HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-08-23, Page 1616A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 23, 1989 "ateuens r' WESTERN DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Coun!ritolli Rockrn`"Ro ONTARIO ROCK DISCO POLKAS WALTZES NEW LAZER DISC MUSIC,.000D RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES. ANNIVERSARIES. PARTIES, ETC 18 yrs. experience 'No mileage eh®pe BRUSSELS - 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS Melody Makers among the entertainment at KOC Jamboree MUSIC SERVICES 527-0560 American Top 40 Music for Buck & Does, Dances and other Special Occasions HAPPY SWEET 16 Sherri Coleman August 26 MITCHELL FALL FAIR Sept. 1, 2 & 3 N Love Mom, Phil, Heidi, Rex and Daisy THIS WEEKEND AT FERGIE'S IN THE QUEEN'S. SEAFORTFI 'GLIDER' Picture I.D. Required NO DOVER Lordy, Lordy, Look Who is 40 - MARSHA NEVERS SEAFORTH OPTIMIST �.. WINNERS T.'.IP TO GREAT BRITAIN Mark Smith, R.R. 4 Seaforth $100. CONSOLA TON PRIZE Mary Stoll, R.R. 3 Auburn IMMO St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345.2028 The Seaforth Council of the Knights of Columbus held a "Jamboree" on Sunday afternoon at the K of C hall in St. Colum - ban. The event was scheduled to be held outdoors but due to the inclement weather the entertainment was held in the hall. Barbecued hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages were enjoyed. The Seaforth Knights of Columbus would like to say a big thank you to George Mathonia, Larry Ducharme, Lon Rowland, Jim Delaney, Dave Murtha, Jesse Fisk, Jeanne Melady, Sweet Emo- tions and Mozart's Melody Makers for their enjoyable afternoon of entertain- ment at the first annual Jamboree. See you next year, the third Sunday in August, 1990. Sister Ann Nolan, a sister with the order of the Grey Nuns, stationed in the Dominican Republic attended mass in St. Columban Church on Sunday morning. Sister spoke briefly after mass to the parishioners about her work among the very poor. She thanked the people in the St. Columban parish for their donations which are being used for the many needs in the dispensary. Sister also urged young people to consider a vocation in the religious like. Joanne Melady and children, Jesse, Sarah and Rebecca Fisk of St. Paul, Alberta are spending three weeks with her parents Ted and Frances Melady and other family members. Laura, Les and Shannon Ward of Kit- chener, Pat Subject, Carrie, Ryan, Jeff and Nathan and Louise Ryan of Kit- chener and Mary Jo Nelson of Lucknow visited with Cecilia Ryan during the past week. Legion golf "bloopers" recorded on tape The Seniors Golf Tournament of Branch 158 was held last Saturday with approx- imately 21 golfers participating. The low gross was won by Don Muir with an 84 and low net by Gordon Scott with a 71. - Most honest golfer was Bill Wilbee with 117. The longest drive was Ron Bennett on No. 1 and 10. Nearest to the pin on No. 5 and 14 was Jack Eisler and on No. 9 Bill Harris. helped in any way deserves a vote of A committee of Betty Harris and Gwen thanks for their effort. If anyone would Harburn was responsible for the lovely like a copy of the golf V.C.R. tape or of lunch that was served, and our sports any other special occasions we have chairman Linda Gridzak purchased the taped in the past year please let us know. prizes. Something new was added this This concludes all the planned enter - year in the form of a video which was tainment for this month, but in done by Barbara Scott. This has been September during Legion week, and in made possible by the purchase of a Cam- conjunction with our 80th Diamond An - corder by the Branch. When the tape was niversary, our Ladies Auxiliary is holding replayed back through the T.V. during an afternoon tea on Wednesday the afternoon most of us had quite a September 20. laugh. Pro -golfers we did not resemble. On Tuesday September 5, the Zone is On behalf of the Branch, everyone who holding a P.R.O. and Poppy Seminar at LEGION NEWS by Gordon Scott our Branch at 9 pm. This meeting will be open to anyone who wishes to attend. A mistake was made last week in a report of the District golf. It should have read Jerome Aubin instead of Gerald Meidinger. My apologies. The next Executive meeting will be held September 14 and the regular meeting September 21. The Auxiliary and the Branch were saddened to learn of the death last Satur- day of Dora Taylor. Dora was a Charter member and a Life member of the Ladies Auxiliary. A service was held on Tuesday evening. To her family we ex- press our sincere sympathies. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Bar Roster - Wednesday, August 23 R. Wilson; Thursday, August 24 M. Trapnell; Monday, August 28 K. Swan; Tuesday, August 29 G. Chesney; and Wednesday, August 30 B. Wilbee. Prizes for all at Wright family reunion The Wright family reunion was held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre on August 13. President Gordon Wright of Alliston welcomed everyone. The 1990 reunion will be held on the se- cond Sunday of August at the same place. Gordon Wright will be president and Laurabelle Reichert secretary. Prizes were given to the shortest lady - Ida Kercher, Most Holes in belt - Lorne Ross, Lady wearing a camisole - Esther Wright, Tallest man - Alexander Wright, For coming the farthest - Alex and lvana Wright, Oldest person - Gordon Wright, Youngest. person - Janessa Chambers, Lady leaving dishes in sink - Esther Wright, Birthday farthest from August 13 - Mary Ross, Cut the grass on Friday - SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Engagement For the Annual O.CTOBERFEST DANCE Saturday, Sept. 23 Seaforth & District Community Centres Age of Majority Required Sausage & Sauerkraut Available UNDER 18 SOCCER Come See The Champions NEXT WEDNESDAY, Agust 30 . 6:30 p.m. — St. Columban Soccer Field BRAND - BEDARD goS rand aRRn.yaret B and c7?..c1't'."s etinlan, am prep -tad to non;rxre<e tIe f raco,aiay as:z ye o/t et, a y te, Aa,ie tof423eelurd, sora of send Bonin. rL3ednld, de:(�,tl' D'4e wed- din9 watt teehe pl""• on =YertN,d y, cSeptemGn r, 1089 at 4:oo p.m. in Si. ,:foeepr,'o Lu�oi(e Cl'..s°Ji, ST. COLUMBAN VS. SARNIA SURF Gordon Wright, Man with shortest comb - Ross Kercher, Man with wife's picture in wallet - Orland Reichert, Best estimate of one minute - Grace Wright, Lady with recently painted nails - Lois Tebbutt, Lady with, gum - Ethel Ross, Person with new eyeglasses - Lorne Ross, Lady with half slip - Ruth May, Number of gum drops - Lorne Ross. • The winners of the races were Matthew Ross, Alexander May, Jacob May, Fraser Tebbutt, Jennifer Ross and Jonathon Wright. Kick the slipper was won by Jacob May, Matthew Ross, Fraser Teb- butt and Wesley Wright. The green team won the bean bag con- test. 'Laurel Ready won the balloon con- test. Jonathon Wright was the best run- ner and also broke the pinata. A peanut scramble ended the events which were conducted by the Jeffery family: Doris, Judy and Gordon. This ad aponsoredAiiy" 't "t + TONY ARTS S'27=0794 SwIiFe BUCK & DOE for "t0AIIG—KERSLAKE and COLLEEN MELADY Saturday, Sept.2 For information phone 235-0509 or 345-2069 Fri. - Thurs. Aug. 25 - 31• Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9 PM Sun. - Thurs. 8 PM tl'JA6T�IISNE e PICTURES MITCHELL FAIR ERw& Es" BAY MMM (car rjfw,r , r 4 �dA '.I` 1 1 ALL NEW , ((�.� f t�tFAMILYY 66 11 Long Distance 1-800-265 3438 F r Toll Free Movie Info. Backwell - Currie Mr. & Mrs, Howard Hackwell, Walton, wish to announce the mar- riage of their daugher, Patricia June to R.G. Spence, son of Mrs. Elvia Currie and Mr. Malcolm Currie, Toronto. The Wedding will take place Saturday, September the se- cond at 11:30 a.m. in Duff's United Church, Walton. STEP DANCE COMPETITION Saturday, September 2 NOTE: Check in time for all classes 1:30 - 1:45 Dancing to commence 2 p.m. OLD TYME DOWNEAST 8 & tinder 12 & Under Open 8 & Under 12 & Under Open GROUPS: 10 8. UNDER Open House Fiddler in Attendance STAG for DALE CRONIN Saturday, September 2 For information Ball 345-2404 or 522-1373 REGISTRATION DY AUG. 28, 1989 TO JEAN MAW, BOX .2884 MITCHELL, ONT. 11118 041143448 ' atemimasmeeele Baseball Game BX93 EM RADIO vs. CROMARTY ALL STARS Thursday, Aug. 24 7:00 P.M. Cromarty Ball Park EVERYONE WELCOME Proceeds to Park Improvement THURSDAY - FRIDAY FIDE AWAKENING THIS SATURDAY ONLY ata leate et eevt JOHN COUGAR NIELLANCAMP Live with SCARECROW The Best Mellancamp Clone Band Around! $5.00 At The Door DON'T MISS IT! pet11111111 e /iIidi ffil l► Afrxistimws ip "lM*44n tiN1 Alt MIN AVM . O P if CLINTON LEGION PIPES & DRUMS 2nd ANNUAL BAND TATTOO 4,6,6 4.ti.eM tin,�Y4i;4f.i,�Y'.+ia bi�:.s4+r'r.•,s `.wi.M K.b'A, LMAh.b W,w� Featuring ° CLINTON LEGION PIPES & DRUMS e DRUMS & PIPES OF THE FOREST CITY o PETROLIA LEGION PIPES & DRUMS ° TRI -COUNTY PIPES & DRUMS RAY CITY, MICHIGAN o DOFASCO PIPES & DRUMS HAMILTON, ONT. o MARY LYNNE TELFORD HIGHLAND DANCERS t ° MASSED BANDS & LEGION COLORS o BRUSSELS LEGION PIPES & DRUMS SATURDAY, AUG. 26 7:30 P.M. CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK GRAND STAND $5.00/person (includes the dance). Children under 12 FREE for Tattoo. Dance to follow in Ceumunity Centre. 9,00 p.m. till 1100 a.m. Music by Bruce "Baum Raman" Vincent D.J. Sponsored by i Royal Canadian Legion Branch 140. Tickets at the Gate. No Minors t admitted to dance. Proceeds to Legion Charities. Licensed under P L.L.$.O. Special Q,eeaeion Permit,