HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-23, Page 4IISTAJarelaalISDD, litre WINGIIAM TIMES. .iib w r.SO rT, Puweasenset 4) PROPIMITOn TI URSDAY, MAY' 23, I9O7, NOTES AND COMMENTS. . e annual, meeting of the East Huron !"t, =j srvative Aseooiation will be held e.t awls, on Tuesday, Jape 4th. It is 'Ifikialy that a candidate for the Legisla- ' Imre will be selected at this meeting. Not every boy can be a rich man or a great man, but every boy can be a gentleman. A boy with gentlemanly m annexe, who ,te trusted and honest, and does hie best every day, will gain the atteution and confidence of men, and will be given payiug and responsible positions Ete soon as he is old enough to SU there. Boys like to have fun and a good time. It is right they should. They will never be boys but once, but to have fun is not altogether what they are made for, Boys are of value ohiEflv to make men good for something in the world, Character, i ke a house, must have the right kind of a foundation. The foundation stones of a gool character are reverence to God, respect and obedi- ence to parents, deference for old people. —Peterboro Examiner. The report of the Georgian Bay Canal Commiesioners will be presented to the House of Comruons next session. It will contain full detailed particulars ae to the completed cost of the entire water- wayeastasSeiniles in length, Nearly $600, - ..,ave been expended in securing for the fitst time fall and accurate data with respect to the cost or the great project. The total cost of the canal, it is estimated, will reach $105,000,000. The report will deal not only with the estimated cost, but will explain the en- gineering problems to be encountered in the oonstruotion. The figures cover a roate from the Georgian Bay to Mont - 1 real, via the French raver, Lake Nipis- sing and the Ostawa Rtvor. The report will show that the plan is quite feasible, the only point to be decided is as to whether the expected results will justify such an expenditure of public money. It is expected that the canal will have a continuous depth of twenty-one feet during the period of navigation. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, while in England re• cently, expressed himself as in favor of the construction of this canal. Did you notice how they they reached out for Your Uncle Sir William Mulock when they got into real tronble in the coal region in the West? They had to get a Man whom the coal miners would trust; and Sir William proved to be the the man. AU of whish goes to show that Sir William was not wasting his time during those arduous and oft- criticsed years when he was establishing a Labour Department and workingin his quiet way for the labouring man. It has alwaysseemed to me to be a thousand pities that Sir William was permitted to retire from the Federal Government. It may hive been tree that:his:health would not permit him to go through all the drudgery entailed in the management of a department; but he certainly has had enough health to play his part as mem- ber of the Government and to exers an influence upon the progressive policy of his party. There are plenty of pretty good departmental men in Parliament who oonld have taken over the office; but there was only ono Mulock who had creative mind the daring optimism and the confidence of the people.—Cauadian Cormier. J is i t. A RHEUMATIC WRECK TIIE WINGHAM TIM S, MAY 23, ,1907 After Hospital Treatment Failed Dr Williams' Pink Pills Cured Him. "I suffered the greatest agony from rheumati tit. Leading physicians pre- presertbed man' medicines,bat with un- satisfactory results, I was compelled to. go to an hospital, but even the treat- ment there failed. Then I took Dr Williams' Pink Pills and to -day I am a well man." These words were spoken by Clifford L Forties when interviewed at his home in Port Maitland, N. S. Mr. Forbes is a fishermen and had always been vory healthy, n til some three ago while fishing off Newfoundland he 'was seized with a very severe attack of rheumatism In his own words he says: "I was fish- ing on the Graud Banks in the spring of 1903 when I was stricken with rheuma- tism, I could not work or sleep, and the pain was almost unbearable. My vase became so serious that I had to be land- ed and for weeks I lay i i a Cape Breton hospital as helpless as a cripple. The hoe;pital doctors prescribed dliferent re• mediae, but they did not cure me. I then left the hospital and was then tak- en home with rheumatism apparerfily completely fastened upon me. Aly and night I suffered. Nothing I d'd°for the trouble seemed to help me and}I became despondent and down•heart�dd. Then a friend advised me to try r Williams' Pink Pills. I was eke ical, but my friend praised the pills s highly that I determined to try the , with the re- sult you see today. am fully cured and nave not since h even a twinge of that dreaded afilicti . I cannot say too much in favor of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and I urge all rheumatic sufferers to try them." Dr Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. Forbes because they struck straight at the root and cause of his crippling rheu- matism. They don't act on the bowels. They do only one thing, but they do it well—they actually make new blood. In that way they root vont all common blood diseases like anaemia, headaches and backaches, rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, and the secret ailments of girls and women who suffer unspeakab- ly when the richness and regularity of their blood becomes disturbed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold by all dealers in medicine, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brookville, Ont, Rural School Grant. The grants to the Rural Public Schools will, in future, be paid in two instal- ments. The first instalment, paid some- time after August let, will be made up as follows: -1st, a grant of $50 to all schools whose teacher holds ia First or Second class certificate, and 2ad, a grant of 40% on the amount of salary paid over $300, for the year ending June 30th, 1907. Sehoo s having assistants will re- ceive 40% on amount of salary paid over $200 Thera are certain grants given to Sohool Sections assessed at $60,000 or less; but East Enron receives none of these as the lowest assessed section is No 11, Turnberry, $60 975 The highest is No 1, Grey. $301,530. The second in. stalment, paid sometime after December 1st, will be apportioned on the "the basis of Equipment and accommoda- tione," viz, 10% on valve of equipment and at least $30, where the sonool ac- commodations are graded I In some sections (happily but two or three) where the School accommodations are bad this grout may fall as low as $5. The mums thee lost will g,i to those schools where an enlightened public opinion has en. abled Trustees to keep school prem ses and school houses up to the twentieth century standard. All rural public and separate schools of the Province will re- ceive a grant of $5 on all library books purchased between July 1st, 1906 and ,Taly let, 1907, provided no purchase is lees than $10, Ad I For the Children :To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with :the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget j Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The eMldrnn rannotppoestblt hays hoed health unless the trowels are fn proper condition. Cor - root kit?7 constitt++anon by s1vinKK emsli laxative deeee 01,Arer's PiIIL All vegeCabte,engarcoatcd. .w0 acute trit. m0.aAlgot lrOtor,eLeoOfit, ?tad/. V HAIR VISOR. rsCltEfrll PECTe.ORAL. t*ia haste no .+orals f We pub,feh tete fllra1211641 or all our sasdirdaee, BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES, The British Admiralty is not satia&Ed with its resent extraordinary deyelop- ment of the torpedo boat destroyer. In 1893 its largest boat of this type was the Havoc, of 240 tons, 3,500 bo:sepower, and 26?.y knots. Five of the boats authorized in 1905 6 are now taking the water, the Ghurka and Afrldi having recently been laneabed. These boats are of 790 tons, 14,500 horsepower, and have a speed of 33 knots, three more than any of the destroyers owned by Germany, France or the United States, and aro 200 tons larger than the largest foreign boat. Not content with this leadership, the Admiralty has laid down at Birenhead the Swift, a destroy- er of 1,830 tons, 30,000 horsepower, with the phenomenal speed of no less than 36 knots an hour. The Swift is to be an ocean -cruising beat, with a great radi- us of action; and having the pace to overhaul any torpedo boat or destroyer, cruiser or battleship. will truly become "the eyes and ears of the fleet." Both the Ghurka and the Swift have high freeboards and are comfortable and liv- able vessels, instead of racing machines utterly exhaust their crews in a few days. It ie now apparent that in the eyes of the Admiralty the torpedo gun- toat are failures, the former beoauee its scouting powers were sacrificed to its armament and the latter because it was neither a scout nor a destroyer. Oaly three 12•pounders will be carried by the Ghurka, and four 25 pounders by the Swift. A clearer example of the way the British Admiralty leads the whole world in naval construction and develop- ment it would be hard to find. Every other oonntry is an imitator, and at that from three to five years behind.—New York Post. Live Stook Afar Sets Toronto, May 21.—Receipts at the city cattle market yesterday and today consisted of 71 cars, containing 1,280 cattle, 425 sheep and lambs, 650 hogs and 732 calves. The market was inclined to be dull, partly on account of the 'longshoremen's strike now on in Moutreal. It is said that over a thousand cattle from Toronto are waiting in Montreal for ship room. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 00 $6 20 Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 00 Stockers choice 4 00 " bulls .. 3 00 Butchers'— Picked 4 75 5 00 Choice 4 00 4 25 Medium. .. 4 25 4 50 Cows........ 4 75 4 40 Bulls 3 60 3 75 Hoge -- Best ... 6 62i:; Lights 6 87;a Sheep— Export ewes 6 00 6 50 Bucks,,,, 5 00 6 00 Culls 3 50 4 00 Spring Lambe each.. 5 00 7 00 Calves. each 3 00 5 75 4 70 4 90 425 4 50 350 375 4 00 4 50 PUBLIC NOTICE. I give notice to the general public that after this date I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. R. H. SAINT, 4 40 4 25 3 40 Wingham, May 10th, 1007. TOWNSHIP OFITURNBERRY. Court of evision. NOTICE —The firs' ff sittings of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the year 1007, will oe held in the Clerk's office, Blnevale, on itf iday, May 27th next at 1.30 o'clock p. m Allersons interested will please take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. lfluovale, May 10th, 1 7. J N BURGESS, Clerk. COURT OF EVISION Take notice that the Cou t of Revision of the TOWN OF INCHAM Will hold its first sittings n the Town Hall in the said to u on Thursday, the 30 day of May, A.D. 1007, at the hon of 8 o'clock P.M. All persons having bu ness at the said Court should govern themsoly s accordingly. J. B. ERGUSON, Clerk. Bated, Clerk's office, Wi gham, May 15th,1007. NOT/CE. The Hotelkeepers of Wingham have deoided that on and after the lst of Jane the price of all Liquors shall be 10 Dents per glass. STABLE RATES:—Team, hay, 15 cents. Stand in stable, for 1 or 2 horses, 10 cents. High license, the ad- vance in the price of goods of all kinds, the advanoe in wages, etc., makes this step neoessary. The prise of beer, ale, porter and na- tive wine will still remain at 5 cents per glass. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER AT KNOX'S. A large stook of Wall Paper of the newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly rednoed prices 25c Wall Paper for 20c per roll 20c " " 15c " 12io " 100 " „ " 15c " " „ 12}c „ „ „ l00 „ „ 8c 7, " a a 5, " " Borders same price per roll as sidewalls they match. Spalding Sporting Goods Headquarters for everything in Base Ball, Football, Lacrosse, Tennis Goods, Etc. English -made Fishing Tackle We carry a first class stook. Try us Fancy, Souvenir and Comic Post Cards Oar variety can't be beat anywhere. Cameras and Photographic Supplies. A fresh and complete stock, free dark room and instructions to beginners. R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham, Ont. HOMESEEKERS' WINO/TAM DIARHEP REPORTS Wingham, May 22nd, 1907 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 00 to 2 60 Fall Wheat ,,,, ,,,, 0 80 to 0 80 Oats - 0 40 to 0 40 Barley 0 45 to 0 50 Peas .... 0 75 to 0 75 Buckwheat . , 0 50 to 0 50 Butter 0 20 tc 0 20 Eggs per dos 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per cord 250 to 300 Hay , per ton.. 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per lb , ........... 0 53 to 0 06 Lard.,. . ., 015to015 Dried Apples per lb 00} to 0 07 Live Hoar, per owt. 650 to 600 DATES good to date. RATES SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Excursions leave Toronto Tuesdays, June 4, 18 ; July 2,16, 30 .; August 13, 27; Sept. 10. and 24.. Tickets return .within sixty days from going Are the same from all points in Ontario, ranging from $32.00 round-trip to '1\ tnmpeg to 542.00 round,trip to Ed- monton. Tickets to all points in theNorth-west, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc., smart porter in charge. Berths must be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. COLONIST SLEEPERS extirtahthere h gesfoor berths, passengers supplying their own bedding, will be used as fax as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Rates and full information contained in free Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. agent for a co; y, or write to C. 8. FOSTER, District Pass, Agt., C.P.R., Toronto For tickets and full information see J.H. Beemer, Agent at Wingham. Victoria Day, May 24th SINGLE FARE for ROUND TRIP Between all stations in Canada also to Detroit Pt. Huron, Mich,, Buffalo, Niaga:.s Falls and Sus- pension Bridge, N.Y. Good going Thursday and Friday May 23rd and 241h. Valid returning until Monday, May 2 71h. For full information as to rates and tickets, call on L. HAROLn, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDo tALn, D. P. A„ Toronto. cr Why Is It Yon see so many times on our measure book, after a man's order for a suit,— MEASURE SAME AS LAST Because our customers are always Well Suited. We make your suit as you want it made and do not insist on any particular fad of our own get up. WE HAVE THE GOODS For and can make you any kind of Suit, Overcoats, or Pants, from a cheap two piece sack to a Prince..Albert or Full Dress, an or- dinary Chesterfield or extraordinary Paletot Overcoat,' Peg Top or Spring Bottom Pants. We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION We sell the celebrated W. G. & R. Shirts and Collars, The best fitting as well as wearing Shirt and Collar made in Canada. We have a large range of Fancy Vests made up or made to your order. Bargains, 5 'dozen assorted Vests, regular $1,50 and $1.25 for 98o, see them in our window. 01 THE `' BIG STORE," - WINGHAM, ONT. I1AXWELL, & HILL. T Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. wvvVVVVYVYVVyyyyyVVVVVV'VV ♦VYYYYYVVrVYYYVYVVVVYVVVyv ► PIANOS ! SOM Tt1ING. NEW IN WINGt1AM C The New Scale Williams Piano Co. N. oft v. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► p. s. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► v.► ► ► AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store and have appointed me their sole agent for Wingham and vicinity. A special invitation is extended to everyone who wishes to see them and test their tone and design, to call at my furniture store. We specially invite 4 the ladies. Come in and bring any of your friends 4 along and play on them—the more they are played 1C on the better. 41 1 C We charge nothing, but will consider it a favor to have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion -4 C of' what is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be ! ► one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada. ' • C And after you have satisfied yourselves as to their 41 hi'h quality, we will be pleased to quote you i C prices on them. A po- Don't buy until you see the New Scale Williams— 4 they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone 41 e and finish. 4 it41 C 1110.II! IP► FURNITURE DEALER o ► C v.C 4 4 4 4 4 a r 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 .4 11111111111111•110111111111.11.111111111111111% JOHN KERS.. Bargains in Gents' Furnishings You'll have an opportunity to share in what will no doubt be the most sensational Shirt and Collar Sale of the season. Sensational be- cause the goods are new and stylish at a saving in price of from 5o to loo per cent. That sounds big doesn't it? but we will prove the truth of that statement if you'll give us the opportunity to do so, About One Hundred and Fifty New Summer Shirts Secured at a very low price, See them in our north window, white cotton body with fancy ' sateen fronts. Every shirt worth 75c each. Our Special Sale Price only 48c each. Money refunded if not perfectly satisfactory. - About Three Hundred Collars New Goods. Regular price 15c to 2oc each, come and examine these goods, otherwise you won't realize the compelling power of these prices. Turn down Collars, stand up Collars, turn down stand up Collars, all sizes and styles. You'll have to move quick to get your supply at these sensa- tional prices. Our Special Sale Price lOc each or 3 for 25c A quantity of Men's Congress Shoes at Reduced Prices. Men's fine Dongola Congress Shoes, regular $2.25 to $2.5o Our Special Sale Price to Clear $1.65 a pair i CASH PAID FOR GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. 111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111 VVVVn'VVVIVVVVVV,. 41 • 0. p. 4▪ 1 Pt 11. 4 • ► 4 ► \I R A C Arm Y 4 .4 A 4 4 4 4 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VNI IVWVWVWVVVVWVWVVWV AIVIAAMAAAAAMAAAWAAAAAA -, Special Quality IFootwear 1 'i�►` For Ladies. AT POPULAR PRICES cam' We term this footwear "special quality" 0.7 because the quality is specially fine for the price, and the styles are more attractive than are usually sold for the money. Oxford in Patent Kid, Gun Metal and Viol Kid, with turn or welt soles. Repairing neatly done. 1 R. Johnston SHOE DEALER - WINGHAM AAMAAAAAAAAAAAANSIkAMMMAA MMAWMAAIN1AAN1AAAN AAA A BUILDINGS MOVED. Having a frill (quip—tient for the moving of all kinds of bit lrl' t ruga, I am prepared to do work of this kind promptly and eatisfacterlly. My c:tttiit is the beat in this d'.atrlet. Terms a re e7 per day for outfit, plank etc, and two rash, ALEX. BloNEVIN, Wingham, P. 0, OATS FSR SALE. I have On hand a oats for sale. Red taking large qu Whitechurch Elov) Sout 1000 bushels of iced price to parties ntities. Apply at tor. A, FOX, ► ► e► BARLE q y hand, seldom yielding less than 40 bushels per acro. Mensnry, a well-known variety, strong and heavy E JAPANESE MILLET: --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay. l�7e'VVVIV�:VVOV�V./V.1V�'ISVYI� 4 4 SEEDS! " SEEDS FOR FARM AND GAIL AT -- T. A. MILLS' CLOVERS:—Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lucerne, and White r Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De- partment t at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are all home grown. � OATS: —We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel, wonderfully productive, yielding as much as 85 bushels to the acre. of large plump, white grain, Tartar Sing, highly recommended by -411 the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from rust, 4 White Russian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $1000 Oats, very highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom it has been largely grown. Y:—Black, a limited nantit on hn C C GOOSE WHEAT:—Tho cleanest from foreign seeds I have ever handled. • 3 JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT:—One of the best varieties, vory early and productive. RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:—Somethimes 15 inohes in diameter. ► CORNS:—Wo have coming, the largest stock of finest varieties for silage and ► Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Corn, Corley's ' extra early, Crosley's early, Sugar Corn and Country Goutlenfan, field „t .►► and garden peas, EARLY POTATOES: --We have Nought Six a very early and productive variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Farm Ottawa BE rUTY OF HEBRON:—Sneeessfnlly grown in this vicinity. • ALSO GROUND OILOAKE:—Bibbeys Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb Food, and Pare Ground Flax`Meal. 3 1 All kinds of farm produce T. taken, 1 s, A •r MILLS. ' ASAAJEAMANAUCKNAZZIEW101 EtaivimaivivA444WWWW21111 • 0- 4 i