HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-08-30, Page 1616A — THE-HURON=EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 30, 1989 `34. AUCTION SALES 34. -AUCTION SALES O°UTA F i r, , ; . . TAI I ,U I N We would -like to take this opportunity to'Invlte you to an texcellent wile, Friday, September 8th at 7:00 p:m. at DAVIDSON COMMUNITY CENTRE, Durham Street, KINCARDINE. —PREVIEW 1-7 P!M.— e e **DON'T MISS THIS SALE* * FINE ''FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES We have acquired a complete line of dining and bedroom suites, antiques, estate furnishings, classic reproductions and collectibles, along with many interesting and unusual items, such as: hand painted porcelain; marble top washstands; French bookcases; desks; carousel horses; rocking horses; child's wicker buggies & much, much more. Auctioneer: Brian Daboll IF YOU MISSED OUR FIRST SALE ON JULY 14th YOU WON'T WANT TO -MISS THIS ONEI See your local newspaper for detailed listing, next week. For further in- formation: Janssen Antiques, 418.562-4595, Dick Janssen, REG BADLEY 345-2564 BILL PRESZCATOR 233.3220 38. SERVICE .DIRECTORY JIM PRESZCATOR — 522-0185 HOUSEHOLD AUCTIOIT Brussels Arena Thurs., Sept. 14 a 6:30 Prop. - Fred Thuell Consignments welcome FULL LISTING NEXT WEEK Seaforth Office Open Monday to Friday 5527-2540 VEA LS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3/ miles east of Exeter Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP of McKILLOP Tender for Asphalt SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to con- tents, will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. o'clock TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1989 For approximately 270 imperial Tons of Asphalt H.L.4 to be supplied, hauled, laid and roiled on MckiUop Township Road Conc. 2 & 3, Lot 26. A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the contract price, payable to the Clerk - Treasurer, Township of McKillop must ac- company each Tender. All Tenders must be submitted on Tender forms which are available at the Township Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- cepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario, WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1 SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK TWO 519-527-1916 39. CARD OF THANKS 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate Of MARGARET COYNE All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF MARGARET COYNE, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, who died on the 10th day of June 1989 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of September 1989 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received, Dated a1 Seaforth, Ontario this 13th day of July 1989. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the etcecutors 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 TREE TRIMMING and removal, reasonable rates and prompt service. Phone evenings 519-527-1939 38-35-2 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Millet 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton /�q ��Ifp ,,0WA/TT-/-��y-- ,CONST't.3,D/,erioL� Concrete .and General,Contrectirig ,eFOUNDATIONS " JDEWALKS =!.DRIVEWAYS seFI;;QOf ING RiR. •N1. AUBUAN,-QNT,,,NOM 4E0 (5/9)52840M ' WALSH We, the family of the late John J. Walsh, wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. David Williams tor his constant caring and concern, to Dr. Andrew Hussey for his truthfulness and total commitment to his patient, and to Dr. Art VanWairaven for his expertise, during the past months of Dad's illness. Words are in- adequate to express our appreciation to Miss Florence Gunderman R.N., Co-ordinator of the Palliative care program, Stratford .General Hospital, for, her continuous explanations, comfort, strength' and compassion at a time in our lives' when we were desperately in need and were in 'no position to know even what to ask. Our thanks to the nurses and staff of Stratford General over the past year of Dad's - 'illness, and most recently on 4 North, for their dedicated care, allowing him to be himself, and appreciating his sense of humour. We know you feel our loss. He felt that you were family. To relatives, neighbours, friends and associates for the love and support given to him during his time in hospital and shown after his death by floral arrangements, acts of kindness, food brought to our homes, prayers sympathy cards, mass offerings, and dona- tions to charities, our heartfelt thanks. Know- ing that we were in your thoughts helped us through this time. To Mrs. Jill Hardy, Rev. M. Maclsaac, Rev. R. Boerkamp, and Rev. Bour- que; all of whom visited and prayed with Dad in hospital, our grateful thanks for helping him feel at peace. Our sincere thanks to the W.G. Young Funeral Home for their profes- sionalism, concern and guidance at our time of great loss: Thanks also to the Canadian Legion, Branch 156 Seaforth, the church choir, the pallbearers, and the C.W.L. who supplied the lunch, Every thoughtful act is deeply appreciated and remembered. The Walsh family. 39-35-1 MALONEY We would like to thank our neighbors and friends for the lovely gift and going away par- ty. Special thanks to Ray and Eleanor, Leon and Mary. Jim and Jean Maloney. 39-35-1 HURON CHAPTER OF EPILEPSY On behalf of the Huron Chapter of Epilepsy, I wish to extend a very special thanks to all those who helped make Glad Days so suc- cessful, especially GLAD DAYS Co -Ordinator Claire Eckert, Audrey Cameron, Mary Scott and all the Glad Day Volunteers who worked so diligently for the sale of Glads in Seaforth. We would also like to give a very special thanks to: SEAFORTH TOWN COUNCIL for permitting qur Chapter to sell Glads on the streets of Seaforth. Thanks again from the Huron Chapter of Epilepsy. 39-35-1 •HUGILL We would like to say a special thank you for the excellent care that was given to. Dad in both the Seaforth Community Hospital and the Seatgrth Manor. Special thanks to -all the nursing staff and kitchen staff in both. places. Also special thanks to Dr. Malkus forall his ex- cellent care given to Dad. We would also say a special thanks to BilllecLaughlinand hisfami- ly for the delicious lunch -they ,prepared. and ,served to us. Also, arspeoial •thanks-to.Atldrey McLiwain, Anne•Sills,-Betty'Beutenmlllereurd Janis Vincent for the lovely meal they prepared and served to us and to .everyone thatsent food to our house, .We.would.also ,tike to -thank the,Masonic Lodge for•their lovely sendce:,3pecialthanksto'Rev. Dickie of;Strat- ford teethe service. Thanks to Carol Carter and Caroline McQuaid for the lovely Music they played. Your 'thoughtfulness wilLalways be:remembered. The Hugill Family. 39-35-1 .Y r,-9Pl gial sthanksetar c(octPrs sandetJurses ,at Setaforth eHospital for Abair -excellent-:care. ' ffjanks4o;,av-eryone tfervrfllawarer .ga!':fs and 5vl8Itswhile IJtrfas.in;hgeeital.Annie,MGNi.ehol. *.00f35 -x1 :38. CARD O 'THANKS z SMITH We the family of the late Violet A. Smith wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors for their comforting support and prayers, flowers, cards, visits, phone calls, donations, and food brought to the homes. Sincere thanks to Doctors Collins, Van Walraven and the nursing staff, 3 north of Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Pastors Glen Sadlier, Ray Faulkner for their comforting message, organist Mrs. Jo Ann Walker, pallbearers and the ladies of Bethel Bible Church for a lovely lunch following the funeral. Also thanks for the special telegram from Zlon Pentecostal Church New Harbor Nfld. Many thanks to Ball and Falconer Funeral Home for their excellent care and kindness. Words can't express our apprecia- tion, but will always be remembered. God's blessing is with you. 39-35-81 THE HURON CHAPTER OF EPILEPSY, wish to extend a very special thanks to all those who purchased and helped make Glad Days so successful, especially: GLAD DAYS Co- Ordinators Donna Wood and Bayfield Lioness and to all volunteers who worked so diligently in the sale and bundling of Glads We would like to thank also the Seaforth Town Council, Claire Eckert, Audrey Cameron, Mary Scott and Helen McKenzie. An upcoming event for Children with Epilepsy Support Group Lun- cheon to be held, Thursday, August 31, 1989 at 11:45 a.m. If interested please contact 482-5527. 39-35-1 GLANVILLE Thank you to all my friends who were with me the 'night of Mom's accident, for their help. Thanks also to everyone who stood by me through alt of this. Friends really mean a lot in times of trouble. Veronica Glanville. 39-35-1 TITFORD My heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Malkus and Dr. Rodney as well as the nursing staff for the lov- ing care shown to me during my recent stay in hospital. Grace Titford. 39.35-x1 GLANVILLE & GODKIN Thanks to all the' wonderful, caring people who came to visit and who sent flowers; also those who were turned away when I was too exhausted to visit in I.C.U. Thanks to everyone who came to visit and who sent flowers and fruit when I was later transferred to University Hospital in London. Thanks to Dr.. Underwood, Dr. Rodney and the excellent nurses in Seaforth. Also the ambulance driver and attendants, Last and most important to thank is an exceptional teenager, • Rodney Smith, who was first on the scene of the acci- dent, and who faithfully stayed by my side and Cathy's. He talked to us and held our hands till the ambulance arrived. Rodney, we can't thank you enough. Cathy Glanville and June Godkin. , 39-35-x1 SEUERMAN I wish to thank my family, friends and neighbors who helped make my 65th birthday such a happy and memorable occasion. Sincere thanks for all the cards, fruit baskets and gifts. Seeing everyone really made it a very special day. Margaret Beuerman. 39-35-x1 40. IN MEMORIAM SCOTT In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister Janet Margaret who passed away Aug. 13, 1985.. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her Memory we shall always keep. The Coleman Family. , 40-35-x1 Fall -Festival announced at myth "We're setting the stage for another ex- citing season of entertainment this fall" says Blyth Festival General Manager, Joel Harris. "The Blyth Centre for the Arts brings you a wonderful array of per- formances for adults and for the entire family. The Fall Festival of Entertain- ment line-up brings you the finest in Canadian performers from the fields of music, theatre, and comedy to Blyth Memorial Hall". Here is the special Fall series for Adults and ow- Fall series for Children, ADULT SERIES Big Girls Cry - A delightful comedy. Saturday, October 14, 1989 - 8 p.m. Writer and performer, Heather Esdon, unmasks the glamorous world of the theatre in this delightful comedy. Welcome to the world of Faith Monaghan she's a "somewhat overweight" actress getting ready for an important audition. Join her in the bathroom along with a zany cast of characters in this touching solo stage show. Heather Esdon, no stranger to Blyth audiences, was featured in both Cake -Walk and Lilly, Alta. ' The Romaniacs - A musical smorgasbord. Sunday, November 12, 1989 - 8 p.m. The Romaniacs, a fun -loving musical foursome whoop it up on stage in an entertaining mix of gypsy soul, Hot Club Quintet -style fire, swing, pop leanings and red-hot rhythm. It's a musical -visual pro- duction rarely experienced and behind all the yuks (there are many) is a dedicated group of players who present interna- tional quality music with style and class. After a couple of minutes, you'll be shouting HOY! along with the rest of the audience - and having a great time! Second City *Improv comedy atits best. Saturday, December 9, 1989 - 8 p.m. The Second City touring comedy troupe brings to you hilarious and topical skits that will tickle your funny bone. Famous performers from past Second. City shows include stars John Candy, Gilda Radner, Martin Short. Eugene Levy, Andrea Mar- tin, Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas and many mora who are regularly seen On the Second ('ity TV shows. Sit back tltld let Sernnd City's talented young Ifel,formers make you laugh and laugh and laugh CHILDREN SERIES Robert Minden Ensemble *Story -telling Music Makers, Saturday, November 41, 1989 - 2 p.m. The Robert Minden Ensemble wearies together music, stories and laughter i) h show that charms people of all ages. Tlle stories, based on personal narratives, .h- cfent tales and dreams, are orchestra with the sounds of unusual acoustic struments saws, spoons, bottles, bells, crystal glass, conch shells, hoses, drones and waterphones. Don't miss this inspIFa- tional performance by Robert Minden and Friend Glenn Bennett 'Popular childred`is entertainer Saturday, November 18, 1989 - 2 p.m. Creative energy, a unique sense of humour and a way of looking at things froze a kid's eye view make Glenn Ben- nett one of Canada's hottest children's entertainers (:lemt's songs have a way of appealing to all ages. Kids sit with their tongues hanging nut as they hear about the strange eating habits of "Jonathan Edwards The Third" while parents relate all too easily to the antics of "My Baby Brother" Glenn's Disney Channel Kaleidoscope Concert is still running on TV - see him live at Blyth. Kaleidoscope Story Theatre 'Exciting theatre for kids. Saturday, December 2, 1989 - 2 p.nt One of Canada's finest theatre ensembles. Kaleidoscope Story Theatre brings an Infectious blend of narrative skill, music and spontaneity with their story theatre performance, Direct from Vancouver. this exciting group offers a fun -filled evening of stories taken primarily from 'fables, folktales, fairy tales and legends. Designed for audiences - of all ages, Kaleidoscope Story -Theatre will leave you shaking with 'laughter and clapping "for more. OCA Blueprint Comes t t 4 e named • The Ontario Cattlemen's ' Association has named its Blueprint Committee. Chairing the seven person Committee will be Dr. Gordon Bowman from the Depart- ment of Animal and 'Poultry Science, University of Guelph. Cattlemen serving on the Committee are OCA directors Ar - diel Grieve, Simcoe County,Robert Kerr, Kent County, Rodney Maclaren, Prescott County, . and David Whittington, Peter- borough County. Brian Boyle, Agricultural Representative' with the Ministry , of Agriculture and Food in Lambton County, is a member of the Committee as well as Graeme Hedley, Manager of' the Ontario Cattlemen's Association. The OCA's Blueprint for the Future was undertaken to provide a focus for ways of enhancing Ontario's beef cattle industry ^'through -both '.consultation and review. Results of the beef vote indicated that cattlemen did not favour more regulated marketing. However, during the beef vote. debates cattlemen did say that the industry needed new vitality. The Blueprint Committee has been charged with meeting this challenge. It will develop a discussion paper which will focus on potential directions for the in- dustry within a market-oriented structure as a means of fostering a healthier, more competitive industry. • Jim Magee. OCA President, said: "This Committee has a good balance of cow - calf and cattle feeding interests, one of OMAF's most respected agricultural representatives, and our 'Manager Who has an excellent perspective of the .in- dustry. All Committee members will he challenged by Chairman Bowman who has excellent credentials in the academic field and who has gained a reputation ':for being realistic, I expect the Committee and/or Committee members will be meeting with selected individuals in the industry in the course of their deliberations". The Committee's target for completion of the discussion paper is early fall following which regional meetings will be, set up to solicit producer response before submission of a final report. FLANAGAN In loving memory of Brian Flanagan who pass- ed away on Aug. 30, 1981. You left us a beautiful memory, A sorrow too great to be told. But to us who loved and lost you, Your memory will never grow old. Missed, loved and always remembered by Morn, Dad, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. 40-35-1 FLANAGAN In loving memory of a dear son, brother and unole who passed away Aug. 30, 1981. Just a prayer from those who love you, Just a memory fond and true In our hearts you live forever, For Joseph, we thought the world of you. Always loved and remembered by your family. 40-35-1 42. ENGAGEMENTS DEIGHTON - MIKEL Mr. and Mrs. Don Deighton of Seaforth are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Barbara Gail to Keith Barry son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mikel of Mount Forest Ont. The wedding will take place Sept. 9, 1989 on board the Queen Jubilee, Toronto, Ont. 42-35-x1 Baria ir blunter; Want extra bucks without much hassle? If that's your guilty. set your sights on success by placing a classified ad! Potential buyers will fast track to your door! ti