HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-07-26, Page 151 1 7. SITUATIONS WANTED MOTHER OF 18 -month-old boy available to babysit in my home, Pre school, kindergarten or school age, part time days. Close to public school: Call 527-2369. 7-32-2 FOR RENT Grain Bins, aerated, capacity fo1 r 10,000 bushels, 11/2 miles S.W. of Seaforth. Call 522-1641. 10-30-1 14A - •HE'HURON _EXPOSITOR, JULY 26, 1989 {a: 1. COMING EVENTS 'BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth and District Community Centre, $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1000.00 in prizes, 1-27-tf DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays al 7:30 p.m. $1000.00 in prizes. Lucky Ball remains at $100.00. 1-27-tf KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2,500 prize money, $1,000 Jackpot to go, at Saltford Valley Hall every Thursday night. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p.m. 1-27-tf HURON COUNTY Cattleman's Beef BBQ and Dance Seaforth Community Centres, Wed. July 26. Music by Beechwood. Barbecue 5:30 - 7:30. Tickets $10.00 per person available from local directors, or 887-6186. 1-29-2 THE SEAFORTH Agricultural Society are sponsoring a bus to the CNE; day of the Queen of the Fair competition, Wed., Aug. 16. For information call 522-0876. 1-29-2 COUNTRY BREAKFAST AND ART SHOW, Van Egmond House, Egmondville, Sunday, July 30, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bacon and eggs, toast and jam, pancakes, home fries, sausage, muf- fins, juice, tea or coffee. Adults $4.00, under 12, $2.00 pre-schoolers free. 1-29-2 Golden Horseshoe STEAM SHOW: Gas Era Village, antique cars, sawmill, fiddling, calliope, horsepulls, antique tractor pulls, threshing, parades, crafts, Hart Parr display. Caledonia, August 4-7. 1-30-bc 4x4 CHALLENGE Bill's Hill's, Wilberforce, August 5 and 6th. Mudbog, wheel -to -wheel, truckpull, 4 u 4 hillclimb, flea market, 705-448-2924. 1-30-bc Clare Burt Tours has few spaces left on a STEAMBOAT CRUISE of the St. Lawrence River. Cruise with Clare and Millie Burt, August 31st to September 3rd. Call: 416-451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090, 1-30-b c SINGLES DANCE Friday, July 28, 9 - 1 a.m. Continual music for your "dancing pleasure" by Starlight D.J. Service at White Carnation Hall, Holmesville, 482-9228, $4.00 per per- son. 1-28-2 SEAFORTH KNIGHTS of Columbus Council 5289 welcomes everyone to a Jamboree Sun- day, August 20, 1989, 1 till 6 p.m., K o1 C Hall St. Columban. 1-30-1 MYSTERY TOUR - Pre register now for two day mystery tour this fall. Tour itinerary recently researched by..Ma g. Burkhart. Phone Maxey Travel '1-800-265-8580. 1-30-1 JULY 25 cents DAYS - July 27, 28, 29, 31. Salvation Army Thrift Store, at 80 King Street, Clinton. 1-30-1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the BRUSSELS ADULT HEALTH CLINIC held at the Health Unit Office Medical Building, Brussels on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 from 1:30 • 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Urine Testing 4. Blood Pressure 5. HELP WANTED TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience required. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge and London. 5-27-tf FULL TIME work available Immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1.800.265.3034. 5-27-tf W.J. FEENEY Construction requires perma- nent experienced, carpenters and foreperson. Work involves general carpentry and con- crete. Apply at W.J. Feeney Const., 58 Union St. Dublin, Ont. 345-2405. 5-27-tf HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested per- sons needed immediately to self toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 5-30-bc COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR. Ad- ministrative, editorial, production (desktop publishing) responsibilities. Cultural/nonprofit familiarity desirable. $28,000-$30,000. On- tario Museum Association, 465 King East No. 13, Toronto M5A 1L6: 416-367.3677. -5-30-b c BANFF & JASPER - Full-time cleaning staff required for motel/hotel operations in famous resort towns. Shared accommodations are available for single female employees. Charlton Resorts, P.O. Box 1478, Banff, Alberta TOL OCO. Phone: (403) 762-2575. 5-30-bc TOWN AND COUNTRY Homemakers seeks mature, caring individual to work as part-time homemakers in the Seaforth area. This posi- tion is well-suited to experienced people will- ing to work a variety of shifts and on a call-in basis. Training, uniforms, travel expenses provided. Phone 1-800-265-3039 or 482-9264. 5-30-2 Resort to the Rockies - CHATEAU LAKE LOUISE has full-time permanent positions now available in our housekeeping,stewarding and food and beverage departments as well as front desk personnel as housekeeping at- tendants, warewashers cooks and waitresses. You must be 18 years old and available to start work immediately. The Chateau will pro- vide subsidized meals and accommodations. Send resumes with two letters of reference to: Manager, Human Resources, Chateau Lake .Louise, Lake Louise, Alberta TOL 1E0 (403) 522-3635. 5-30-bc R.N.A. to work full time 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift in a nursing home, every other weekend off. Apply to Mitchell Nursing Home or phone 348-8861. 5-30-2 Appointment Officers Work from home, to offer a new en- vironmental service to home owners. Top wages paid weekly, for number of appoiMmenta set. For more Information call toll free 9 1-800-265-4419 ACTION DUCT CLEANING London, Ontario 2. YARD / GARAGE SALE COMMUNITY YARD SALE, every Saturday, weather permitting, at Today's Variety, Londesboro. Join us at no charge. Inquiries 523-9790. Furniture, clothing etc. 2-29-tf GARAGE SALE, Fri., July 28 noon to 7 and Sat., July 29 8 a.m. to 7 Something for everyone. Homemade baking, Harpurhey at Dave Jervis's. 2-30-x1 GARAGE SALE - July 29, 162 Isabella St., Seaforth 8 a.m. till 7, maternity and baby clothes, car seat, play pen, baby buggy, plus much more. 2-30-1 SIDEWALK SALE, 48 Chalk St. Seaforth. Home baking, new and used clothing, jewellery and cosmetics, Sat., July 29. 2-30-1 MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale, Sat., July 29, 9 a.m. 47 William St. Egmondville. Baby clothes, tires, misc. items, books. Rain date Aug. 5. 2-30-1 - YARD SALE, 15 Railway St. Saturday, July 29, 8 a.m. to ? 2-30-x 1 A t Jpara•med mum SERVICES Requires Mature Caring People as Part Time Home Support Workers Seaforth and Area DUTIES: - Light housekeeping - Meal ' preparation - Assistance with personal care QUALIFICATIONS: - Good homemaking skills - Experience in caring for -health needs an asset - Car essential 5. HELP WANT -ED ;CALL 524-5346 1 THE HURON COUNTY 'BOARD OF .:EDUCATION �� f'1'requuiirres a 'SECRETARY AT kHOLMESVTLJ E PUIB1a1C GHOOL Reeppoonaibilitfee willinclude typjpgefilipg a ad:,preyifdingempport,nervicea to;.the,ad- minietration, teacltere-and,ettidents of the,ecltool. The Ideal candidate wJll have: 1. typin�gg .filingaad,Copa uter,eatlerience;,,end 2. eacd8ent,ftil+everaeAtlu,-Idnd.comtegiefcaWPa*111e, Terms of employment: 35 heur$,per,Week,,effective Optober;2, ;1989 10-u3ontlt.•year Please submit applications 'by,noonFriday„Augpat 4, 1989,. to: A RMUDIE:Dlogner-Psd'sot MOIMtAatl er Htupn1�vvuutyel oard oP„ ..1- lieqn 103:,Alberti, ,tr t•OlatA/ :04 O 1)M;i11L0 Jobe Jewitt k. Chair 5. HELP WANTED A PERSON to work as a nurses alde day shift and some evening shifts. No experience necessary we will train, full time and part time. Apply to Mitchell Nursing Home or phone 348-8861. 5-30-2 SALESPERSON ...Are you responsible, dependable, self -motivated, personable, and a "people person"? ...We are offering a part-time position. DON'S SHOE PLACE Seaforth WANTED TO HIRE Responsible mature person to work on diversified cash crop farm. Appli- cant should be experienced In the operation and maintenance of large farm equipment. Housing is available. & HIII Farms Ltd. Varna - 233-3218 Survival Through ,friendship House of Huron County -a shelter for battered women and their children is seeking a RELIEF RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLOR Qualifications: -relevant knowledge of and/or experience with related social and justice services -knowledge of issues related to wife assault -counselling experience -ability to handle crisis situations Send resume to: Mite Lee, Executive Director SURVIVAL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP HOUSE OF HURON COUNTY P.O. BOX 334, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C6 CLOSING DATE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1989. 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY YOUR 'FUTURE' 'Starts with Tri -County Trupk Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-0400 - Cam- bridge. 6-30-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER Training for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. 6-30-bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer- ing. Next class: October 20-28/89. For infor- mation contact: Southwestern School of Auc- tioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 6-30-bc LASER CONCEPT Treatment Centres. Licenses now available starting at $3,000. STOP SMOKING and LOSE WEIGHT. An- cient acupuncture/auricular therapy. New, soft laser technology. Extensive corporate training and certification. On-going support and education for future uses. Amazing return on investment. S.C. Marketing, Your Success Combination, (519) 652-5321. Ask for lan. 6-30-bc NEW Canadian Made Multiple Function TON- ING TABLE. Ideal for addition to beauty salons or toning, tanning salons. Lowest prices. Dealer inquiries welcome. (403) 352-8030, (403) 352-7544 evenings. 6-30-bc START your own profitable business. Toning, tables and bodywraps. Great paybacks. Train- ing consultation .and delivery available. 519-485-6581 or 519-485-5475. 5.30-bc DIVERSIFY FOR $UCCESSI Excellent add- on service for toning, tanning or beauty salons. European Body Wraps International detoxifies and tightens soft tissue and skin - used internationally. Summer special (before August 15th) on starter kit $1.,895. S.C. Marketing - Your Success Connection. 1-800-265-4634. 6.30-bc MAKE $200.00/hr. plus Start your own Stop Smoking/Diet Laster Centre. Only $6,200.00. Financing o.a.c. LIGHTLASER Technology Inc. 900. 840-7 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB. T2P 3G2. (403) 233-8088. 6-30-bc FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for, prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning,.:®ook- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 283 .Adelaide W., Toronto. 1.800-950-1972. 6.30-bc n 1 7. SITUATIONS WANTED 7 RESUMES and cover ,letters .cempeSed, edited and typed. Personal consultatlons. Rre- fosslonally prepared. -Basic cost :325:00 prepared. Basic cost $25.00 up to three pages. 482-7390. evenings 7.7.3 WI L;b 3 relief rrii(kingfOr Afher i6h reseQnty aivalleble On,.weekepdt;r4all MlurraY-Mytten, '346 2289. 1408.2 WILL DO houseolaaningt ,-iaundry,and roiling, reaSenable rates, pbope,345 g966 7t,,,30.2 .l 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BALING, 14 x 18. Thrower and wagons available. Also cutting and raking. Reasonable rates. Call for arrangements. 345-2434. 8-23-14 CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consltt 233-9297 or 565-2728. 8-23-13 CUSTOM COMBINING straight or In swath. Phone 527-1628. 8-29-2 CUSTOM WORK. Will look after all your com- bining needs. Jerry Heylnk 263-5708. 8-29-3 CUSTOM swathing, contact Mike Kelly 345-2197 or 345-2762. 8-30-2 10. FARM MACHINERY FERGUSON TE -20 tractor with front end loader, restored, excellent condition, $2900.00. Phone 233-7896. 10-30-1 11 , HAY & STRAW WHEAT STRAW and oat straw for sale. Con- tact Keith Murray, 345-2550 or 345-2503. 11-28-3 WHEA1 STRAW for sale. Phone 345-2721. 11-29-2 80 ACRES of wheat straw by the acre. $33 per metric ton from the combine. Phone 527-1877 Lavern Godkin. 11-29-2 WANTING TO BUY 40 ton of barley or mixed grain. Tom Melady 345-2152. 11-29-2 11 SE k ' CARS 1:985 CHRYSLER New Yorker, chat. brown exteriorand interior, excellent condition, no rust, power steering, power brakes, power windows, air, cruise, many extras. Asking $8900 certified. Call 524-9211 between 9-5 pm, after 524-4240. 12-23-tf 1978 CAPRICE Classic, power steering, power brakes, power window, air, tilt wheel. For parts or repair. Asking $350.00. Phone 238-8095 days, after 6 524.7115.Ask for Dan. 12-29-2 '78 MONTE CARLO, power steering, power brakes, power trunk, T -bars, V8, good running car. Asking $1000 or best offer. As is. Phone 522-0184 after 6. 12-30-2 1978 BUICK LESABRE, excellent condition, power windows, power locks, power trunk, Alpine stereo, sunroof. Perfect student's car. Selling certified $2800.00. 233-7896. 12-30-1 13. USED TRUCKS 1976 INTERNATIONAL, 5 ton, takes gas, with 20 foot box. In good running condition. As is. Asking $2900 or best offer. Call 524-9211 9-6 pm or 524-4240 after 6 pm. 13-23tfnxe 1981 FORD E140 van, V8, auto, power steer- ing, power brakes, air, cruise, 4 captain's chairs, sofa bed. 522-2215. 13-29-x2 1980 DODGE 1/ ton pickup truck. Automatic, box cap, in good condition. Selling as is. Telephone Gerry Ryan at 345=2620. 13-30-x1 114. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed spruce and red pine - 2" x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8" and 2" x 10" in various lengths. Very reasonable. Phone Lucknow Discount Lumber; 519-528-3047. 14-274f BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,460; 46x90 $8,900; 60x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1.800.1388-4338 or (416) '792-2704. 14-30-bc FASHION RACKS, slatwall, outrigger.and.ac- cessories. Call 524-4894. 14.28-tf EXCELLENT ROASTING HENS - -around 51/2.6 ,pounds, 35.00 eaoh. Freezer ready. Limited quantities -available this year. ORDER NOW for ,pick up August 14-18. 'Call Rick Forbes 482-3127 (after8p,m.). 14-29-4 CUCUMBERS - Phone F`ptheringham 233.9196. 14.29t2 ONE ,.,.. ;NATUI3AL gas .barbecue, ;can ;be con- verted to propane. One ;wheelbarrow. 522-1346. 14:00-x1 VOURG DI S,SED ohfekens 4,6 t Rhone;ponna9enpett 827 20)8. 1403012 NEW ;S f YLE (anadlapg igion Inower.boyght In Fali 1988 12,h;p r40-rut:,$1.800.,or best•pf- 1fer a utetia vapAy mtplgpner�,wdh,pp, er ftoyd Ane y6.ar.s4.d 1801.0h,t ,0 AtAlAI*0pll,rfprw$i5,0. R408.94480034040145. 1 a+8 1 SWEET Cb i(J,a'( i?u11en's,.,west.pf Sflatorlh on Hwy. B.'Fresh;,d,ally, no $Pray, ;S,ales.etar- Ing 11101eday, 10if n. •c63),m,slally. 1+30-1 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 1S 4:30 PM. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF'YOWN PAPERS 1 IS MONDAY 11 AM. 22 words - one week,'$4:50: two weeks, $4.00; three weeks, $3.50. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS -'No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of ' wedding. Aker this time, photo and outline only, $15. Complete write-up $25. INMEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse, CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, $4.50. Each ad- dttlonal word .08 cents. SO CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming Events 23. Real Estate i 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed 26. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. 'Room and Board 9, Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32. Vacations 11. Hay and straw 33. Educational 12. Used cars 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks "35. Tenders -wanted 14. Articles for sale 36. Legal notice 15. R.V.s for sale 37. Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17. VCRs for sale 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40. In memoriam 19. Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43. Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -'8m0 e.m. to 5'p.m. 1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE - Spring Iamb, cut to your specifications. Grain fed. Phone C. Potter at 482-3585 after 9 p.m. 14-30-31 SWEET CORN, green onions, potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers and zucchini, 150 Market. 14 -30 -xi MICROWAVE stand with drawer, shelf and two doors at bottom. Can also •be used for desk. Antique washstand and swivel chair. 527-1124. 14-30-1 WHEELCHAIR in good condition. Call 522-1109. 14-30-x1 APPROXIMATELY 8 to 10 tons of last years mixed grain. Phone 527-1308. 14-30-1 OVaRHEAD,V1,fp.®DEN,rcgarageVeer 18' Wide, 7' high with automatic opener and 2 remote controls. All in good condition. Phone 263.5988. 14-30-2 "PATIO SETS" 40% off or more! Three showrooms. New Tines include Wicker and Rattan. Warehouse open Tuesday to Satur- day, 71 King West, Forest (519) 786.2180. 14-30=1 STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellebration" on Quonsets and S Series. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 14-30-bc ELECTRIC Pallet Lifter, Stainless Steel Freezer Door and Frame. Open to Offers. Phone 524-9211 9-5 p.m. or 524-4240 after t6 p.m.-16tinxe CLEARANCE SALE - Steel Buildings. Hot Savings on selected models. Quonset 32 x 40 - $4,699; 20 x 40 - $3,823. Straightwalls 16,x 20 - $2,759; 30 x 40 - $5,450. Limited time of- fer. Factory Direct Prices. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). 14-30-bc ATTENTION MECHANICS! Are you looking for a complete set of quality lifetime guaranteed Boole? I have a complete set of -Snap-On tools, .etc. For info call 524-2900 after 6 p.m. 14-24-nxe BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save .thomsands while supply lasts -'summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON STEEL 1.800.263.8499 (24 hours). 14-30-bc BICYCLES: New and used, also parts, ,all sizes, take trade-ins. Phone 482.5998. 14.26x6 1978 SUZUKI sp 370 Enduro - Good condition $400.00. Phone 629.7607 atter 6 p.m. 14-25-11 TE -EM FARM :R R. 1 =.ayiield 1402-3020 ' OPEN '7'DAYS A .WEEK Our own Broccoli, cribbage, -Sweet Cprn (weather permitting), Greenhouse Tomatoes. ,Pick your ;manor y edy-plcked.green a yellow beano, ,Pickling clicurrlbere:orderetaken. Plta rpuch„much Perennfde;e,,nurrtery etock,atlll.avallable. . IRM °'B FOR SALE 'fi APLE1HS s'MOTOE : SthaWh.&s Ifgrd'Iops,,:NEW A; U 1 "� L ae N ,6.. RE,PAIl S TH$ '393-59313 .11wy.,8 1,MIIe,,IAf ltlof:$Irattotd