HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-23, Page 1THE WI\1CHAM TI
VOL XXXYL--NO. 1841.
in gram) the beet, per lb. .50
STONE (for spraying)
Per pound - .05
CAUSTIC SODA -1 and 5 -lb tine.
Per pint bottle • - .15
MINATOR, per bottle -
Walton McKibbon
Maodonald Elock, Wingham.
Educate eaf Children.
We have reas to believe that there
is a oonsiderabl number of deaf chil-
dren in this- evince of soh000l age
who are not att nding our Institution,
lint who should o doing so, We are
desirous ot obt ening the' names and
addresses of the arente of all such chil-
e 9dren, and we ea nestly appeal to the
xolden, of these nes to assist ns in se -
tearing the infer ation. Clergymen of
all denomination , phyeioians, assessors,
inspectors of soh cls and public school
teachers are in n especially favorable
position to assis ns 1n this direction,
and by so doing they would bo conferr-
ing an inestima le boon to these silent
members of the =community. Our desire
is to enter into ,orreapondenoe with -the
parents of all deaf children with the
Hope of indnoin •them Co send them to
Jnr school at B eleville, where they may
e▪ oeive such trt ining and instruction as
w ill fit them to becomb useful, self.
supporting and _eepected citizens. It is
a lamentable thong that any deaf boy ori
girl should be eprived of the advan-
,tagee of euoh education when it le
rely provided or them by the people
of the Provinc The above is from The -
Canadian Mnte If any of our readers
can give any in ormation that is desired -
'they should co municate with the Deaf
and Dumb Inst Lute act Belleville.
Meda and
is a short term, but saves
many a grunt and cuss word.
• The Little Eaton' makes
and lays. 41 carpet purchased
from:thert%free thus doing 'a
much better job than by
- hand and saves that tired
feeling which is very pre-
valent during the house
cleaning season. Give us: a
chance and we will satisfy
you in price and work.
Think in over and we -
will get your business.
100 yards of good English Tapes-
try Carpet, regular 85o, Sa-
turday at Little Eaton - 62?
49 pairs of ,plenid• weigh -taped
all-round, elegant designed,
Lace Curtains, regular $1.25
clearing;prio9 at Little Eaton 80c
Be on hand like a wart.
fii Store
Posts oe S
httodonald Block 6 WINGHAM.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Donations t
Dr A. J. Irwin, Trt
Hospital has receive(
tribntions during th
Currie, Warden, $5;
$5; Wm Button, to
his ward, $49.
surer of Wingbeem
the following con•
past week: -J, T.
Garner Nicholson,
omplete furnishing
Read Saunders' adv
n back page.
Fon SALE—First- class 100 aore farm,
two miles from Windham. All in gratia,
Get particulars from 11. DAVIS,
All orders for co
month, must be in
to secure May prio
Will soon be ge
auspicious event.//
portant items is to
stationery. We h
in invitation and
at the TIMES ofl'1 i
here and be sure
and beet.
'delivered this
rrl�or before the 25th
June Brides.
ting ready for the
One of the most im-
have correct wedding
ave the correct thing
announcement oarde
Leave your order
of getting the latest
Stair pads andpot p ptir at S.
Giant Triplets nr enoy" "Bobs"
"Stag" and Che in oT baro es in bi
w� o g
plugs. Quality always the e.
Have you seen the N Soale Wil-
liams' Piano? Befo e n buy a Piano,
be sure and see the4ee t S. GRACEY s.
Citizens Ba
At the annual me
Band on Friday eves
ing officers were re•
Chas. Green; Vios
Secy., J. Pilon
c , A.J
oliffe, Property Co
N Fry, A. Green
Wrigley and Hin
Bank of Com
The contract for
new building for tl
Commerce has no
New plane have b
will be necessary
submit new figure
erce Building,
the erection of the
Canadian Bank of
yet been awarded.
en received and it
r the contractors to
Get Parnell's Bread, at • . rietie'e.
Read Saunders' a " on sack page.
Baby Carriages a.d .•o Carts to clear
out, at S. GRAOEY. -
Sale of Bui ding Lots.
Winghamites eh Id keep in mind
Mr. Jae. Angus' a otion sale of farm
stook, implements nd building lot)) to
be held on Saturda of this week, Par.
ties wishing to eco re a good building
lot will do well to ttend tide sale. See
advt. in another c ninn for full partion-
Need sporting goei y Saunders,
Some Special bag a in furniture at
New Advt this Week.
Among the new vertisemente in the
TIMES this week ar those of H Isard
Co., 0. N. Griffin, Bishop. Ritchie &
Cosens, Maxwell Hill, F. H. Walley,
R, E. Saunders, a Bee Hive, 11dcGee
& Campbell and eo. C. Hanna. Oar
readers will do w l to read the business
announcements f om week to week, as
our merchants ha a something of inter-
est for buyers at all times, /
Need sporting go sF Tr • . annders
Clash will secure you so .. a bargains in
the fnrnitura line f o, • go to S. GRno-
d Officers Killed Nea
ing of the Citizen
ing last, the follow•
rleoted : —President,
resident, E. Faller;
Treas., H. Hine.
amittee, R. Currie,
Auditors, Messrs.
ton; Pup =nt, A: •,
WOOL WANTED—A. ; , entity • • ° h-
est prices.—GED. E. t G.
BUILDING LOTS FOR S = : —Best site
left in town. Near Hi: a School, on
Armour and Quay prof, ties., Apply to
The Wingham bra oh of the Women's
Institute will hold t it regular monthly
meeting, Thursday, ay 30th at 3 p.m.
in C.O.F. hall. Su 'eats for disonesion,
"How to dress wee on small means,"
"Benefits of pure aand sunshine." All
members are exp oially requested to
attend. Visitors ade welco�
We take no back a //either in finali-
ty, quanity or price S. GRACEY's.
SHINGLES—A large consignment just
arrived. Shiuglee from British Colum-
bia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Call
and get prices.— J. A,. MCLEAN.
We beg to ackno�
Bank of Hamilton
elegantly printed in
paper. Half tones
many of the branc
It contains an of
bank, the list of o
of the eharenolder�
ear Book.
edge receipt of the
ear Book for 1907
olors on fine coated
f the head office and
offices are shown.
line history of the
oers, and a full list
of the bank.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo.
Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, May 28
—all day. Glasses properly fitted.
Lacrosse Schedule.
Ata meeting of I acrosee District No.
2, held at Mitchell the following sche-
dule waa'arranged: —
June 19, 'OVinghe n at Clinton
19, Mitchel at Goderioh
26, Goderitget at Wingham
25, Clintoneat Mitchell
July 1, Clinton at Godertch
1, Mitohe laat Wingham
10, Mitohe 1 at Clinton
17, Goderi :h at Mitchell
24, Clint° at Wingham
21, Wing am and Mitchell
Clinton Civic oliday, Goderich at
Clint° .
Seo our nice Highbaek dinning ohaire
85cts for 65cts a arae arm rocking
chairs to match fdr $1.45 at,S.GRACEY'S,
- !s
A Poput r Rector,
The congregatio of St. George's Eng-
lish church, Sar a, met last Friday
evening to oongr talate their rector,
Rev, Canon Davi on his celebrating
the 25th annlvers ry ns incumbent of
St. George's Ohiir h. The schoolroom
was crowded to it fullest capacity. The
gathering was a led to order by Mr.
P. Julies P. Bao , county crown attor-
ney, who by the ay wag church war.
den when Rev. r. Davis took charge of
the parish. M A. J. Johnston tend a
complimentary ddtess to Rey, Canon
Dade, and Mr. . W. H. Lucas, on be-
half oon a ation r . li 1
h Yf of thee ted Lim
ag Ae
With $500 in gold and three months'
leave of abserroe. Mr. Davis made a
feeling reply, enter whioh short addresses
were given b r the resident ministers
ent of w aom spoke in highest
terms of th clerical relations With
1Le,. Canon avis. Mr. Davis is a
On townsman, r. H. Davie.
brother 0t b rtvwa r iiI ih►v it.
A sad accident o0
ing resulting in t
eldest son .of Mr. F
Lucknow. The yon
roller r 'nfield, the a
saw the aooident,
horses, possibly frig
train, beoame nnn
away. When fon
still alive but nn
shortly after. De
years of age.
nred Friday morn -
death of James,
iter Torrance, near
g man was with a
td although no one
it appears that the
htatted by a passing;
anageable and ran
d Mr. Torrance was
oneoions, and died
eased was about 24
Good line of heavy Plow Boots at R.
• WANTED -•H00 tube choice dairy butter;
' also 100 cases of eggs, weekly.—GEo. E.
New Bridge S
The Road and B
the County Council'
Latex, met in Wi
examine the bridges
prairie road in the
town. Two were
one was condemn
were ordered t
were no longer reg
be rebuilt will b
which plane and
prepared by the
tenders for the w
before the Count-
ing day of the ,Tu
uth ot Town.
dge Committee of
with County Clerk
gham last week to
and onlverts on the
neighborhood of the
eased, but the south
1, and two culverts
e filled in, as they
fired. The bridge to
140 feet by 16 for
peoifieations will be
county engineer, and
rk will require to be
Council on the open -
.e session.
FoR BLE, The best varieties of ern
and mangolds seed.—GEo. E. X 'T
CANVAS SHOES—The newsp d latest
styles in Ladies,Mises d$ Children's
y ,
Canvas Shoes, All teeters. W. J.
May 24th n Wingham.
Tt-n orrow, Viet ria Day,will he cele-
brated in Wing m, The baseball
tournament will ndonbtely bring in
large numbers of t e lovers of this popu-
lar game from the neighboring towns as
well as from the rrounding country.
Those who come 11 be given an oppor-
tunity of seeing t ee good games, and
as the competing t ame aro a.1 members
of the Lakeside eagne, an indication
of the prowess of he teams may be ob-
tained. The Wi gham citizens' band
will furnish mue o during the day, and
if the weather is avorable a promenade
concert will be h Id in the park at night.
This celebration is under the joint aus-
pices of the Bas all Club and the Citi-
zens' Band, and •t is expected there will
be a large crow present to witness the
days' prooeedin s.
WE'LL MEND 'EM—If yodr Shoes need
a neat patch, half s le r want repair-
ing in any way—br them here tc be
mended. W. J. G
A $54 00 Parlor Sttite (5 p' ,4 s),epring
Beat, spring edges d s ng backs for
44; A 9 Parlor S it 5 pieces) i
e' eoe inelk
ler $,31.20; A $221rlor Suite (5 pieces)
for $17.50. At S. GEACEY's.
Public Libraries.
The following is the report upon the
Public Libraries in the County of Buren,
by the Minister of Ednoation, for the
year 1006:
Mnnioipaity Legis. Mem. Vole.
Grant bers issued
Auburn 102 909
Blyth 18 36 103 1550
Brumfield 40.61 100 1951
Clinton... 153.86 671 12169
Dungannon 110 1769
Ethel 101 1
Exeter 68.43 518 10220
Goderiote 106 44 702 12214
Hensen.,., 133 2962
Seaforth 17,77 590 11170
St. Helene 20.39 105 991
Walton..,.....,..• S 50 105 2556
Wingham ,.,... ..181.44 421 was
Wroxeter 47,84 150 2818
Death of Mi
Mies Martha Irvin
late Robert Irvin, fo
Wingham, passed aw
Man•, on 7'hnroday 1
after au illness of se
consumption. The d
went West some fe
remains were bropg
ternmeut took plane
cemetery on Therein
Irvin, sr. and Mr
brother of the deoeae
remains to Wingham.
daughter of the
merle bf Lower
y at Grand View,
t, aged 32 genre,
oral months with
ceased young lady
years ago. The
to town and in•
n the Wingham
afternoon, Mrs
Geo. H. Irvin,
1 accompanied the
Seen our Wall. Papp pis rgains ?
Saunders. +✓
Former Winghamit s Bereaved.
Mr and Mre Robt A buckle, of Win-
nipeg, formerly of W gbam, will have
the sympathy of man ol,i friends here
in the death of their young daughter,
Grace Arbuckle, age 8 mouths, which
occurred on May 11th The funeral on
Monday of last wee was very largely
attended. There we many beautiful
floral tributes,, inpl ing a handsome
wreath of white ro s and carnations
from the O. P. R. legraphers and a
nnneber.of the open ors were present at
the funeral.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shore,
Married at carnia.
A quiet wedding cer
at Sarnia on Wednesd
when Mr. W. H. Pear
a former welnknown y
town was united in
Jessie Gray, of Lansin
ter of Mr, and Mre. D7
town, The ceremony
by Rev. J. J. Patters°
Pearson spent a few
prior to taking up rest
The happy young co
number of friends i
wish them many year
ony took place
y of last week,
n of Stratford,
ring man of this
arriage to Mies
, Mich., dangle -
tic Gray of this
was performed
Mr and Mrs.
Sys in Wingham
entre in Stratford.
plc have a large
town who will
of happy wedded
Special bargains in Wall Paper
ing May, at Knox's, Wingham.
Business C]iange.
Mr R. E Saunders, f Brantford took
possession of Mien K Fishers book,
stationery, wall papa and fanny goods
business on Monday set and will con-
. thine the business n he old stand. Mr
Saunders bas eeotir° 'gin old eatabliehed
' business and as he i tendo keeping the
' very best stock ; of:go it in the different
'Imes and Belling at r asonable prices he
should build np a m oh larger business.
Mre Sanndere is a ormer resident of
Wingham, being a s ter of the editor of
the TluEs. Wo we ome Mr. and Mrs
Sanndere as residen s of Wingham and
wish them every mess in business.
Rend the large advt n the back page of
this issue.
Good housemaid
Toronto. Highest w
Miss MAcP
ant to go to
to . Apply to
RSON, Wingham
Formal Opening of Post Office.
Posters have beam leaned this week
giving the panic pars of the formal
opening of Wiogh m's new post office
to be held on . Friclty, May 31st. The
opening will tale the form of a
concert to be giv n that evening in
the opera hour , commencing at
eight o'clock. It s expected that ad-
dr e ewill del' ered byArch Camp-
ae be c C p
bell, M. P., Tor nto Junction; Arch
Hislop, M. P. P. f East Huron ; Dr. T.
Chisholm, M. P., r P. Macdonald, ex -
M. P., and John . Currie, Warden of
Huron given
g . endings wi l be
by S. Gracey an Geo. W. Cline will
have charge of t e musical program.
The concert will e free and seats will
be reserved for la ins and thoifescorts.
Seen our
Wall /.Pap re bargains ?
"The Kin:
Many new and
promised in the Y
"-The Sing of Tra
at Opera House
pang is headed
comedian, Mr Day
ported by a cast of
including the lit
er, Clyde Long, w
novel specialty,"
familiar to the It
read of the wonde
"Tin Woodman"
crow" in the bea
"The Wizard of s
Dance"as done by
ed by press and pu
by itself. Parade,
on sale at MoXibb
Deed in S
Mr Wm Marti
received the sad
the death of his e.
Martin, at Qti•
young man was
on the 5th of bid
pneumonia devel' . ed. The news of Dr.
Martin's death w 11 be a shock to his
many. old friends in this section. Dr.
Martin first took ip school teaching and
taught at St. Hel •ne, after which he at-
tended 11.00ill University to study
of Tramps"
novel features are
nkee Doodle comedy
pe," which will be
= y 28th. The corn -
by the well-known
Derden, who is sup -
well known players,
e singer and Banc-
o has been especially
e his latest and most
'he Scarecrow," so
le folks who have
fat adventures of the
nd the "The Scare-
tifnl story book of
" "The Scarecrow
r Long is pronouns
I1c as being in a class
at noon. Seats now
n'a Drhg Store.
of East Wawanosh,
ws on Friday last of
Dr John Crawford
ppelle, Sask. The
rioken with pleurisy
and a few days later
medioine, grade
Went West and
been suooaafnll
Lott at Qa•Appel
the early age of
shook to his bete
relatives and th
athy of many
bei been Lieu
ing in 1904. He then
or some time past had
Tactic his f
practicing P
ro ass•
Seek. Hie death at
hirty years is a severe
ved parents and othes
will -have the sym-
friends. The remains
it home acid interment
he Wingham ownetery
y) afternoon.
The new Baptist
will be opened for
Ocmmnnion servi!
St, Andrew') Press
Sunday, June 2nd.
Presbytery of
Luoknow, on Tueed;
port of the meetin;
next issue.
The Bruce Dee
Ln cknow on May
S. Boyle, of this to
the program.
The Rev. W.G. owson of the Metho-
dist church will t ke for his subjects
next Sunday; at 11 .m. "The life worth
living" 7 p. m. ' The robin, and the
trailing arbutus: ne the song and the
perfume of the ecu's life." People of
weak faith speciall invited. All wel-
The Rev. H. Ed r Allen, pastor of
the Baptist church, as announced that
he will begin a seri of sermons on the
Ten Commandment next Sunday even-
ing. The title of t e first sermon, deal-
ing with the first ommandment, will
be "Twentieth C tury Gods." Mr.
Allen, who is a dill ent etndent of the
signs of the tim , is an outspoken
preacher and is no afraid to call a spade
a spade. Do not lee any of the series,
but begin on Sand y night. All seats
free and unapprop iated.
hursh at Goderioh
the worship next
;e will be held in
'terian Church, on
'1•aitland met in
y. Au official re-
will appear in our
ery will meet at
th and 28th; Rev T.
n will take part in
$3.25 Mattrese for $
Elocutionary Contest.
The elocntionar
auspices of Wingh
R. T. of T., on Tu
highly successful e
g y
was a large andienc
meut of the Presby
the affair was held
doors. There we
Mies Davidson, Mi,
Graham, Miss Lilt;
Musgrove. Their
given, and elicited 1
judges compliment
tors, as in summing
they found very li
total obtained by
agreed in awardin
Musgrove, and it
W. J. Haines.
was chairman, and
terspersed with voc
contest under the
m Council, No, 114,
sday evening was a
gtertainment. There
i present, the base-
erian Charoh,where
being filled to the
1 five competitors,
s Reid, Miss Helen
n Baer and Mies
enditions were well
arty applause, The
d all the camped -
up the points made,
tee difference in the
ich. They were all
the medal to Mies
s presented by Mr.
v.. W. G. Howson
he readings were in-
t and instrumental
For real bargains in new and up-to-
date goods of genuine merit, just watch
D. M Gordon's show windows—being
satisfied with the quality and prices of
goods, come right in and secure them.
Board of Ti9ade Meeting
The anneal mee ing of the Board of
Trade was held o Tuesday evening,
when the officers ere re-elected as fol-
lows Clegg; w , egg ; let Vice
President, W. .T. Geer; 2nd Vice Presi-
dent A. Coeene • S o T. Hall
Trees ,
A. E. Smith. The amtter of enlarging
the Dore carriage otory was discussed
and a letter read f m Mr Wm Batton,
in which he agree to come to Wing -
ham if a portion of the Town Park oan
be secured as a site for the factory. A
committee was ap ointed to deal with
the matter. A co mittee was also ap-
pointed to see if s.,' tient capital could
not be secured in t. vn so as to keep the
proposed new fn niture factory in
Winchem. Oar townspeople would
like to keep the M:sara Bell in Wing -
ham and we hope fiicient capital will
be secured. We o, nnot afford to see
tiny industries lefty the town,
Wingham Di.trict Meeting.
The annual mee, ng of the Wingham
District of the M: thodist Church, was
Held in Lucknow n May 15th and 16th,
Rev. R. W, Milly rd, Chairman of the
District, presided. Rev W A Finlay of
Whitechurch. w= : appointed Journal
Secretary and; R e•' . G. W. W. Rivera,
B. A., B. D., of elgrave, Statistical
Secretary. The a itors' report showed
a decrease in mem arahip of 150; a de-
crease in connexion 1 funds of $115 and
an increase in the missionary farad of
$602. Rev W. A with, B. D , of the
Ashfield oironit was elected to represent
the distriot on the S aligning Committee
and Rev. James H ser, M. A. of Ford-
wieh, was elected re rve representative.
Among the laymen lected ne members
of the annual Conference are—John
Kerr, Wingham; W.IH. Kerr, 13tnassle;
C. Shaw, Bluevale; 7 Hemphill, Wrox•
eter; Cl. S. Ewing, T ewater; H. Bee-
per, Belgrave. Tho a titndo of the bis•
trict toward its Chairs r,was expressed
by the following resol tion which was
unanimously and he rtily passed:—
Moved by Rev. 0, P. ells, 13 A , B D
and seconded by Rev 11, V Locke,
that we as a District eating express
our appreciation of he faithfulness,
ability, and courtesy 0 the Rev. R. W.
Millyard as ohairman f the Wingham
District during the pa year; and furth-
rwe express rh that ,thatw p ops th t God
may continue to bles his lieme' an l that
he may still be spare for years of active
service in the Meth fist Ministry, In
moving this resolu on Mr Wart ex-
pressed the hope that r Millyard might
in the near future spy the chair of
the Oonferenoe. Th wag heartily oon•
carred in by the District meeting.
Mit. Gramm El MAGUIRE
Morris Tow ship Pioneer.
This week we giv under the heading
"Well-known Peo e," a picture of a
gentleman •who is ell -known in this
district. Mr. Chart s Maguire was born
in Ireland some sev nay years ago and
in early manhood ame to Canada to
make a home for 1 imself. Over fifty
years ago he Dame o Morris Township
and took up lot No 8, on the 2nd con-
cession, and here r. Maguire and his
family continued o reside nutil last
March. During t e fifty years oon•
sinuous residence o the one farm, Mr.
Maguire saw many heregee, When he
first took np his Ian,it was all covered
with bush and very ew people bad lo-
cated in this distrix . He was told that
he was too far fr m civilization and
that this part of he country would
never be cleared u , but Mr. Maguire
thought he could li a in the new land if
the other few settles could do so, and
he has lived to see this section one of
the very best corn nuttier in Western
Ontario. Mr. Ma vire is a man held in
high esteem by a laege number of people.
After fifty years tff hard work on the
farm, in which hey experienced the
trials and hardshi s of the pioneer, Mr.
and Mrs, Maguire are now spending a
few months visit( g with their children
in the West and on their return we
would be much pl ased to welcome them
as residents of Wi gham.
Not fro D Wingham.
On Saturday, jest at six o'clock, two
well dressed men were making their
way to the station; one of them, how-
ever, had an awful bad attack of "ner-
collapse" and could neither walk
straight, stand etrai ht, or see straight;
he was so absolutel helpless that he
flip-flopped everywa . He probably be
longed to Wingham. Clinton New Era.
We do not believe t s man belonged to
Wingham. Last w k the editor spent
a day in Clinton an also a day in God-
erich and he saw m re men who "flip
flopped everyway" u those two days
than we would see iri Wingham in sev-
eral weeks.
Bus Business Change.
Mr A. R. Anderse
bus and baggage e d
Chief Vanuorman,
to takep ossession
Chief Vannorman
business and we wi
He wtil resign his
Police and Chief o
the" resignation to t
of July. Mr Van .
resident of Wingh
sent position for t
these years he has
to his many duties,
Ms position has ma
He will enter his n
very best wishes
this week sold his
livery business to
the new proprietor
n the 1st
of Jnne.
as secured a good
him every success.
osition as Chief of
the Fire Brigade,
ke effect on the let
rman has been a
m and held his pre-
slvo years. During
ttended faithfully
nd the man filling
y duties to perform.
w business with the
a large circle of
DEAR MR EDITO •—Please permit me
space to say a word egarding the condi-
tion of our cemeter It is no credit to
the community th e t our "City of the
Dead" should be allwed to go so niece -
ed for as it is. We de and unout grass,
and monuments fal en and broken make
it a scene of desolation. Several plots
are in beautiful , der, but they only
throw into greats contrast the neglect-
ed aspect of the there. The resting
place of our dee should be a plane of
hallowed beauty. Who let responsible
for the care of the cemetery? Whether
it lies with the town, or with the own-
ers of Iota, publi); sentiment should stir
ns to remedy the.almost profane state of
neglect in which] the cemetery at present
is. Yours very truly,
If you are impatient sit down quietly
and have a talk with Job.
If you are just a little strong -headed,
go to see Moses. 11
If yon are getting weak-kneed, take a
look at Elijah.
If there is no ng in your heart, list-
en to David.
If you. are gtt ting sordid, epend a
while with Isaiah.
If your faith iasbelow par, read Paul
If you are ettngg l zya watch James.
If you are Beef eg sight of the future,
olinhb up to Reveliation and get a glimpse
ot the promised Mud.
7 --
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