HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-30, Page 1THS WINGHA1V1 TIMES.
VOL XXXYI,--NO, 1842.
in grain) the beat, per lb. .50
STONE (for epraying)
Per pound - - - .05
CAUSTIC SODA -1 and 5 -lb tine.
Per pint bottle - - .15
MINATOR, per bottle - .25
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Auburn •f-eam Won.
At the Huron Bounty rifle league
shoot on the 24th et Auburn, the cup
was awarded to th . Auburn league team
although the avezege of the Goderioh
team was greater being 509, copnting
the average oho • for a missing man
on the team.
King' Royal Hotel.
In another col mu of this issue will
be found the advertisement of the
King's Royal P rk and Hotel, of Owen
Sound. This well.known park and
hotel is situate some three and a half
miles from Own Sound, on the Western
shore of the G orgian Bay, and is made
l lap of over on i hundred acres of well
wooded land, the shores of which are
washed by the cool waters of the bay.
On the park tee King's Royal Rotel has
been erected a.- a cost of $70,000 and so-
commodation .an be provided for 200
sueste: The park is well provided for
all kinds of o t -door amusements snoh
as tennis, bo ling, golf, etc. The hotel
is one of the most up-to-date summer
hotels in the rovince. People in this
district who intend taking an outing
ibis snmme will do well to write to
Frank H. orman, the manager, for
The average good dresser
wants a suit up-to-date in
cut -cloth and design not for-
getting good value for his
money. Now we are in it
for the new natty spring and
- summer goods at prices
which are at least from $2.5o
to $5 00 better value than
anything else in town. We
- want your trade and we give
you first-class value in re-
turn. The boys know our
store because theyget a
extra pair of pants with each
18 Men's Worst% Suite, dark
with light heck, good weight,
well finished, dines 34 to 42,
regular $10.00, Saturday . $6,99
24 130308' Tweed and 'Wasted
Suits, double seats and knees
regular $6.00 and $5.50, Sa-
turday - ' $3.60
Old Postoffioe Store
Macdonald Piook a WIIi G 1Al►i.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Wingha Races.
The Wingham ra a to be bald on
Wednesday and Thaseday of nest week
promisee to be very well fl1Ied. Secre-
tary Sweets reports ; very large entry.
The traok ie m ver', good abape and
with good weather She races ahouid be
the best ever held it Wingham,
Get Parneli's Bread, at Christie's.
The snow etorm and
day, after the rather' v
Sunday, came as ratl
The storm was quite
daily gapers report si
some parts of Miohig
surely at the time of
seasonable weather.
lizzard on Mon-
im weather on
general and the
inches of snow in
fi. We are now
e year for more
$3 25 Mattress for $2,�40'at S
New Wingham views, age
SA UNDE1tS. t/
Seeking Infos
A new Collegiate L
erected at Strathoona
of $86.000, end the pec
bearing of Wingham'e
School, have written to
for partionlara regardir
interior fittings of our
ham's High School ce
than a Provincial repu
Good line of heavy
gal photoa-
titrate i# to be
Alta., at a cost
le of that place
up•to-date High
Principal Taylor
g the plane and
school. Wing-
tainiy has more
low Boots at R.
Died in Niaiieth Year.
The death cecnrreat Blair, Ont., on
the 10th inst., of Mrs. William Tilt,
mother of ex• Mayo Tilt, of Goderioh,
at the advanced ate of ninety years.
In January of thio year the deceased
celebrated the cone stetson cf her nine-
tieth year, and ►ie anniversary was
the occasion of i memorable family
gathering. Mrs. Tilt was born in
Hampshire, England, and the family
came to Canada it 1832, settling in the
vicinity of Presto' . In 1834 the deems.
ed was ma•ried to the late Wiiliam Tilt,
and in 1839 move to Blair, then called
Carliele, where s e bad resided ever
• since.
WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; highs
est prides.—GEo. E. KING.
• Located at Tort William.
Mr. J. H. Cbishoi a, who left Wing -
ham recently is n: on located at Fort
William and is engaged in the real
estate and general insurance business.
We were sorry to see Mr. Chisholm leave
Wingham as he male an exoelient citi-
zen. The people eg Fort William will
find him a good oil' en and we wish him
every success, Mr Chisholm has found
a number of for er Wtnghamttea in
Fort William, tool ding L. A, Bali, B.
Gerry, Mr. Blank tailor, and Adam
Cornyn. People ravelling West and
calling at Fort W liam will find Mr.
Chisholm pleased t see them and glad
to give them inf nation concerning
that country,
CANVAS SHOES—The newest and latest
styles in Ladies, Misses, and Children's
Canvas Shoes. All colors. W. J.
Addressn3 Presentation.
a es tatis'n.
Rev. H. McQuri :0, a former pastor of
the Presbyterian larch hero, and his
daughter, Miss 1lcQuarrie, were ten.
dered a hearty far well by the congre.
getions of Norte' Bruce and St An.
drew's,Saugeen, nor to their departure
for Toronto, wher , they ihtend residing
in future. Nearl every family in both
congregations wee represented at the
gathering. A ve complimentary ad-
dress was read an a handsome purse
was presented to Mr. McQuarrie and
Miss MCQuarrie re eived a beautiful sil-
ver eerviee. A su table and feeling re-
ply was made by . MoQnrrie, who re-
viewed his 13 years pastorate and gave
expression to his -interest thanks for
kindness reoeived.
See our nice Hig. •back dinning chairs
86ota for G6ots an large arm cooking
obairs to match for -C.45 at S.GitecEY's.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo.
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug, 6
—all day, Glasses properly fitted,
Fine Art in Canada.
Mr. Geo. A. Rei , of Toronto, son of
Mr. Adam Reid, of his town, who was
some time ago eleet the presidency of
the Royal Canadia Academy of Arts,
reoently interviews the authorities of
Laval Univereity, ebeo, with a view
to sending their fin oolleotidn of hietor•
lo paintings fore ibition at Toronto
next autumn, It ay be interestng to
note that the Do ninion Government
has announced its is iteration of encourag-
ing and fostering ft is arts in this coun-
try by establishing an advisory connoil
of art, on whose ad doe it will make ex-
penditure for art purposes. President
Reid is an enthusi at in his profession,
and has a thoroug knowledge of the
work of h ,
the Aoad m amongthe
y, ob-
jeots of which are the eateblishment of
aohoolr Of art and)esign, the holding of
art exhibition, enc the foundation of a
national gallery it the seat of the Gov -
eminent. Thee objeets have been
promoted by the Academy tel far as pos-
ailiWe, within its means, during tha
twenty-seven 7ea;r of itis existence.
Insurance ant : Real Estate.
Mr. A. Dttimage ?a rented tbe office
next to the office of W. F. Vanetone &
Son and will engage -in the fire insurance,
real eetate and moi veyancing business.
Mr. Dalmage will be pleased to meet
parties wbo are wa :ting anything lie hie
Some Special ba ains in furniture at
To Amerio Subscribers.
Early in May w gave notice in these
columns that than of our American sub.
scriber#, who wee not paid in advance
the Tiaras to the would be discontinu-
ed after June 1st A number of sub.
scribers have si oe paid in advance,
Those who leave not done so will find
their copy disco inued atter this lanae.
The prioe of the raze to eubsoribers in
the United St tee is now $160 per
annum and p raced must be made
strictly in adv# e.
WANTED -•500 tubs choice dairy butter;
also 100 cases of eggs, weekly.—GEo, E.
Have you seen th' New Scale Wil-
liams' Piano? Below you buy a Piano.
be sure sad see them at S. GRAoaY's.
Crop Prosper. in Huron.
A correspondent w icing from Godd-
ioh to the daily paper. I says: -One result
of the backward rap 'ng to be seen in
Huron county is tha grass is very short
as yet. Cattle are t rned out to live, as
moat of the barns a e empty, bat they
• are suffering from c d and hunger. One
of the oldest redden of Colborne town-
ship said he had see snow as late in the
season as this, but ver saw a sprang
with such continued cold and so little
growth. Prospects re good, however,
for a heavy crop of 1 kinds of fruit
The show of buds is immense on all
varieties of fruit reel, and unless
caught by later frost , the signs are that
this will be a reoor year for cherries,
plums, pears and ap les.
Stair pads and jarpet paper at S.
Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bobs"
and "Stag" Chewing Tobaccoes, in big
plugs, Quality always the same.
Discussed New Water Wheel.
A meeting of the :.'own Council was
held on Friday eve .ing to disease the
' matter of putting in a new water wheel
at the electric light;- Onset house. The
members present ere Mayor Holmes
and Councillors G don, Kerr, Gregory
and Bell. Mr. 0. arbor, of C. Barber
& Sons, Meaford, as present and offer-
ed to put in a 60 orse.power turbine
water wheel eons fete and repair the
bulkhead for $1,00. Mr. Barber said
this wheel wont , if not affected by
baok water, prodtate 90 ampere at 1040
volts. He would guarantee the efloienoy
of the wheel to t to satisfaction of the
tjonncil. After discussing the matter
for some time it ras decided on motion
of Messrs. Bell ate Gordon to have the
Executive Comm 'tee further investigate
the matter and r port at next meeting of
FOR SALE—First- olass 100 acre farm,
two miles from Wingham. All in grass.
Get particulate from H. DAMS.
left in town. Near High School, on
Armour and Quay properties. Apply to
Death of ltliss Irvin
The following frail the Grand View,
Man., Exponent, of ►lay 17th, refers to
the death of Miss iii rrtha Irvin, which
was noted in these c emmns last week: --
'About fourteen mo • hs ago while attend•
ing college at Tor to, and to a great
extent through ove study, Miss Martha
Irvin contracted th disease which caus-
ed her death. Pr vious to this she had
been the picture of ood health, and for
some eight yeatsh d travelled extensive-
ly through Amerio . Last fall, a000m-
panied by her mot er, she came to Mani-
toba in the hope th t change of climate
and scene would p ve benefice' to her
health. But it w not to be, and yes-
terday the great re er called her, Two
brothers, Geo. 11. a d R. Jas., reside in
Grand View. To. orrow morning the
former and his mot er will accompany
the body to Wingh in, Ontario—the old
home—where the let sad service will be
A $54 00 Parlor rite (5 piecos),spring
seat, spring edges find spring backs for
$44; A $39 Parlor site (5 pieces) in silk,
for $31.20; A $221 calor Suite (5 pieces)
for $17,50. At S. (MRACEY'S,
Auctioneer, and Pedlars
The following is list of the licensed
auctioneers and pe• are for the County
of Huron as futni:bod by the County
Treasurer: Auoti tiers—C. F. Van-
driek, Geo, Becke , Thomas Gundry,
Jae. Stanley, F. S. cott, Thomas Cann
eron, Frank Balla yne, G. W. Walker,
Henry Boseenberr , J. G. MoMiohaeI,
John Gill, R. M. arles, Thos. E. Rob-
son, Fred O. MoD nne11, Jas. A. Smith,
David Dickinson, C. H. Wilson, Jas.
Jones, Thomas 13r. son, R. Hunter, Hen.
ry Torrance, R. Garnisi, John Par -
vis, Edward Bosse • berry, B. S. Phillipa,
Joseph White, S • muton Hardy, W. A.
Currie. Pedlars J. E. Barnwell, Dan-
canMoD nald Geo. Vande burgh
Augustine MoG tire, Wm. Moleown,
G. 11. England, K. Whaley,. Stuart
Miller, Geo. Beat y, Anthony McDonald,
A. Dolgoff, Jam a Cntt, W. G. Oombee,
Henry Hayden, abt. Shaw, GC', J. Mo-
Craoken, A. Mcg urohy, J. E. Prey, G.
F. Mel'hee, W. I. Powell, Win. Busk.
New elephones
Mr. P. lel. Haley, tbe local agent
far the Bell Te phone Co , has put in
new 'phones du ing the past few weeks
as follows: --R H. Pinlay's residence,
No. 115; Thos. mane' residence, No 90•
Ritchie & Coe o' offioe, No. 123; W. J
Wyles' reside e, No. 124, Copies of
the May issue .f the telephone direotory
have been del' ered to local 8ubsoribers
this week.
Read SATIN ,RAS' advt on page,
Highest price paid for bides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop,
Special bargtine in Wall Paper dur-
ing May, at H ox'#, Wintr�ham.
The Esormal Opening.
The formal opening of Wingham'#
new post oMio---will take plume on Friday
evening of thweek, when a concert
will be held i the opera house. Those
expected to b present and deliver ad.
dresses are A h Campbell, 11 P., of To.
ronto Juliette ; Dr. T. Chisholm, M.P,;
Dr. P, Mixed old, 'ex-M.P., and Aroh
Hielop, M P. . Mr. S. Graoey will give
a number of :adinge, and Mr. Geo. W.
Cline will ha - e charge of the musical
program. elnere will be no admission
fee and seats ;ill be reserved for ladies
and their eso its.
Baby Carr . ges and Go Carts to clear
out, at S. G ACEY-S,
Good ho
semaid wanted, to go to
ghest wages. Apply to
s MAoFxuEsor , Wingham
Died in Young Manhood.
This we- we are called upon to
chronicle a • ery sad ..eath in the passing
away on " .dnesday, shortly before the
noon hour, .1 Mr, Leonard B. R, Ander-
son, youn: -et son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard A. • arson, in bis 23rd year. The
young man ad been living in Detroit
for some m.. the past, and last fall con-
tracted a he vy cold and he was unable
to get free f it. Tuesday evening of
last week ' 0 returned home and on
Thursday .3d two hemmorhages and
from that ti he gradually sank until
the end ca ,• e. Leonard was born in
Wingham a d spent his early boyhood
days in this own until the removal of
the family t • a farm in Hovick. He
was a•brigh• and active young man and
was held in • igh esteem by the large
oirole of Erie da withwhom he was act.
quainted, t is death at so early an age
is a severe a a fiction to hie bereaved
parents.: Bea • er his parents he is aur-
vived. by one b • t er, Mr. Hatry Ander-
son, of Fort W liana, and two sisters,
Mra. Jas. Belden' of Winnipeg, and Mrs.
Lowery, of Orilli,. The bereaved fami-
ly will have the ' eartfelt sympathy of
a Large oirole of fri nds in their sudden
and severe aflictio The funeral will
take place from t family residence,
corner of Victoria d Frances streets
on Fridoy afternoon of this week at 2 30
o'clock for Wingha cemetery. t?er-
vice to be held at th house at 2 o'clock.
WANTED—A good boy to learn the
printing business. Good chance for a
bright boy. Apply at Txmts office.
Cash will secure y n some bargains in
the furnitura line if Liu go to S. GRA°.
SIUNGLES--A large consignment just
arrived. Shingles from British Colum-
bia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Call
and get prices.—J. A. MoLEAN.
West Huron Wo nen's Institute.
The annual meeting of West Huron
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. W. T, Marney; Goderioh,
on Friday, May 1711i. There was a
good attendance, all he branches of the
district being well epreaented, Af,er
the opening exero':es, the president,
Mrs. Jenkins, of H•lmesville, gave her
report of the work , one in the district
during the year. he reports of the
different branches were then given,
which were very e ' conraging, showing
a decided increase n membership and
interest among the '•embers. The dis-
trict seore,ary-trea:•rer then gave her
report, which oho "ed that there have
been forty regular ,meetings held dur-
ing the past yeat total attendance,
six hundred and s venty three; num-
ber of papers and a.. resses given, fifty-
two, The finanoi: statement gives re-
ceipts, $88.63; ex •enditures, $63 58;
leaving a balance c hand of $24 95 in
the branches. Th: distriot also closes
the year with a atetable balance in the
treasury. Thera w # an interesting dig•
mission on "How to Make our Meetings
Attractive and so in NOW Members."
Arrangements were also made to adver-
tise the special wee ings to be held in
June. See large •ills for particulars.
After the general b sines was over the
direotore retired to ppoint the officers
for the ensuing yea which resulted as
follows: President,' Mrs. W. Jenkins,
Holmesville; 1st v e, Mrs. S. Clark,
Goderich; 2nd vis:, Mrs. W. Bone,
Wingham; seoretar treasurer, Mrs. F,
W. Watts, Clinton, The meeting then
closed, after whit • a very excellent
'tine's was served, w • telt was much en-
joyed by ali, A Ii : rte vote of thanks
Was tendered Mrs. • urney for the use
of her home, also to the Goderich mem-
bers for their kind entertainment. M.
L. WATTS, Secretor • -Treasurer,
isIrs. Robs. Irvi:, and Mr, Geo. 11.
Irvin desire us to t der their heartfelt
thanks to their fr ends for the maty
favors and kindnees shown to thane
in their bereaveme, t. Also to publicly
thank Mr. S. Gra ey, undertaker, for
the very able Way n whioh he looked
after -411 the details of the funeral at.
In Wingham very
Good Baseball
Qrowd Present
aures-- Large
Friday last—Viotori: Day ---was au
ideal day for an mum and the an-
nouncement of the baseb 11 tournament
bit Wingham, Ander the • spices of the
local baseball olnb and t e wizens band
brought to town visitors in large numb -
ere trout the neighborin towns and vil-
lages and the burrouu lug country.
Considerable interest w manifested in
the games, from the Pao that the com-
peting nines were all -• embers of the
Lakeside Baseball Lew e.
In the morning the : iuoardine and
Teeswater teams put • what was oon-
oldered by many of th,i-peotators to be
one of the beet exbibi f ons of baseball
Seen on the local dianl.nd for many it
day. At the end of t • ninth inning the
score was it tie, each eam having three
rune to their credit, a • d fyt was not un-
til the elevedth inui •. _ that Teeswater
broke the tie and woe' out, the score be.
ing 4 to 3 in their von. Mr Ernest
Hammond satiatactoady performed the
duties of umpire.
At about 1 30 in thee !afternoon the
competing teams ant visitors, headed
by the clttzons' band_ formed in proces-
sion at the town hal.' and marched to
the park, where tne inanesrnine,
champions of the Le gu for 1906, and
aa.#mbled for m-
en of Teeswater
of this game may
Annals went to bat
hist and soored three runs. Lucknow
in the first scored one, and in the sue.
seeding seven innings were completely
shat out, but in the ninth they
three in all. The
dy paoe throughout,
ie ninth had twenty-
edtt. The snore by
the Wingham team,
tion with Mr. Jas. G�
as umpire. The stor,
be briefly told, 7:11
made two raus,—
loeals kept up a ate
and at the end of 11
five runs to their of
Lueknow 1 0
Wingham 8 5
Batteries -- Luc
Brislain; Wingha'
000002 3
030712 25
now, MoCoy and
, Algie and Dunlop.
Following this the winners of the
preee,iing games, hat is, Teeewater and
Wingham, played a seven innings game,
with Mr. Johne' n of Kincardine, as
umpire. The fir inning was complet-
ed with neither de making a run. In
the second Win am totalled off three
while the visitor tallied five, Itt the
third andcurt th local ran n
P e afla a
even half-dozen,+ nd in the fifth added
tbree. Werkma ?started off the sixth,
in fine style, m 'ing a three -base hit,
and landed homee n due time. Hamil-
ton, Belcher and ', Hammond followed
with a run each ; making four in the
inning; and in th seventh three more
were tallied. T. •ewater in the third
scored one, but ' ere shut out in the
fourth, fifth and seventh, making two
in the sixth. The soore at the end of
the seventh innin stood 19 to 8 in favor
of the home tea•• . The score by inn.
Teeswater 0 5 1 0 0 2 0 8
Wingham 0:8 5 1 3 4 3 19
Batteries—Tees ater, Good and John.
sten; Wingham, :. lgie and Belcher.
During the da
zens' band farms
priate !elections
the day was very
receipts were sati
and evening the tid-
ed choice and appro.
f music. Altogether
successful. The gate
Queen's weat • er prevailed.
The restaurato did an immense
Baseball seem to be taking the lead in
Wingham this •aeon.
The email bo and the flre.oraoker
were much in e ,idence,
Why not mak Victoria Day celebra-
tion an annual : ent in Wingham?
Many of the • nsiness men displayed
attractive show windows for the holi-
day. Lack of pace prevents us making
more extended otice.
For real bargains in new and up-to-
date goods of genuine merit, just watch
D. M, Gordon's show windows—being
satisfied with the quality and prices 01
goods, come right in and secure them.
Residents of tow• and city* are now
thinking of their mmer outing, and
those who live in t e busy inland centres
generally turn their attention to the sea -
shote. To those • ho are undecided,
Oushing's Island, • - eco Bay, near Port-
land, Me„ is moo •• ended. Two and
one-half,miles fro •. the City of Portland,
it is a oombinat • n of seashore and
country, on one s the broad ocean,
and on the other a magnificent view of
Portland Harbour The Ottawa House,
well known for se • oral years is situated
here, and with th = cottages in Connection
accommodates 25 guests, It has been
thoroughly rano-j ted and refurnished.
The sanitary arra . • genients are perfect,
house lighted ith electricity, water
supply- scoured rout an artesian well
that is equal to a • y of the famous springs
throughout the +tate of Maine. Hotel
under manage •• ent of Messrs. Boyce
and Hatfield, wo experienced hotel
All inform on, booklets, eto , may
be secured on application to J. D. Mo.
Donald, Tinio • Station, Toronto, Ont.
Poles ate. -.The beet varieties of cern
and mangolds seed. -{-Guo. E. KING,
We take no bast seat, either in quali-
ty, gnanity' or pia at 5. GRocuiv's.
Por duality and quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plane of "'hobo"
',Stag" and "Ourrenoy" . Ohe*ing
Tarnberry To .ship Pioneer.
Few men live on t .e same farm con-
tinuously for fifty ye rs, but next spring
will see Mr. Will <. m S. Auderson,
whose photo appears : bove, a resident
of Turuberry for i fty years. Mr.
Anderson is a nati e of Peebleshire,
Scotland, being born a short distance
from the town of Pe tiles. Oa the 8th
of Jane, 1855 he was married in the old
land and on the lith • f Jnne the same
year he set sail for Canada u ith his
bride. In those d: ys it was sailing
vessels that brough over our sturdy
pioneers and Mr an Mrs. Anderson had
a very rough passage and were nine
weeks on the sea After landing in
Canada they spent -hree years in the
Township Soarbor: , moving up to Turn -
berry in the aprin; of 1858, se•tling on
lot 16, concession , where they have
oontinuousiy res ded. This highly
esteemed couple h ve seen many changes
in their fifty year: as residents of this
section. There • as no Wingham when
they came into Inznberry, this part of
the country bei • a forest. Mr. Ander-
son is a Liberal nd has been a reader of
the Toronto 01• •e since the early days.
He is a Preebyt• nen and like many of
the older Scotc • people does not approve
of the organ be • yr. used in the Ohnrch
Both Mr. and ••: a. Anderson are iugood
health and aoti• . and able to take a
hand in the wor of tbe farm. The 8'h
of JUDO next will =0e them celebrate the
63rd anniversary .f their marriage. The
TIMES can hearily cin with theirfrierids
in wishing them •• any more years of
WANTED—Two young ladies to learn
typesetting, Apply at Thies office.
WE'LL MEND 'Ens—If your Shoes need
a neat patch, half sole, or want repair-
ing in any way—bring them here to be
mended. W. J. GREER.
On Wednesday rad Thursday, May
22ad and 23rd, Ea t Huron Teachers
met in convention the Ontario Agri-
cultural College, G 1pb. The first sere
sion opened at 1.30 p. m, Prof. S. 13
McCready, B. A , w loomed the teachers
and in fact remaine with them through.
out the entire cony ntion, showing and
explaining to them verything of cater•
est in connection wi h the work of the
College. He cond ted the teachers
through the McDo Id Institute and
they had the pleasnr of seeing the stud-
ents at work in Dome ti Science. c e CO. The
MoDanald Hall and airy stables were
ales visited that after oon.
On Wednesday eve ng a meeting was
held in Massey Hall ich was well fill.
ed by the teachers a d their friends.
The first speaker
wa President Crea-
of the O. A. 0 who gave an in-
tereseing talk on the egricuitaral Col-
lege and the work it is accomplishing.
Prof. Saunders, of eondon, followed
and delighted ail pr anent with his ad
dross on Canadian 13 rd Life. He illus-
trated his words by • nmeroas and ex-
cellent views. Fro'. Saunders is at
home in the bird wo id; he not only de-
scribed the etruota e, habits, eto , of
different birds but , also imitated their
calls and songs in a •ery able manner.
On Thursday mo Hing in Massey Hall
the Association e acted the following
officers for next ye r:—
President, John artley, Blyth.
1st Vice Pres., • red Bryans, James-
2nd Vice Pres Miss M. W. McRny,
Sec -Tress., W '• J. Moffatt, Seaforth.
Executive Co.. mittee, Messrs Camer-
on, Scott and 8 . illinglew, Misses Ayles-
worth and Gra. t.
Auditors, ' ex Wilson and J. 11.
Reid, Seafort • .
The Treasu ere; report was then teed
and adopted, It showed a balance on
hand of $30 1 .
Principal •ming, of Guelph, gave an
address on tbb Teachers' Union for the
Province of otario which was under-
taken at the Provincial Convention in
Toronto last eaeter. The Union has al.
ready a me ership of 1000.
Moved by r Musgrove, of Wingham,
seconded by Mr Cameron, of Brussels,
and carried nanineously: that the Bast
Enron Tea ore heartily endorao the
movement ward the organization of
the teaeliers f Ontario,
Prof Maar ady again took the teach•
or in charge nd sh
sowed Cham thr0u h
the dairy apoultry departments, the
museum, th manual twang department,
the stook grain to
, th B, a plots and. d other ln-
tereetingdep rtments.
The teaohe lead a most pleasant and
profitable convention.
The nett meeting will be held iYt Sea -
to you tha •it pays to trane at our
store. We carry g that
Should be found inera tariet-olass
Drug Store, and cur prices are
very low. We solicit your trade.
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For houses to rent.
For coiiection of rents.
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Individual instruction. -
Write for handsome catalogue.
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We have Ladies' Oxfords that
promise and Supply snmm'r com-
fort, coolness and style. The hot
weather footgear par excellence
for Ladies' wear.
Our Oxfords Fit
There's no erampirc; of toes, no
stinging sensations, no slipping at
the heel. Not a bit of it. Noth-
ing bat PERFECT FIT and
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Oxfords in all the fashionable
1 eathers; button or ties.
Marked at such reasonable prices
as $1.25, $1.50 and $1.00 or $2 50
for Oxford elegance.
Ladies, come here for your
Big range of Trunks
and Valises to
select from
W. JrGreer