HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-16, Page 84 44♦444444*4444 4 4 4 4 4 4. w • *Y M M • • 4.M • • • • 4. • v. • • • iL. • • s • The newest up-to-date styles in thirty rn beanti- • fel variations of embroidery and lace effects is fine ete lawn, also a splendid range of white and blaos Silk • Shirtwaists, and all at wonderfully low prices. We • ask every lady to see the grand display in this de. • partment. Lovely Lawn Shirtwaists at 90c, $1.13, A $1.20, $1,40, $1 60, $1 80, $2 00, $2.40. Speoial value • Silk Shirtwaists, at each $2 40, $3.00 and $3.20, worth a and good value at $3.00, $3.75 and $4 00. 10 eti• 4 • • 4 4K • 40• • • • M • • The Bee • M A. i se • . • 4•44i•110.4.1*•••A1.1*/• TIDE WINGJtAM TIMES NAT 16, 1907 r t•t•*444• •.,•• $4+••,••44••••••4.4. 444444•••••s4a4.4.••••••4•• • MONEY -SAVING TIME Dorv'R Miss It ! THE BEE HIVE'S TWO STORES Stock - Gonsolidation Sale CONTINUES FOR. TEN DAYS. Owing to the season's cold remaining with us so much longer than usual, people have not been anxious to buy spring and summer goods, therefore stocks at these stores are very much heavier than they would otherwise be, and as we must reduce them so as to put the both stocks into one store, we've decided on ten days of Tremendous Selling. - WHAT THIS SALE MEANS FOR THE PEOPLE Can only be realized and appreciated by a visit to either or both of our two stores where you will see all the season's bright new goods at prices more pleasing than you could possibly anticipate. Clothing --68 New Suits Direct From the Factory This is a clearing lot of Men's and Boys' Suits, all made for this season's selling and purchased by west a big redaction in price. Every garment per. feotly tailored and made of newest style cloths. Now for great money savings! $7 suits for $4 50, $8 nits for $5.50, F.0 snits for $6.25, $10 snits for $6 50. Bargains in Boys' Snits at P$1 50, $2 00, $2 50, $3.0O3 $8.50, $4,00 and $5.00. Do not Iose a minute In Rett' trig here for these suits. The quality and price will move them out quick. 1/ Here's Something that will Unlock Your Pocketbooks. If you have a regard for the beautiful and price advantage at the same time, we have a claim on you commands. Why? Simply because the ou spend at these stores during our special ay's Sale, the more you save. We emphasize se Goods—the very new is here in plain clothe d fancy tweeds for tailor•made shite, and all the atest weaves and colorings in light weight fabrics for separate skirts and shirtwaist snits. $1.00 goods now 80o, 85o goods now 680. 75o values now 60o. 60o qualities now per yd 40e. 40o goods 32o, and the 25o lines now on sale per yd 20o. more Te D• SPARKLING BARGAINS FOR MEN AND BOYS These stores of ;all others are the money saving points for all kinds of Men's and Boys' wear. No such values anywhere as you get here during our Ten Day's Stock Consolidation Sale. Splendid Fancy Dress Shirts at each 40c, would be extra good value at 6oc. Our high quality 75c white and colored shirts now each 6oc, and the special $I.00 values now Soc 20 cents returned to you on every dollar spent here in Hats, Caps, Gloves,Hosiery, Umbrellas, Underwear,Suspenders,Overalls, Smocks, &c, IN THIS GREAT TEN DAYS' SALE ARE Ribbons, Lace goods, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Corsets, Corset Covers, White Underskirts, Night Dresses, Drawers, Under - vests, Belts, Fancy Collars, Velvets, Silks, Sateens, Prints, Ging- hams, Vestings, Muslins, Flannelettes, Shirtings, 1}plow • Cottons, Sheetings,Towellings,Table Linens, &c. We put dollars in your pocket on above lines of goods. The Very Newest Carpets, Floor Oil - Shirtwaists. cloths, Lace Curtains There's always active selling in' these depart- ments, but the next Ten Day's Sale will be a record breaker. Prices and the goods of valva to back it up will do the work. SplendidiTapestry Carpet at per yd 40o. 75c Carpets now 56o. $1.00; Brussels Car- pets now per yd 80c. Floor Oilcloths 2 yards wide at 200 per square yard. Lace Curtains, great values at per pair 20o, 40c, OOc,'80o, $1 00, $1.13,41.20, $1,60, $2.00 and up to $4.00, Every pair a bargain. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Forest City 25c Gems Baking Powder now 20C. Maple Leaf Salmon now 15c. Best Laundry Starch now -7c per lb. roc Extracts Sc. 4oc Teas now per Ib 32c, and- 2tc Teas now per ib 20C. 7 bars Comfort Soap 25c. Best 25c Brooms now 20C. All other lines of groceries equally low. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. MINOR LOCALS. -Gardening operations are in full Swing. ---Last week 11,500 immigrants arrived at Quebec. 2 —It was a short jump from Winter to Summer on Sunday last. —Victoria day celebration in Wing - bane on Friday, May 24th. --Tigre are now 2Sb mnnieipalities Ontario under local option. —The brick work on Mr. F. J. Hill's new residence is completed. --See Maxwell & Hill's advt on page 4 for Saturday bargains for men and boyar, —the High School are contemplating running en exdursion to Kincardine in June. —The wheat acreage in the West this year will be smaller an aodonnt of the backward weather, --.lune wedding invitations and an- nsrtattnensetlta printed in correct styles on comet etetionery M the Times oflioe. —Entries are already coming in for the WIgh re horse room to be held on X11" astd Tlawredaay, June Ws, aid hive Two Stores • • • A • • • se• $ •4 • • • • • • • • • O • ,1 • A • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • O • q♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4e. • • A • • • • • 4 • • s • • • s • • • • O • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • '• • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • WING%IAM, ONT.• • ••••4••••b♦•41•404.4•••••4 •••4•••••4.44.4••4•♦•4••4• —Mr B. Leary is putting the bowling green in good shape for the season's playing, --Wingham Oddfellows have received an invitation to attend divine service with the Oddfellows at Blyth next Sun- day evening. —Mr. 31. Beckwith's residence on Edward street has been greatly improved by the building of a gothic ant putting in •a window. —Miss Pollock, of Stratford, who has been under treatment in the hospital, is improving rapidly, and will be able to go home shortly.. —Test examiasations for Junior and Senior Leaving are in progress at the High School this veaek. About 60 can- didates are writing. --The late dames McGavin, late of Cheeley and formerly of Wingham, be. gneathed $200 to Foreign Iieeione of the Presbyterian Church. —The regular meeting of Camp Cale donia, Sons of Scotland will be held nett Monday evening. All members are requested to be present. —A fall of snow tM the loth of May and cold 'Weather tip to the 13th id vii• tumid for this part et the country; that was what we bed last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, C4oderich, ennounoe the engagement of their eldest datighter, Mise Vert Ziller, to Mr. sltew tt Murray, also Of Goderich. ^-.Save money. See Knox's Advs. —The brick work as Mr. D. DOMINION BANK Pringle's new readeuoe on Leopold street is completed. HEAD OFFICE ; TORONTO. —Fanners have finished seeding and are now busy preparing the ground for the corn and root crop. —Court of Revision for the Town of Win:harn will he held in the Clerk's s?Mee on. Thursday evening, May 30th. --Dr A. J. Irwin will undergo an operation at the Wirgllam hospital this (Thuradav) morning and 'will not .- be able to leave the hospital until the .8th of June. His dental office will therefore be cloud until Satngday, asps 8th, —Mr Sohn Tiallentyne died at hie home in Kincardine on Thursday. He had previontly lived in Hpron township. of which he was Reeve for a number of yeara,. Deceased was in his 70th year. —The militia orders leaned Saturday state that owing to the presence of small• pox in certain parte o! the Dominion none but those who are considered to be protected will be allowed to go into camp, - Mr W, H. Green commenced the cement work on Tuesday morning on the foundations for his five new dwell- ings. With the raising machine e1r Green will save several days time on this work, Fon SALE,—Briok•houae and lot; also a good brick house 'with all modern convienoes; bard and soft water, good barn, and from one to four aorea of land. Get partioalers;.at the Times office. --Mr and Mrs R. F, Howson of Cal. gory, Alberta, formerly of Teeawater, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, 0, Louise, to Rey. Harry H. Gregg, B. A., son of Rev Edward Cragg of Brighton, Ont. —Kenneth Beaton, at the recent ex- amination in London, of students for the Methodist ministry, passed in all subjects. He is the eldest son of Mr, A. D. Beaton, of Clinton, and formerly of Whiteohuroh. This young man is well known to many of our readers, who will wish him continued suooess in his new profession. —Mr. David Lougheed bas moored the grant of 160 acres of land' given by the government to the Canadian volun- teers who were in active service in South Africa. The land is situated in the township of Lucas, and is in close proximity to the survey of the Grand Trunk Pacific) Railway. We do not know whether it is Dave's intention to engage in agricultural pursuits, but at any rate it is said his hostility to the G. T.P. Railway has considerably dimin- ished. DIED Fircn—In Howick, on May 10th, Bella Rob. ertson Wylie, wife or John Fitch, aged 30 years, 8 months and 21 days. Cr OAnrY—In Lest Wriivgnosh, on btay 11th, Margaret, wife of Mr Jag. Ctoakey, aged 30 yd's and 4 months. , BUCTON—In Morris, on May 4th, Sarah May, beloved wife of Alfred Button,in her 31st year, CAnixasr.L—In Morris, an May 2nd, Robert V. Campbell, aged 62 years and 3 months, MAxWELL—In Brussels, on Mayeth, Thomas Maxwell, aged 70 years and 22 days. Ksnincit—In East Wawanosh, on May 0th, Ann Kernick, aged 71 years and 5 days, PUBLIC NOTICE 1 give notice to the general lac that after this date I will not be re onsible for any debts contracted by,nylwi •R H 13AINT,r Wingham, May leth, 10 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBER" Y• —The program for the thirtieth an- nual meeting of the West Huron Teach- ers' Association, to be held at Exeter on May 22nd and 23rd, has been issned. --Mrs. Samuel Woods, of Belmore, who underwent e wen a critical to operation tl n in the hospital here, was able to go home last Tuesday, having fully recovered. -The anneal meeting ief the West Huron Women's Institute will be held at Goderich on Friday of this week. A number of Wingham ladies will attend, CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for sblte THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolens ivkh the soothing properties of slippery elm and Iico- •iee. Your druggist or from u3, l00 is etatnpd. tazMlxo, fiats Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal 4oc Messrs, Carrie Sa Denton! shipped a car load of horses to Saskatoon, Sask., yesterday. Mr. John itobineon went in oharge and will spend several weeks in the West. Court of Revi : on. • NOTICE—The first sit tugs of the Court for the Revision of the Ai3sessment atoll for the year 1807, will be hold in the Clerk's office, Binevale, on Monday, May 27th next at 1.30 o'clock p, m. All persons interested will please take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Binevale, May lath, 1007. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. ---Mr. Carleton, of Kincardine, did not take posseeeion'of the Winglaatn 'ane boldness last week as was expected and Mr. Andereou will continue es proprietor of this business. —Dr. Forbes Godfrey was chosen se the Oonserrxtive candidate to contest the bye•election inWest York. Dr. Godfrey is a brother-ln.14W of kir. W. H, Hale, formerly of Wiens AUCTION SALE —or -- Farm Stock, Implements and Building: Lots MR. JAMES ANGUS, Shuter street, Wingham, will hold an auction sale of the following stock, implements and building lots, at hie premises on Saturday, May 25th,1907 Capital paid up, Deserve Land and Undivided profits Total Assets, over $3,500,000 $4,500,000 45,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Formers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly— end of Maroh, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPI3URN, Manager. R. Vanetone, Solicitor. ,��-rai.-rrlu'tt.��•irar, ae. �-a�t�— c� --� ti � Thefirst step Often means so much. It has meant auecessto thousands of young people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried posi- tion. Take the step to -day. Address, Central Business College, 302 --Wonge street, Toronto, W. H, SHAW, Principal. W, T. zre zmsa Mr ±a . r'� C J., ql COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the Court of Revision of the TOWN OF WINCH Will hold its first sittings in the n Hall in the said tiown o Thursday, the 3 ' ay of May, A.D. 1807, at the h .. r of 8 o'clock Banc. All persons having business at the said Court should govern themselves accordingly, J. B. PEfj USON, Clerk, Dated, Clerk's office, Wingham, May 1612, 1907. BUILDINGS MOVED. Having a full equipment for the moving of all kinds of buildings, I am prepared to do work of this kind promptly and satisfactorily. My outfit is the best in this district. Terms a re 17 per day for outfit, plank etc, and two Ikf mens ALEX. plank, Windham, P. O: OATS FOR SALE. I have on hand about 1000 bushels of oats for sale. Reduced price to parties taking large quantities. Apply at Whitechurch Elevator. A. FOX. BULL AND HOG FOR SERVICE The 'undersigned will keep for service on his Premises, Lots 11, and 12, Con. 1. Turnberry, iWin ghazn Junction) the Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, "Admiral," No. 55940. Admiral is from imported stock. Terms 11.00, with privleg0ofreturningifnecessary. Thorough - Also have for service a good thoroughbred Yorkshire Hog. Terms $1.00. payable at tune of service. ALEX. DAVIDSON, Wingham P. O. N®D ICES The Hotelkeepers of Wingham have decided -that on and after the iat df Jane the price of all Liquors shall he 10 cents per glass. STABLE RATES:—Team, hay, 15 cents. Stand in stable, for 1 or 2 horses, 10 cents. High license, the ad- vancein the price of -goods' of all kinds, the advance in *ages, etc., makes this step necessary. The price of beer, ale, porter and na- tive wine will still remain at 5 cents per glass. at 1 o'clock p. m.:.—Team of good livery horses 10 andi1 Dare oldt team Yarm _ mares. 2 cows with calf at foot, 2 cows due to calve in May, dry oow,4 two year old heifers, 4 yearling heifers, 3 calves. 5 brood sows duo to farrow about lat August, 15 Shoats about 70 lbs, 8 young ;Berkshire sows fro stock, thoroughbred Yo registered, 20 pig's f Watson mower, Maes imported shire boat Weoke. old. Barrie binder, lumber wagon, new b •' gy, cotter, seed drillt set iron harrows,'nnitivator, turnip sowdr, aonffier, plow ba3:ilees, set heavy double harness, set light double harness, set single harness, set 1500 lb. platform scales, set wood harrows, fanning mill, chains, forks, ate. There will also be Offered for sale at the same time end lame, 60 voidable Town Lots. Thee° lots are timely situ- ated, only forty rodd from the main street, andconvrenientto all the factories. This is a chance na one who is thinking Of building a residenoe should miss. Also 4 Park Lots, with 5 lots in each block, along the water front. TERMS OP -Alis or srocs.—An scant; of $5 and under caah; ort other amonnts f months credit will be allowed on ap- proved joint notes, or 6 per cent. per annum off for cash eft time of sale. TIMMS of ILLS or r 0uA.—One.third of the purchase Moe at time of sale or Within ]90 days thereaaf$er, and the be►1. sato° in two equal awni u I instalments. Keeper, Matron, and Assistant 1 Matron gamed Refuge in,the Kuroluc For 'the Rouse o scanty of Written applications undoraianed up to Mo June, for the positions assitenb'Matron fur they Kee er and Matron m rill be`r ivedbf.the day', the.WR day of f Ifeeper, Matron and House of Refuge. For pp i and wife perferred. Applicants are expect eel to state age, previous ocoupation and salary 3apeeted. Testimonial0 to.be enclosed With a1vlications. The committee wolM, like to meet . appli- cants at.the counoil r. one in Goderich on the afternoon oft.Wednes qty. June the Pith. Dated May the 8th, '107. Wo. LANE, Clerk. CENTRAL G i .CXle/ STRATFORD, ONT'. Was es tabliehed wenty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor• able dealt nge With its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province, The demand upon ns for commer- cial teachers and, office aseietants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to poaitiontt. Students are entering each Week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McIMCHUN PRINCIPALS, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1NVITEaD I NitRE5T PAI D QUARTER RLY WINQIIA1'1. BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER; President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches , Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000" Rest, - 5,000,00% Total Assets, - 113,000,000'' Branches throughput Canada, and in the United States and England. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING 86 Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking' business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by - mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WINGUAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. TONG TO. HAVE A FLY, TIME Call and seonre the necessary SCREEN DOORS AND WIN- DOWS IN- DOWS for the 000asion. Various styles and prices in both pine and oak to choose from. '"In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." In a Hammock. What is more refreshing? A beautiful assortment just opened, °all and inspeot them. LCENTRAL HARDWARE WINGBAM. H. BISHOP. WVVWWWWVWWVVWWVW ivMMa' A AAA AA ANA/V1/1AA$ Special Quality :I Footwear :I For ,Ladies. AT POPULAR Primus We term this footwear "special quality" because the quality is specially fine for the price, and the styles are more attractive than are usually sold for the money.1. i Oxford in Patent Kid, Gun Metal and 'Vici Kid, with turn or welt soles. • i Repairing neatly done. R. .Johnston SHQE DEALER WINGHAM etMM> AA > � „ ,AAAAAAMAAAAAA • BURLAP. -AND Wall Paper SONG RAPIDLY Have yon seem our new Burlap? , Just the thing for halls and dining rooms. Used in the one•half and - three-quarter effeot, This Burlap, combined with our neve and up•to-date Wall Paper, makes a delightful room. Wall Papers in new and fast color- ings, the largest display we have ever made. Call and inspect our stock. Wall Papers from 50 per roll tip. Borders same price per roll as wail. At The "Uig gook Store" 1K1 M M FISHER. vwYwvvwtw- _ rvwvvdvwyw,. . i S {t Good That Bread yon oat --• is it.good ? That it the all important gnes- tion. Not how big nor how cheap, but is the quality there --ie it pure—is it well made ? PARNELL'S BREAD teal', that and more, It is nour- ishing and easily digested. 1RX A .LOAIi Agent for " Pride " and " Pure Creams " Pleura. ...save....+, PRODUCE TAKEN. 1. Henry Christie Grocer and China i[ereliantNSWAVANWONIVOMMASAAM u 4