HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-07-19, Page 101. COMING .VENTS BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth and District Community Centre, $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1000.00 in prizes. 1-274f DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. $1000.00 in prizes. Ludky Ball remains at $100.00. 1-2741 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2,500 prize money, $1,000 Jackpot to go, at Salttord Valley Hall every Thursday -night. Doors open 8:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p.m. 1-274f HURON COUNTY Cattleman's Beef BBQ and Dance Seaforth Community Centres, Wed. July 26. Music by Beechwood. Barbecue 5:30 - 7:30. Tickets $10.00 per person available from local directors, or 887-6186. 1-29-2 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC - Thursday, August 3, 1989, Seaforth and District Community Centres 5 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by Seaforth Jr. Farmers. 1-29-1 THE SEAFORTH Agricultural Society are sponsoring a bus to the CNE; day of the Queen of the Fair competition, Wed., Aug. 16. For information call 522-0876. 1-29-2 Belle River FIDDLE SINGING CONTEST - August 3,4,5,6. Campsites available, $7,500 prizes featuring the Leahy Family, Box 10, Belle River, Ontario NOR 1A0 or Call: (519) 728-1767. 1-29-bc COUNTRY BREAKFAST AND ART SHOW, Van Egmond House, Egmondville, Sunday, July 3.0, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bacon and eggs, toast and jam, pancakes, home fries, sausage, muf- fins, juice, tea or coffee. Adults $4.00, under 12, $2.00 pre-schoolersfree. 1-29-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL - Perils of Persephones: July 28 (rush seats only), Aug. 2. Sticks and Stones: July 20 (rush seats only), 21 (rush seats only): The Right One: July 19 (rush seats only), 20 (matinee, rush seats only), 22 (rush seats only), 27 (rush seats only), Dreamland: July 25 (preview) 26, 27 (matinee), 29 (matinee), 29, 31, August 1. Unless otherwise indicateed, all perfor- mances are at 8:30 p.m. and matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Box Offices 523-9300/9225. 1-29-1 J5. HELP WANTED J "WANTED" - local representatives (full or part-time/to market exciting new technology. Video presentation virtually sells 'the product for you. Earn up to $35,000/year-(part-time). For a complete information package - call or write today. Aztec Industries, 6380 Tomken Road, Unit No. 5, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1K2, 416-564-2300. 5-29-bc EXPERIENCED PERSON required to assist with management and operation of Grain Elevator and Feed Sales, Call 345-2330 for in- terview. 5-28-2 TRUCK DRIVER for local Feed Mill, must have good driving record and D -Z license. Call 348-8507 for Interview. 5-28.2 BABYSITTER REQUIRED for five weeks from July 24 to September 1, in my home. Phone 527-2157. 5-29-1 WALLBANK Precision Spring Corporation Seaforth is looking for persons to db work In their homes. For more information please call Lynn at 527-1030 between the hours of 8 and 4:30 p.m. 5-29-1 STEEL BUILDINGS - Major manufacturer of structural steel and pre-engineered buildings requires Local Agent. High income potential. Aggressive go-getters only need apply. Small investment. 1-800-668-4361. 5-29-bc MANAGER with direct marketing skills re- quired to develop distribution company of large printing and publishing firm. Present operation includes newspaper distribution, flyer delivery, and mall preparation services. Located in heart of beautiful outdoor recrea- tion area, close to several cities. Compensa- tion is salary, extensive benefits, profit shar- ing. Re -location assistance available. Write: Publishing Manager, The Record News,' P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T1. 613-283-3182. 5-29-bc NEW ZEALAND:' An opportunity has arrived for any person between 19-28 interested in dairy. Experience. milking 120 to 450 cows in TWO HOURS! For further information con- tact: I.A.E.A., 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2T 0E2. 5-29-bc SUPPORT Seaforth/Denmark '89 ' FORD' PROBE LOTTERY & DANCE TICKETS: Call any bantam player or Bob Beutenmiller, Ben Van Den Akker, Gail Schroeder or Mary Little. STUDENT WANTED Yard Laborer. APPLY • TO: LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin, Ont. -(519) 345 -2800 - . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DISTRIBUTORS required immediately. Fast growing company, new to Ontario. Excep- tional new herbal health elixir, VITOL-27. An opportunity to get Involved •omthe_ground floor for only $30. (519)672-5843. 6 -29 -be LINDAL SUNROOMS are sizzling hot! Dealers are needed In your town - Be one to- day. And make your future sizzle tool Training provided. No franchise fees. Call Win Allen to- day at 705-722-7577. 6-29-bc LASER CONCEPT Treatment Centres. Licenses now available starting at $3;000. STOP SMOKING and LOSE WEIGHT. An- cient acupuncture/auricular therapy. New, soft laser technology. Extensive corporate training and certification. On-going support and education for future uses. Amazing return on Investment. S.C. Marketing, Your Success Combination, (519) 852-5321. Ask for Ian. 6-29-bc 7. SITUATIONS WANTED RESUMES and cover letters composed, edited and typed. Personal cd 118Oltations. Pro- fessionally prepared. Basic cost $25.00 up to three pages. 482-7390. 7.27.6 WILL DO relief milking or other chores. Only available on weekends. Call Murray Hutton, 345-2289. 7-29-2 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BALING, 14 x 18. Thrower and wagons available. Also cutting and raking. Reasonable rates. Call for arrangements. 345-2434. 8-23-14 CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 h. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 233-9297 or 565-2728. 8-23-13 CUSTOM COMBINING straight or in swath. Phone 527-1628. 8-29-2 CUSTOM WORK. Will look atter all your com- b ning needs. Jerry Heyink 263-5708. 8-29-3 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed spruce and red pine - 2" x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8" and 2" x 10" in various lengths. Very reasonable. Phone Lucknow Discount Lumber, 519-528-3047. , 14-27-tf 11. HAY & .STRAW THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the SEAFORTH ADULT HEALTH CLINIC held at the Maplewood Manor 13 Church St., Seaforth on WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 from 1:30-3:30 pm for: 1 Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Urine Testing 4, Blood Pressure 2. YARD / GARAGE SALE WANTED TO HIRE Responsible mature parson to work on diversified cash crop farm. Appli- cant should be experienced In the operation and maintenance of large farm equipment. Housing la available. Hill & Hill Farms Ltd. Varna - 233-3218 TWO FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Sat., July 22 - 9 a.m. - ? 49 Church St., Seaforth. Rain date July 29. 2-29-x1 GARAGE SALE July 22, 179 Jarvis St., Seaforth, 9 a.m. till ? Baby Furniture, toys, household items and furniture. 2-29-1 YARD SALE, Sat., July 22 from 9:00 - ? 1/2 mile north of Seaforth on county road 12. Dishwasher, toys, etc. for sale. 2-29-1 COMMUNITY YARD SALE, every Saturday, weather permitting, at Today's Variety, Londesboro. Join us at no charge. inquiries 523-9790. Furniture, clothingetc. 2-294f 5. HELP WANTED 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GOOD QUALITY straw .for sale. Phone 527-0349 or 527-1289. 11.26.4 WHEAT STRAW and oat straw for sale. Con- tact Keith Murray, 345=2550 or 345-2503. 11-28-3 FOR SALE - 42 acres of wheat straw. Lou O'Reilly, 527-1635. 11-29-x1 FOR SALE 50 acres of wheat straw. $15.00 per acre. Between Walton and Brussels. 527-0715. 11-29-xl WHEAT STRAW for sale. Phone 345-2721. 11 29-2 80 ACRES of wheat straw by the acre. $33 per metric ton from the combine. Phone 527-1877 Lavern Godkin. 11-29-2 WANTING TO BUY 40 ton of barley or mixed grain. Tom Melady 345-2152. 11-29-2 BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 88,900; 60x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800.668-4336 or (416) 792-2704. 14-29-bc FULLER BRUSH - For catalogue send $3 (refundable) to: St. Genny's Importing, 1093 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B,C., V7P 156. Representative enquiries welcomed. 14-29-bc USED TILLER, chain drive 31/2 hp, good con- dition. $300.00. Phone 527-1420. 14-28-2 TRUCK CHASSIS, different sizes to make farm wagons, bus bodies on wheels for storage etc. or camp outs, can deliver. Phone 522-1006. 14-28-2 FASHION RACKS, slatwall, outrigger and ac- cessories. Call 524-4894. 14-28-4f SOFTENER SALT with cleaning agent, $7.25. Myers water softeners, 20 -grain calendar clock, $467.50, metered head, $525.00. 30 -grain calendar head, $542.50, metered head, $594.35 Plumbing fixtures and faucets at well below list prices. Tom Duizer Plumb- ing, Londesboro 523-4359/4846. 1429.1 1976 23' PROWLER trailer, excellent condi- tion, new awning, $5900.00 or best offer. Phone Bruce Wilbee, 527-0929 or 527-0880. 14-29-2 ELECTROHOME window air conditioner, 15,000 BTU. Good condition. Phone 522-1455. 1429-xl EXCELLENT ROASTING HENS - around 51/2-6 pounds, $5.00 each. Freezer ready. Limited quantities available this year. ORDER NOW for pick up August 14-18. Call Rick Forbes 482-3127 (after 8 p.m.). 14-29-4 LOVE SEAT and matching chair, 21" black and white TV, 2 single beds. For information call 887-6915. 14-29-1 CUCUMBERS - Phone Fotheringham 233-9196. 14-29-2 21" ZENITH portable colour TV with stand. ,H�igttch_seair $ :Mule o ep,,,,playpen. Phone 93-"9156. 1429-x1 1". SLATE POOL TABLE in excellent condi- tion, cues, balls and counter included. Phone 527-1381. 14-29-x1 CHERRIES Pack your own cherries at Berg Orchards, Forest, 3 miles south of Camp 1pperwash, cor- ner of the 10th of Bosanquet and the Ridge Road. Plentiful crop. Open anytime. Pitting machine. Phone 786-5762. 14-29-1 STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellebration" on Quonsets and S Series. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Future 1-800-668-8653. 14-29-bc DEADLINE FOR Ci-tASSIflED ADS IS 4190 PAS 'MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT .OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 AM. 22 words - one week, $4.50; two Weeks, $4.00; three weeks, $3.50. Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks atter date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutlineodly, $15. Complete write-up $25. IN NEMORIAMS-$4.50 plus 35cents perIlne of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 90 words, $4.50. Each ad- ditional word .06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION, BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1,00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for Bale 3. Loot, Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8.'Cuatom work 30. Room and Board 9. Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32. Vacations 11. Hay and straw 33. Educational 12, Wed oars 34. Auction Sales le Used trucks 35. Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 36. Legal notice 15. R.V.s for sale 37. Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17, VCRs for sale 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40. In memoriam 19. Pets 41, Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43. Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to'5 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW/USED office furniture. 135 .desks, plus chairs, tables, storage files, data files, hall trees, room dividers. K.A. Hammond Co. Ltd., Moorefield, Ontario (519) 638-3063. 14 -29 -be STEEL TRAILER 5' x 8' x 16" high, 4 ft. long loading ramp. Full size tires. Phone 522-1367. 14-29-1 ATTENTION MECHANICS! Are you looking for • a complete set of quality lifetime guaranteed tools? I have a complete set of Snap-On tools, etc. For info call 524-2900 after 6 p.m. 14-24-nxe BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while supply lasts - summer clearance - we have limited steel left from our largest spring sale ever - PARAGON STEEL 1.800-263-8499 MOO m:r ! 294bc FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 6-29-bc YOUR FUTURE starts with ... Trl-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-0400 - Cam- bridge. 6-29-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER Training for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. 14100-265-7173. 8.29-bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer - Sing. Next class: October 20-28/89. For infor- mation contact: Southwestern School of Auc- tioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9, (519) 537-2115. 6-29-bc 14 TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience required. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1.600-265.3559 Cambridge and London. 5-274f FULL TIME work available immediately loadinrg chickens! .Also part time and special student hours. Call free 1430008S 034. 5.27.1 W.J. FEENEY Construction .requires ,perma- nent experienced carpenters and forepayson. Work involves general carpentry add V.cpn- crete.,Apply at W 1 -Feeney Catist ,481Linion St. Dublin, Ont 345$405. 55.41.0 1IOUSEWIVES,.Mothers andrinterested;per sins needed-immediatelY40;611l140ysandilrks forNational-HomeRarlYAlariM0 invest IOnt ;deliveries -or -money collection. .Call' 5$) 268 71 5. `,5129.00 Adult HOME STUDY Diploma programs. Over 30 courses including: accounting, business, Iegalmedical secretary, travel, nutrition, elec- tronics, trades, lawclerk. Financial Assistance. Job Placement. Free Brochure. 1-8004363.8004, 24, hours. 6.29-bc GROW FOR UTI $$$ Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless. Low in- vestment. We train! .Representatives throughout•Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1875) RR 1, Smithville, Ontario LOR 2A0 (418) 643-4251; Alliston Area - (705) 435-7483; North Bay Area - (705) 776-7084. 6.29-bc LAMS, ,eam,ypltoa$8O,000 from home;part- time makigg lft bbekets.'Cali or,write: QUN- TIF,LILOAS .f3 5 t3,80St :ClaisAvenuellyest, Toronto, 'Ontario ,M4V 1M7,(41-0)1924.4900. t 8r2bc DIV S F0 CCESS! Ex (ant dd on service ,for Atoning .tanning or ,beauty Autons,;:gempearrlilecly WrapsInternal t? -datoxl(ies d ftgbtens�soft',tissue and .kin • . fisadtintern8t .n:Summer,apecla11(bafore -August Aath) fl pterter 1(it '$1,995 Sp - t�ite!rketing--Votiry$ltcaess Connection(6, MAJOR trlbutora .;marded ,10 wan t "J,.WHLi'rtashlons, etock.atldlefitapliBh' a1 .party ,dif.Stlatilic, t si les,.&orisultatiens. ;16 .00271, .. 12. USED CARS 1985 CHRYSLER New Yorker, choc. brown exterior and Interior, excellent condition, no rust, power steering, power brakes, power windows, air, cruise, many extras. Asking $8900 certified. Call 524-9211 between 9.5 pm, after 524-4240. 12-234f 1978 DODGE Aspen. Needs some body work. Runs good. $800.00 or best offer. Phone 529.7382. 12-25-tf 1978 - MERCURY - Zephyr 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic power steering and brakes. 1978 - Ford LTD -2, 4 door. Both need little to certify. Call 527-0361 after 4pen. 12-28-2 1978 FORD Granada. Excellent running con- dition, new tires and brakes, certified -51400. or best offer. 527.0528. 12=28.2 1980 CHEV Monza, as is, in good running condition $300.00. Needs tires and brakes to certify, Cal1.527-2507 or 527-1950. 12-29-1 1978 CAPRICE Classic, power steering, power brakes, power window, air, tilt wheel. For parts or repair. .Asking 9350.00. Phone 238-8095 days, after 6 524-711.5.Ask for Dan. 12-29-2 1984 TOI?AZ, black .with grey interior. Never winter driven. Low mileage. 5 speed, power windows, AM/FM cassette, $4000 or best of- fer. 527-0409 anytime. • 12'29.1 TEEM FARM R R, . '1 Ba ield 462-3020 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Mill have a selection of bedding planta, geraniums, hanging baskets, perennials and nursery stock. Large selection of fruits and vegetables. SPECIAL SELECTION OF PLANTS ON SALE BICYCLES: New and used, also parts, all sizbe, take ,trade-ins. Phone 482-5698. 14-26x6 1978 SUZUKI sp 370 Enduro - Good condition $400.00. Phone 529-7607 after 6 p.m. 14-25-tf STEEL from us - Quality Buildings - Factory Sale. Must Sell! Quonset 19 x 9 x 20 - $2,029; Model "S" 25 x 14 x 40 - $4,175; Straightwall 30 x 10 x 34 - $5,499. Prices include endwalls and more! Quantities are limited. Call Today. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 haurs). 14-29-bc ELECTRIC Pallet Lifter, Stainless Steel Freezer Door and. Frame. Open to Offers. Phone 524-9211 9-5 p.m. or 524-4240 after 6 p.m.-16tfnxe CHERRIES - pick your own cherries at Murray Bros. orchard 4 miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet cherries ready July 8, Montmorency 12. Phone 296-4403. 14-27x3 PULLETS, 20 weeks old 1st week in September. Order now. Apply Heyink Poultry Farms 263-5708. 14,27-3 PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRIES V4 mile east of Benmlller on Hwy. 8 Open 7.a.m. - 6 Days A Week 524.81124 15. RV'S FOR SALE TRAILERS • MOTOR HOMES 6th Wheels, Herd Tops, NEW & USED ?ova goGGa Veleoa. Puseden drift dad Veks9 Hitches, Truck Caps SALES • RENTALS • REPAIRS 27 *At ,[s Sodzasaa CAMP -OUT TRAILERS 383-$838 Hwy. 8 1 Mile Wst o1 Stratford 13. USED TRUCKS 19761NTERNAT,•I,Oi11AL 6 ton,:.. e,gaBiSINith .20,foot;box„In.ggeeeleeeiri C011d tl0,04A8 S. ,Asking $2900 -or, atoffer O§ + ,29, ili42498841 ,,pm;or:624-424 afterf6rpm• 1it3:Zttxe /� 1981 FOFij] E ONXan,-VB,,autO.:poWar atesT- 1,:polder albr e r ,air, cruise. 4P f.:S :atsr:sOoa?bed' X216 13` ,n osy .,,. 160 fac Ary 146:1) ^pro- 1 fatinted,li tn1 1w8,,f±il ing S1w, aunrdpt and.tiun.,Kisor,.,run ing f 4: ust-,be- n. fll!ttl rat s S4600sot cilia ; f.;;i¢ttitt'• fly 1'00'S of TREES MANY, MANY VARIETIES •Perk up your landscape •Shade your new house 4Shield yourself from the winter winds Our trees come with a Targe root ball and are machine planted, so they .are sure to survive. We carry the largest selection of caliper trees in the area. B.AOK NOW fOR upar l[1tQRffAil :PLANTING 1For•dnore information •call 19. PETS RHODESIAN Ridgeback male puppies. Ex- cellent family dogs. Phone 881-0886. 1828-2 ROTHWEILER - male, two months old, purebred registered, first shots. Phone 1.666.2482. 19,28-1 MALE and FEMALESHELTIES, 18 mo. old. Male registered, $300. Female may be registered, $250. Ca11233.5853. 19-29-1 21. WANTED TO '.BUY ANTIQUE giass.paperwei hts and otheteanti- ques. $$$ Cal1 Stave 527.'0211 Friday e,yen- tngs-or weekends. 21.37,x52 is. 2 -;s • Fein 'c 9) 230¢:330: `'�ieertdd, ,Ur t11i4.' yEF gird d y/And Help *Child Jr Plead. • A