The Huron Expositor, 1989-08-02, Page 13THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 2. 1989 13A
'39 rent increase per hectolitre in in-
dustrial ,milk would effect the current
eMr. Cardiff replied that the increase
allowed the government to stay within
the political agreement.
"With no indexing across Canada the
price would have dropped seven cents,"
he ..added.
A :question was raised regarding the
farm crop insurance program. A
member wished to know why the
government expected farmers to join
the program when they ,(the govern-
ment) are currently trying to decrease
their financial involvement in it
(farmers pay 50 per cent, provincial
and federal governments 25 per cent
each I .
In response, Mr Cardiff replied,
"Farmers say the> want better pro-
grams not less cost. The percentage
might be different but the dollars are
primarily the same. Farmers have told
me that they don't want to buy into a
program that is not responsive to their
needs no matter what the cost."
He then suggested that the farmers
and -the government work out the plan
they want together and then figure out
the cost.
A member of the audience asked the
MP what he had meant by sustainable
agriculture, a phrase he had repeatedly
used in earlier discussion.
"Sustainable agriculture is the whole
package - soil and water conservation,
and healthy food prodortt - we must
take care of .the environment to have a
future. I hope it 'means that we shall do
something about it instead of just
delivering lip service," stated Mr.
Minutes of 'Meeting
A letter of support stating that the
land that makes up the abandoned rail
line from Guelph to Goderich be return-
ed to adjacent landowners was read.
The letter suggested that the land's
use be determined by the rural lan-
downer, whether it be agriculture
reclamation or reforestation.
It was brought to the members' atten-
tion that -as the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture (OFA) has a ,policy suppor-
ting such a move, the 'Huron County
members are in effect already endors-
ing it.
Despite this fact the members voted
to submit the letter so as to help
strengthen support.
A second resolution was brought to
the floor, concerning zonal changes on
lands abutting farm 'properties.
A member informed The federation
that currently if a neighboring piece of
land is rezoned for the placement of a
trailer park etc., surrounding farmers
must give -up a portion of their property
as a 'buffer zone.
"We are farmers living in a farming
area end we should have preference,"
claimed the member.
Following some discussion regarding
the resolution's wording, it was rewrit-
ten, and accepted. It was then referred
to the Huron County Federation of
Agriculture's Property Comrnittee.
The new resolution stated that no zon-
ing 'be changed, if it effects the zoning
of -land for rezoning purposes, unless it
'has the support of all landowners
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shown breaking, the 10 MOST BROKEN
RULES. The poster is available in 58
countries. on six continents. Hagar
speaks 13 languages. Dik Browne Hagar's
creator, is an avid golfer who belongs to
three clubs and claims a 10 to 30ish han-
dicap depending on course conditions and
the size of the wager. Mr. Browne has
created a great poster that many golfers
can relate to. It has been a great asset to
me as a rules official promoting the rules
of golf • to beginners and experienced
We'll forego the Rule of the Week this
time and go straight to happenings at the
local course. Winners this week: Ladies:
Rita Core, Jean Stewart, Marie Ryan.
Men: High Hand: Phil Hoggarth, 2nd
Brent Day, Low Score: Ken Doig Sr..
Low Team: Ken Doig Sr. and Leighton
Lynch. Juniors. Dave McNairn and
Shawn Anstett, Danny Groves and Bret'
Coming Events: Couples Night August -
6:30 pm. Couples Tournament August 5
Tee closed after 11:30 am. Ladies Night
Corn Roast August 7 postponed. Call Pro
Shop for details.
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MERRY MUSIC MAKERS - Breakfast was served up with style
and music at the, Van Egmond House on Sunday. Providing the . Boyes. Robinet photo.
entertainment were Gladys Van Egmond,
Elgin Not and Ed
117 Goderkh SI. EaoI. Seororth
Tel. 527.0410
In loving memory of Edwin Bennewles who
passed away 5 years ago, Aug. 3, 1984
In the early morning dawning
In the high noon of the day
In the fleeting evening shadows
In the thunder and the rain
When the first snowdrop started peaking
When the leaves burst forth in spring
When the beds sing out their -praises
When the grass turns green again
When the summer breeze caresses
When as berry picking time
When we harvest from the garden
Fresh cucumbers from the vine
When the autumn colors dazzle
Painted by the hand of God
When the snowflakes falling gently
Clothe the earth in winter frost
There is someone we remember
A husband, father and a friend
'A grandfather and great grandfather
When he was laid to rest
God knows how much we miss him
As the season come and go
God knows how much we wish each day
That we could tell him so.
Sadly missed by wife Susan and all the family
The jones'.Tn 1h.ir2wFa'miRcm
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