HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-23, Page 5IYI eGEE 3a CAMPBELL.
Springy Suits
In the range of Men's Suits
from $8.5o to $18 5o will be
found the expression of our
idea of what is meant by dis-
tinctive clothes. We believe
that every man of taste will be
able to discover here just that
which he has been seeking
without finding. We offer
you originality rather than last
season's ideas "warmed over."
Slip shod clothing is barred
from our store.
Men's Hats.
The man who is interested in finding just the hat to snit him in
every.particalar will be pleased with the exhaustive assort-
ment presented here, Hard hats in black in the newest
blocks, soft hate in all the latest shapes, colors and qualities,
Straw Hats, ranging from - •- - 603 to $7.50
Fancy Shirts
The man who has an hour to spare will enjoy spending that time
in looking through our splendid 'stook of sof, shirts. We
have just received many new lines of the famous Star Brand
in handsome
patterna,onffa separate or attached,plain or pleat-
ed fronts, coat shirts or regulation style, 75o, $1 00, $1,25, $1.50
Boys' Clothing Inducements.
We are offering special values in Boys' two pieoe Snits this week,
splendid wearing qualities, good ooiora, all eiz3s, regular
$3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 Hurry up price • - - $2,25
McGee & Cam
Come with the crowd and leave your order
for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from
dirt and clinkers. It has no equal.
Another of the early pioneer residents
of Tnrnberry passed away on Monday in
the person of Mrs Jane Anderson, relict
of the late James Anderson. Deceased I _s4,
was in her 80th year and had for many t• `lir
years been a resident of the Township. •
and was held in high eateem by a large
circle of friends.
Wkea Towr Back Herta.
Of course it's hard to work. Stooping
over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you
wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline?
Nothing like it for weak or lame boot.
It penetrates to the core of the pain,
eases from the first applieation, brings
cure that defies a relapse. No liniment
is so olean, so soothing, so certain to kill
muscular, rheumatic or sciatic pains
Your dealer sells Poleon's Nerviline in
large 250 bottles, Why not try it?
East Wawanosh Township Council
will meet in this village next Monday,
in the Foresters' hall, as a Court of
Revision and for general business.
The 10 year Ave per cent. $1,600 school
deoeutnres have been sold to Mies Bella
Sproat at $1630. The cement founda-
tion for the new school building has
been completed and the brick work will
be commenced in a few days. Another
bee will be held to draw the balance of
the brink from Blyth.
Good steady work is being done by
the pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday
School in Belgrave. Last summer five
of the scholars won the Diploma award-
ed by the General Assembly for correct-
ly repeating at one sitting the whole of
the Shorter Catechism and this spring
three certificates and one Diploma have
been presented. Certificates were won
by Bessie Wightman, Bella Wightman
and George Wilson Geddes, for correct-
ly repeating prescribed verses. The
diploma was won by Aggie McCallum
who repeated two hundred verses of
scripture. Also at Calvin Church E.W.
one certificate for memorizing verses
was won by Willie Young.
Why Do You Faint?
Sometimes from shook or fright, but
venally because the system is weakened
and depressed, -it laoks power to retaot
from sudden strain. This condition de-
mands rebuilding, demands nourish-
ment, which is best supplied by Ferro.
zone. In every form of debility Ferro•
zone is a speoifio. It fortifies the digee-
Live and aeaimulative power of the body,
promotes the elimination of waste mat-
erials, builds up tissue, gives energy and
resistance. To have rioh, red blood, en-
during nerves, a strong constitution and
lasting good health, use Ferrozone. Sold
everywhere in 50o boxes or six for $2 50.
Following is a synopsis of the Assess-
ment Roll of the township of Grey for
1957: Aetual valve of real property ex-
clusive of buildings $1,957,470; value of
buildings $843,530; business assessment
$13,940; income assessment 0,140; total
assessment $2,818,080; children between
5 and 21, 947; children between 5 and
16, 678; male persons from 21 to 60 years,
743; present population, 3.084. Popu-
lation is 37 less than in 1906.
Sunday morning, May 12th, Wm. H.
Hutchinson, an old and highly esteemed
former resident of Grey township,
crossed that bourne from whence no
traveller returns, in his 83rd year. He
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Jennie Hayoroft, John street, Brussels,
after a brief illness. Wm, ,Hornsby
Hutchinson was born in the County of
Dnrham, England, where he was married
to Jane Morley, of the same locality 54
years ago. A few years after their mar-
riage they came to Canada in the hope
of improving Mr. Hatchinson'e health.
Clarke township, County of Durham was
their first stopping place, where they
spent two years, and then came west to
Hullett township, living there for a year
and then mover to lot 18, Don. 6, Grey,
which was then a bush lot. Here they
continued to reside up to Mrs. Hutchin-
son's demise 10 years ago. A comfort-
able home was built and it became a
well-known center for religions services
and many a preacher was hospitably en-
tertained under the roof of this worthy
-"The t Beggar Student," in the opera
... .. _,,. house
._' . his (Thursday)evening.
... ' '
Think Of It!
Granite Stove Pots,
Granite Stew Kettles,
teg. 75c and 85c, now .40 and .50
.40 and .50
Axle Grease, regular 10 cents a box, now 6 boxes for
Daisy Churn, No. 2, regular $6.5o, tor
Daisy Churn, No. 3, regular $7.00, for
Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7,00,
Screen Doors - from
- - 5.50
.50 to 2.25
Large assortment of SCREEN WINDOWS.
Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams', .Robertson's and Beaver
Ready -Mixed Paints. Church's A'iabastine.
White Lead and Linseed. Oils,
GARDEN TOOLS or all kinds. ' Ilt will pay you to call and get prices
on anything you want in our line.
Young's Big Hardware.
Convalescents need a large amount of nourish.
ment in easily digested form.
.Scott'.x Emulsion is powerful nourish..
ment---highly concentrated.
3 It makes bone, blood and muscle without
putting any tax on the digestion.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c, AND $1.00.
We are pleased to -hear that Joseph E.
Ooombes, now Principal of South Qui
Appall() school, Sask., has completed his
course and received the degrees of B. A,
He is e, son ol! Joseph and Mrs. Ooombee,
well-known residents of this locality.
We wish him success. Joseph E
Ooombee, jr. who was in poor health
has rallied in good shape and is now
teller in a bank in Alberta.
Dr. Eddie Bryans, formerly of this
localtty, who has been residing in Win-
nipeg for some time is now practioiog
physician and surgeon ft r ore division
of the Grand Thank Pacific Railway,
with headquarters at Killaly, Seek. He
has 8 railway camps to look after with
probably the addition of others. These
Damps extend over 60 miles of district
and the round drive each week makes
'the Dr. travel 120 miles.
Blood, Pare, Rich, Red,
Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes,
vivacious spirits are all the outcome of
good blood. No surer way exists of
purifying and enriohiug the blood than
to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By their
gentle action on the bowels, kidneys and
Weer they filter every impurity from the
system, leaving it wholesome and able
to do the work necessary for the main-
tenance of health,
To be well, look well and feel always
at your best, use Dr Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Butternut, a truly won-
derful medicine for yoang and old. Price
25o at all dealers.
Oa Wednesday evening of last week,
at six p.m., Mess Marguerite M., daugh-
ter of Mrs. John Bradnock, of East
Wawanosh, was united in marriage to
William J. Dobie of the same township.
On Tuesday of last week, Robert
Howard, of the 3rd concession, passed
away at the age of 62 years, Deceased
suffered a stroke of paralysis about a
year ago, and this was fo11. wed by an-
other one recently, which resulted in his
demise, Mr. Howard was formerly a
resident of Blyth, but removed to the
farm in East Wawanosh about two years
ago, The funeral took place on Friday.
No Liniment Can Cure It.
That pain between the eyes isn't neur-
algia. Many think so, but it is catarrh,
plain ordinary catarrh that needs atten-
tion right pow. Yourjproper lead is to
nee "Catarrhozane;e Doctors recoga'ze
it as a mare that surpasses all others,
Sure, because it does reach the trouble;
safe, because no drugs to take, you
breathe its healing. vapor direct to the
Bourse of the trouble. and cure is guar-
anteed. Two sizes, 250 and $1,00. Sold
Dr. W. J. Milne has purchased an
automobile. This plane now boats of
two autos, Mr. I. Brown having had one
for the past year.
Mr. Reg. Goodday has secured a good
position with the T. & N. 0. railway and
will leave shortly for North Bay, from
there he will leave and join the company
Mr. Herb. Smith is with.
G. D. Denstedt has purchased the
hardware business from N. B. Garry,
and will get possession in a few weeks.
We understand it is Mr. Gerry's inten-
tion to remove to Fort William if he
can dispose of his property here.
On Sunday evening last, the members
of the local lodge of Oddfellows, with
visiting brethren from Brussels and
Wingham, numbering over eighty in all,
attended divine service in Trinity church,
where Rev. W. H. Hartley preaehed a
most appropriate sermon from the text :
"True religion and undefiled before God
is this: to visit the fatherless and widows
in their affliction and keep yourselves
unspotted from the world." A most
helpful and inspiring sermon was de-
livered, the speaker dwelling particular-
ly on the good work being accomplished
by the Order. On returning to the hall
the usual votes of thanks were passed,
and short speeches made by some of the
visiting brethren and members of the
looal lodge. Blyth Lodge is to be con-
gratulated on the success it has had in
the short period of its existence. The
memberehip is steadily on the increase.
A movement is on foot to hold a
monster celebration here on July let.
An epidemic of mumps is prevalent
here now, and the attendance at the
public school has been materially reduc-
ed in consequence.
Te 0 intra' betel hzs b sen receiving
attention at the hands of the painters
and paperhangers, and presence a decid-
ed improvement in appearance.
The Tennis -Club bas been reorganized
with the following ofiiners:-Hon. Presi-
dent, J. Leckie; President, R. G. Nor-
man; Vice President, W. M. Sinclair;
Seo'y-Treas., A. A. White. Executive
Committee, Mr Trainer, De Field, Rus-
sell Brown and Arthur Smith. Captain.
J. H. Cameron; Chaplain, Rev. E. G.
Powell, The club has a goodly numb-
er of lively racquet wielders who take
quite an active interest in the game.
A few citizens aro proposing to bore
for oil, or gas, somewhere near the G.
T. R. station as oil inditfattons were
found long ago in sinking the salt well
and also in the deep well at the terrace.
Oil is now saoh a valuable product it
would give an immense stimulus to our
village and noighboi;hood is we can find
it in p i ing quantities:' Mr Peat, an ex'
pert and experienced driller of Petroiia,
was liere on Tuesday and disousaed tho
situation. He is well posted on the
The assersor has returned the roll and
we fl.nd the following figures; popula-
tion 431, value of real $131,257, whole
amount of assessment $152,287.
Robert Miller, a former well kno yen
resident of Wroxeter, has taken a re-
sponsible position position with the C.P.
R. His duties are to visit the various
localities and inspect the old ties taken
out so that any worth replacing on the
track are to be marked and used on
straight pieces of roadway or siding s
The care of timber, ties, &3, by the fore -
men of the various sections is also to be
reported on. The work will extend
from Smith's Falls to Windsor; from
Toronto to Teeswater, Owen Sound,
Goderioh, Parry Sound and St. Thomas.
Mr. Miller is an old and experienced hand
at railroad timber handling so will be
quite competent to handle the new work.
He will have a very busy time in cover-
ing his large territory.
All so-called "soothing" syrape and
moat of the powders advertised to cure
ohildhood ailments contain poisonous
opiates and an overdose may ki the
onild. When the mother uses aby'a
Own Tablets she has the guar ee of a
government analyst that t ' medicine
contaius no opiate r n cotie. They
can be given with so to safety, to a
new born baby, T care indigesttoa,
constipation, none, diarrhoea and the
other minor ailments of children. Mrs.
G. Collins, Hirkella, Man., says: -
'•Baby's Own Tablets are the most antis -
factory medicine I have ever used for
the minor ailments of children. I al-
ways keep the Tablets in the houae."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Patronize Ontario Industry.
Daring the last ten years the great
milling industries of the West have been
so extensively advertised in Ontario that
many farmers have given up raising
wheat. The farmer who formerly help-
ed to make a market for his home-grown
product to day buys the western flour
for family use, and thus contributes to
western prosperity, instead of putting
money into his own pockets by patroniz-
ing an Ontario industry. Ontario mill-
ers have been unable to run more than
eight or ten hours a day, and as a result
the price of bran and shorts has risen to
twenty and twenty-two dollars a ton, as
compared with the former prices cf
twelve to fifteen, in the palmy days of
wheat growing in Ontario.
This competition of the western wheat
lands is a tremendous fact; in the aggre-
gate the decline in the market in Ontar-
io for the floor manufactured in this
province has amounted to a loss of mil-
lions to the farming community.
No proof is needed to convince the
general public that the western flour is
"stronger" that is, richer in gluten,than
its Ontario rival. But that the flavor
and color of Ontari a flour is superior
must be conceded even by those most
interested in pushing the product of the
prairie provinces. Down East, in the
Maritime Provinces, the demand for a
first-class flour has led to the blending
of the eastern and western whests in
such proportions that enough gluten is
added to the Ontario prodnot to bring it
up to the strength of western flour,
while retaining the delicate and tasty
qualities for which Ontario flour is
Considerable progress has been made
in flour blending in Ontario, and after
nearly ten years of experiment on the
part of expert millers and bakers the
superior quality of the blended flour has
been demonstrated by the demand al-
ready created.
There seems to be every reason in
favor of the adoption by the people of
Ontario of the use of such a flour; an
increase in the milling of Ontario wheat
means an enlarged market and money in
the farmer's pocket. If the manufac-
ture of the blended flours were merely
in the experimental stage, arguments in
favor of its use generally throughout
Ontario might prove ineffective; but
now that some of the largest wholesale
bakers in Toronto are enthusiastio about
the increased sales of bread made of
blended flour for Ontario people, it is
surely worth while to purebase an
article which. means increased prosperi-
ty all over the Banner Province of the
Established .1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
CrcSolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more freotie, A+i.teathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the bethink organs
than to take the remedy a to the stn ra, b'!
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the ',deemed surf..te with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- .
stent. It .i invaluable to mothers whit small
Those ofarensnmptiv' s . e
tendency find immediate tut c a
relief front r•mghs or in- jti
hinted conditions cf the
Suk1 by uru•tgi.ts.
Send postal forbeellet,
Lscna at;, tftt.en ro.,
Limited, A: e.t:,, Mon: -
teal, eacada,
Now Idea
Only lOc
nAiv IdN►
Isard & Go.
Quality and Prices
We are ready with the Largest and Rest stook of
Whitewear, Shirt Waists, Etc
we have ever shown. Shrewd Bayer's will do well to see
our atook before buying elsewhere.
Special Value in White Lawn Waists
The"Gale Make," every size sure to fit, beth Lang and Short
Sleeves. Prioea are $1, $1.25, $1.50. $2, $2.50.
White Underskirts
Made fall wide width, nicely trimmed with Laos and Embroidery.
All prices See oar special line at $1.25.
d Children's White Lawn Dresses
A full range of sizes in pretty dresses for children. Prices ate veru
moderate, and are cheaper than yon can have them made. SEE OUR
Ladies' White Linen Skirts.
Nicely made. See thein.
Ladies' Drawers
A good stook to choose from. Six dozen EX PRA. SPECIAL. G33a
value at 50c; while they last, only 39c.
rd' R
pore geeere"rS"` ` teGe)"-tet qtr• _"�"C- eg-r-t nersisel-aree:e a1, `•'mess's Me,
Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis ! ! !
This means that you can take any can of
" Martin - Senour 100:', Pure Paint "
off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable
chemist in Canada. " If you do not find it abso-
lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay
the charges and make you a present of $too for
t-1 your trouble. )�
S. tit
Od++++444+4+444+++44+4+4+44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++4
+ yall rocery. i
+ a►
+ WASH TUBS -Remember, we keep the 4-
sbest Wash Tubs in town, made by hand,
e out of thoroughly seasoned pine ; strong
+ and durable. - $1.00 to $1.25 +
WASH BOARDS -- The -nod, solid. s
heavy buch board, at .25
+e -
+++4+4+++++++++++++++4++4+ •'e 4...++.++4`+++4++++..♦j,.,
In order to reit)ioe our stoc of Coel and woed Heating Stoves
wo are offering eom3 ex^o est inducements. When you cit:';
the goods and learn the ices you will be coiivi=iced that i;
will ba money well spar. . to buy now. See what wo
b3foro purchasing i)1ncw? ere. We can Savo you money
Sap rails, Mill Pon*, etc., on Mantel,
Bu Sol
Vv Ib7tA"I A".4C.