Wm J. Pomeroy, elders.
liar, Barnett gave notice of kis inten-
ntention to move at the Sept. meeting that
the Moderator ba elected in future for
six months.
Oa motion of Messrs Miller and Mo-
Kerroll, a conference took place on the
administration of the Sacrament of Bap
tism to children of parents who ase not
members in full communion, at the con
conclusion of which Mr Miller present-
ed an overture on the subject of Bap-
tism for transmission to the General As•
sembly. The-Overtnre was adopted by
the Presbytery, Mr MacLennan dissent-
The thanks of the Presbytery were
tendered to the Rev Mr Miller, and the
Official Boird of the Methodist Church
for their kindness in granting the use of
their Church Building for the present
The business being concluded the
Presbytery adjourned to meet at Teese-
water on the third in September at 2
p. m. ANDREW MA('N.A»,
Walton, Clerk of Presbytery.
G. B Berland of Montreal, president
of ;the British American Bank Note
Company, died at Los Angeles, Cal., on
Rev John Kaye, Methodist minister,
of Platteville, formerly of Remittoii,
Brantford, Dnndt s, Oakville, eta., died
last week, aged 60 years.
"Dear Mr President, I want you to let
Jeanie 0. of Co. onth, 5th South Caro
ling Regiment, conte home and gek
married. "Teems is Vvillin', I is willin'
his mammy says she willin', but Seems
Capt'in he ain't willin', Now when we
are all willin"rapt Jeeme Gapt'in, 1:
let n and J
mi ht
think ou
come. yI'll make him go straight b'ick
when he's dont+ got married and fight
hard as eve:', '"'Stour affectionate friend"
and so forth,