HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-08-30, Page 1414A -- TME -HURON :EXPOSITOR -AUGUST 30, 1989 Deadline: p.m. 1. COMING •EVENTS SINGLES DANCE Friday. September 1 9. 1 a n Continua music for your "dancing pleasure D J Service at White Carnation Holmesviur 482-9228 54.00 per person 1-35-2 BLYTr-I LIONS Dabber Bingo. every Tuesday at 7 30 p ri Sive) and District Community Centra 5300 01 Jackpot must go Ove: 51000 00 in prize:. 1-31-tf 5. HELP WANTED 1 FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours Call free 1-800-265-3054 5-31-t1 HOUSEWIVES. Mothers and interested per- sons needed Immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan, No investment. deliveries or money collection Call (519) 258-7905 5-35-bc DABBFF; BINGC Vanastra Rec Centre FULL TIME help required on swine, farm in Tuesaays a1 7',30 p n_ 51000.00 in prizes McKillop. does not include weekends, good 1-31.0 wages Phone 345-2550 or 345.2503. 5-34-3 KNIGHTS Oc COLUMBUS Monster Bingo 52 500 prize money. 51,000 Jackpot to go. at Salttorl Vauev Hall every Thursday night Doors open 6:30 p m. Bingo 7:30 p.m 1-31-11 a CHURCH and community miscellaneous shower tor Janet Haney. Wed. Sept. 6, 8 p.m L-omondvllle church basement. Lunch pro - dine 1-34-2 P 0. CERTIFICATION - next C.P.R. course Santroa, Seotembe' 9 • 1989, Seaforth Ho,nna 8 a n to 4 p.m To register call 165:) leave name and phone number 1-34-3 HI IRON -BRUCE Federal Liberal Association or lust Meeting. Lucknow Community Centre. nureday. Sept 1989. Social: 6 p.m., Om- ni ' o r-1. Guest Speaker Hon. Brian Tobin 1 ioeets 520.00 per person 1-34-2 FASHION Breakfast and Bake sale, at tnucefield Fire rials on September 9. 7 a.m • nno -Sponsored by Brucefield Firemen 1-35-2 SE.FOR1-I AGRICUTL•TURAL Society's Ari nur'l Chicken BBO and Dance, Saturday, Oaurembe" 1 E 850 6 to 7:30, take outs ,rvailaol:i, tickets from members. Crowning 01 uuer,n commencing at 7:30. -Dance 9 to 1 1-35-1 ,)PEN HOUSE - 50th Wedding Anniversary i•', Borden and Margaret Brown. In honour of u,-, '50th wedding anniversary friends are in- vited to an Open House being held on Satur• tie ,•, Sept. 2 from 2-4 p.m. at 101 Tenth St Hanover Your presence. Is the only gift re- quester: 1-35-1 LIVING COLOR with Leslie Harrington color c.o-.ordinator of Benjamin. Moore Paints, Thurs- clay September 28, 7:30 p.m. at Seaforth Community Centre, admission $2.0p per per- son Refreshments served, door prizes. Spon- sored ny Searorth Lioness Club. Proceeds to oeafortn Community Hospital Building Fund nor tickets contact Hildebrand Paint & Paper. taeorgma Reynolds 527-1386 or Frances eatero 522-1979 1-35-1 BL.YTH FESTIVAL - Perils of Persephone August 3 September 2 (matinee). 6. 7 !matinee), 8, 9 (matinee) Note: Rush seats on- ly for all performances of "Perils") Mail Order Bride: August 31 (matinee), September 1, 2. 6 (matinee), 7, 9. Unless otherwise in- -, •gated, all performances are at 8:30 p.m.. matinees are aI 2:00 p.m Box Office b23-930019225 1-35-1 ?i e,%tatiuc4 CALL NOW Fall Sessions Starting SEPT. 1.2 Tues. afternoon 1:00 - 3:30 i ues., Wed-„Thurs. evenings 7:00 - 10:00 GREENWARE AND SUPPLIES AVAILABLE CALL 527-1041 �* • For more information 4. lI1 J�j Y�SYJ ♦ fIUY. . YY•,� START TODAY! Exciting Fashions! In- dependence! Flexibility! Extra Money! A free sample line! Call us collect 416-632-9090/827.2660. MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1975. 5-35-bc BECOME an undercover wear woman, average $75 per night based on commission. Free training. For interview call 565-2714 5-35-3 HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS. Taking a semester off school? Would you enjoy spen- ding the fall and winter season working at one of Ontario's leading resorts? We have five -in accommodation and need friendly outgoing people for positions in our dining room, cocktail lounge, housekeeping, kitchen and reception desk. Please call immediately. (416) 861-1358 (direct Toronto line to WIg-A-Mog Inn) or 705-457-2000. 5-35-bc FOR PAINTING Business immediately, ex- perience preferred. not essential Call 345-2756 5-35-2 PART-TIME students required to work in the booth at the Seaforth and District Community Centres, will involve nights and weekend shifts. Applications may be picked up at town hall or arena office. Please submit applica- tions to arena before 5 p.m. on Sept. 15th, 1989 5-35-2 PERSON TO DO Manicures, Waxing, Body Wraps. Please send resume to Slender Con- cept, Box 1096, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO. 5-35-1 SOMEONE NEEDED, Male/Female to become part of our highly successful corn- pany now hiring. For complete information Gall 519-395-5107 anytime. 5-35-x2 PLANT EMPLOYMENT available for reliable workers, male or female. Apply at Durisol Materials, Ltd., 216 St. George St.,,Mitchel1. 5-31-5 LIVE-IN HELP 4 clays a week - moving and transferring client from wheelchair. Involves general housekeepng, cooking and personal care'. Phone 524-8847 or 524-7768. 5-33-3 STUDENT HLEP REQUIRED at farrow to finish operation for remainder of summer then after school and weekends, good wages. Call 345=2550 or 345-2503. 5-33-3 REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED. We are expan- ding again and are looking for a represen- tative in your area. No experience necessary. Cross Canada Paralegal. Phone 1-416-773-8299 or write 12 King Side Road, Suite 202, Richmond Hill, Ont. L4E 1A1. 5-35-bc PART TIME Kitchen Help for 21/2 to 3 hours per day, lunch time, at Seaforth High School. Phone 482-3070 5-35-1 5. HELP WANTED 10. 'FARM 'MACHINERY HURON -MUNICIPAL POLICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Serving four Police forces requires a FULL TIME DISPATCHER Knowledge of Radio dispatching essen- tial. Knowledge of police dispatching and CPIC an asset. Applicants must submit to security screening by RCMP. Apply in writing to: Chief of Police Patrick D. King Goderich Police Force 65 West Street GODERICH, Ontario N7A 2K5 Closing date: September 15, 1989 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ATTENTION BEAN FARMERS We now have a large supply of Blue Spring Steel for bean knives repair. Lasts many times longer than standard bean knives. L. iHamilton'Machine Shop Ltd. Hwy. 83 Exeter 235_1655 11. HAY & STRAW FOR SALE • 74 Round Bales mixed hay, reasonable. Phone 527-2624 11-35-x YOUR FUTURE starts with Tri -Coup y Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-0400 - Cam- bridge 6-35-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER Training for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. 6-35-bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer- ing. Next class: October 20-28/89. For infor- mation contact: Southwestern School of Auc- tioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115 6-35-bc CASH IN ON TAX REFORM! Learn Income • Tax Preparation by Correspondence. Earn your certificate now. Also enquire about ex- clusive franchise territories. For tree brochures, no obligation, U&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144 6-35-bc AREA DISTRIBUTORS needed. To service national accounts for scratch and win tickets. Unlimited earning potential $100,000 plus. No selling required. Part and full-time business in- vestment from $12,970"Call for brochure (24 hrs.) 519-432-2302. ext. 106. Fax 519-659-1341. Financing available. 6-35-bc DIVERSIFY FOR SUCCESS! Excellent add- on service for toning, tanning or beauty salons. European Body Wraps International detoxifies and tightens soft tissue and skin - used internationally. Summer special (before August 15th) on starter kit $1,995. S.C. Marketing - Your Success Connection. 1.800-2654634 6-34-bc GROW FOR IT! $$$ Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless. Low in- vestment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. (416) 643-4251,,Alliston Area (705) 435-7463, North Bay Area (705) 776-7084. 6-31-bc 12. USED CARS 985 CHRYSLER New Yorker, choc. brown exterior and interior, excellent condition, no rust, power steering, power brakes, power windows, air, cruise, many extras. Asking $8900 certified. Call 524-9211 between 9-5 pm, after 524-4240. 12-31-tf '78 MERCURY Marquis, 4 door fully loaded, $500.00 as is. Phone 522-0611 12-34-2 1981 OLDS - 4 -door Delta 88 Royale, power steering, power brakes, air, cruise, tilt steer- ing, AM/FM stereo, Pat Ryan 345-2418. , • 12-35-1 1980 MUSTANG as is. Phone 522-1901. 12-35-2 1984 FORD Escort, two door,. black with red interior AM/FM stereo, standard, good condi- tion, $2500.00 certified, call 395-3774 or 395-5283. 12-35-1 13. USED TRUCKS DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 Pm. 'MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS 1S 'MONDAY 11 Am. 22 words • one week, 84.60; two weeks, $4.00, three weeks, $3 50 Additional words 18 cents 'BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7. with picture $12 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding After this time, photo and outline only $15 Complete write-up $25 INMMEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, $4,50 Each ad- ditional word 06 cents 3e CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3 00 each additional week - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming Events 23 Real Estate 2 Yard Garage Sale 24 Property for sale 3 Lost, Strayed 25 Property for rent 4 Found 26 Apartments for rent 5 Help Wanted 27 For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28 Wanted to rent 7 Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8 Custom work 30 Room and Board 9. Farm Stock 31 Notice 10 Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and strew 33 Educational 12 Used cars 34, Auction Sales 13 Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 15 R V.s for sale 37 Notice to creditors 16 Mobile homes 38 Service directory 17 VCRs for sale 39 Cards of thanks 18 Computer cornet 40 In memoriam 19, Pets 47 Personal 20 Swap or trade 42 Engagements 21 Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22 Wanted 1976 INTERNATIONAL, 5 ton, takes gas, wi h 20 foot box. In good running condition. As is, Asking $2900 or best offer, Call 524-9211 9-6 pm or 524-4240 after 6 pm. 13-23tfnxe 1972 CHEV PICKUP, 307 motor, 46,500 miles as is. Phone 522-0368. 13-35-x1 7. SIT.UAT•IONS WANTED 2 . YARD / GARAGE ;SALE TRAVEL COUNSELLOR Full time travel agent re- quired starting in (September. Must have travel ,agency experience. CALL DON 482-7771 COMMUNITY YARD SALE, every Saturday. weather permitting, at Today's Variety, Londesboro. Join us at no charge. Inquiries 523-9790 Furniture, clothing etc. Leamington vegetables - reasonable 2-29-11 SEPTEMBER 1 & 2, Friday 10 6 p.m.; Satur- cay 8 - ' 341 Ontario St. Hwy, 8 East, Clinton, Golf clubs balls, fishing, toys; household items, furniture, garden tools; Coleman lamps and parts 2-35-x1 THREE FAMILY Garage Sale - 132 Market St , Sealorth, Saturday, September 2, 9 to 5 Rain date September 9 2-35-1 YARD SALE Saturday September 2, 1/2 mile east of Brucefield County Road 3 Miscellaneous items 8:30 to ? 2-35-1 MULTI -FAMILY yard sale Friday Sept 1. 12:00 noon and Saturday, Sept. 2, 8:00 a.m 21,2 miles west of Seaforth on Hwy. 8 at Lorne Garters 2.35-x 1 YARD SALE, .Ort. and Sat, Sept. 1 and 2, 9 a,m,'- °, 47 Witham St. Egmondville. 100,ga1. fuel tank with pump, fits on 1/2 ton truck; bicy- cle, baby carseat, articles and clothes; books and misc 2-35-1 RESUMES AND cover letters composed, edited and typed, Personal consultations: Pro- fessionally prepared. Basic Dost $25.00 up to three pages. 482-7390. 7-32-x4 EXPERIENCED babysitter will babysit in her home in Brucefield. Call 233-3370, 7-34-2 Winia Bros. TREE SERVICE REMOVAL, Trimming, Stump removal, expert service, ful- ly insured. Also, buyers of standing timber, Call Julien 519-245-0723, or Ted 51.9.287-2725. 7-35-bc RESPONSIBLE MOTHER wants to babysit-in tier home in Kinburn - Winthrop area„any,age, references available. Gall anytime 527-2241. 7-35-2 44 Ontario St. CLINTON 76. "CUSTOM WORK -5. -HELP WANTED xtra 5 I Incomeoo ... children going back to school? .., some free time to •spare? desire •employment with- flexible hours and assignment? Para -Med -Health -:Services .needmature, caring women .wath,good homemaking. skills to assisrithe„elder- ly ,and .handicapped to stay an .their homes. - training and •inservice ,provided - ,car emmential - Goderich - Clinton - ,Sgaforlh «GOL;L BCI: • ,r inndaya0-,E °'day ,30„0.41$0 TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Coursed start every Monday. Tax deductible,ANeekend:courses, job assistance, no -experience ,required. 'MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1,.800+265t3559 Cambridge.and London. 5-31-tf 1 CUSTOM BALING. 14, x 18. Thrower and wagons available. Also cutting and raking. Reasonable rates Call for arrangements. 345-2434 8-31-6 CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide bye ft. high (John Deere), Scott Consitt 233.9297.,or 565.2728. .8-31-5 CUSTOM ROUND baling. Ken Section 8-33-3 527.2487. 40150 WEANER pigs monthly from,good'oiean herd. Phone 345-2065. .8.343 0.083IE SALEF1813Fial ' EMALS- esTyGtien :$ale. -Pure Bred, .P.ercentage, GommerGlal:50 . pws/Helfers bred to;proven ,fuH(ibtood,aitiers sites. 24 ,bull calves .from •these .c0WSt..a11elaalg- red,pver 410s;,per-:daygain on,,,g0yernrnentttest ast,,winter. $ pt..9th, 3 pan. TrFOgut)ty„rS.ale ii am -Hanover, Ont..,Bpb•.l urrte, f,SJj9iburge ?nt. 6490025.5510 :Guaist ^Grog,! goer S.Gottartd ,parlor Farms. Dfutil4D, Qnt, 51.9.4424094. ,.905sbc 1.4. ARTICLE'S :FOR .SALE ELDERBERRIES - Fresh picked and cleaned Available now. Also large quantity of garlic available. Phone 527-1767 after 4. . 14-35-1 LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed •spruce and red pine - 2" x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8" and. 2" x 10" in various lengths. Very reasonable. Phone Lucknow Discount Lumber, 519-528-3047. 14-31-tf STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellebration" on Quonsets and S. Series straightwall. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 14-35-bc BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory; 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 $8,900; 60x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704. 14-35-bc 1983 750 HONDA Shadow motorcycle in good condition, $1100. Phone 522-1217. 14-34-x2 PIONEER CAR STEREO (KE -5353), Pioneer speakers (150 watts) and tuneups. Like new. Asking $500. Phone 526-7569. 14.34-tfnxe HONEY. New crop. .85 cents per lb. in your containers. Open Tues. to Sat. 9-5. Closed Sunday and Monday. ,Kramers Apiaries, Matilda St. Dublin, 345-2180. 14734-3 EASY. FLO, central vacuum rated No. 1. 137 deluxe, $520.00; 111 deluxe, $495,00; ST96 deluxe, $369.00; SB96 deluxe, 5349.00. Power head and electric conductor hose, $210.00. All units with hose and tools. STILL SAME PRICE - Myers softeners and salt. Torn Duizer, Londesboro 523-4359.. Phone -even- ings, open on Saturday, County Rd. 156 across from-Hultett Twp., office. 14,35-1 ELECTRIC' Pallet Lifter, Stainless 'Steel Freezer Door and Frame. Open to Offers. Phone 524-9211 9-5 p.m. or 524.4240 after 6 p.m.-1.8ttnxe FACTOiRY SUMMER SALE - Steel.$ufldings. Quonset "S" 20x40 $3,823.with,sliding'doors. Straightwall 30x40 $5,450 with endwalls. Other sizes and style available - low prices. Pioneer/Econospan 1.80D-6.88.5422 (24 hours). 14-35-bc Aluminum reproductions ViDTQFItAN Outside lamps, fountains, urns, carousel, horses, etc. Also, old ;doors, Inside lumber, -stairs, furniture, otc. Carlen Aluminum, :Box 153, $trathroy, Ont. N7G 3J2. 519.2454670 anytime. 14-35bc ARTHR)1C.PAIN?,Aching-tach?;St'ifU infs? 58110.90P111sBeyiah pll"•be�afll send $1.00 •for brochures/lnformat lon: >9a�u(ah Land, ;pox 1086, .Portage La Prairie, ,Man, R1N3C5. 14.35.) c :PEFIFECTgal FTI P:atio;and,Aol ium furniture. 40% ,off or ..more. OFT - ERTIFIQATE$I • Warehouse ;Awn • Tupasjay, io pASur,Ppy, 71 «1<ing;West,tiRE$1419)7A21„80. 140.1 .I7,i INKCOM e ) ieM10#9l ifle n .rrtintimulittonvpgRerAloOr, 440,03gtjpnaugo t((alst?,hofe 1400,28675191 . 1:415.1 Fffig (1dI a us q$. 4R1.4100401y0141t9ard,A ile81t�o} ,Mar».ail . 2.14, 1A125.1 PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9,00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE EVERFRESR JUICE by the case - great for school lunches. Call 527-1790. Proceeds to go to Guide Movement. 14-35-1 ATTENTION MECHANICS! Are you looking for a complete set of quality lifetime guaranteed tools? I have a complete set of Snap-On tools, etc For info call 524-2900 after 6 p.m. 14-24-nxe BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while supply lasts - summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours). 14.35-bc 45 GALLON or 205 litre steel barrels for burn- ing garbage sold at Winthrop General Store, Winthrop Ont. UTILITY TRAILER, 9 ft. long, 5 ft. wide, 2 ft. deep,'Iteavy -duty tires including one new spare $490.00 or nearest offer 527-2666 after 7. 14-35-1 USED HONEY extractor 45 gallon plastic teed barrels with removable tops. Phone 345-2783 Edward Melady, 14-35-2 CAPTAIN'S BED, Kroehler recliner chester- field and chair, floor model color TV, freezer, antique dresser, antique Lions claw chair, air compressor, welder and more, 522-1312. 14-35-1 TE -EM FARM R.R. 1 Ba e , 4:2-3020 Open 7 Days - Mon. -Fri. 9-8; Sat., Sun, 9-6 SWEET CORN - FIELD TOMATOES GREEN & YELLOW BEANS CAULIFLOWER -CANNING TOMATOES ALSO - Broccoli, Cabbage, Pickling Cucumbers (orders taken) plus much morel Nursery Stock - 20% OFF RED HAVEN PEACHES Juicy & Sweet Freestone Excellent for feeding or canning 4 qt. 1.60 6 qt. 45.00 EARLY APPLES Tydman 6 qt, '2.00 ART BELL'S FRUIT FARM 2 LOCATIONS Clinton, Hwy. &east of tights (Orange Tent) stud. at the farm '524.8037 Warehouse Clearance Sale of all 1989 NOS 111211PIPIRT a� ►lianas Largo display, good prices We service what wc. sell OP 0 Instant #te la a -An i ,,miry Pak Drysdale Major Appliances Hensall Ontario The Place to Buy Appliances 262.2728 Open Daily, Fra. 9 p.m. poalrr:R,V.'s & TRAILERS, Utility, Hardtop, Tent, •Fifth:w.heel, .travel, park Models. 4, - ae$sorie9new .and ttsed. :End pf seltegn -.prlpes, ikarge:Selection, •F.ibreline ,tibergle;�s ,tarld,alumirlum trunk caps. -Royal TTap9r Add -entre .in daylpid)lle, -Ont. 1r5j9r343.21,22. 1,5457,bc